O4 : Where to go ?

Just a SHINee l3liss-ful Feeling


Kaeyoung - Light Blue

Minjee - Red

Yunmie's Speech - Purple

Kerei - Hot Pink

Reeguen - Blue

Jonghyun - Light Blue Highlight

Minho - Yellow Highlight

Onew - Orange

Key - Brownish Purple Underline

Taemin - Navy Underline






|| Day Two -Thursday || @ SM High || Cafeteria || 10.09AM ||


Minjee handed in the form and walked back to the Cafeteria. She saw her friends sitting down and seemed to be engrossed in the conversation. 

Minjee : Yo ! What were you guys chatting about while I was gone ?

Kerei : Not much actually.

Minjee : Then what ?

Yunmie : YOU! We were talking about you! *laughs*

Minjee : *Mehrong* I don't believe you.

Reeguen : We were talking about how to be nice... 


Reeguen showed Minjee the notebook. 


Minjee : Oh cool. *sits down beside Kaeyoung* 

Kaeyoung : How's it? What did Mrs Kim said?

Minjee : Mrs Kim said that she would approve it by tonight and we can start tomorrow *grins* 

Kaeyoung : Good. *beams Minjee a smile* 

Reeguen : Let's go to the library ! 

Minjee : YES PLEASE ! 

Reeguen : I want to enjoy the cold air in the Library!

Minjee : ME TOO ! *smiles* I WAN'T TO BE A LIB- WAIT WHAT ? *glares at Reeguen*

Kaeyoung : *laughs* 

Kerei : Reeguen wanted to enjoy the air conditioner and Minjee wants to be a Librarian. *giggles*

Yunmie : OMG HAHAHAHHAHAH *claps* 

Reeguen : Ooopsy... 

Kerei : Hmm but I wanna go see our studio first then head to the Sports Hall. *pouts*

Yunmie : I wanna go to the Theatre!

Reeguen : Library for air-con ! 

Minjee : No... Not just for air-con... Borrow books too okay?! Then we will go to the indoor Swimming pool.

Yunmie : NO! THEATRE! 

Kerei : YAH ! I SAID DANCE STUDIO! *frowns*

Reeguen and Minjee : Library! 

Yunmie : Theatre... The library is so boring! 

Minjee : Fine then go to the Swimming pool...

Kerei : No. Never.

Yunmie : Yeah... The Theatre is better. We can watch those drama kids act !

Reeguen : *huff* I wan't to go to the computer lab then !

Kerei : FOR? Don't be ridiculous ! 

Kaeyoung just stared at them...



Yunmie : Eeesh. The Theatre is also air-conditioned.

Reeguen : Okay, then the Theatre. 

Kerei : Dance Studio !

Minjee : We can go to our Dance Studio anytime ! I wan't to go swimming !

Kerei : But we don't even have a swimming costume ! 

Kaeyoung : OKAY ! SHUT UP! 


Everyone quietened down and looked at her.


Kaeyoung : We will... Uhh... Go Shopping ! And we will decided on what to do when we come back okay? 

Others : Okay...





|| Day Two -Thursday || @ Seoulove Mall || First Floor || 12.50AM ||


The girls stood at the ground floor of Seoulove Mall and looked around curiously. They decided to split up to shop. Kaeyoung, Minjee and Yunmie one group while the two younger ones (Kerei and Reeguen) are together. 


Kerei : Reeguenie ! Let's go to the third floor! *pulls Reeguen towards the escalator*

Reeguen : OKAY! 


The two dongsaengs waddled their way up.


Yunmie : Okay... Where do we go?

Kaeyoung : Let's shop on the first floor first.

Minjee : Hmm sure. 


The three girls started walking to the clothes shop. They stopped at a Dress shop. They took dresses of their choices and took turns to change. Yunmie was first and she hurried in to change while Minjee and Kaeyoung sat down and waited. When Yunmie was done, she walked out and twirled in circles.


Yunmie : How do I look?


Minjee : Uhm... *shakes head*

Kaeyoung : NO ! 

Yunmie : Okay. *walks back in to change* 


Yunmie walked out again in another dress.


Minjee : Nah. 

Kaeyoung : Doesn't suit you. 


Yunmie went back to change.

Yunmie : This ? 


Kaeyoung : A KEEPER ! 

Yunmie : Okay *smiles* 

Minjee : How many are you gonna buy? O_O 

Yunmie : Two dresses at least? I brought alot money today *walks back in to change* 


Yunmie walked out with another outfit.


Minjee : Average.

Yunmie : But I like it so I'll take it. 

Kaeyoung : Mmkays. 


Yunmie changed out from her dress. She took the two dresses that was chosen and placesd the rest back. Then it was Minjee's turn.



Kaeyoung : Too revealing. A big NO. 

Yunmie : *covers face* OMONA... 

Minjee : *laughs* okiedokie.


Minjee came out and walked epicly but in a gay way.

Kaeyoung : HAHAHHAA. Gosh, Jee...


Kaeyoung and Yunmie : KEEPER !

Minjee : I know right *winks and walk back into the dressing room*

Kaeyoung : Is that all?

Minjee : *peeks out from the room* Nope. *mehrong*

Kaeyoung : Kay. *expressionless face*

Minjee and Yunmie : *yells* COLD !

Kaeyoung : *laughs* am not !



Kaeyoung and Yunmie : Another keeper. 


Minjee : How about this one?


Kaeyoung : Not bad...

Yunmie : Hmm... Don't take it.

Minjee : Okay. 


Minjee changed back into her original outfit and paid for her two dresses. 



Kaeyoung nodded, took her dresses and went into the dressing room.


Yunmie : Good. Take it.

Minjee : You can consider it. It looks nice on ya ! *grins* 

Kaeyoung : Kay *walks back in*

Yunmie : *whispers* She's so cold...

Minjee : Typical Cold Kaeyoung... 

Kaeyoung : *yells* I CAN HEAR YOU !

Minjee : oops *giggles*



Yunmie and Minjee gave Kaeyoung a smile and a thumbs up.


Minjee : a definite yes. 


Kaeyoung nodded and went back in to change.


Yunmie : Nope. 


Kaeyoung took the dresses that she wants and left the shop with Minjee and Yunmie. They were pretty satisfied but of course, they wanted to shop for more...


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Ne ! I will <3