Leukemia and Asthmatic

Make You Believe


“So, you are going home now? Where is Changmin?” Junsu asked.

“He said that he has something to do” she replied.

“Are you okay to go back alone? You want me to send you back?” he offered.

“I’m okay by the way I don’t want to burden you. So, I just go by myself” she said.

“Nah, I’m okay. Anyway, I’m going back using this road us-“ Before he could finish his sentence, Jihyun cut him.

“Oh, really? I’m using this way too. So maybe we are neighbors” she said excitedly.

“What number is your house?” he asked.

“Number 66” she replied.

“Oh, mine is 64. So we are neighbors!” Junsu said and he accidentally dropped his books from his hand. He quickly picked it up with full of embarrassment. He wants to look cool in front of Jihyun but he accidentally made himself look dumb. Jihyun saw the incident and helped him to pick it up.

“These books are heavy. Why don’t you put it in your bag?” she asked.

“My bag was heavy already so I need to hold some of them by myself” he said.

“Since your bag can’t afford to hold it anymore, let me help you” she said and took three thick text books from Junsu’s hand without waiting for him to reply.

“No, it’s okay. I can do it” Jihyun try to load his bag and she was shocked looking at how heavy his bag was.

 “Yah, this amount of load can break your shoulder” she said.

“Never mind, we are almost there” he said. Now he really looked dumb in front of her.

“If you need help, don’t hesitate to ask me. I’ll help you” she said and smiled at him.

After that….

“Oh, we’re here!” she said and pressed the door bell. “Junsu ah, thanks for accompanied me back home”

“No big deal. We’re neighbors. I think we can go home together from now on. How is it?” he asked.

“That is not a problem” she said.

“Ah, before that, can I have your number?” Junsu asked again.

“Sure” Junsu gave his phone and she pressed the button.

“Here” she said and returned his phone.

“I’ll give you a message for my number” Junsu said and waved at her before went into the house.

-The next day-

They met at the main school gate and unfortunately, Changmin came with another girl, the same girl that Junsu saw yesterday. Jihyun glared at the couple without any expression. This made Junsu hard to interpret her feelings right now. Girls should cry or slap at others face but Jihyun was different than different.

"Jihyun ah…?" Junsu suddenly spoke to break the silence.

"Ne?" after a moment she replied.

"Gwaenchana?" Junsu asked.

"For what?" Jihyun still smiled at him even though Changmin flirting direct in front of her.

"About…." He was reluctant to say it but Jihyun cut his line first.

"I'm okay about it. Don't worry, I am a strong…girl" she said, close to her tears. Now Junsu can really see that she was trying her best not to cry in front of him. The bell rang and both of them walked to their own class.

While waiting for their teacher to come, he saw two shadow of someone. He then looked up and saw Changmin with his new girlfriend. They waved to each other and the girl left and headed to her class.

Changmin seat was changed by their biology teacher. He was asked to seat beside Junsu. So, he walked to his seat and greeted his friend, Junsu. Junsu looked up and corrected his position and rolled his eyes to Changmin.

"yah, you looks so happy huh?" Junsu said while resting his hand under his chin.

"mwo? What are you talking about?" he asked Junsu back.

"I said that you are happy with the new girl, right?" he said with a smirk.

"You mean Jihyun. Yea, I'm happy with her. She was kind, cute and many more" Changmin said. Junsu patted his table hardly and produced a loud sound, causing the whole class to look at him. He then stood and grabbed Changmin's collar.

"Yah, you better do something before I cut off your head" he said. The class became quiet liked there were nobody in the house. They were shocked at Junsu's sudden action. All they know is Junsu was kind and sweet guy. Never get involve into a fight or argue. Junsu led go his collar and walked out from his class.

"What's wrong with him?" Changmin mumbled under his breath.

-At Jihyun's house-

She was studying for upcoming test and suddenly her phone vibrated. It was from Changmin. She lazily answered the call and pretends that she didn't know anything.

"Ne, Changmin oppa?"

"Jihyun ah, I want to meet you now." He said.

"I'm busy"

"Please. I want you to be at our special place. I'll be waiting for you" he said and hang the phone. Jihyun sighed and grabbed her cardigan with her. A few minutes later, she saw Changmin was already there, staring at the table.

"oppa" she said softly.

"Have a seat" he said and Jihyun did as he asked to.

"What is it?" she asked.

"Oppa, have a girlfriend. Let's…-" he didn't finished his word Jihyun interrupted with a poker face.

"Breake up" she said.

"Jihyun ah…"

"I know I'm not that perfect like her. I knew that you were a player since before and after but I still accept it. I looked like a stupid, accepting a player as my boyfriend. I've shouldn't do it in the first place" she said and tears rolled down to her cheek.

"Mianhae" Changmin said and he couldn't effort to look right in her eyes because she was the first one to date him in a long period.

"I should go now. I don't want my studies to be abandoned just because of this. Chukhahae Changmin oppa." She said and took her feet out from the café.


Jihyun ran away from meeting anyone and she accidentally tripped into Junsu's chest. He quickly grabbed her wrist before she falls down. He saw her crying and Jihyun let her hand go and ran away from him. From the day onwards, she doesn't want to believe in guys and loves.

