Sweet Lips

Sweet Love

Leo nervously paced around in the practice room. Everything was set for his lesson with Hyuk but Leo was still nervous. The idea of him being alone with the maknae made him ... happy and that's what made him nervous. He couldn't continue harboring these types of feelings for another memeber. It would hurt not only his chances at being successful but it would also hurt the group. It was ridiculous. He didn't feel these types of feelings for guys! It was stupid! He was stupid. 

Leo scratched his head vigorously to get rid of those thoughts and took a deep breath. Calm, cool, and collected; that's what the real Leo is like. The real Leo doesn't get flustered because of his feelings. As he gathered himself Leo heard a knock on the door and soon after he saw the maknae come in.

Hyuk walked in timidly as he closed the door behind him. He bowed and greeted Leo way more formally than was appropriate for the situation. In reality, Hyuk was just glad that Leo had accepted his offer of giving him singing lessons. Leo bowed back as well.

"Why ... why don't you have a seat?" Leo quickly offered motioning to an empty chair. Hyuk sat down obediently and his eyes quickly fell to the floor.

"T-thank you for agreeing to teach me." Hyuk said as he went back to his old habit of wringing his hands together. Leo nodded.

"It's no problem" Leo replied and before it could get awkward he added, "Why don't you sing something?" Hyuk's eyes widened. He didn't expect to be singing already. He glanced over at Leo who was leaning against tthe wall with his arms crossed. This made Hyuk more nervous than he already was.

"W-what song should I sing?" asked Hyuk.

"Whichever one you want." Leo replied coolly. There was a silence before Hyuk cleared his throat and sat up in his chair. He closed his eyes and started. 

Breathtaking and Fantastic
The world you want is all yours
I can do anything, what do you want?
Trust me, I will protect you

Leo's attempt at maintaing a cool appearence failed. The sound that came out of this boy in front of him was ... so sweet and sincere. It wasn't the sound of powerful vocals but the nice sound of a serene voice that's used to sing a lullaby. Leo couldn't help but completely fall for it. Soon he found himself focusing on Hyuk's face. Leo's eyes traveled down from Hyuk's closed eyes to his cute nose to his lips. His lips were tinted almost a rose pink as he sang as if his breath was giving life and color to his lips. 

Leo would never want to stop the sweet sound coming from the maknae's lips but he just had to wonder... if he were to cover those lips with his own would they taste as sweet as the sound coming from them?

Hyuk, as he sang those words, felt timid and nervous. He wanted to impress Leo but little did he know that he was actually succeeding. As the verse came to an end, Hyuk gathered his courage and sang the next verse a little louder.

Feel the pounding sound of my heart in my embrace
My mysterious power is only for you
Oh, I'll protect you.
Come to the fantastic world

Hyuk ended there and opened his eyes. Leo gathered himself and nodded professionally. 

"Not bad." Leo turned around to face the desk behind him and catch his breath a little. He calmed himself down and pushed all his previous thoughts aside. H eshifted through the all the music he had gathered trying to find the perfect music for Hyuk to sing.

While Leo turned the faded pages of music, Hyuk looked at him cautiously. Although Hyuk truly did want to improve his singing, the main reason he asked Leo for singing lessons was to spend time with him. He didn't know why but Hyuk felt like Leo was drifitng away from the group. Actually, it wasn't only that, the maknae had a lot on his mind about his hyung. Hyuk wasn't scared of Leo, actually, Hyuk was always really happy to see him. Sometimes it scared him how happy he became when his hyung was around. Hyuk wasn't scared of Leo. He was scared of his feelings for Leo. Maybe that's why Hyuk had been feeling so down lately. It seemed that although Hyuk had been happy to be around Leo, Leo didn't seem to feel the same way. Leo would always avoid the other members and Hyuk. Could it be that Leo didn't like being around them? That's why Hyuk wanted to spend time with Leo, to become closer. 

"H-hyung?" Hyuk called. 

Leo, still focused on finding the right song, replied nonchalantly, "Ne?"

Hyuk swallowed the lump in his throat, "D-d-do you like being in VIXX?" 

Leo stopped fumbling around with the sheet music and turned around to face Hyuk whose eyes were glued to the floor.

"yeah... I do. Why do you ask?" Leo asked cautiously. Leo could see that somthing was bothering the maknae but he didn't want to be too intrusive. 

Hyuk relaxed a bit. Of course, Leo could've easily just lied but Hyuk chose to believe Leo's words. Hyuk stood up quickly.

"It's nothing. I-is it okay if-if we went outside to practice? I mean it's so nice outside. Let's go out with everyone! It'll be ... fun." Hyuk ended. Leo looked at Hyuk with surprise in his eyes. They had barely been in the room for more than 5 minutes and now Hyuk wanted to leave? Something must be going on.

Before Leo could deny, Hyuk opened the door, "Let's go get everyone." Hyuk smiled and Leo couldn't resist. They could practice another day.

Leo and Hyuk walked around the halls quietly as they tried to find the other members. Hongbin was in another room practicing his singing so he denyed their request. Ravi was in the recodring studio adding lyrics to some songs and composing as well. He also denyed. They had to go back to the dorm to find N and Ken. It turned out that Ken had come down with the stomach flu, because of something he ate, and N refused to leave his bedside until he got better.

Leo had had his doubts about the group before but now he saw that he was wrong. VIXX was a strong group. Hongbin surprisingly had strong vocals and even now he was working on them. Ravi? He was a composer in the making. Ken obvioulsy had a great voice. And N, he had proved his love for s many times including today when he refused to leave the sick Ken. And then there was Hyuk. Maknae Hyuk who he was walking down the sidewalk with on this sunny day. The maknae who had changed Leo so much in the past couple of days that Leo had to wonder what type of power Hyuk had over him.

Shouts and laughs could be heard from around the corner. It was a fair. Hyuk's eyes widened with childish pleasure. 

"Hyung! Please? Can we go?" Hyuk asked. Leo looked around the bend at the rides and the crowds of people. Leo wasn't the one for crowds but Hyuk had a way of changing Leo's mind. 

"Sure." Leo smiled. Hyuk held onto Leo's hand and ran into the crowd and Leo gladly followed.

AN: ;A; I'll just admit now that I at writing stories. Just incase you guys don't know (because I at ending chapters) there is more to come. TT_TT I hope I'm not boring you guys to death. Since it's my first time at writing a fanfiction I purposely chose to write on a very simple plot. But yeah~ 
Hello to my new subscribers~ And thankyou to ALL the comments!!! <333 I'll keep updating faster and faster~ ^^ I LOVE YOU ALL!!
Main image cr: banaforeverr

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(੭ ˃̶̀ロ˂̶́)੭⁾ヾ(*'∀`*)ノ♡
Chapter 6: Very wholesome and very sweet. A-very nice
Chapter 6: Jeez this is to cute. While I am reading this, all.I can do is coo over this adorable couple.
Chapter 1: Ouh my gosh. These gifs are making it even more awkward and realistic than it is ???
Chapter 1: aweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee this is giving me a flash back when they all still a fetus
Chapter 1: aweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee this is giving me a flash back when they all still a fetus
Chapter 6: Awwww so cute!!!
Chapter 6: ....AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW I think I died! Nice job ^^