A Summer Fling


“I’ll pay for it okay?” Yuri said. We sat down in the restaurant, near a window again. Yoona waved her hand and a waiter came to take our order.


“I missed doing this.” Yuri said, holding my hand.

“I missed it too.” I replied.

“Don’t distratct Seohyun, Yuri! Go on Seo, continue the story.” Yoona said.

“You’re so strict Yoonie.” Yuri giggled. I have actually become excited about telling them my story so I started immediately.


“Continuation.” I stated. Yuri giggled again and Yoona was smiling brightly. “It was love at first sight I guess…no, love at second sight because my first impression of him was cold and emotionless, though he did smile.” I continued.

“Well, the next day, he was waiting for me at the beach near our cottage. It was like an unspoken agreement between us that we’d spent time with each other since, as he called it, we were both prisoners of the island.”


“Bonnie and Clyde?” Yoona asked me, her cheeks getting flushed.

“What? No! It’s just a word…” I laughed.

“Anyway, So he was there and when I saw him, I rushed out of the house and ran to him, he was walking along the shore.”




His hands in his pockets, the dawn sunlight on his dark hair.

“Kyuhyun! Hey!” I shouted. He waved me to stand next to him.

“It’s too early for another walk in the beach.” I said as I reached him. He just sighed and grabbed my hand again…my heart is beating uncontrollably now. WHY? WHY ME?


“You should go change. I’ll treat you to breakfast.” He said. He turned me around and we started to quietly walk back to the cottage.

“I’ll have to ask my mom first.” I said. I am still such a baby to my mom.

“Sure.” He opened the door for me and I went to the kitchen, where my mom was preparing breakfast.


“Mom can I?” I hurriedly asked.


“Just be back before evening, let Kyuhyun in if he wants.”


“Kamsahamnida umma!” I said as I rushed back to our front door.


“My mom allowed me, as long as you’ll bring me back before evening.” I said to Kyuhyun. He beamed at me and took a seat down on one of our sofas. I rushed to my room and grabbed my nearest polo shirt and jeans. One look at the mirror and I panicked. I looked like a mess, complete with bed hair and pillow marks.


“Why must these appear now?” I hissed to myself as I ran a brush through my hair.

I have to be really pretty for this breakfast date—if a breakfast invitation between two acquaintances can be called a date.


Once I looked fine, I rushed downstairs, were Kyuhyun was sitting, emotionless and handsome as I left him.


“I’m ready.” I shyly said.

“Me too.” He stood up and took hold of my hand. My cheeks reddened as I took his hand.


“Mom! We’re off!” I shouted behind my back as I closed the front door.


“I borrowed my dad’s car for today, so you don’t have to walk unless you want to.” He said, leading me to a parked silver car.


“I can walk.” I said as he opened the passenger door for me.

“Yes you can. But not all the way to where I’m taking you…”

“Where are you taking me Kyuhyun-ah?”

“To a café. I have a hunch that you’ll like it. It overlooks the sea and it is picture perfect during mornings. Picture perfect like you.”


“I do like cafés and beaches. Oh and just so you know…I’m not exactly prepared for this so don’t call me picture perfect.”


“You’re still very pretty even if you aren’t prepared Seohyun.”


“Psh.” I snorted. “You seem so prepared though, why?”


“I just am prepared…then let’s go to the beach after okay?”


“Urrgghh. Why? I told you I’m not prepared.”


“You haven’t took a bath yet—“ I slapped him.

“So let’s go to the beach, I can buy you a towel or swimsuit if you want.”


“Okay fine. Now feed me my breakfast.” I looked out the window. I can’t believe this! Here he is! CHO KYUHYUN…A PERFECT GUY FOR A SUMMER FLING.

But of course…I am in love so if we ever become a couple, I don’t think I’d want it to be just a summer fling. I want it to be special because there’s something about him…


Something that intrigues me and attracts me to him. Besides him being cute and handsome and “well-prepared”, there’s just something … like…like…


He may be THE ONE.


