Why are you...?



The big glass doors opened in front of you, revealing a large lobby with a receptionist desk. Behind the desk was a lady- probably in her teens, working here as a part time job. Her name tag read "Amber". You held on tighter to your dad's hand, and your teddy bear in your other hand. 

"Oh! Mr and Mrs Kwon! Nice to see you again! Is this the child you registered at our last meeting?," The girl Amber said, somehow managing to say all that while bowing a full 90 degrees towards your umma and appa while giving you a warm smile. You stepped somewhat closer to your parents.

"Ne. We're here to check her in," Your mom said, walking over to the desk to sign some papers. "Her name is Kim you, age 8..." Your mom went off listing details about you to Amber, while Amber typed what your mom said into what looked like a registration sheet on the computer.

You quietly slipped your hand out of your dad's and sat down on the floor. A little boy ran out of a corridor and came up to the desk and signed a paper. "Kamsahamnida Amber nuna! I had fun visiting Jonghyun!"

Amber didn't look up from what she was doin as she called out to the boy who was exiting the building, "Annyeong Minnie! I'm sure Jonghyun can't wait for your next visit!"

You watched as the little boy went out the door and over to a couple sitting on a bench outside. You looked up at your mom holding a suitcase and wondered what you were doing here. In mid thought your dad picked you up and set you on the desk and looked into your eyes sorrowfully. "you-ah... you have to stay here for a little bit okay? But me and umma will visit you. We love you okay?" Both of your parents kissed your forehead.

"Appa...," you looked over to your friend Elizabeth, sitting on a chair againsht the wall, "Is Elizabeth going to stay too?"

Your dad looked at your mom, then back to you, "Well... you-ah... she can't stay forever. That's why you're here. But you'll be able to know why later on. Okay?"

Your parents your hair, then turned around and walked away....


"you...?" You looked up from your place on the floor to the human being who you had knocked down. You regretted it as soon as you did.

"Oh! Um... Taemin-ssi! It's-uh... um... well... fancy running into you... here...?" You stutered as you tried to form a coherent sentence.

"you," Taemin said more firmly this time. He picked himself up then pulled you upright as well. "you. What are you doing out of your room? And unsupervised too? Are you trying to run away or something?" Taemin looked slightly angry. He had his arms crossed and was staring into you.

You almost burst out laughing. "Really Taemin-ssi? You didn't know? Appa Siwon didn't tell you?" (you've grown accustomed to calling the headmaster Siwon "appa" as he kinda started taking care of you as his own when your parents stopped coming to visit you) "Siwon appa says that I can leave my room when I want to. He says I'm not a flight risk. There isn't much in the outside world waiting to welcome me, so what's the point? Plus I have Liz who's usually alwasy by my side. Who knows what she would get into if I let her out of here. Sometimes I think my perents put her in here, not me.." 

Taemin's brows were furrowed as he listened to you speak.

"Liz....?," Taemin said, almost to himself.

"Yeah! Liz!," You looked around the corner and pointed to Elizabeth who was outside of your room blowing bubbles with her bubble gum.

Taemin looked to where you were pointing and frowned, "But there's no one-" he whispered quietly.

"Well I'm on my way to the cafeteria. Annyeong Taemin-ssi!," You said cutely as you skipped away, leaving Taemin a little flustered.

3rd person~

Taemin turned around and shrugged as he walked down hallway 1 of the teen ward. As he walked down the hallway approaching you's room, he felt a draft of slightly cold air. Elizabeth was standing outside the door to you's room but Taemin couldn't tell. He couldn't see her. As Taemin approached, Elizabeth stuck out her leg and watched as Taemin's foot got caught on it, bringing him down to the floor. Elizabeth snickered to herself and watched as Taemin got up and brushed himself off, looking aroung the hallway to find it empty. He continued down the hallway until he reached a staff door at the end, entered it, and dissapeared from the sights of the hallway.

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Chapter 2: OMO This story is getting interesting... O_O Please update soon..
Omg this is interesting. Please update *^*