"Jihyun ah!" Junsu called her but she was far away from him. He knew that it was Changmin's and he felt that Changmin should give a little bit lessons for making Jihyun cry.

Changmin went out from the café and met Junsu right at his right. Junsu saw his face was sad but could it make sense? He had another girlfriend close to NEW girlfriend but why he looked so disappointed? Earning a slap from Jihyun?

"I've warned you, Shim Changmin. You've just hurt her so much. I don't even know you anymore. A flirt like you is not call as my friend." He said and almost landed his fist right onto Changmin's face but he stopped when he thinks about Jihyun. He left Changmin behind and looked for Jihyun.

Unpredictable, he passed by with Changmin's new girlfriend. The girl saw Changmin and quickly ran toward him. She even called Changmin's favourite nickname sweetly.

"Max oppa!" she shouted from far away. Junsu thought of that Changmin was so stupid to choose a girl like that, no manners at all. He had a prefect girl like Jihyun but he rejected her. 'Pabo gateunde' he said to himself.

"Oppa, why are you looks so sad?" she asked. "I saw Junsu oppa just now. He looks like not in the mood" she said.

"It was nothing. I think I'm tired of school activities. Just ignored him" he said and slung his arm around her new girlfriend shoulder. They happily walked together and went to somewhere else.

"Jihyun ah! Jihyun ah!" Junsu called her, looking here and there, left to right, up and down but she was nowhere in his sight. He was sure that he's near to her but how he could miss her? She didn't ran that fast but undetected.

He continued on searching finally she was sitting with her arms hugged her legs near to her body. Junsu slowly walked to her. He stood beside her while looking at Jihyun, who was staring at the river. He sat beside her and joined, enjoyed the cool air, staring at the water moved calmly.

"Jihyun ah…" he called her. She turned and smiled at him. It was hard for her after been betrayed by her lovely boyfriend. "Can I join with you?"

"Sure" she said but the sad voice was clearly heard.

Junsu was trying to think of something to cheer for her. Nothing was coming up in his mind. 'Crap! I need you freaking idea. Desperately!' he thought.

-Junsu's POV-

On my behalf, I was freaking dumbfounded right now. How can I-I… I what you brilliant!? Now you can't speak properly. What have you learnt in school, Kim Junsu? Dreaming? Great, that is what you get, dreaming always. Serve you right my friend.

-Jihyun's POV-

I was looking at the grass dancing, blew by the cool wind and I turned to my left side. I saw Junsu was hitting his head several times. I was wondering why he does that to himself. I make a fake cough and he stopped. His hand paused in the air and looked at me, innocently.

"Why do you hit yourself?" I asked him and he slowly put his hand down. I saw there were pinkish colour formed both on his cheeks. I can read his action, ashamed. He made me burst into a soft laughter. He made my day better than before.

-Narrator's POV-

Jihyun get along with Junsu very well. They laugh, play and joke a lot, just for that night. It was near to 8, Junsu brought her back home safely. At least, Junsu felt happy to make Jihyun laugh again.

-The next morning-

Junsu was looking for Jihyun at the guard house liked as usual. He waited there for more than 10 minutes but she didn't come out. He was curious and he thought that Jihyun never skipped her school.

The bell rang and he can't wait for her anymore. He walked to his class, passing by Jihyun's class. He peeked into her class through the opened window to look for her.

He glanced at her placed but it was empty. Maybe they went to the library but the other classmates were there. Only Jihyun was not around. He pushed away his thoughts and concentrate on his lessons.

Junsu went to the canteen and waited for her again. Waiting, waiting and waiting but there was no sign of her present. He was disappointed that he couldn't meet her today.

-After school-

The school has ends and he walked to Jihyun's house. He pressed the door bell but nobody answered him. He took a look at the door of her house, it was locked.

"Where could she be?" he asked himself.

-On the other side-

"I hope you can get a fully rest. Don't do so much of work and stress yourself. It will be affected and turned into a worse condition" he said. "Mrs. And Mr Sung, I need to talk to you further. Please come to my office now" he said again. Mr. and Mrs. Sung followed his order and walked to his office.

"She is in a critical stage right now. Medicines couldn't help her anymore but just hoping for miracle." The doctor said.

"What stage is she in now?" Mr. Sung asked the doctor.

"She's in stage 3 by right she can go to stage 4 which is very very critical. To slow this movement, she should rest more and don't to be so stress. She supposes to be stop schooling right now" the doctor said.

"If that so, can she live longer than the expectation?" Mrs. Sung asked.

"I don't think so." The doctor shook his head in a disappointment.

"How long it is?" both of them said in the same time.

"Not less than a month" he replied them. Jihyun's mother cried out loud after heard what did the doctor said. She will be losing her lovely daughter, the only daughter forever not less than a month.

"Oh, Jihyun ah, my poor hyunnie" she said between her sobs. Her husband tried to comfort her but he can't effort to comfort himself.

-At outpatient ward-

Jihyun was waiting for her parents to come. She waited at the temporary 'room' for the outpatients. She heard some nurses mumbling about something. She opened her ears widely and secretly hears their conversations.

"I saw her report, she had leukemia" one of them said.

"Which patient?" the other one said.

"The girl, named Sung Jihyun" she replied.

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