Step 2 : Accept your feelings

How To Love

Byunghun's POV

It's been a few days since I last talked to Chanhee. He's been too busy talking/texting/calling his new girlfriend to even have time for me anymore. I've begun to think that maybe we weren't as close as we used to be. No, not maybe. It was certain. At lunch, he was always busy texting, and other times, he'd show up late because he 'lost track of time', but most of the time, he often skipped lunch to spend time with his girlfriend. How do I feel about this? Well, I'm glad you asked. I hate it.

Although, it gave me a good chance to get over the red-head. Why? Well, I'm a guy, and he's straight. After all the time that had passed, you'd think that I was over Chanhee by now, right?

Wrong. Dead wrong. It's actually quite the opposite. The more I was without him, the more I thought about him. And I even tried watching girl groups on TV to get myself to grow out of this gay phase, but it just didn't seem to work. Nothing did. Chanhee had become the center of my mind, but the only time we really even saw each other was during class. That's it. And try to spring up a conversation when the teacher's constantly on look out to throw someone in detention. Yeah, it's not possible. I don't think I can ever outgrow these feelings.

It was another lunch period, and Chanhee was late again. No surprise there. Niel and Minsoo were at their same old conversation, and joking around while the younger ones were still being friendly as ever. It seemed like I was the third wheel here, for both of the pairs. Why I even bother going to lunch is beyond me. Chanhee's ditching became normal, and I've probably become more depressed about it as time flew by. The others don't give a damn mostly because they're just glad that he's happy. I couldn't be any more selfish.

"Sorry I'm late!" A familiar voice called out followed by the sound of the chair next to mine shifting. I didn't bother looking who it was; it was already obvious. Chanhee, as late as ever.

"It's okay, Channie! Noona again?" Niel nodded at his older, waving his hand in the air to say that it was no big deal. It was to me.

"Ah, yeah..." Chanhee's voice drifted off as his eyes trailed upwards to watch the ceiling. He's daydreaming again. A satisfied smile was set perfectly on his face, and I just wanted to slap it off of him, but we all know I wouldn't do that. "How've you been, Byunghun?" He asked when his mind returned to reality and his eyes averted toward me.

"Okay, I guess." I lied. I was going through living hell over here, but I wouldn't say that. Then he'd play 20 questions with me, and maybe even more. God knows how that'll end up. "How about you? Haven't talked to you in awhile."

The red-head nodded, "Yeah I know. We should hang out during the weekend or something." He suggested as he slid his fingers through my hair. I winced a bit at the familiar touch, but it soon faded when his hand slipped away.

That wasn't a bad idea though. It'd be kind of like a... date, right? I could accept his offer. I had nothing to lose after all. Well maybe my sanity, but I'm pretty sure I lost that long ago.

My eyes rolled over to the red-head beside me only to find him completely concentrated into his phone. Let me guess, he's texting his girlfriend. To confirm my assumption, I quietly leaned over to snatch a quick peek at the screen of his phone only to find that my guess was completely right. My face twisted in discomfort and I leaned away from Chanhee. He couldn't be any more obvious.

After a long while of nearly falling asleep, a voice interrupted the silence that I had put comfortably around myself, "So about this Saturday."

I forced my eyes to look over at the red-head again, expecting to see his phone in his hands or on the table, but surprisingly, it was put away.  I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Aren't we going to do something this weekend?" He asked as he leaned closer to me.

"I guess. If you want to." I answered thoughtlessly, thinking that maybe it was a good time to confess and be rejected to get it over with. These feelings weren't going away anytime soon. "You don't have plans with your girlfriend?"

"Nah, not that I know of anyway." He gave a soft laugh before nodding at me, "Yeah, we should meet up outside of the movie theater. Sound good?"

I nodded, almost feeling like it was a dream, but after giving myself a pinch, I was certain that it was not a dream. "What time?"

"Hmmm, noon works." He suggested as his eyes drifted up towards the ceiling, rethinking about his decision.

I nodded anxiously, almost feeling hope muster up inside of me, as if I didn't want Chanhee to reject me at all. That might've been the case though. Ever since I've become attached to him, every second that passed, I wanted to make him mine. I wanted to take him into my arms and hold him for as long as I could. I wanted to return to the days in middle school where we would joke and play around without a care in the world. I wanted to see the Chanhee who's not constantly trying to look good for every girl he had never met. I wanted Chanhee to see that I loved him.

But all of that was out of my control.


- - -

AGHLDSLK; Sorry. Boring chapter. ;__; Next chapter is more interesting I promise. *_* And actually, updates will be slow if you didn't read my status. haha. Working on a Chunjoe manga atm. Just finished redrawing it since I lost the stupid page... OTL

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congrats ;)
Onizuka #2
congrats ^^
elliptical #4
lovelyme23 #5
DazzlingDarkness #6
<3 Amazing.
<3 <3 <3 <3
ashkhen #8
Chapter 5: I just finished reading all the chapters today and its sooooo cute but didn't realize Chanhee had feelings for Byunghun until the theatre moment. I'm happy they finally told each other about their feelings.
Chapter 5: YAAAY loved it!! Goodwork~