SIM - Chapter 3

Schooling in America[On Hiatus]

Chapter 3

Minako places her notebook in her bag as she walks down the stairs. She walks into the living room and sits down next to Raina. “The boys should be here any minute, so that we can go to the café.” Raina says. “Do you have all the books you need?” she asks. Minako nods. “Yeah, I just need her to help me in like three different subjects.” she says.

Minutes later a knock at the door interrupts the girls’ conversation. Raina stands up and walks to the door. She opens the door to reveal Leeteuk standing there with the others. “Hey guys.” she greets. She then step away from the door and leans into the living room. “Come on Minako. They’re here.” she says. Minako nods. Standing up, she picks up her bag and walks into the door. Minako and Raina puts on their shoes and jackets before stepping put the door.

Greeting each other, the group walks off the porch. “So we’ll be walking to the restaurant?” Kangin asks. Raina and Minako nods. “Yeah, the restaurant is close enough to where we can just walk. No need to waste gas.” Raina says. The boys nod as they begin walking down the street. Within minutes the group arrives at a café restaurant. As they walk in, Raina and Minako are greeted by some of the workers and other customers.

“You girls seem popular.” Donghae says. Minako and Raina shrugs. “Well Samona works here and we visit most of the time when she’s on break.” Minako explains. Raina nods. “Yeah, you get to know the regulars and the workers.” she adds. Raina looks around the restaurant until she spots a certain person.

“Hey Jin.” she calls out. A man with blonde hair turns around. “Hey Raina, what cha need?” he asks. Raina shakes her head. “Oh, nothing. Just wanted to tell you that we’ll be moving these two tables together.” she informs, pointing. Jin nods. “Okay, thanks for informing me first.” he says.

The boys help the girls push two of the tables together. They then sit down around the jointed tables. “Hey guys.” The group turns to see Samona walking over to them. “Here,” she sits a couple of menus down in front of the boys. She then sits down in the empty chair between Minako and Henry. Samona looks at Minako. “Did you bring your books?” she asks. Minako nods and points to her bag that hung on the back of her chair.

“I’ll be on break in a few minutes. So I’ll start helping you soon.” Samona says. She then turns to the boys. “We have some great things on the menu. “I’m sure you all will find something that you’ll like.” she says. The boys nod as they pick up the menus. “Hey Samona” Samona looks up to see a group of five walk into the restaurant. Samona smiles and waves. “Hey dude and dudettes.” she greets standing up. “Okay, look over the menu and I’ll be back in a few to take the orders.” she says to the guys before walking over to the group that just walked in.

The group watches as Samona slides into a seat nest to tone of the three boys at the table. “So is that Samona’s boyfriend?” Yesung asks as they watch the boy next to Samona place her arm around her shoulders. Raina and Minako laugh making the guys turn and look at them. “What’s funny about that?” Sungmin asks. The two girls shake their heads. “Sorry, we didn’t mean to laugh. That group is some of Samona’s friends from high school.” Minako says.

“Yeah, sorry. We only laughed because he nowhere close to Samona’s type.” Raina says. Leeteuk looks at the boy next to Samona. “He doesn’t look too bad.” he says before turning back to the others. “So what is her type?” he asks. Raina and Minako immediately point to Henry. Henry looks up from the menu in his hand to see the others staring at him.

“What?” he asks cautiously. The group shakes their heads. “You guys think we should try it?” Eunhyuk asks as Henry turns his attention back to the menu. “What are you guys trying to plan?” Minako asks. Zhoumi looks at her. “Does Samona have a boyfriend?” he asks. Raina and Minako shake their head.

“Hmm… Hey Henry, can you go ask Samona to come here?” Heechul asks. Henry looks up from the menu. “Sure.” he says standing up. As he walks away Heechul turns to the girls. “Okay, tell me the general things about Samona.” he says. Siwon looks at him. “If I remember correctly, she plays the violin, piano, and flute.” he informs. Minako and Raina nods.

“She likes to draw, write, dance, and sing. Umm, she also likes baseball, it’s her favorite sport.” Minako says.

“She loves kids. Her favorite candy is chocolate. She loves to cook.” Raina says.

“Oh, she loves anime and reads a lot.” Siwon adds.

“She’s a very supportive person. She’s dependable. She can also be obsessive sometimes to an annoying point.” Minako adds.

“But overall, she’s a great person. I’m not saying that just because she’s my sister. She has a couple of flaws like everyone does.” Raina says.

The group nods. A minute later Henry and Samona walks back to the table. “So you guys are ready to order?” Samona asks as Henry sits back down. The group nods as Samona takes a notepad out her pocket. As they tell her what they want, Samona writes it down in the notepad. “Okay guys, I’ll be right back with the food. Then I’ll help you with your homework, Minako.” she says. She then turns and walks to the back.

A few minutes later, Samona walks back to the table carrying plates. Along with her was another waitress carrying more plates. The two girls sit the plates down on the table. “Thanks Hei.” Samona says. The other waitress nods. “No problem.” she says before walking away. As the group moves the plates around to the right people, Samona sits down. She then takes the bag off the back of Minako’s chair.

“When subject do you want to do first?” Samona asks her twin. Minako shrugs. “I’m thinking Math, that’s easier. And I really just need you to check over some of my work.” she says. Samona nods, taking a textbook and notebook out the bag before hanging it back on the chair. She flips through the math book as Minako flips through the notebook.

Once she finds the right page. Minako turns to Samona. “Problems 12, 17, and 22 are the top ones that I need help on.” she informs. Samona nods. “Let me see what you’ve done so far on these problems.” she says. Minako nods and hands her the notebook.

~About a half hour later, Samona and Minako packs back up the books. “Okay, if you need any more help, I’ll just help you when I get home, or tomorrow morning.” Samona says. Minako nods as she zips up the bag. “Should we re-separate these tables?” Ryeowook asks. Samona shakes her head. “No, they can stay like this.” she says as they all stand up.

“Ah, I have to get back to working.” Samona says. The group walks toward the exit. “I’ll see you guys tomorrow.” Samona says to the boys. “And you girls at home.” she adds. The group nods. After saying their byes, the group walks out the restaurant. Samona sighs as she stretches. “Okay, back to work. I guess.” she says. She then walks over to a table of customers.


~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~

Sorry for the late update. I was supposed to update on the 21th. >.< Because it’s getting hard for me to focus on writing the stories, I’ve decided to update one a month. And if possible I will try to update more than once. I got a job so that’s what most of my time is focused on. I try to spend my breaks and off days writing the stories. It’s hard but I promise to continue writing the stories until their endings.

Now all stories, except for ‘Encounters’ and ‘In My Life’, are being updated. Sorry to those who do read those stories. I’m a little writer blocked on the stories. I have future parts of the stories already written or thought out, but I’m having trouble connecting them to the current chapter. >.< I’ll try to focus a little more on those stories to get them back up.

Thanks for reading my stories, I really appreciate it.^_^


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Chapter 10: well i didnt know that much of Superjunior.. but k ows pretty.more about them from.miyoung hahaha
Lexi123 #2
haha love this story..commented on the wrong story..update soon..
adriana04 #3
Yay thanks for the update^^<br />
update soon:D
adriana04 #4
Dont worry! We understand you^^
wah! What a smartie! i'm so excited for this! Truthfully I'd probably would've been freaking out! just