
Sweet Love


I feel, I feel fantastic~
The song came to an end and the six boys fell to the floor with exhaustion. Now that the music had stopped all that could be heard was the loud breathing of the six sweaty boys. N, their leader, got back up to his feet after a couple of minutes and motioned for everyone else to do the same. 
“One more time” he ordered.
“Ah, but hyung!” whined Hongbin a boy who had his light brown hair slicked back in a small ponytail.
N’s eyes softened with sympathy but they had worked so hard so far and they shouldn’t stop when they were so close to debut day. 
“No, we have to be absolutely perfect for debut. Come on now.” N reached for Hongbin’s  outstreached hand and helped him up. 
The music started and the six boys started again.
While everyone was focused on their own reflection in the studio mirror in front of them, Leo focused his eyes on a more interesting sight: Not his own reflection but the reflection of little maknae  Hyuk who was more out of breath than the others but managed kept up with the rest of s. Leo had been keeping an eye on Hyuk since Hongbin and Ravi had pushed them to do that stupid move together. Leo didn’t really know why he was so interested in the maknae. He just was. Leo looked at the maknae and saw that he was struggling to find his breath. Suddenly, Hyuk’s eyes looked up at just the right moment to catch Leo looking at him. 
Before Leo could look away Hyuk’s eyes had already darted downward to avoid Leo’s eyes. As Hyuk ran to his next position to do his move he tripped over someone’s feet and his chest crashed against the hardwood floor knocking the breath right out of his chest.
Leo turned around quickly to find the maknae, but Hyuk was already staggering to his feet coughing violently and trying to bow at the same time. 
“s-sorry” was all he could get out as Hyuk held his chest and started coughing again.
Leo moved forward as if to almost take Hyuk in his arms but the maknae used all his strength to stand up again and held in his coughs.
“Hyuk, are you okay?” N cooed. N was braver than Leo and physically took the Hyuk in his arms and helped him rub his chest. Hongbin handed Hyuk a water bottle and the others babied Hyuk asking him if he was okay while Leo stood outside their little circle feeling a bit helpless. It frustrated him that he couldn’t do anything.
“I’m okay. I-I’m okay.” Hyuk reassured his hyung after a sip of water. N looked at the maknae with some doubt.
“I think we should head back to the dorm. That’s enough practice for today.” N announced as the other members breathed a sigh of relief. 
“Hyung!” Ken cried as he grabbed his water bottle off the ground, “can you buy me some food?” Ken ran up to N and held onto his arm. Hongbin and Ravi joined in and they were all very hungry and knew that N would have some money to spend on them.
“Aiiish, alright but only one thing each!” N warned as the trio galloped out the door in happiness. “Did you hear me?!” n cried after them, “We’re not out to get a full course meal! Only one snack each!” 
N looked back at Leo and Hyuk and motioned them to hurry up. 
“I’ll stay at the dorm, hyung.” Hyuk commented as he bowed and excused himself from the practice room.
“I’m not very hungry, go on without me.” Leo commented after.
N shrugged “I’ll get you both something.” He grabbed his jacket and headed out to find the other three.
In the VIXX dorm, all was quiet as Hyuk was in his shared room and Leo was in the kitchen. Leo looked around the kitchen in frustration. Leo saw how Hyuk had clutched his chest while leaving the practice room. Although he had said he was okay, Leo knew that he really wasn’t. They had that in common. They kept pain to themselves. He wanted to help the maknae but he wasn’t really a doctor. He didn’t really know what was wrong with Hyuk so therefore he didn’t know how to treat it. He paced around helplessly around the kitchen. Finally he settled on making an ice pack. He grabbed a Ziploc bag and filled it with ice. Hyuk could use the ice pack on his chest, Leo thought. Slowly he walked to Hyuk’s room and saw that the door was already open and the light flooded out to brighten up the dark hallway. Before entering he peeked in and saw that Hyuk was lying on his bed with on hand holding his chest and the other over his eyes shielding them from the light. 
Leo knocked on the door and Hyuk shot up instantly.  When he saw Leo he bowed formally. Leo stood awkwardly at the door holding the ice bag awkwardly in the palm of both of his hands. 
Leo looked up at Hyuk.
“I-is your chest okay?”
“Hm?” Hyuk asked in disbelief. Was his Leo-hyung worried about him?
Leo let out a breath and started again “Are you okay? Is your chest okay?” He questioned with a stronger voice this time.
“Y-yeah. I’m fine, h-h-er …Thank you. “ Hyuk bowed again. Hyuk had always found it hard to call Leo “hyung”. He felt that maybe he wasn’t even at that stage yet in their relationship yet.
