O2 : Classes

Just a SHINee l3liss-ful Feeling

Kaeyoung - Light Blue

Minjee - Red

Yunmie's Speech - Purple

Kerei - Hot Pink

Reeguen - Blue

Jonghyun - Light Blue Highlight

Minho - Yellow Highlight

Onew - Orange

Key - Brownish Purple Underline

Taemin - Navy Underline 



|| Day Two -Thursday || @ Girls Dorm || Room G11 || 8.26AM ||


The girls' outfits



accessories, asian, bag, chain, fashion



(Only the Outfit, not the looks or hair)



beauty, bike, body, fashion, girl, girl in paradise



(Only the outfit, not the looks nor hair)



(Only the outfit, not the looks nor hair)


Kaeyoung : *Yawns* Uurh, I'm so tired ~

Reeguen : Wake up ~

Kerei : *Jumps on bed*

Kaeyoung : *Turns away from the two girls*

Reeguen : Unni, what to do ?

Kerei : *Shrugs*


Minjee and Yunmie came in, all dressed.


Minjee : WHAT ?! You're sleeping even after you are dressed?

Yunmie : Kae Unni ! Wake up ! *Shakes Kaeyoung*

Reeguen : It is useless shaking her.

Yunmie : Then what do we do ?!



Kaeyoung shot of bed, screaming as she punched her pillow. The other four girls laughed at her. Kaeyoung blushed... She was tricked. She shot them a cold glare and they stoppde laughing immediately.


Kerei : Let's go ! *Runs out of the room*

Yunmie : Race you to the front door... *Runs after Kerei*


Minjee and Reeguen gasped and quickly ran out of Kaeyoung's room while Kaeyoung strolled her way out. They locked their door and went to the Commendation Hall. The Hall was cold due to the air-conditioners, but pretty quiet as there were only about Twelve students, including l3liss. This assembly was made for the Twelve new students. The headmaster stepped onto stage and the soft murmurs died off.


Headmaster : Goodmorning students.

Twelve Students : *Bows* Goodmorning.

Headmaster : I am your headmaster, Mrs Kim. Mr Lee Soo Man is your Principal, of course. And welcome to SM High.

The Twelves students clapped and cheered.


Headmaster Mrs Kim : Alright. Today, you will be receiving your Handbook, Timetable and some useful stuffs.

A few teachers appeared and gave out the Handbooks, Blue ring files that contains the timetable and classes, School uniforms (To be worn on special occasions), Locker Keys and a Practice Studio's Key. Each band would have their own Practice Studio and each student would have his/her own locker.


The headmaster, Mrs Kim brief them more about SM High - its History, its Idols and everything about it. From the school to the company and to the SM Family.




|| Day Two - Thursday || @ SM High || Cafeteria || 9.00AM ||


Kerei : *Looks at the Timetable* I'm in Class 7D for Form class.

Minjee : Mine too *Hifives Kerei*

Yunmie : Oh I'm in 7D for form class too ! *smiles*

Kaeyoung : I'm in form class 8C

Reeguen : I'm in 5C ! 

Kaeyoung : So... What are your choices for classes?

Minjee : Hmmm... *Looks at the classes list* Maybe Chinese, as my second language... That's all that I had decided.

Yunmie : Did you heard that we may be mixed around? Look at the 'Special Classes' column ! 

Kaeyoung : I know. Those are the classes that have mixed ages. 

Kerei : Yeayeayea. I want Singing, Drama and Dancing. 

Reeguen : But unnies, the classes that is under 'Normal Classes' only have Six courses - The four common languages, Korean, Japanese, Chinese and English, Maths and lastly Science... 


Normal Courses (MINIMUM of 4, two languages and fixed Maths and Science) 

1. Korean

2. Japanese

3. Chinese

4. English

5. Maths

6. Science 


Kaeyoung : You're right. 

Kerei : Yah ! It says that you will have to choose between those Six courses. 

Minjee : Hmm... We have to choose a minimum of two languages, including Korean. So I guess we only have one choice to make... 

Yunmie : I'll pick Japanese ! 

Minjee : Chinese ! 

Yunmie : Japanese ! 

Minjee : Chinese !

Kerei : QUIET BOTH OF YOU! So noisy ! 

Reeguen : Unnies... Just choose your own language and stop arguing.


Kaeyoung just ignored them and read on the list. 


Kerei : I will pick English ! *smiles* 

Reeguen : English is fun ! I will pick Chinese and English ! 

