Bonus : Chanhee's POV

How To Love

So I realized a lot of you think that Chanhee's a jerk and stuff & I'd feel too bad if I let it stay that way! ;__; He's not a jerk. I promise. Hopefully this chapter will clear things up for the amazing 5th chapter that will bring everyone together. kekeke.

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Chanhee's POV

What am I so nervous about? It's only a hang out. We used to do it all of the time. Used to. I guess that's why I'm nervous. Because I haven't hung out with him in awhile. Actually, a long time. After middle school, he began to withdraw from me. Don't ask me why though, even I'm not sure. I mean, I didn't do anything to cause him to stay away from me. I did all of the things I always did. Talk about girls, you know, stuff like that. But ever since he started to isolate himself from me, I've beem craving to be around him. Like I had feelings for him. To specify, Gay feelings.

At first, I thought that was insane. Me? Gay? I was always interested in women. There was no way I could change that way. But the more I looked at Byunghun, the more I wanted to be with him. His constant withdrawel didn't help my feelings either. It was only a matter of time before I accepted the fact that, I, Lee Chanhee, loved Byunghun.

But that didn't make my life any better. Byunghun wasn't the gay type, and whenever I tried to get near him, he'd brush me away. As if he didn't want me around him. I knew that I had to get over these feelings. It was the only way to make us comfortable around each other again. I had to. I forced myself to look at girls more often, to help me get over Byunghun. Anything. But nothing seemed to work. They only drove me to want to look at Byunghun even more.

I had to put more effort if I wanted things to be the way they used to be and that was to get a girlfriend. I asked Siyeon-noona, an older women who I'm pretty close to, to be my girlfriend. She agreed, but our first lunch together was... not one I expected. I think I was talking about Byunghun too much, or I was getting carried away about the stuff we used to do together. Bad move. Seriously. Siyeon-Noona figured out right away that I had a thing for him and that was when hell took over.

I think she was afraid that I'd break up with her, or something like that. She told me to always reply to her texts, to meet up at lunch whenever she wants to and to pick up whenever she calls or she'd tell Byunghun my feelings. Of course, I unwillingly agreed to it. I didn't want Byunghun to know. I didn't want him to be burdened with my feelings. I didn't want him to leave me.

It was Saturday, the day I would finally get to spend time with Byunghun. I wasn't running late. In fact, I was an hour early. I felt anxious for time to go by faster, but you know, time always seems to slow down when you want it to hurry. My ringtone broke out and I nearly jumped from the bench I was seated on from it. The caller was, of course, noona. I had to pick up.


"Chanhee! Could you meet me right now?"

"Ah, no-"

"Are you sure, Chanhee?"

Her tone of voice changed. In a bad way. It was her threatening voice that indicated if I refused, she was going to somehow tell Byunghun everything. I let out a sigh before nodding my head. "Where do you want to meet up?"

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After meeting up with her, I pretended to be interested in the topics that she was talking about, and put on my best smile to please her, but my eyes kept glancing at the time. We were seated in the cafe near the theater I was suppose to meet Byunghun at, but from our table, I couldn't see the theater well. It was hard to tell if Byunghun even showed up. I hoped that he didn't remember, or I'd have to think of some lame excuse to give him. That was harder than it sounded though.

Later that day, it started to rain only to make me feel even worse. It was quite passed noon, so I wouldn't be surprised if Byunghun decided to go home, but I had a feeling that he was still there if he showed up. He was the type to wait patiently, except now, I wished he wasn't. I hoped with all of my heart that he was at home.

But that option was crossed out when I received a call from him. Noona didn't seem to happy, but I tried to brush that off as much as possible as I picked up the phone.



"Hello?" I tried again, hoping that he was just busy or something. If he was out in the rain, I don't know what I'd do.

"Ah, Chanhee." Byunghun's voice sounded forced, but it was still perfect. It still sounded beautiful. "About our meet up. I couldn't make it. I'm sorry."

Relief swept over me after hearing his words, but somehow, it seemed more like a lie than anything else. I pulled the phone closer to my ear to try and hear his soft voice better, "Oh, yeah. Th-"

"I hope you didn't wait long." He interrupted and I felt a pair of eyes on me from outside of the window noona and I were next to.

"Ah, no I-" My gaze began to lift and turn towards the window to find a drenched Byunghun. My heart sank as my eyes studied his face that held his pained expression.

"I'll see you at school then." Byunghun quickly hung up before I could say anything. But it's not like I would know what to say. He was waiting for me. Out in the rain. For hours. He was waiting. And I let him down.

I didn't stand up from my seat, but I watched tears stream down his flawless cheekbones. I was hurting, but nothing hurt more than watching him force a smile on his face before he turned away from me and disappeared. My heart started to ache, and I immediately wanted to run after him. To apologize.

After Byunghun was out of my sight, I lifted myself out of my chair to leave the cafe, but noona's voice interrupted my intentions of following Byunghun.

"What do you think you're doing?"

I gulped, knowing that there was no good outcome to this.

"Don't tell me you're following him."

I quietly nodded as I inched towards the door, but noona stood up from her chair at this point, blocking my path.

"If you go... I will tell him. I'll tell him everything."

My eyes studied noona's serious face before my knees gave out and I dropped to the tiled floor beneath me. My hands pressed firmly on them as I hung my head down, biting my bottom lip out of frustration. If noona told Byunghun my feelings, I'd lose him. I'd lose him for good. And if I lost him, I'd lose everything as well.

But either way, I was already starting to.

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congrats ;)
Onizuka #2
congrats ^^
elliptical #4
lovelyme23 #5
DazzlingDarkness #6
<3 Amazing.
<3 <3 <3 <3
ashkhen #8
Chapter 5: I just finished reading all the chapters today and its sooooo cute but didn't realize Chanhee had feelings for Byunghun until the theatre moment. I'm happy they finally told each other about their feelings.
Chapter 5: YAAAY loved it!! Goodwork~