Chapter Three

Dreams don't come true on their own

After a while - I didn’t know how long I’d been down there- I finally dared to look up at Taemin. For a moment his eyes did flicker to mine, and for that moment I felt my inside melt a bit, but then he looked away and seemed to hide myself from his view.

    Now needless to say, that just broke me. Something in the back of my mind was just saying that he can be shy, so It was probably still an effect from the earlier event. But none the less, It hurt.

    I shuddered a quiet sigh as I looked away and began to actually listen to the conversation. If I had to be down here I was sure as heck not going to be sad and upset. That was just too much a downer, so instead of dwelling on something I knew would upset me, I just joined in on the fun.


    Needless to say I didn’t sleep the greatest that night. I got the feeling Charlotte felt the same. So when I looked to my phone and saw 9:00 I sighed and just got up and walked toward the stairs, stopping at Charlotte’s room to listen and see if she was awake. It seemed we were in sync again. We did things similar a lot.

    She opened the door and looked to me for a second before smiling and asking the question we both had in our heads. “So did you not sleep either?” I smiled and shook my head. “Oh well. At least we had fun right?” She laughed as she quickly headed down the stairs.    

    I laughed, “We did, but did they?” I asked grabbing a box of rice crispies. Charlotte looked at me with a look of worried annoyance.

    “We went through this last night, Mai. Every one had a fine time. As for that incident last night, some things just happen. Don’t you worry about it. I’m sure everyone, including Taemin had a great time.” She smiled. I grinned back at her. If Charlotte had her way, I wouldn’t feel down about this at all. I had no doubts she’d get that through my head.

    So we ate our breakfast and we bother were at a loss as to what to do today. We had to be at the concert by at least 8, and until then we had plenty of time. It was 9:30 by now.

    “How about the mall?” Charlotte spoke up, interrupting my thoughts. I pondered the thought for a moment then smiled.

    “Yeah, the mall should be fun. Maybe we can grab something new to wear to the concert.” I laughed. In general there was a form of shirt I’d been looking for and hadn’t found, so I was just being hopeful to the mall here having it.

    When we finally arrived the first thing that happened was Charlotte grabbing my wrist and dragging me to the first book store she saw.

    I don’t even know how long we spent in there.  If I were to guess I’d assume a good hour or two.  It wasn’t hard for her to just zone into the books that surrounded her. As for me I got lost in thought while looking at one book, and probably had stood there like an idiot, looking like I was reading the same page for at least half the time we were there.

    What was I thinking about? Well I’m sure it’s not really hard to figure out. Though I finally zoned back into the real world when there was a hand in front of my face snapping fingers. My eyes were wide open immediately as I looked over to Charlotte who stood there just looking at me.

    “Yes?” I asked in total confusion.

    “Are you still pouting about last night, or is this now something new?” She asked. I smiled.

    “Well, I was just thinking about things. I promise it was about that incident. I’m trying to pretend that never happened.” I giggled closing the book. She smiled at me with that “Good.” Expression before going back to look at something that caught her attention.

    By the time we left it was about 2:00 in the afternoon and Charlotte came up with the next idea. We went to a clothing shop, so I could find that shirt I wanted, which I didn’t, and she decided it would be great to try on random clothes that would just be great to see each other in and never wear again, or buy.

    I laughed at the idea, agreeing in it being a fun thing, and we went to work.

    I started off with some old jean overall’s and a white t-shirt. Charlotte got a good chuckle as she ran in and tried on her first choice, a pair of yellow caprees and and a pink tank top. I laughed so hard it hurt.

    “That could be a great choice if it weren’t for the colours.” I sniffled, She smiled back.

    “That’s the point.”

    We kept this up for a good two hours when we accidentally found stuff we liked.

    “Hey Charlotte. Try this out.” I said as I handed her a navy blue T-shirt that happened to have a  small heart on the left side of the chest and a little squiggle in it that looked like an M. The shirt wasn’t skin tight, or baggy and loose, but a nice fit. Along with it Charlotte found herself a pair of silver shorts. They were Silver too, not just grey. It seemed what ever material was used, they had a shine to the, and that most definitely brought some comments alone. But together they were nice. The shirt was just long enough to barely overlap the shorts, and of course the black flats she wore just went with everything. So that wasn’t an issue.

