CHAPTER 3 part one

A Summer Fling

I've decided to divide chapter three into two parts because it was longer than expected... sorry for not updating sooner but here's a double update for you guys! :)) Next update will be the last chapter already :( enjoy reading guys! ^^ <3



“My mom’s calling me.” Yoona said. “I’ve gotta go and meet her.” She sighed and stood up. “Sorry. I guess I’ll see you guys at school then… I’ll wait for the ending of your story Seobaby.” She kissed me and Yuri on the cheek and went away.

“I guess I’ll have to go too. Minho and I are supposed to watch a movie awhile ago. Sorry baby, I really have to go.” Yuri apologized. I nodded and kissed her goodbye. “See you at school!” I waved to her.


No use in staying at the mall if no one can accompany me. I called my dad and he told me that he would fetch me immediately.


I sat down at a bench near the mall entrance and waited for my dad. A family passed by me, the dad was scolding the little girl and the mom was doing nothing. Just like when I was young. A group of noisy young girls also passed by me, eating some frozen yogurt. Just random people, no one I would like to see.


I remember every thing about this summer, all the sunsets we watched together on the west beach, playing in the sand together, laying down on the grass in the village gardens…



“You made this mat?” He asked me.


“It was a school project…the wool used on it is really nice you know.” I replied.


“And you also prepared lunch for me?”


“Yeah. Because you are always the one who treats me to stuff and surprises me., and now I wanted to be the one to surprise you.” I put down the basket on the grass. We were on the village garden, on the warm grass. I brought a colorful mat and some food for us.

“Going to the same beach again and again isn’t a surprise.” He teased me.

     “Whatever Kyuhyun, just eat up okay.” I said.

“Kyuhyun eating up now.” He laughed as he unwrapped a chicken sandwich from the basket.


I grabbed a glass and a pitcher of iced tea and poured a glass for him. He looks really cute when he eats, his cheeks sometimes puff out and his lips pouts when he swallows. He looks cute everyday any way. You’d think I would’ve gotten over his initial cuteness and coldness rolled into one, but no. I fall in love with him everyday again and again.


“This is really nice.” He said as he gulped down his iced tea.

     “I’m glad you like it.” I smiled at him. He sat down behind me and hugged my waist from the back.


“Do you know what today is?” He whispered to my ear. I turned a little bit toward him to see him and he kissed my nose.


“What’s today?” I asked as I put my cheek to his.

     “It’s been a month since we met, that night on the church.”


I smiled, my cheeks flushing.

“I don’t have a sense of time and date when I’m with you.” I whispered.

     “Me too. But I happened to pass by my calendar today…so I saw it.” He said.

     “I’ll have to mark this day on my calendar then.” I smiled. I turned my head again and   he put his head on my shoulder, he was still back-hugging me.


“I’ll remember that day forever…and ever.” He said, chuckling.


“And ever and ever and ever and ever and ever.” I continued for him. He laughed and pulled me down, so that we were both on the mat hugging each other.






“You won’t forget me right?”


“Of course I won’t Kyuhyun.”

     “Even if this summer ends? You’ll still remember me?” He tightened his hug on me and I pressed my face closer to his shirt, remembering, putting into mind his sweet scent. I sighed.


“I will remember…forever right?” I said sadly.


“We won’t say good bye.” He assured me.


“We won’t.” I said, closing my eyes. He started humming again, a new melody.


“New song?” I asked him, my eyes drooping.


“You can sleep here. Yes, new song.”


“Is it for me?”


“I think it is.” He teased me.


“Will you ask help from the boys again?” I too.


“Only if I can’t find the right words and if I need dancers.” He smirked.


“Well, speaking of the boys, they’re here now.” I whispered quietly. Kyuhyun looked up. There, peering in through the bushes that hid us from view, were the staring eyes of Kai, Sehun and Baekhyun.


“Hyung, I think they know we’re here.” Sehun whispered from the other side of the bush.

“We know you’re there.” Kyuhyun said. Baekhyun immediately stood up and dragged the two younger boys away from the bush. Kyuhyun pulled me up too and we chased after them.


“So what is it?” I said as I managed to grab hold of Baekhyun’s shirt.


“Eh…Kai will explain noona.” Baekhyun said, scratching his head.


“Wae? Hyung! Aniya! Let Sehun explain it.” Kai slapped Baekhyun then pointed to Sehun.


Ever since that day on the village square, the boys have been good playmates friends of ours. They would go with us to west beach and sometimes the six of them would share three coffees among them when they joined me and Kyuhyun in the café. Suho, who was thirteen, always took care of Sehun and Chanyeol. Kai, being ten, together with Baekhyun, who was eleven were the noisiest and most active of the boys. Kyungsoo, or as he wants to be called DO, was quiet and caring to his dongsaengs, always keeping a big eye on them.


I waved Sehun forward and hugged him. “What is it that you’d want Seohyun noona to know?” I asked him. He smiled cutely and said “Suho hyung wants you to go to the beach right now cause we prepared a surprise for you.”


