- Cafeteria


A/N I don't know if anyone is on this site anymore. I forgot about if for years tbh and I'm not really that into kpop anymore. I'm writing another chapter because I'm bored right now. I also forgot how to add the username in the story so I'm going to use Y/N (your name). I may or may not continue this story. I might write Deadpool fanfiction on a different site instead.



You sat down in the cafeteria picking at the assorted microwave-cooked vegetables in the corner of your plate, waiting for Elizabeth to show up. This isn't like her to be like like this, she's usually attached to you at your hip, always following you, chattering non-stop sometimes about various things; the newcomers, the people leaving, what color scrubs the nurses are wearing, the few grey hairs starting to creep in on appa Siwon's head.

Just as you looked up from your plate, about to go search for her, you see Liz walking towards you; the right side of turned up ever so slightly in a low-key smug sort of way.

"Where were you? You almost never lag behind. Plus it's mashed potato and gravy day- your favourite. I wouldn't have expected you to be late for this," you say with a hint of laughter in your voice.

"Oh. I had something I wanted to try out. No biggie. It's all good. So, you gonna finish yours or should I get my own?," Liz retorts, staring at your plate and patting her stomach.

You push your plate over to Liz and give a hand gesture signaling that she can have at it, giggling slightly as she digs into the mashed potatos and reaches for your carton of milk to take a sip. Sitting back and smiling at your friend, you wonder what it was that she wanted to try out. The door to the cafeteria opens behind Liz and Taemin walks in. You give him a beaming smile and wave at him. He returns it with a slight smile and small wave of his hand, a hint of worry in his eyes that you didnt catch.

"What are you so happy about?," Liz says as she turns to look over he shoulder, "OH that NURSE you had a run-in with earlier. Man I haven't seen you smile like that at anyone since that Zelo kid who claimed his hair was all curly to block alien transmissions. But he was cute so of course you fell for it. You can't seriously like Taemin though, hun. He's a nurse and you're a psychiatric patient. That doesn't exactly spew out happy marriage with a white picket fence and a dog."

You roll your eyes at her and then glance at Taemin, who is currently scanning the room, observing patients and writing on a clipboard. You sigh, "A girl can dream, can't she?"


Taemin's POV

I write down my observations for the patient's behaviors while eating and in social settings. My eyes keep wandering to Y/N's table. She sits alone with her food pushed to the other side of the table, talking and giggling to herself. I feel bad for her, she doesn't seem really insane enough to be here. She's not a danger to herself or others, she's quite wellspoken compared to most of the patients.

I jot down a note to look into her past and the 'person' she's talking to. I'll talk to Dr. Choi about it, because it seems a bit offputting, what with her so young and full of life, despite what she's been put through, and her being deemed insane because of... something... it doesn't feel normal. Not normal for a psych hospital, that is.


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Chapter 2: OMO This story is getting interesting... O_O Please update soon..
Omg this is interesting. Please update *^*