Chapter Two

Dreams don't come true on their own

    “Lee Taemin.” I Said in the calmest voice I could muster. It was a tad shaky, but I feel I did well none the less.

    For a Moment I couldn’t move my eyes from him. Studying his features. Then I clicked back into reality and looked away to be polite and say hello to the other boys. I waved kindly and shyly to them.

    “Hi.” I smiled with a tint of pink along my cheeks. I looked to Charlotte with a pleading look on my face to save me from my embarrassment. She smiled and rolled her eyes before looking to Taemin.

    “Wow, I can’t believe it’s actually you.” Charlotte said distracting the others as well to look at the two of their conversation. I shuddered a sigh as I brought my right arm to where my left was and buried my head in them. Completely missing the eyes that were on me as I did so. Calm down, calm down, deep breaths. “I knew this is why I came here, but I guess it never really sank in that I would actually be meeting you.” Thank god for Charlotte. Life saver.

    Those two didn’t talk very long, and I don’t even know what about. I was busy trying to get the embarrassment to go away. When I finally looked up again, I noticed it was only Charlotte. I blinked once, looked around, then blinked again and looked at her confused.

    “They left to get settled in. Probably wont be back down for quite a while.” Charlotte explained. My eyes drooped. I let out a sigh. Way to go Mai, mess up the first meeting. I let my head drop back down and hit my arms. Totally missing that famous smirk Charlotte had when she was plotting or had something planned.

    I looked back up. “So, what happened during my zone out time?” I asked and I pulled myself back up to the patio ledge. She smiled.
    “Just talking about when we can meet up again. They didn’t know, so I gave them the address to our current residence. Also, They left wished for you to feel better.” She giggled. I looked at her quizzically awaiting the explanation to that sentence. “They thought you weren’t feeling well after the fall because you had your head in your arms.”

    And down goes my head again. Great going Mai.

    “So how did it feel to be in Minho’s arms?” Charlotte asked. I looked up to her, her eyes just waiting to hear the response to that one. My hands jumped up in defence as I waved them back and forth.

    “No, no, You know I don’t have anything for Minho. I’m grateful he save me from the potential pain, but that’s it. All yours.” I said in defence. She laughed.

    “I know, I know who you like. And now, you might just have your chance.” She winked at me. I smiled and rolled my eyes.

    “Just eat your food.” I laughed as I grabbed another fry.

    Finally home again. I sighed as I walked up the stairs, reached my room and fell back onto the nice soft bed. What could be better? Not making an idiot of myself. I shook my head deciding it was time to clear it out a bit. I pulled myself up and walked over to Charlottes doorway.

    “I’m going to take a shower.” I said as I walked by and now down the stairs. It’s just too bad I didn’t hear her call my name.


    Charlotte shook her head of long reddish blonde locks. Mai was now in for a surprise. ‘Maybe if I work this out right, I can prevent her from more embarrassment.’ as she quickly changed and ran down the stairs to go and warn Mai. However fait had other plans today.

    There was a single knock at the door. Charlotte sighed. This would be fine. She could take care of this.

    Charlotte opened the door and there stood five boys. Her eyes were momentarily distracted by the one in front. Choi Minho. But of course, that just wouldn’t do, as Key squished himself up and in front of Minho.

    “Hi.” he said, trying to get things moving. Charlotte smirked at him and moved allowing the boys into her temporary home. As they entered the house a thought hit Charlotte.

    “Um, here you guys can make your selves at home.” She said leading them in. “I will be right back.”

    She left, taking off to the washroom and knocked on the door just as the noise from the shower head stopped.

    “Yes?” I answered from the other side of the door as I wrapped a nice warm white towel around myself and used another to quickly take out the main wetness from my hair.

    “Be quiet when you leave. We have visitors. I have them in the living room. You should be able to get up stairs without them knowing.” Charlotte said through the door.

    Panic arose on my face as I listened and readied for what she said to do. I waited for her to walk back in the living room before leaving.


    Charlotte walked into the dinning room where there was a second doorway that connected to the living room. As she walked in she realised something wasn’t right.

    “Hey, where did Taemin go?” She asked. All the boys pointed to the doorway they had originally entered the room from. Charlotte’s head dipped as she put her hand on her forehead. “I tried.”


    As soon as I knew Charlotte was at least in the dinning room I threw the door open and charged out toward the stairs. However there was one problem.

    I hit an obstacle that I wasn’t expecting. Hands were immediately on my arms and I felt heat burn in my cheeks as I looked up to see who had blocked my planned path.

    And there went the legs. I faltered forward, falling into him again and immediately tore myself away and smiled sheepishly. And side stepped around him and then ran up the stairs closing my door and falling to the floor on the other side with my back to the door and knees against my chest. My arms were crossed over my knees with my head again buried in them. This was just not my day.


     Charlotte began to walk to the doorway that Taemin had supposedly left through in time to see him coming back in. He had an expression that held the perfect description of embarrassment his shirt seemed slightly damp now and Charlotte knew exactly what had happened.

