O3 : Be Nice.

Just a SHINee l3liss-ful Feeling


Kaeyoung - Light Blue

Minjee - Red

Yunmie's Speech - Purple

Kerei - Hot Pink

Reeguen - Blue

Jonghyun - Light Blue Highlight

Minho - Yellow Highlight

Onew - Orange

Key - Brownish Purple Underline

Taemin - Navy Underline





|| Day Two -Thursday || @ SM High || Cafeteria || 9.47AM ||


l3liss finished filling in their form and Minjee went to hand it up at the Office while the others chatted.


(Minjee is not around) 

Yunmie : I can't wait for the Headmaster to approve and register us ! 

Kerei : We might even start class tomorrow... 

Yunmie : I know right ! 

Kerei : Is that even good ? O.o 

Yunmie : YEAH ! I think ! *Shrugs* I'm kinda excited because the classes and courses are so special. You?

Kerei : I don't know... I don't feel excited, happy, nervous nor upset. I'm just feeling normal, as usual. 

Reeguen : I'm nervous. 

Kaeyoung : You don't have to be, just relax. It's only classes, little girl. 

Yunmie : Not just classes but... but.... What is that word?!

Kaeyoung : Peers ?

Yunmie : Yep, that ! 

Kerei : I just hope that my classmates would like me... *grins* 

Yunmie and Reeguen : ME TOO !

Kaeyoung : Yeah... Getting your peers to like you is pretty important too *smiles* 

Yunmie : Unni... How do you make people like you? 

Kaeyoung : Huh ? What ? 

Yunmie : How do you make people like you? Or make friends with you?

Reeguen : Yeah... How? 

Kaeyoung : *laughs* Why did you guys ask me that question?

Reeguen : Because you always make people like you! 

Kaeyoung : No i don't really do that... I have my flaws too... 

Kerei : I don't care ! What is your special move? *Widen her eyes OuO* 

Kaeyoung : *Leans away from Kerei* ._. 

Yunmie : *takes out a mini-torch light* SPEAK ! *turns on the light and points it at Kaeyoung* 

Kaeyoung : o.o Why did you bring a torch light out? 

Reeguen : *shakes Kaeyoung's shoulders* Tell usssssssss ~ 

Yunmie : Yah ! Don't change the topic. *Evil face >:)* 

Kaeyoung : I am not changing the topic... 

Kerei : Howhowhow ?! 

Kaeyoung : Kyaaaa ! *Covers face* Get that bright beam off my face first ! 

Yunmie : *Giggles* Okay... *Turns off torchlight* 

Kerei : Now tell us !

Kaeyoung : *removes hand off face* Okay... Just be yourself... Be nice... 

Reeguen : Is that all? 

Kerei : I don't believe you !

Kaeyoung : too bad then. 

Yunmie : YAH ! Tell us ! 

Kaeyoung : I did... Just be yourself. No matter what others say about you, don't get angry. Take it easy on yourself... Sometimes, when others insult you, don't blame them... Don't argue back. Don't hate them... 

Kerei : Then what do we do ?! 

Kaeyoung : Relfect on yourself. And I always remember to thank those people who criticised me, because those are the people that pointed out my flaws, whether I know about it or not. When I reflect, I think about how to make myself better. Then when people sees you change and becomes a better person, they would eventually like you. I guess that is how? 

Reeguen : Anymore? *scribbles onto a notebook* 

Kaeyoung : Be yourself. But don't be a mean person. 

Yunmie : What if myself is mean? 

Kaeyoung : You're not. No one is borned mean nor evil. It depends on them, themselves. I believe everyone is good... *smiles*

Yunmie : I see... That is pretty useful ! 

Reeguen : *scribbles more* 

Kerei : Okay thanks ! 

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Ne ! I will <3