I'm Byun Baekhyun's wife!


OTL, was the previous chapter that confusing? >< Aigoooo, mian. I shall conclude the whole chapter okay? Summarrry. LOL Yes. 




Summary of Chapter 2O


Baekhyun was excited to meet his friend which he was close to until he was choosen by SM, and that caused a quarrel. Thinking things were fine already, Baekhyun is very happy. On the way to the cafe, Baekhyun happily talks about how good his friend is etc. However, Heeyoung had second thoughts about his friend immediately after seeing his friend's evil smile and etc. She then overheard a conversation of his friend badmouthing about someone (Which seemed to be Baekhyun), but not being sure if it was Baekhyun or not, she decided to take things in her own hands and tested the guy.

She first pretends not to know Baekhyun and called out him loudly causing fangirls to go after Baekhyun and made Baekhyun go away. After that, she sits down and chat with his friend and found out she was right indeed.

 After Baekhyun ditches the fangirls, he returns back still in hopes of catching up with his friend. But after he called Heeyoung and when he saw Heeyoung coming out of the cafe alone, his anger rose. But what made it worst was a message he recieved by his friend accusing him of taking Heeyoung to ill-treat him in some ways or whatever. Baekhyun then got angry and quarrelled with Heeyoung and finally leaves after declaring his hate for her.


And as for many of you who asked what did 'So you know?' by Baekhyun meant, it was a sarcastic comment. Because Heeyoung pretended not to know him in the cafe at first and caused him to run out of the cafe to ditch the fangirls. 


Anyone still confused? ><  Lol, I wasn't going to update so soon till I saw all the comments about how confusing that chapter was. >< I should go back and like edit. OTL .... T_T



Chapter 21 -  Birthday

My P.O.V


           Baekhyun's really mad at me. It's been a week and he haven't spoke a single word to me. He slept with me as usual the first night, then he moved to the living room. It's killing me, the silence and the ignorance of my presense. He practically acted as though he was the only one living in the house. 

           "Are you going out?" I asked for the first time after the quarrel as he wore his shirt while holding on to his bag, probably going to practice again.

           He didn't reply and plugged in his earpiece, ignoring me.

           "Baekhyun." I called out again, but he already shut the door tight. I sighed as I got ready for the day, I'm not very free today.


Baekhyun's P.O.V


           I plugged in my earpiece, not wanting to hear her talk. It's so frustrating, I called my friend back so many times this whole week after the whole incident but he isn't picking up.

          Normally, I wouldn't be so fed up with anyone at all, but the thing is, I can't stand it anymore. I can't stand the fact Heeyoung seems to take all things for granted. And, it's just so frustrating, I was so happy and excited to meet my friend once again to only have something like this happening and she says it's all for my own good. 

           I made my way to the practice room, "Hey." I greeted everyone.

           But they were gloomy, I noticed Minhee wasn't there, "Where's Minhee?" I asked.

           "Minhee... " Sehun paused, "Minhee's grandma is hospitalised, and you know how close she is with her grandma." Sehun stated. Of course I know. I sighed, she certainly needs a lot of comfort right now.

           "Can't we visit her now?" I asked.

           "We can't. It will take hours and we have schedules today." Suho answered. I sighed and nodded as I glanced at the clock. *Today's going to be long day.*

           We practiced a while before bathing and getting ready for our schedules. "I hope Minhee's grandma is fine." Tao pouted as the makeup artist applied the makeup for us.

           "Baekhyun, look here." The makeup artist pulled my head and tried to apply make up. I sighed.


           It was already late night by the time we finished all our schedules, "Baekhyun get over here!" The manager hissed and I quickly got over.

           "You're going to get everyone at Minhee's okay?" I nodded, but then someone bumped onto us

           "Aish!" I mumbled as I felt a wet substance getting on me, "Wha-"

           "I'm really sorry!" A girl apologised and bowed, "Really sorry!"

           "It's okay." I muttered as I tried to sweep the wet sticky juice away.

           Tao got over here, "Hyung, we're going now." I nodded.

           "Forget it, Tao you get everyone there. I'll be going to change, you tell me the address later." He nodded and went off with the others. 

           I sighed as I realised I had to go home to get changed as I only have my training clothes with me and it's smelly and sweaty. I don't want that.

           I returned home to find it brightly lit and... nice smelling(?), "Baekhyun!" Heeyoung cheerfully chirped, totally different from what I am feeling right now: moody, sticky, unhappy, angry.


My P.O.V


           After I washed up, I hurriedly left out. I went for the market first, choosing the fresh ingredients and such. Yeap, I actually can't believe I'm doing this too. But, maybe I just want some forgiveness and happiness today. Maybe, just to let Baekhyun know I'm really sorry. 

           I left the market with huge bags full of stuff and went for the cake shop, "Uh, Park Heeyoung." I said to cashier. 

           "Ah! Park Heeyoung." She said and went through a list of paper, "Here you go." She gave me the paper to sign before getting the cake.

           "Thanks." I said and hurried home. 

           I placed the cake in the fridge and started working. I spread the ingredients around and divided them equally for each things I was cooking. Yes, I'm cooking. I hope it will taste okay. At least edible, I hardly cook and I always had guidance.

           "So..." I stared at everything, "Where do we start?"

           The whole process of the cooking was 'terrific'! I ended up cutting my fingers, burning my hand, and screaming whenever the oil popped. I guess the vegetables were wet!

