The Concert

SHINee Stars


"Morning!!" said Jin Kyong.

"Wow. Why are you up now? You usually don't wake up this early" said Hana curiously, as Su Hyun walks by yawning.

"Haha. I woke up before you this time. Who's the sleepy head now!" Jin Kyong sais excitedly. The only reply Su Hyun gave was a nasty glare.

"You still haven't answered my question Jin Kyong."

"Huh? Oh, right. Um... I'm not quite sure why I got up this early."

"Yeah right. The only reason you woke up this early is because you wanted to get up before me" said Su Hyun

"No! I promise, I didn't do it on purpose! I swear!!"

"What, you swear!!! I never knew you swear! You never swear!" Said Hye Mi all confused and sleepy.

"Oh great now you're swearing! Gees what's next?" said Su Hyun. While all this was happening all Hana thought to herself was How did I become friends with these weird people? 

"Ok, cut it out you guys. Guys? GUYS!! I made pancakes!!!!" screamed Hana. Suddenly everyone turn around and ran to the pancakes as if is was the end of the world. Everyone enjoyed their pancakes, and there were no arguments after that.

After having their delicious pancakes, they all got dressed and went strait to practice their songs for the concert afterwards. After an exhausting practice Stars started to head to the arena where they are going to perform.

"The practice was so tiring, and now we have to perform even harder" complained Hye Mi

"I know, but I guess it was our own fault 'cause it was only a practice and we already memorized all the moves, so we didn't have to perform as hard as we do on the actual concert, like now" said Hana

"Yes but it is always worth it, because when you hear our fan's scream it's the best feeling ever" said Jin Kyong

"Yeah..." said everyone at the same time

As Stars get out of the limo can hear their fans screaming "STARS! STARS! STARS!" over and over again

"Wow, I never realized how early our fans get here to see us" said Su Hyun

"You just realized" said Hye Mi

"No... I realized since the first day we started " said Su Hyun sarcastically

"Of course you did"

As Stars walk into their dressing rooms they start to feel like they are forgetting something important. But they continued their performance as if everything was picture perfect. After the concert, they signed a few autographs and went home.

--10:30 am Tuesday--

"Good Morning everyone" said Hana whilst yawning. Hana realized that she was the only one awake, so she went to check her email.


Wednesday is a perfect day for us, we will get there at 11:)

Buteo, SHINee

"SHOOOOT!!!! EVERYBODY WAKE UP SHINee ARE COMING IN HALF AN HOUR!!!!" Hana screamed as she ran to everyone's room. Everyone woke up and quickly had a shower brush their teeth, hair and had the left over pancakes from yesterday.


"Hurry up you guys they are here!!!!" screamed Hana, as she went to open the door. As Hana opened the door she realized that it was not SHINee ringing the bell it was the mailman. The mailman does no usually bring the mail personally to the door, so Hana was very confused.

"Oh, um..." mumbled Hana as she was speechless

 "Sorry to bother you it's just my daughter knows that I deliver mail to you and she wants me to get autographs from the four of you". Said the mailman

"Sure. Just hold on for a sec" she said as she quickly went to get the others. They all gave their autographs to the mail man, and went to sit down at the couch and wait for SHINee. Just as they sit, the door bell rings.


All the girls moaned at the same time as they could not be bothered getting up again. Hye Mi was the only one who offered to get the door.


The rest continues on chapter 4. HA, HA!! Now you have to keep on reading!!!!!XD




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