A Summer Fling


“Seohyun dear, wake up. We’re here.” My mom shook me awake. I blinked my eyes a few times and looked out of the airplane window.




We really are here.


The Incheon Airport’s familiar scene gets to me and makes me realize that summer really is over… two more days and I’d be starting my senior year in high school with my best friends Yoona and Yuri.


But a single thought would bug me for the rest of the year.


My parents offered me a choice when we arrived in our little island…I could study there or go back to Seoul. Of course I chose Seoul, I initially hated the island. The next day, my father submitted my tuition fee and enrollment papers to Seoul Star Museum University, to ensure that I would really study there.


Even if I am happy with my choice that I’d continue my studies in Seoul…I know I’d never see him again. Never again. Because what we had was just a summer fling…a way for me to enjoy myself in the isolated island. But then I ruined it by taking things too seriously.


Kyuhyun, wherever you are…Please remember me. I promise, next summer I’ll go back to the island, like what I promised to you.


“Our chauffer is here dear. Have you got all your things? Are you sure you’re okay?” My mom asked again. I nodded.


My face was a mess. My hair, a bird’s nest and my eyes? Yeah…puffy and red and sleepy and sad.


I leaned back on the leather seat of the car, closing my eyes and slowly, slowly drifting off to sleep.


Sunsets, bonfires, his lips on mine, waves smashing at our feet.


Recurring dreams and thoughts of him.


Will I ever get over him?


“Mom? I’m going up to my room…I’ll just eat dinner later.” I said to my mom as I opened the front door. My voice was rough and my body was aching to sleep.


But if I do sleep, I’ll just have dreams of my summer paradise with him… I don’t care, dreams are the only things I have of him now.


I heaved my suitcases to my room and washed my face, changing to shorts and the shirt he gave me, that day on the village garden…

Then I slept…seeing him in my dreams.





“Baby! You free today? Let’s hang!” Yoona asked me over the phone.

I wedged my phone in between my cheek and shoulder as I struggled to put my shoes on.

“I was just going to the mall babe. See you there?” I said.

“Ne! I’ll bring Yuri?”

“Sure…I missed you guys.”

“See you there okay? At our café.” Yoona said, hanging up.


I sighed as I finally got my foot in my shoe.


Kyuhyun and I always visited a small café at the edge of the island, he drinks espresso and he buys me a latte. Always, so that at night, we won’t sleep and we’ll sneak away to our secret place on the village garden.


His parents also forced him to spend his summer on the island just like me, his dad was a lawyer at a big law firm in New York and his mom manages an art school, He sometimes lives in New York with his dad or here at Korea with his mom.


He didn’t even give me his number…but even if he did, it’d be kind of useless because he was supposed to live in New York this year. And we both hate long-distance relationships. It was never really meant to work out.


“Where are you going Joo Hyun?” My dad asked me as he sipped his coffee in the kitchen. I sighed, exasperated.

“Dad, just call me Seohyun okay? I’m going to the mall to meet up with Yoona and Yuri.”

“Call me if you need someone to fetch you.”

“Ne. Annyeong appa.” I said, bowing low and exiting our house mansion.


“Yo! I’m off to the mall, wanna pass by my house for a ride?” Yuri asked me, over the phone. Second time this day that I checked my phone for a sign of him but just got disappointed.

“Sure Yuri. I’m running now.” I said as I sprinted to her house, which was a few streets away from mine.

“I’ll wait for you outside babe.” She hang up.


I took another deep breath and lengthened my stride, in no time, I was in Yuri’s garden.


She ran to hug me with a huge smile on her face.


“Ohhhh! Seohyunnie! I missed you so much…how have you been? Summer was boring without you Seohyun. I missed you.” She said, still hugging me tight.


“I missed you too Yuri. So much.” Hugging her tighter to make up for the lack of emotion in my voice. She lifted my chin up and looked at me.


“What’s wrong?”


“Nothing. Come on, Yoona will be waiting…and she doesn’t like that you know?” I said, pulling her to her car.


“You better tell me what’s wrong Seo Joo Hyun.” She glared at me as I sat down at the passenger’s seat.