Leo stood there without moving, the water from the melted ice was starting to seep through the Ziploc bag and Leo’s hands were getting wet as well as numb from the ice pack. 
“Uh-I have ice… for-“ Leo was interrupted by the sounds of the other members coming into the dorm. N ran into the room and found Hyuk.
“I got you an ice pack!” N chimed as he walked towards Hyuk, “You know, for your chest. N ripped out an ice pack from the box and placed it on Hyuk’s chest. “Does that feel good?” N asked and Hyuk smiled and nodded putting his own hand over N’s to secure the ice pack in place.
Leo twitched. It was really all he could do to keep himself from pouncing on N. He could’ve done that. He could’ve comforted Hyuk. Leo furrowed his brows in agitation. Soon Hongbin and Ravi entered the room and immediately sat down on the bed and started eating their little snacks. Ken walked into the loom dragging his feet and holding his head. Ken noticed the ice pack in Leo’s hands and took it from him.
“Aw, thanks hyung! I really needed this!” Ken put the ice pack on his head and flopped down on a bed leaving Leo with his wet numb rose-colored hands outstretched as if he was waiting for something to fall from the heavens. Leo sighed and wiped the water off on his t-shirt and looked at the bunch in front of him. N and Hyuk were in a conversation as Hyuk held the ice pack to his chest. Ravi and Hongbin munching on their snacks as they yelled at the Ken for going on the merry-go-round after he had already gobbled down both his and N’s snacks. So that’s where he had gotten the headache. Were we really ready for debut, Leo had thought. 
Hyuk fidgeted as N had moved on to scolding Ken for eating his snacks. Hyuk had wanted to do something and was gathering his courage. He cleared his throat and turned to face Leo only to find out that he had already left the room. Hyuk ran out the door and into the dark hallway. Hyuk couldn’t see anything. With his courage gathered, Hyuk traveled out farther in the dark hallyway and called out “Hyung!”
Leo turned around quickly. It wasn’t Hongbin cause when Hongbin called him “hyung” It was more cheery and happy. It was Ravi because Ravi’s “hyung” was more laid back. It wasn’t Ken because Ken’s “hyung” was more succinct. No, it wasn’t any of those dongsaengs. It was the one dongsaeng who had been afraid to even call Leo “hyung”. It was the one dongsaeng that when he called out “hyung”, it was simply sweet and sincere to Leo. Even in the dark Leo knew it was maknae Hyuk.
Leo ravged the wall for the light switch and turned it on.
“Ne?” answered Leo. Hyuk surprisingly kept eye-contact with Leo. The laughs and shouts from the occupied room flooded into the hallway. Leo walked closer to Hyuk so he could hear him. This is when Hyuk lost eye contact. He looked down and clutched onto the ice pack with both hands. The ice pack had moved from being on his chest to over to the left a little, right above his heart. 
“C-could you…” Shouts rang out from the occupied room again interrupting Hyuk. Leo walked closer. 
Hyuk saw this and before he could get any closer he asked, “Could you give me singing lessons?” 
Hello everybody! First and foremost I dedicate this chapter to my lovely dongsaeg, Ashley/Sanghyukbb!!! She moved away from me cause she hates me. TT~TT BUT I SARANG HER STILL <3 ;A; She MADE ME LEO/HYUK GIFS AND I LURVE THEM SOOOOO MUCH!!! /drools I put one of them as the main image for this chapter ><
Second, Thank you to Miharu, monsterallergie, and sanghyukbb for leaving a comment!! It really kept me going and motivated me to write ^^ And also thank you to my silent readers, I hope you enjoy my stories <3 Also thanks to all who subscribed TT~TT You make me feel worthy of living (lol. jk XD) Wow I feel like I just gave a grammy acceptance speech or something X) lol. 
Third, I'm sorry I'm soooo late updating. I'm sorry if it seems like there's nothing going on in this chapter. I swear it'll pick up next chapter ;A; I'M SORRY!!! Hope you don't mind the little Hyuk/N in there ^^ 
Maknae/Leader love <3 ^^
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(੭ ˃̶̀ロ˂̶́)੭⁾ヾ(*'∀`*)ノ♡
Chapter 6: Very wholesome and very sweet. A-very nice
Chapter 6: Jeez this is to cute. While I am reading this, all.I can do is coo over this adorable couple.
Chapter 1: Ouh my gosh. These gifs are making it even more awkward and realistic than it is ???
Chapter 1: aweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee this is giving me a flash back when they all still a fetus
Chapter 1: aweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee this is giving me a flash back when they all still a fetus
Chapter 6: Awwww so cute!!!
Chapter 6: ....AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW I think I died! Nice job ^^