I believe in that “THE ONE” nonsense. It’s the child in me that believes in it so maybe that’s why the pull he has on me makes me thinks that HE IS THE ONE.


But the chance of him being THE ONE is like, 100,000,000,000,000 to 1.


But there’s that one chance that he can be…


So I’m not yet giving up on him. But I might be moving too fast, so I’ll just let the feeling grow, take a feel around him and befriend him first.



“We’re here Seohyun. Let’s go.” He said, stopping the car in front of a small café.


“I’m excited!” I stepped out of the car to join him.


“What do you want for breakfast?” He asked me.


“Anything…just order for me. I trust you.” I said. He chuckled and led me to a table on the balcony of the café, overlooking the sea.


“Latte for you and maybe some pancakes?” He asked.


“Ne.” I nodded. He took our orders and for awhile, we just sat there, looking at the sea and the morning sky. I was resisting the urge to stare at him.


“Ma’am, Sir. You’re order.” A waiter said, handing us a latte , espresso and pancakes.


“Enjoy.” He bowed and went away.


“Good morning Seohyun.” Kyuhyun smilingly said, already spreading syrup on his pancake.

“Morning…and thanks for the breakfast.” I replied.


“No problem. So Seohyun, where do you go to school?”


“In Seoul Star Museum. How about you?”


“In New York, I always change schools and here in Korea my mom always home schools me.”


“I’ve always wanted to be home schooled when I was young.”


“I wanted to go to a regular school when I was young too…but now, I can’t care less.”


“Why? I mean…what do you want to happen in your future?”


“I don’t know…have a good work, maybe get married. But for now, my dad wants me to take up law but no, I really can’t because I want to be a musician.” He said warmly.


“So you sing?” I asked nervously.


“A little bit… I’m not that good.” He shyly said.


“We’re just the same. But I really love to sing.”


“We have so many similarities.” He raised his eyebrows at me. “That’s good though, so we can get along and be great friends.”


“Great friends.” I repeated. I can live with that. “So where will you go after this summer?”


“I don’t really know…New York maybe. I don’t have definite plans. It’s my senior year of high school anyway.” He shrugged.


“It’s my senior year too. Why don’t you stay in Korea?”


“All depends on my dad…he can be super strict.”


“I saw him that night at the church and he looked really stern.”


“That’s my dad, stern and all.”


“We do have so many similarities!”


“Come on eat up. Then beach later okay?” He said, smiling at me. I satre at him while he was eating and drinking his espresso. He looks so at home in this island, peaceful and calm… my heart always speeds up. I’ve only just met him and I’m already in love with him.


If only he likes me too.


I reached over to hold his hand when I was done eating. He looked at our intertwined fingers for awhile and he circled his thumb over my skin. It feels right, him and me, together.


“Well then, Let’s shop for your swimsuit.” He pulled me up and we headed for the door.



“That’s so sweet, breakfast date and everything!” Yoona said.  I laughed and remembered how he chose a blue bathing suit for me, saying that I looked best in blue. He looked best in his red board shorts.

“We only stayed in the beach for awhile though. It got really hot then we had to go home.” I said.

“It’s like super romantic runaway love.” Yuri continued.

“I agree with you babe. Sometimes he would sneak at night to my window, to talk to me and then he would sneak away again. It was hard since the cottage was half-made of glass and wood, so someone might see him coming to my window but no one did see him. He came to my window for three nights.”


“You didn’t kiss or tell him you liked him?” Yoona asked.


“Nope. We just talked and read books late into the night. Never kisses, just hugs and hand-holding. Then at morning or lunch he’d come to fetch me and we’d go to the west beach, talking again or playing in the sand or he played his guitar for me. He evne rented a boat one time. But whatever we did, we always always always talked. Until I knew him liked the back of my hand.”


“Oh so that was why you sometimes didn’t answer our calls. You were busy talking.” Yoona raised her eyebrows at me.


“Sooryyyyyyy.” I blushed.


“Go on..” Yuri waved at me.


“Then one night, before he went away, he asked me to go to the village square during the afternoon. He told me that he won’t fetch me, that I just had to come.”