“I will. But Let’s wait till we reach Yoona so I don’t have to repeat myself.” I smiled at her.


“Make sure.” She said, turning up her radio as she drove away from her house.


“What do you want to have for lunch?” She asked me, after parking.


“Anything…just as long as you’re paying.” I laughed. She smirked at me and went out of the car.


“Of course I am, it’s my treat babe.”


“Then I want sweet potatoes.”


“Lunch dear, not dessert but I’ll order sweet potato ice cream okay?”


I smiled and we walked to the café just outside the mall where Yoona was already sitting, her toes tapping on the floor. She jumped out of her seat as soon as she saw us approaching and tackled me into a bear hug.


“I missed you so bad Seohyun! I was so sad that you haven’t spent the whole summer with us, but the important thing is you’re here now! I missed you so bad.” She said, talking fast again as she placed a kiss on my cheek. Yuri laughed at us and waved us into the café to get our drinks.


“3 chocolate and caramel lattes please.” Yuri said to the counter girl who gave us the three cups fast.


We took a seat near the wide and breezy window, overlooking the mall view and started to sip our drinks quietly.


“So are you going to tell us how summer at the island went?” Yuri prompted. I took another sip of my latte before putting the cup down and taking a deep breath.


“It was…”

Romantic, exhilarating, exciting, nerve wrecking, adrenaline filled, awesome and unforgettable.


“…It was fine, normal.” I continued.


“Nope…you’re not telling us something Seo.” Yoona frowned at me. She and Yuri pulled their seats closer to mine and looked at me eagerly, determined to hear the story of my summer.


“You guys know me so well… My summer at the island was fine, my parents made me choose If I wanted to study there or here in Seoul, of course, Seoul. Then I helped my grandparents in their fishing business and I went off to the forest sometimes…then I would shop in the small shopping square.” I lamely ended.


“That’s all you did?” Yuri asked, raising her eyebrows.


“Well, not exactly.” I muttered. Yuri and Yoona exchanged smiles and leaned in closer to me to hear the real story.


“There’s no stopping you guys from prying it away from me right?” I asked.


“Even if we have to stay here all year, nothing would make us not to listen to Seohyun’s summer. I bet you broke a guy’s heart!” Yoona said.


 On the contrary, we broke each other’s hearts.


“Fine. Here it is…”



“Seohyun! You’re grandma is calling for you.!” My mother called to me from the kitchen of our cottage.

“Coming right down umma!” I shouted. I pulled on my hat and thundered down the stairs, looking out over the view. Our cottage was mostly made of glass so I can see lots of scenery and from my bedroom, I can see the beach where my granparents go fishing.


“Where is she umma?” I asked as I reached my mother, preparing fish in the kitchen.


“Just go straight to the beach, you’ll find her there. Oh and remind her to be back before six o’clock because we will go to church.” She reminded me. I nodded and walked out the door.


“Grandma! Over here!” I waved to her as she approached me on the shore, with a fishing basket on one hand, and pulling the small boat with the other.

“Let me help you.” I said as I lifted the basket away from her arms.

“Kamsahamnida Joo Hyun. Set the basket over there by the sand.” She smiled at me. I turned away but when I looked back, grandfather had joined her and was kissing her cheek.



“Grandma, Umma wanted me to tell you to be home by six, we’ll all go to mass together.” I said to them as I walked to the edge of the shore, the waves lightly lapping at my flip flops.


“Run along now Joo Hyun, we’ll be home by then, thanks for the help.” Grandpa waved me away.

I kissed them both on the cheek and ran the long way, passing through the beach, to our cottage. When I got home, the edge of my shirt and my shorts were drenched with water. My mom clucked her tongue dissaprovingly at me and curtly told me to change into something better.


“Seohyun? Come down. We’re going to the church.” My mother shouted again. I applied the last bit of lotion in my hand into my arms and raced down the stairs, my dress flying behind me. I chose to wear a flowing yellow dress so I wouldn’t feel hot and I would feel comfortable.

“You look pretty.” My dad said, hooking his arm into my waist. I am almost as tall as he is now.