    As for myself, I found a nice pair of Dark blue jean shorts, and Charlotte found a shirt that generally matched my style. It was a bit longer than the style she had, so it would deffinetly over lap my shorts, but I liked the style, Once I tried them on it seemed nicer than I’d thought. The shirt ended about half way down the shorts and fit snugly. Now because I wasn’t big on the snug fit, I ended up with a denim vest that matched the shorts. As for my shoes of choice, I kept my black runners.

    “I don’t know about you, Charlotte, but I’m tired and kind of thirsty. Should we stop by the food court?” I asked. She nodded in agreement. Our original clothes were now in the bags for which we bought the new ones. We liked them too much to wait and change later, so we just bought them while we worse them.

    Destiny, Fait, Karma. One of these was working with us it seem. As we were leaving the vender from who we got our strawberry smoothies and noticed five boys who were trying to hide from the crowd and get through the mall. I smiled and knew immediately that Charlotte had the same idea as I had. We could tell them apart from anyone anywhere.

    We tried to slowly  walk up to the boys without making a fuss, but it seemed some fan beat us to it. We both stopped and watched as this girl as she made the fuss we were avoiding, hanging off the boys like she owned them and slowly, thanks to her, more girls would come, then more, then more.

    By now both Charlotte and myself were using all we had to stay back. Then I noticed some blond grab Taemin and just drag him along with her as she talked to the other boys. A few seconds after that one grabbed Minho, and so on with each of the boys.

    I looked to Charlotte. “Shall we give them a hand?”  She laughed.

    “Well it might help.” she said as we walked over.

    “Now what do we have here?” I asked as we came up right behind the group.  Immediately all their heads turned to Charlotte and myself.

    “Didn’t you guys say you’d meet up with us for smoothies?” Charlotte said for the girls to hear. Of course, Key jumped right on the band wagon.

    “Sorry we’re late.” He said as he pried the girl who was attached to him off. I giggled a bit which in return I got a playful version of key’s glare.

    “You look like you need a crow bar.” I said as he finally succeeded. The other’s followed suit but seemed to be having difficulties.

    Eventually, the boys were all free - it took a while, cuz the girls kept grabbing on again- and we had them running with us for Charlotte’s Aunt’s mini van -which we borrowed due to Jasper (charlotte’s car) being out of gas- and the boys just piled in the side door as soon as I had it open.

    Thud thud thud thud thud.

     I close the door behind them as Charlotte opened the diver’s door and slid in, and I did the same with the passenger side door.

    At this point girls were knocking on the van window and Charlotte turned the van on and revved the engine a bit, startling the girls to back off just enough for Charlotte to drive and away we went.

    After a good hour of driving a though hit us all.

    “uh, the concert……” I muttered when Onew interrupted from the seat behind Charlotte. He placed a hand on my shoulder with a sweet smile.

    “Just take us to the back entrance door.” He said. Though his English was good -though not as good as Key- he still had that strong accent as before. I smiled back to him in thanks.

    My eyes flickered around the vehicle to find the one I wanted to see. Minho was behind me, and Key, Jonghyun and Taemin were squished in the back. In that order no less. My eye landed on Taemin and he just looked plain exhausted. Seeing him like that in video’s broke my heart, in reality it was that much worse.

    I sighed once and turned around properly, yet looking out the passenger window.

    I happened to look into the rear view mirror on the passenger side -duh- and smirked at what I found. I leaned over to Charlotte and covered the side of my mouth that the boys would see, to hide any thing I could from them, and whispered to Charlotte as she leaned over a bit, eyes still on the road.

    “Minho is staring at you.” then I moved back to my upright position. Smirking out the window as Charlotte jerked in her driving.  Unfortunately this shocked Minho out of his staring.

    I just giggled at the situation, receiving a playful glare from Charlotte now.