    Taemin just muttered a quiet ‘sorry’ as he sat down again. Charlotte sighed.  “It’s alright, don’t worry about it. I’ll go talk to her.” And she left up the stairs.


    I sat on my floor, still in my towel, my back blocking the door, my head buried in my arms as I fought back threatening tears. I’ve never felt so embarrassed in my life. Of all the people for this to happen in front of.

    I was just starting to become unable to hold back the tears when a knock shut me out of my chastising myself.

    I sat still, not daring to speak.

    “Mai, It’s Charlotte. Can I come in?” I heard her speak. I sat there a moment before Getting up and opening the door.

    As soon as Charlotte saw me she shook her head. “Come on Mai, It wasn’t that bad. Just get dressed and come down stairs. It’s not like he’s mad.” She said closing the door and pulling out clothes from my closet.

    “It was humiliating.” I muttered. She smiled warmly at me. I could tell she was only trying to cheer me up, but it would take a lot after that.

    “Come on. He’s probably just as embarrassed as you are.” She said now digging in a drawer for a shirt.

    “That doesn’t make me feel better.” I stated as I rubbed at the tears with the back of my hand.

    “No matter how much I beg, plead or push, you aren’t coming down, are you?” she asked looking at me. I shook my head and she rolled her eyes. Slightly annoyed. “Alright, fine. Stay up here. But at least get dressed. You’ll get sick other wise.” She said leaving and closing the door behind her.

    I sighed to myself. She was right. I went at getting dressed, unknowing to her outside the door listening to make sure I was doing as told.

    Charlotte rolled her eyes again in annoyance as she walked down the stairs and back into the living room, where she had left the boys. She looked around noticing Key, Jonghyun, Onew and Taemin had taken up the couch as Minho had taken over the chair Charlotte normally sat in.

    They all looked up to her as she walked back in, Aside from Taemin, who’s face was in his hands. Charlotte shook her head.

    “She’s being kind of stubborn.” Charlotte said looking to Taemin. It seemed he had no intention of moving at all. she sighed and looked to Onew, He was probably the best bet in order to get Mai down here.

    She waited a few minutes before looking to Onew. “Well, it's been a couple minutes... You know, Onew, I bet you could convince her to come down... Yep, that's a good idea. go up there and get her."

    Onew looked at Charlotte with wide eyes before she offered out a hand to help him up. He took her hand with out thinking as she pulled him and began nudging him to the staircase. “Now use what ever means it takes to get her down here.” Charlotte whispered to him before giving him the final shove.


    I was pulling a brush through my hair when I heard a knock on my door. I turned to look at the door for a second before turning back to face the wall opposite my door and saying; “Come in.” with no energy or expression in my voice.

    I heard the door open and the person walk up. I could tell it wasn’t Charlotte from the walk so I slowed to stop brushing. I turned around and found Onew standing behind me. My eyes stared in confusion at first.

    “Hi.” He said as I continued to blink at him in confusion. “Are you okay?” he asked. I always knew Onew had good English, but the accent was just too adorable.

    Let me get one thing straight, I love all of SHINee. Their a great band. And I like each member for their own talents and specialties, that includes Onew, however my heart was stolen by one member. That member, sadly, was not Onew.

    I smiled sadly at him, I knew no matter what I’d said to any one right probably wouldn’t matter, my eyes were a wee bit red and my skin was probably pale, and by now the excitement had worn me down.

    “Yeah, I’m okay now.” I said as I walked to my dresser where my rings lay. When I looked back to Onew he had his hand out to offer me to leave. I looked at him a moment before shaking my head. “No.” I said. “I don’t want to go down there.” I sighed. Yes, I spoke Korean a bit, Thanks to Charlotte. I’m so useless at learning thing alone, so she had helped. 

    Onew himself sighed now. Looking to me “Please,” He asked. I shook my head and he walked to wards me. I eyed him suspiciously and then began to panic when all of a sudden his arms were around my legs and then I was thrown over his shoulder as he CARRIED me out.

    Why did he do that? Why carry me? Wasn’t it easier to leave me alone in my state?

    When we reached the living room I had my hands over my face in embarrassment and heard a chuckle from where Onew probably got this crazy idea.

    “What did she tell you?” I whispered. He chuckled before replying.

    “Any means necessary.”

    Next thing I new, Onew had stopped and was preparing to put me down. That would be great. Then I could just go back to my room and hide.

    Or not.

    It seemed the plan was to actually place me between Onew and the arm of the couch. To be honest. I don’t think that WAS the plan. But as soon as the chance showed itself, Taemin moved to a different location. A chair on the opposite side of the room, where Minho was as well - in a different chair of course- and Charlotte stood smiling innocently at me.

    Yeah. I knew what that smile meant. Onew wasn’t about to let me leave either. Though he did assure me that it’d be fine to stay down here.

    After a while - I didn’t know how long I’d been down there- I finally dared to look up at Taemin. For a moment his eyes did flicker to mine, and for that moment I felt my inside melt a bit, but then he looked away and seemed to hide myself from his view.




A/N: So yeah. I promise Taemin isn't a jerk in this. at all.  hope you liked

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