Make You Believe [Part 1]

Make You Believe


-The next day-

Jihyun was still absent and I walked to my class. I saw Changmin was about to talk to me but I cat his line first.


"Don't talk to me for a while" I said.

"Mianhae.." he apologized.

"Not me but Jihyun" I said and walked away. When I reached at the second row from in front, I fell down and what I see is just dark colour.

"Can I talk to his parents?" the doctor asked.

"He had no parents" Junsu's aunt said.

"So, are you his close relatives? He asked again.

"I will"

"Please follow me for a while" Junsu's aunt followed and they stopped at the nurse counter.

"I believe that he is having an asthmatic. If he didn't take care of it properly, maybe it can worst than what I expect." He said.

"How bad it is?" she asked.

"Probably he is critical stage. 2nd stage. So, I'll be giving him some medicine and he needs to do some treatment here."

"How long will it be?"

"For the first month, he needs to come thrice a week. Depends on his condition." He said again.

"I agreed to for his medicine and treatment. Anything, as long as he is back to normal"

"Temporary, he needs to use the inhaler that I give later on. Everywhere he goes, he should bring it with him along. If not, it will be worst than what I thought." The doctor said and excused himself. He grabbed his patients record and walked away from the ward area.

Junsu had been discharged from the hospital and his life changed the whole thing. He can't do anything bellowed his effort and he can't do much of work. It was really made him depressed because of it.

He was supposed to be actived like usual, playing soccer with his best friend but now he can only just looked at them play happily. Whereas, he just sat on the bench, looking at them joking and many more.

The next day…

Jihyun came to school but this time she kept on coughing. Junsu went to her and whispered at her ears.

"Jihyun ah, can you do me a favor?" he asked and smiled at her with his beautiful smile.

"What can I do for you?" she asked him back.

"Can you follow me just for a while?" he said.

"Where?" and started to cough "Sorry"

"It's okay. Let's go?" he said excitedly and reached his hand out to let her hold his hand. Jihyun hold his hand and followed him. On the other side, Changmin was walking with his girlfriend and saw Jihyun was following Junsu. He felt that the whole body was burning and suddenly his girlfriend accidentally hit him.

"Yah! Did you left your eyes behind?!?!" he shouted but then he stopped when he realized that he already shouted at his girlfriend.

"O-oppa" her voice shook in fear, seeing Changmin shout at her for the first time.

"Mianhae, I didn't mean to. It just that I suddenly burst out" he said hold her hands together.

"It scares me" she said

"Mianhae jakiya" he said and winked at her.

"Oppa neomu kyeowo!" she said.

"If I'm cute and you are?" he said in teasing her.

"I? err? Molla" she said.

"You are pretty" he said.


"Ne" he kissed her forehead and both of them walked to their classes.

-Junsu and Jihyun-

"Jihyun ah" he said and took out a bouquet of red roses.

"This is for who?" she asked pointing at the roses.

"This is for you" he said and gave it to her.

"For me? Gomawoyo Junsu ah" she said and smiled at him. She smelled at the roses and saw a beautiful card in the middle.

         'Stay healthy, be happy, always smile and I'll be always at you side'

"Did you write this?" she asked and pulled out the card.

"Yeah" he scratched at his cheek. "Jihyun ah, I know that this is too early for you but I can't wait anymore. My heart asks me to be faster before anything will happen" Jihyun stopped from smelling the roses and paid attention on him.

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"Can you be my girlfriend?" he said and kneeled down. Jihyun paused for a while and then she gave the answer.

"Mianhae Junsu ah, I……I can't" she said.


"I don't believe in love and I don't believe in destiny anymore." She said and leaved him behind.

Junsu felt that he has been rejected for the first time and it really made his heart hurts. The rain started to fall and the tears rolling down, covered by the rain and nobody realized that he was crying.

"I will wait for you to come back here and never went back anymore. I'll be waiting for you, Jihyun ah" he said between his sobs.


"Yah! Do you guys hear that Junsu is admitted in the hospital?" one of them said after he ran from the principal room. Changmin was reading his novel and he stopped when his classmate said that.

"Mworago?! Again? Why?" the girls started to involve.

"Rumors saying that he was been rejected by a girl. He kneeled down and never gets up even though it was already raining"

"WHAT?!?!" they shouted. The girls quickly grabbed their things and went to the hospital like a storm.

"Oh, that's fast" said the other one.

"Girls always like that"

-A few days later-

Junsu and Jihyun felt awkward after the proposal and they didn't even talked, say hi or anything but just looked at each other when they passed by. Suddenly, Junsu received a phone called and Jihyun turned around when she heard the ringtone.

-Junsu's POV-

I received a phone call from the restaurant that I booked a few days ago. I've planned to go there yesterday but she rejected me on that day also. So, the plan is still going on AND I never look back again. I called my friend to send the invitation and the present straight to her house. And I asked him not to write his name on the card.

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