           After what seemed like an enternity of hell, I laid out the food on the dining table. I sighed happily, feeling extremely pleased. Now all that's left is waiting for Baekhyun, I breathe out and bit my lips as I hoped and prayed that my food would be at the very least edible. I rubbed my hands that had blisters and such and forced a big smile. Right, if I needed Baekhyun to forgive me, I need to put in some attitude as well, good, positive attitude.

           "Baekhyun!" I called cheerfully as I rushed out of the kitchen as soon as I heard the doors opening, "You're home! I cooked!" I smiled. I hope he doesn't hate this nor judge it too badly, I rarely step into the kitch-

           "Eat them yourself, I'm not free tonight." He said and got into the bathroom. I frowned. What did he just say? I stared at him as he passed by me as though I was invisible, bumping slightly onto me as he walked away. I felt anger raising inside me as I felt like screaming at him.

           "What exactly is it?" I tried to say as nicely as possible, as I clenched onto my jaws, "I made it clear what I've done is good for you. So what exactly is it?" I raised my voice slightly. I can't accept his silent treatment anymore, I tried okay? I tried to amend. The very least he could do is appreciate!

          However, he wet his towel and took off his shirt, not even caring I was there. He wiped his body and changed into fresh clothes, "Yah!" I blocked his way from exiting. He merely turned to give me a piercing glare.

           "Fine, I admit defeat, I apologise okay? I'm sorry! I'm ing sorry!" I shouted but he still ignored me, he quickly packed some stuffs into another bag of his and grabbed it and was ready to go again

           "Baekhyun." I held onto his hands, "I said I'm sorry." I gently whispered as myself on the verge on breaking down.

          I wasn't someone to apologise. Heck, I don't even remember apologising sincerely without sarcasm to anyone after... I don't know. So, an apology from me is something I say... very emotional.

           "Please." I pleaded. This is the first time I actually ever beg or plead someone, please Baekhyun, "Please." I mumbled again, he stopped for a moment and sighed before roughly pulled my hands off and left, slamming the door.

           I dropped to the floor as I heard him slam the door shut, "Was I really not worth more than that friend?" My head hung low as my tears dripped.

           The home phone rang but I continued sitting with my head hung low, "Heeyoung ah! You must be out having a good time with Baekhyun since you're not answering right? Have fun, we all miss you. Happy birthday Heeyoung!" The answering machine said, "Unnie, I'm sorry I didn't spend your birthday with you! Umma didn't let me! Huhuhu, aigo. Time to go, byebye! I love you!" The call ended.

           I hugged my knees as I thought about how I could have been having fun, if I actually hadn't bothered. If I actually just went out to party and be just Heeyoung. I cried for another good long minutes before standing up. I stared at the food that was on the dining table, placed nicely, then I bit my lips and grabbed them all, throwing them all in the bin.

           "It was made for you anyway." I mumbled, as I threw them all away. I got to the fridge and took the cake out, and it landed in the dustbin too.

           Now, even if it's late. I'll enjoy myself.


Baekhyun's P.O.V


           I really wanted to stay, tell her I would stay and eat what she've done. But I couldn't help it, the anger inside me grew as she shouted. But at the very last moment as she held onto me, I really wanted to stay. I really really had the urge. But I just needed her to learn a lesson. Plus, Minhee needs me more now, I can get back to her another day and she can always cook another day.

           I rushed over to the hospital and ran over to where Minhee was sitting and crying. Everyone was having gloomy expressions as Tao held her hands.

           "Hey, you okay?" I mumbled as I knelt before her and wiped her tears away. "She'll be fine. She's a strong grandma remember? Since the very first day I met her till now. She will be all fine." I said as I hugged her.

           "I can't afford to lose her." She cried out loud, I held her tightly and her head, "It's all okay. Don't worry."

           I continued hugging her for about 45 minutes or so and finally the doctor came out, "Ms. Kang Minhee?" Minhee immediately stood up.

           "Me." She quickly went over, we all quickly went over as well.

           "Your grandma is out of the critical condition, however, she will be monitored really closely right now." Minhee nodded, "For the meantime, you still can't visit her." Minhee nodded again then the doctor left after we thanked him.

           "She's fine!" Minhee broke out in tears of joy, hugging me.

           "Told you so." I smiled as I kissed her head, "It's okay now."



Almightybling: Gah, I'm going to edit the previous chapter now and try to make it less confusing. Sorry readers. D: 


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18 streak #1
One of my fav stories
Came back after all these years to read it again
gogogirl26 #2
Chapter 63: I like her charachter here. y as always. Lol
Thankyou for this sweet story :)
Chapter 6: Beakhyun love his teddy. Cutee.
nnmsdks #4
Its a looong chapter~ YEHET I LOVE THIS, *SUBSCRIBED
Chapter 63: This story's makes my day!! I'm bored these days but i smile a lot when i read this. And the slightangst also made this story more exiciting. Actually baekhee is cute, and i love the so much!! :)
Chapter 63: LOVE IT!!! thumbs up for you~~
asal000 #7
Chapter 63: I ALOMOST CRIEND WHEN I READ ABOUT THE ACCIDENT!!!!!! loved the story!!!!!!! THANK YOU!!!
Kazia_s #8
Chapter 63: Omg ch 31 tho.. LOOL ! Just finished this story and I loved it!!! :)
vinthisworld #9
Chapter 63: So you were responsible to your story. That's just so kind you know. Because, nowadays, there were so much storiesㅡfics or books that left untouched anymore, unfinished, uncompleted.
vinthisworld #10
Chapter 59: Nope, it's not that confusing tho