“Come on let’s make it fast. We’re walking to church.” My mother said. I groaned inside but reminded myself that I’m doing this to make my parent’s happy.


“Umma! Are you joining us?” My mother called to my grandmother.

“Ne..but you go first, we’ll be right behind you.” My grandmother said.

My mother shook her head but lead me and my dad to the front of the church where we waited for them.I haven’t been here in this island for years, a lot has changed but everything stayed the same, the island was still surrounded by bodies of water and the people were still so kind and gentle…

I walked around the church before grandma and grandpa finally arrived. I saw them from far away and ran to join them. I don’t know…I just like running. Especially when the soft sand traps my feet.


“Ooops. Be careful. You might bump into someone else.” A boy said to me, holding my shoulder and steadying me. I almost would have bumped into him and fallen in the sand if he hadn’t grabbed my shoulders and helped me regain my balance.

I swatted his hand away.

“Kamsahamnida.” I said, bowing deeply. He smiled at me and turned away, he is a lot taller than I am and he looks so…intimidating. I stare at him walk away, staying rooted to the spot. He never looked back at me.


“Joo Hyun! Come here!” My dad called to me. I blinked and turned around.

“I see you’ve met Kyuhyun.” My grandpa nodded to me.

“So that’s his name? How come I’ve only seen him today…does he live here?” I asked.

“Family vacation, his family arrived here right after you did. His mom and dad wanted him to spend summer here.” My grandma confided in me.

Oh. All right.” I said as we entered the church and sat on the front pews.


“Good evening brothers and sisters…” The priest started.

I leaned back into my seat and tried to listen but I kept thinking about what would Yuri and Yoona be doing now, if only I could join them. If only there was a way to escape from this island.


“Seohyun it’s communion now, stand up.” My mother nudged my shoulder. I stood up and followed her to the line where the priest was giving out the host.


“Umma, where will we have—Oh sorry, I thought you were my mom.” I said, as I turned around, expecting to find my mom but I found myself looking at Kyuhyun’s face.


“You again.” He said plainly to me.

“Yes it’s me…I’m Seohyun.” I said though I did not extend my hand because it doesn’t seem right.

“Kyuhyun.” He said and turned me to face the priest who put a host in front of my face.

He smiled as I walked away.


“What was that Joo Hyun?” My grandmother asked me as I sat down beside her.


I just shrugged as the mass ended and my mother herded me out of the church. I saw a glimpse of Kyuhyun’s family before I walked away. He looked bored and cold while his mom and dad looked strict, very strict.




“Is that all? Seohyun-ah!” Yuri demanded of me. I smiled as I remembered the days that came after our first meeting in the village church.

“You’re smiling…there’s more to the story right?” Yoona asked. I nodded and felt my cheeks go red.

“Well...? Are you going to tell us?” Yuri excitedly said.


“Okay. Here I go. Well, the next day after that, My mom took me and my gradmother shopping in the small village square and guess who turns up in the middle of the village square in his bike?...” I paused for dramatic effect.

Yoona took a deep breath and waved for me to go on, Yuri raised her eyebrows eagerly and asked “So Kyuhyun was there?”


“Ne. He was there riding his bike through the village, he almost smashed my body when he didn’t brake his bike fast enough. I was holding the shopping bags in my hands and when I turned around, I dropped the bags because he was coming right at me. He stopped right in front, and I mean right in front of me just in time.”






“Must we always meet like this Joohyun? Almost trampling each other?” He laughed as he got out of his bike and helped me gather the shopping bags.

“Annyeong Kyuhyun-ah. Seems like we always meet like this. Kamsahamnida.” I said as I hoisted the bags into my arms again.

“Your welcome.” He said as he boarded his bike again. As he drove away, I stared at him again, rooted to the spot just like last night.


“KYUHYUN-AH! WAIT!” I ran to catch up with him. I really must love running to be running after this guy.

“WAIT!” I stopeed as he stopped his bike in front of me.


“Don’t call me Joo Hyun by the way, call me Seohyun.” I said, breathless.