    For the few hours we still had left before the concert, Charlotte and I just decided it be best to go right to the concert hall. Which turned out to be a really good Idea, it gave the boys time to change,  and get all dolled up for the concert. As if they weren’t good looking enough. I giggled to myself.
    As soon as the boys were done, they still had some time to spare it seemed to just hang out, so I did what any good friend would do in a situation like this, - I’m just glad I either thought of or acted on it first.

    When I saw the boys on there way back, I left Charlotte in the dressing room alone as I ran up the group.

    “Hey guys,” I waved with a smile, and they all greeted me back. I looked to Minho once before  grabbing hold of Onew and Key. “I need to borrow You two and Taemin and Jonghyun for a bit. Minho, Charlotte is over in the dressing room.” I smiled and watched as all the boys gave me a curious look, and then Minho -with not much of another option- left to the dressing room. 

    I smiled after him and sighed in the feel of accomplishment, as I leaned over onto Onew a little bit, totally zoned out.

    “Why do you need us?” Key asked finally when after a few minutes we hadn’t moved an inch.

    I looked up and smiled. “I don’t.” which was followed by a giggle. They all eyed me in confusion for a moment, and of course, key was the first to get it and he gave me a knowing smile.  I just responded with an innocent smile of my own as I released them both and began to leave to hunt for mine and Charlotte’s seats. However I didn’t expect company to help me out.

    “Hi.” Came from behind me. I could feel my body immediately tense up. I waited a second before turning to confirm my idea of who was there.

    I waved weakly yet let the smile out. Now I don’t smile big as silly just because it’s him, no, when it comes to him, I would develop this calm warming smile, though trust me, my heart was anything BUT calm, but he just gave off this warm vibe I couldn’t help but give into.

    “Taemin.” I said as my greeting.


    Charlotte had definitely been confused when Mai had left. For a moment she figured something may have been wrong, or she was running away again, but when Minho came in all on his own and the other four boys, along with Mai, were no where in sight, She figured it out almost immediately, with a small smile Charlotte turned to Minho and waved. He responded.

    “How are you?” She asked and he responded that he was fine, Though the conversation started out as uncomfortable and a little weird, both Charlotte and Minho soon set into a comfortable chatter. They just happened to fit in well with each other. But of course all good things must come to an end, and Key, Jonghyun and  Onew all came in, interrupting the conversation.

    Charlotte sighed inwardly knowing this would happen. “Where is Mai?” She asked, noticing her missing friend.  Key responded in tell her that she was out finding the place for both the girls to watch the concert from, and Taemin was out helping her. Charlotte smiled. They both got the starting chance they wanted.

    “I’ll go get Taemin.” Onew volunteered, walking out of the room before Charlotte had an opportunity to say anything. She sighed as a hand made it’s way to her shoulder. She turned to look at the person the hand belonged to, and found a smiling Minho, waiting to finish their conversation.


    I looked down to my phone, out of curiosity for the time and noticed just as I went to reach for the phone, a girl walked in, I assumed to find her seat. She spotted Taemin and looked like she was having a fit, then began walking toward us. I turned to him cocking an eyebrow.

    “Time to go.” I giggled as I hurried him to  the direction of back stage. I giggled a bit when I heard the girl shout a ‘HEY!’ and heard the quickening of her footsteps. When we got to the door to back stage, Taemin went straight on through and Onew appeared looking behind me to the girl who was fighting to get back to  where we were now, he quickly grabbed my wrist and pulled me back with them.

    We reached the dressing room again and I walked in after Taemin had, and smiled as I noted that Charlotte and Minho were getting along rather well.

    Unfortunately for us though, it was time for the boys to leave.

    “Bye.” I waved as I waited for Charlotte so we could go grab our seats.

    Charlotte smiled a goodbye as each of the group left, but when Minho came, she was shocked out of her smile when he brushed a stray strand of hair back into place. He smiled then, and left with the others, leaving her there with a pounding heart that still managed to feel so light while it heavily thudded in her chest.

    “Charlotte, come on. We should get going before it’s too late.” I laughed as I tugged her along.






a/n: I need to make a banner, lol

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