“Yah! Sehun! You were not supposed to say that!” Baekhyun said, faceplaming himself.


“Kamsahamnida hyung. But let’s go to the beach now.” Sehun said, pulling away from my hug and tugging the sleeve of Kyuhyun’s shirt. He was impossibly tall for a ten year old.


“What choice do we have?” Kyuhyun eyed me.


“Either we go to the beach or we go to the beach.” Baekhyun answered Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun sighed but let himself be dragged by Sehun.


“Let’s take the car boys.” Kyuhyun said as we approached the car. I opened the backseat door for the three of them and sat down in the passenger’s seat beside Kyuhyun.


We drove to the beach quietly, the boys were whispering.


“Come come on let’s go!” Kai bolted out of the car and rushed to the beach.


“Slow down! You might trip! Jongin! Sehun!” I shouted, running to catch up with them, but they were unstoppable.


“Noona! Hyung! Let’s make it fast!” Baekhyun shouted, running past Kyuhyun and me. I just sighed and didn’t bother to catch up with them.

“Boys will be boys Seohyun.” Kyuhyun told me as he put his arm around my waist again. I smirked at him as he lead me to the shore where the six boys were standing, waving to us.


“Let’s make it fast.” I told him. He nodded and he lengthened his stride.


As we reached them, Suho told them to be quiet and he beckoned us forward.


On the sand in front of us, were shells, lots of sea shells and colorful pieces of cloth.


“Hyung, noona, come here so you can see it properly.” Chanyeol said to us. We walked over to them and looked at the seashells and cloths again.

“LOOK!” Sehun excitedly said.


The shells spelled out:

Seohyun noona and Kyuhyun hyung


The cloth spelled out:

Don’t leave our summer paradise.



I teared up immediately. The thought of leaving our “summer paradise” kills me. I don’t want to leave this place, I don’t want to leave My boys…especially Kyuhyun. I just want to play in the sand and in the water… I don’t want to go back to Seoul where Kyuhyun won’t be.


“Isn’t noona happy with our gift?” DO asked. I shook my head, trying to smile but tears just spilled from my eyes.

Kyuhyun looked at me warmly and with his thumb, wiped my tears away and kissed my cheek.

“Noona don’t cry.” Suho consolingly said.


“I’m just happy. Thank you so much boys, thank you so much for these.” I gestured to the shells and cloths and moved forward to hug them all.


We all moved toward one another to a big group hug.

I came to love this island and the people in it…not just because of Kyuhyun and the boys. I loved it here, much more simple and more relaxing. Helping my grandparents with fishing, seeing my mom and dad happy and not stressed about work. And of course Kyuhyun. I loved him… leaving him… leaving him would… I can’t even put into words.

Even not seeing him for a day since we have our individual family activities…it feels wrong. I am of course happy that he has, or try to has fun with his family since when he’s happy, I am too. But not seeing him for such a long time… I shudder to just think about it.


“Noona! Let’s swim!” Kai and Sehun shouted, pulling away from our group hug and pulling me alongside them to the water. I hastily wiped tears from my face and joined them in the water. As we played, I forgot about leaving Kyuhyun, at least just for awhile. We splashed water into each other, raced against each other and played tag. Sometimes, Kyuhyun would wade across the water to me and hug me from behind or push hair away from my face or peck me quickly on the cheek much to the delight of the boys. When Suho saw the setting sun, he panicked and ordered the boys to get dressed and get going to their homes. Kyuhyun offered them a ride but Suho declined.


“You just spend time with each other hyung.” Suho said. Kyuhyun smiled and waved goodbye to the boys.


We watched the setting sun while cuddling on the sand. When the first star appeared, Kyuhyun pulled me into another massive bearhug.


“No goodbyes. Just us…us forever.” He whispered. I smiled at him, a little bit too sadly.

“Just us.” I repeated, as his lips touched mine. I responded to the kiss though my tears started falling again. He pulled away and wiped my tears again.

“Just us.” He intertwined our fingers and gently placed his lips on mine.


A soft kiss, full of meaning and sincerity. The kiss that just means one thing.

Be happy. Be happy with him.



“Seohyun. Have you been waiting long?” My dad asked me. I shook my head and got into the car.

This year is going to be hard.

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Chapter 4: thank god it's happy ending /cries/ Love this story so much!!
mydearestmia #2
Beautiful! Aarrgghh, I'm crying, but thank godness it's happy ending. Love the story!
Stand4SeoKyu #3
Chapter 4: Oh My Goooooodddd, i thought they never see each other again. U made me cry u know, but thank for the happy ending..
Chapter 4: Aww what a beautiful story
Chapter 4: D:


Beautiful story!!! Loved EXO-K, loved YoonSeoYul's friendship, loved the ATTEMPT at YongSeo (*snickers and high-fives you*), but most of all, love the SEOKYU!! :D

Amazing job!!
Chapter 2: Aww!! I knew I recognized the lyrics!! EXO-K!! Cute!! ^^
One of the nicest stories I have read in ages. Good job! :)
Omg!! Love it to the max!!