Kerei : Yah ~ Waeyo ? It will be so tiring ... *Makes a tired face* Like this !

Reeguen : *Giggles* But i like it.

Yunmie : It is really tiring, Guenie. Think about it first. 

Minjee : Yeah... I like English too but I had learnt it before and I think I'm quiet fluent in it. *Winks* 

Kerei : Yuck ! *Imitates Minjee's Wink* 


Reeguen and Yunmie laughed.


Kerei : Kae, what about you? 

Kaeyoung : *Looks up from the list* Japanese and English. 


Kaeyoung : ._. 

Minjee : Kay, now Maths and Science. 

Kerei : It didn't say that we have to choose between them...

Reeguen : So it means that we have to take both?

Yunmie : Uhm... Maybe?

Kaeyoung : Yes we have to... *Still reading the list* 

Yunmie : Okay... Now the Special Courses.


Minjee : FIVE?! 

Reeguen : *Gasped* Isn't that too much... ? Back in the international school in America, there isn't so many right? 

Yunmie and Kerei : YEAH ! 

Kaeyoung : Anniyo, it isn't alot though. 

Minjee : Eeesh. You said that because you always take so many classes.

Kerei : That is true... 

Kaeyoung : *shrugs* Now see what I mean when I always urge you guys to take up more classes? 

Kerei : Yeayeayea...

Yunmie : Whatever...

Minjee : *Laughs* Kaeyoung and her wise words, accompanied by YunRei's attack! 

Kerei : *Giggles* Minjee and her forever lame words. 

Yunmie : I know right ! *Hifives Kerei* 

Reeguen : Okayokay... Let's look at the list !


Special Courses (MINIMUM of 5)

1. French

2. Italian

3. German

4. Additional Maths

5. Art

6. Drama

7. Singing

8. Dancing

9. Technology and Engineering

10. Music and Instruments

11. Food and Nutrition

12. Technology Design

13. Interior Design

14. Fashion Design

15. Sports and Physical Education

16. History

17. Geography

18. Biology

19. Chemistry

20. Physics 


Extras (MINIMUM of 2)


1. Book Club

2. Technology Club

3. Photography Club

4. Adventure and Detective Club

5. Green and Environmental Friendly Club



1. Swimming

2. Track and Field

3. Badminton

4. Basketball

5. Soccer

6. Netball

7. Rugby

8. Cheerleading 

9. Volleyball

10. Hockey

11. Tennis

12. Gymnastics


Minjee : WOW. SO MANY ! 

Reeguen : Yeahhhh ! 

Kerei : Let's quickly pick them.


They filled in the form. 


Reeguen's Form 

Name : Im Reeguen

Age : 15

Form Class : 5C

Normal Courses : Korean, Chinese, English, Maths and Science

Special Courses : Singing, Dancing, Chemistry, Music and Instruments, Art and History and Physica Education

Extras : Adventure and Detective Club, Swimming and Cheerleading


Kerei's Form

Name : Kim Kerei

Age : 17

Form Class : 7D

Normal Courses : Korean, English, Maths and Science.

Special Courses : Art, Drama, Singing, Dancing, Fashion Design, Music and Instruments and Sports and Physical Education.

Extras : Badminton, Swimming and Adventure and Detective Club


Yunmie's Form

Name : Lee Yunmie

Age : 17

Form Class : 7D

Normal Courses : Korean, Japanese, Maths and Science

Special Courses : Drama, Singing, Dancing, Fashion Design, Chemistry and Food and Nutrition, Sports and Physical Education

Extras : Photography Club, Adventure and Detective Club, Track and Field and Swimming


Minjee's Form

Name : Kwang Minjee

Age : 17

Form Class : 7D

Normal Courses : Korean, Chinese, English, Maths and Science

Special Courses : Singing, Dancing, Sports and Physical Education, Geography, Biology and Interior Design

Extras : Book Club, Photography Club, Adventure and Detective Club, Swimming and Badminton


Kaeyoung's Form

Name : Oh Kaeyoung

Age : 18 

Form Class : 8C

Normal Courses : Korean, Japanese, English, Maths and Science

Special Courses : Art, Singing, Dancing, Fashion Design, Interior Design, Sports and Physical Education, History, Geography and Biology.

Extras : Photography Club, Adventure and Detective Club, Swimming, Netball and Badminton

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Ne ! I will <3