He raised his eyebrows at me and said “Since you call me Kyuhyun, just call me Kyuhyun... just in case we meet again.”


“Oh okay. Well then see you around” I waved at him and turned around.


“Seohyun! Do you want to come with me?” He shouted after me, already matching his pedaling with my walking pace.


“Come with you?”


“Yes. With me.”




“The west beach…You do look like you dressed for the beach.” He nodded at my outfit. A white shirt, floral shorts and my shades.


“And why should I come with you?” I asked him hesitantly.


“Because I can tell that you need the beach…or the view of it anyway.” He said. I smiled at him as I walked and as he pedaled back into the village square.

I do need something to lift my bad mood and this is it. I’ve never been to the west beach and suddenly here is Kyuhyun, an immediate trip to the beach.


“Okay. Take me to the beach. I’ll just have to leave these with my mom.” I said. He jumped out of his bike and helped me carry the bags to my mom, who was staring at Kyuhyun dumbfounded.


“Mrs. Seo, I would like to ask for your permission if I can take Seohyun to the beach.” Kyuhyun formally said, bowing to my mom. My mom smiled at me and said that I should be home by 9 and I should be safe. Kyuhyun promised my mom that he’ll keep me safe and we walked back to his bike.


“You don’t have to be so formal Kyuhyun-ah.” I smirked.

“Nah. It’s fine, I quite enjoyed being formal.” He laughed. He looked really cute when he laughs, his mouth goes curvy and his eyes turn into half crecents.

“So let’s go to the beach.” He said.

“Will you carry me on your bike?” I asked, smiling…his body was of a good build, muscular but lean. His face was…aaarrrrggghhh.


“I can’t.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “We can always walk however.” He said, taking my hand in his and leading me the way to the west beach.


“It’s a bit far from here but, I can carry you if you turn tired.” He said, still not letting go of my hand.

“I can walk…” I said as my cheeks got redder and my stomach back flips.




“So why are you here in—“

“How come you’re staying here—“


We smiled at each other and he waved for me to be the first to talk.


“What brings you here to the island?” I asked.


“My mom and dad made me…told me I needed a break before I start my senior year. This would be perfect they said. So far, so good. Meeting you last night was what made it better.” He said, looking away.


“My mom and dad made me too! Oh and meeting you is somewhat weird and nice. I can tell we’ll be great friends.” I said to him, squeezing his hand.


“Weird? Huh. Why?”


“Out of all the people I could’ve almost bumped into last night at the church…the person was you. And you almost hitting me with your bike…it could’ve been anyone but it was me. Weird right?”


“Definitely. But at least I got to know someone who feels the same way about being trapped in an island.”


“Ditto.” I said. We walked on for awhile and when we finally get to the beach, I knew the little bits and pieces of his life that he shared with me. He also knew some about my life. We talked and talked and talked. When the waves crashed around our feet and when the sea breeze messed with our hair…we talked and when he dropped me off in my house, when I had already locked the door of my room behind me, when I was under the blankets, when I was looking out of the glass window to the stars…

I knew for sure that I liked this guy…even if I just met him 24 hours ago.




“Ooohh! Let’s continue later, for now let’s find a place for lunch.” Yuri said. I stood up with them , out of the café and into the mall…my heart fluttering as I relived my summer romance with Kyuhyun.

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Chapter 4: thank god it's happy ending /cries/ Love this story so much!!
mydearestmia #2
Beautiful! Aarrgghh, I'm crying, but thank godness it's happy ending. Love the story!
Stand4SeoKyu #3
Chapter 4: Oh My Goooooodddd, i thought they never see each other again. U made me cry u know, but thank for the happy ending..
Chapter 4: Aww what a beautiful story
Chapter 4: D:


Beautiful story!!! Loved EXO-K, loved YoonSeoYul's friendship, loved the ATTEMPT at YongSeo (*snickers and high-fives you*), but most of all, love the SEOKYU!! :D

Amazing job!!
Chapter 2: Aww!! I knew I recognized the lyrics!! EXO-K!! Cute!! ^^
One of the nicest stories I have read in ages. Good job! :)
Omg!! Love it to the max!!