“Did you go?” Yoona asked.


“At first I was reluctant…but then I said yes.”


“Then? What happened at the square?” Yuri eagerly asked.




“I didn’t think you would come.” He said to me. He was wearing a checkered polo shirt. He came to meet me at the edge of the village square.


“Of course I would come.” I said, immediately taking hold of his hand. “So what’s in the village square that you’d like me to see?”


“Wait.” He put an arm to stop me from walking directly into the square. “Close your eyes. Don’t peek okay?”


“Kyuhyun-ah! I don’t want to!”


“But you have to Seohyun. Please for me? Or else I’ll cover your eyes with my own hands.” He pleaded.


“Okay. Arasso. But only for you.” I said, putting his one hand on my eyes and the other gripped my waist automatically.


We walked a few more steps. Then I heard a guitar strumming a few notes…notes that seemed familiar.


“You can open your eyes Seohyun.” He whispered to my ear. I took his hand impatiently away and faced a wall full of paper…or so I thought.


It was a wall full of little papers with hearts and stars and pictures of sunsets and beaches. A few boys, local children of the fishermen of the children were at the side of the wall, two were holding guitars and two were singing, the other two, the youngest ones by the looks of it were dancing to  a song that Kyuhyun hummed to me one sunny afternoon at the beach.

“I lost my mind…”



On the center of the wall of papers was one folded sheet f black paper. I reached out to grab it and opened it, carefully.


Gold glitters fell out and on the inside of the black sheet, written in white ink and neat handwriting was

“Seohyun, will you be mine?



I stared at the paper again, in the words in it and listened carefully to the song… stared at the papers on the wall.

My babe, baby, babe, baby…”


“So you wrote the song?” I asked him, turning my back to face him.


“Ne. I pasted the papers to the wall too.” He said, twirling his cute little fedora in his hands.


“Nice.” I smiled at him. I am in shock, of course. After all our summer adventures and beach trips and café vists, he liked me too. Of course, He didn’t have to ask me again. I am his, forever.


“I love you.” He said to me. Calmly and naturally, as if the words belonged to his mouth, the way my heart belongs to him now.


“I love you too.” I answered back.


“Thank you so much boys, remind me to pay you later for the help.” Kyuhyun said to the boys. One of them, the one dancing, came up to us and said. “Was it worth it Kyuhyun hyung? Does noona love you?”


“It was worth it Jongin. Seohyun noona loves me too.”


“Good luck to you both hyung. Just call me Kai, noona. I’ll be a great dancer with Sehun-ah one day. I’ll be singing to love birds like you.” He said to me, while gesturing to the youngest-looking one.


“Annyeong Kai. I’m sure that with grace like yours, you’ll be a dancer in no time.”


“Yah! Kai-ah we have to go now! Come along Sehun and Baekhyun.” The eldest-looking one waved to Kai. “Goodbye noona.” Kai went away.


The youngest one, Sehun came up to me and hugged me. “ Take care of Kyuhyun hyung, noona.” He giggled cutely and went away.


“Hyung! Don’t forget to invite me to your wedding!” The kid called Baekhyun said. Kyuhyun chuckled beside me and shouted “I won’t forget!”


“Wow. You really worked hard on this.”


“I did, didn’t I?” He laughed again. “I did it all for you of course.”

“Thank you, Kyuhyun. Thank you so much.”

He put his arm around my shoulder and lead me to the edge of the square again.


“Let’s go to the beach.” He said. “Will you tell me how you prepared this for me?” I asked.

“Hhhmm…I will tell you but let’s go to the beach first.”


“Okay. Let’s walk.”


He held my hand all the way to the beach occasionally sweeping loose hair off of my face or touching my cheek. It was one of the few times that we didn’t talk, but it was alright, all the words I could possibly utter to him have already been said.


I love him.


And he loves me too.


There are times when only a few words would satisfy the longing in your heart. This time, the walk to the beach, was one of them. No need for long words, just the silence, the silence that assures you that everything that has to be said has been said.


