


(first person)

I sat on my bed, fiddling with my ring of keys. I have about 30 on this ring, these are only my favorites, though; the shiny ones. I probably have about 50 or 60 rings in a box stashed under my bed. I like to think of these rings as souvenirs from various places within Gidae Institution. Yes, Gidae. Hope. It was kind of ironic, considering many patients here couldn’t be cured. I’d know. I’ve met most of them. Today we got a new nurse. Every time he walks by my room, he looks in at me sorrowfully. Gosh. It’s as if he doesn’t know that I’m free to leave my room. 


(second person pov)

As if right on cue, the new nurse, walked on by, except this time, he was hurried. He didn’t even so much as glance in your window. Seeing as this was not normal, you were flustered. You felt like you  were forgotten for a moment. You were about to get up and check where he was going, but a voice came into your head.


“Well that was strange. Usually Taemin will look at you. He didn’t even give you a second though. How does this make you feel, you?”



You looked over and saw your friend, Elizabeth, sitting down on your desk.


“Liz, how many times do I have to tell you, I don’t care about what he does. As far as I know, someone could be dying in a room down the hall. Now get off of my desk. Your fat will probably crack it,” you replied, somewhat angry at her. Well... not only her, but at the nurse, Taemin, too.


Liz chuckled at your comment, “Oh you. Your vocabulary has grown so much since your younger days.” She hopped off the desk and sat down next to you on the bed. “Too bad your chest hasn’t. Maybe then Taemin would notice you more o-HEY!”


Before Liz could finish her sentence, you slapped her across the face, your own was getting hotter, “How many times do you I have to tell you! I DON’T THINK OF TAEMIN THAT WAY! I DON’T CARE IF I’M ONLY A B-CUP! I DON’T GIVE A CRAP!” You finished yelling at Elizabeth, and stormed out of your room to vent.

“Well at least I HAVE s!,” You heard come from your room as you stomped away.

At each door, you would look in and see the familiar faces of the teen ward of the institution. You huffed at them, considering most of them weren’t allowed to leave their rooms unsupervised like you. When you turned the corner at the end of the hall, you bumped into somebody and you both fell to the ground. You looked up and locked eyes with the other person on the floor.



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Chapter 2: OMO This story is getting interesting... O_O Please update soon..
Omg this is interesting. Please update *^*