“Look, we’re here.” I pointed forward, where the beach was located.


“Yes we are.” Kyuhyun faced me. He smiled at me sweetly and then ran towards the beach, leaving me in the dust of the sand.


“I’m going to catch you! Kyuhyun…I’m ringht behind you.” I shouted, already running towards him and laughing.


He looked back at me but continued running…running till the waves crashed around his feet and the wet sand was making my feet sink. I went into the water, still running after him. The salt water was spraying across my face, the breeze in my hair. When I finally got near enough to grab his wet shirt, I stumbled into his arms, laughing.


“You said that you were going to catch me, but then I already caught you.” He said, bending down to carry me bridal style. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he waded across the waves, finally he laid me down on the soft sand. He plopped down beside me, his arms behind his head like a pillow. I turned to face him, but he was looking up at the sky.


“So how did you prepare the surprise?” I asked him.


“I dropped you off at your house early yesterday, then I went home and finally completed the lyrics of What is Love. I had trouble finding the right words at first, when I finished it, I went out and I bumped into Chanyeol, the one strumming his guitar awhile ago. He asked me where you were since he always saw us together, then I said that I have to tell you how I feel immediately and then he called his buddies and they studied the song.”


“That was nice of them.” I blushed.


“Then after they learned the song, they helped me to cut out the papers and paste them to the wall. The boys were so excited about it.” He laughed. “They all had a crush on you I think.”


“Oh shut up Kyuhyun. Besides, they’re too young for me.”


“Don’t forget that you’re mine now.”


“Exactly.” I smiled at him. He stood up and removed his wet polo shirt. I removed my dress so that I was wearing only my swimsuit. I hugged him and said thanks again.


“Grab that stick over there.” He instructed me. I grabbed it for him and he wrote my name in the sand. Below it, he wrote his name.


“Forever?” I asked.


“I don’t need to write that down cause it’s already in my heart.” He said.


“You’re so mushy.” I . He laughed and hugged me again. I hugged him tighter and we went to the water again, we played and splashed water on each other. When it was already dusk, we dragged ourselves out of the water and he dropped me home again.


He said goodnight to me and went away. I watched him walk off, away from the house… he told me that he can’t visit me in my room tonight because his mom and dad were already suspicious of him. I turned around and faced the door, a blush on my face and a giddy feeling in my stomach when I felt a pair of hands wrap around my waist. I turned around and faced him.


“Goodnight Seohyun, see you tomorrow.” He said as I faced him. I opened my mouth to speak but I never got to say goodnight because his warm lips were on mine.


Our first kiss.


We pulled back from each other, staring into each other’s eyes. Then he smiled goofily, his cheeks red.


“I’ve gotta go.”


“ have too. I think my grandma is watching us.”


“See you tomorrow.” He said again and he ran off.


I ran my fingers through my hair and went inside the house. With a smile on my face and thoughts of what happened today…I fell asleep warmly and snugly.



“My gosh that’s super sweet.” Yuri and Yoona said at the same time. I sipped my water and spooned some kimchi into my mouth. I knew my cheeks were red and my body felt tingly. I miss him so bad right now.


LONG CHAPTER :)) Hehehe :> don't forget to comment okay?

One more chapter  to go ^^ <3

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Chapter 4: thank god it's happy ending /cries/ Love this story so much!!
mydearestmia #2
Beautiful! Aarrgghh, I'm crying, but thank godness it's happy ending. Love the story!
Stand4SeoKyu #3
Chapter 4: Oh My Goooooodddd, i thought they never see each other again. U made me cry u know, but thank for the happy ending..
Chapter 4: Aww what a beautiful story
Chapter 4: D:


Beautiful story!!! Loved EXO-K, loved YoonSeoYul's friendship, loved the ATTEMPT at YongSeo (*snickers and high-fives you*), but most of all, love the SEOKYU!! :D

Amazing job!!
Chapter 2: Aww!! I knew I recognized the lyrics!! EXO-K!! Cute!! ^^
One of the nicest stories I have read in ages. Good job! :)
Omg!! Love it to the max!!