Step 1: Realize Your Feelings

How To Love

Byunghun's POV
It was like any other ordinary lunch period. Niel and Minsoo were busy chatting away about something that I don't know about. Changhyun and Jonghyun were practically feeding each other since they're close friends. And when I say close friends, what I mean is really close friends. Sometimes, I think they're dating, but they haven't said anything about it. If any of us questioned either one of them, they'd simply say that they're just friends. Yeah right.

And then there's Chanhee, who was on his usual topic like always. Women. No, not girls. Older women. But this time, he was talking about one in particular. Don't think that I caught her name though. Like I cared enough.

"So anyway, guess what, guys?" Chanhee asked after draining down some of his water bottle. The only person who seemed to care was Niel, and since Niel was paying attention to Chanhee, so was Minsoo. I kept my chin propped on top of my hand as my eyes rolled over to the red-head. He seemed excited about something. It was written all over his face. The two black-haired boys were still distracted with each other and Chanhee had to slap his hand down on the table to get their attention, "Yah!! Listen!!"

The two boys averted their eyes to Chanhee, curiosity swept over their faces. Some of us cared, some of us didn't. I was among the uninterested crowd since the news were probably about a noona. The one that he's been talking about.

The red-head sensed the confused atmosphere that was hovering over us and he let a wide smile run across his face. This sparked my interest a bit. I haven't seen him smile like that in a while. He used to do it often when we were in middle school, but I think he's been trying to attract more women that he had to put on a bad boy look, or something like that. I think he went crazy with the hair dye though, but it's just my opinion.  

"Aish, just tell us, Chanhee." I finally said, giving the boy a soft slap on his arm. But his grin only grew wider and no answer even came out of him. Something about this bugged me tremendously.

Chanhee's eyes darted at me and I nearly jumped back in my seat from it. It seemed like forever since I looked into those dark, round eyes that were filled with content; absolute happiness. Something about him had made us become distant, or something about me. I'm not sure which is the right answer. His smile was still placed perfectly on his smooth face and you could tell that he was having the day of his life. "I'm..." Chanhee's voice trailed off as he averted his eyes away from me, but they quickly returned. "I'm dating Siyeon-noona!" He finished cheekily and clapped his hands together.

I was left speechless as everyone started to congratulate the red-head, causing him to turn his attention away from me. My eyes didn't tear away from Chanhee, even if I wanted them to. Everyone seemed to be happy for him, well, from what I was hearing anyway. But I, on the other hand, felt like I had just been struck by lightning. Actually, I rather be struck by lightning. Maybe it'll be enough to kill me.

Wait, what? Am I seriously wishing to die just because Chanhee's dating some lady that I don't know? How come I'm not happy for him? He talked about her a lot before and I always listened. I always did. But why is it that right now, I feel so... heartbroken?

By now, everyone had congratulated Chanhee on his new relationship. Everyone, but me. He gladly accepted the support everyone gave him and I was still stunned at what I just heard. My eyes studied the red-head's joyous expression and I couldn't help but be bothered by it. Soon, those pair of puppy dog eyes were on me with a hint of confusion amongst the dark pupils. I gulped, feeling my throat turn dry in a matter of seconds. There was defintely something wrong here. Why couldn't I just smile at him and say the simple word, 'Congrats'?

"You okay, Byunghun?" He asked as his smile faded and been replaced by a concerned expression. I had only begun to feel guilty at this point. He was all happy because of that woman, and I just made him worried instead. I put that frown on his face.

"Ah, yeah, I'm fine." I forced a smile on my face and slightly nodded at the red-head.

"Okay, if you say so." He gave a weak smile at me and patted my back gently before putting his hand on my shoulder like always. My eyes darted toward the hand and I felt my face heat up a bit. When I looked at Chanhee, I no longer saw him as just a friend that I hung out with since middle school, I saw this boy who seemed to have blurred my vision of everyone else but him. Maybe all it took was for him to simply gain a girlfriend for me to realize the one thing that I never thought I would. I was falling in love.

The lunch bell rang and the whole table stood up from our seats to go off on our way to class. Niel and Minsoo had classes alone, but were in the same direction so they often left together. Changhyun and Jonghyun were in the same class, the same with Chanhee and I. That doesn't make my life any easier.

Chanhee soon took my hand after throwing whatever was left of his lunch into the garbage can. My fingers laced into his thoughtlessly and I started to feel a heat wave rushing to my face. Don't misunderstand though, we've done this kind of thing before since we're close friends, but this time... this time was different. This time, I realized my feelings, but it's wrong. I can't fall in love with a boy. Not only a boy, but a taken one too.

My eyes trailed towards the red-head next to me as we swept through the crowded halls, and I was close to congratulating him on his relationship even if I didn't want to, but as if fate itself heard me, a passing student pushed me, causing my hand to rip away from Chanhee's. A few other students started shoving to get to class as well and I could see Chanhee's red hair shrink into the distance. I tried shoving people back and follow Chanhee, but it was hard to keep up with the sea of people. After a few seconds of losing sight of the red-head, I felt my hand being jerked to the side and I quickly looked over to find that it was Chanhee. He was gasping for air, and I couldn't help but pull his arm over my shoulder. "What the hell, Chanhee?! You didn't have to come back. You could've gotten squished." I scolded the taller boy as I helped him to class.

He gave me a cheeky smile, "And leave my Byunghun all alone? I don't think so!" He put in a sarcastic tone as he began to slip his arm off of my shoulder. I let him since I was too shocked at his reply to stop him. All I heard was 'my Byunghun' and the world seemed to have gotten brighter, but I quickly realized that he was just joking like he always does. I would never be an ideal type for him.

Before entering the classroom, I felt the need to congratulate Chanhee on his new love since I was the only one who hadn't, "Oh yeah, Chanhee?" I called out as my eyes averted towards the taller boy next to me.

He put his gaze on me and raised an eyebrow, "Yeah?"

My mouth felt dry and we stood there awkwardly in front of the classroom as I gathered myself together. I would take it back by now, but I had already started and it was too late. I opened my mouth to say the word, but nothing came out. I probably looked nervous as hell right about now. From the curious face that Chanhee was giving me, it sure seemed that way. Come on, Byunghun...

I saw his mouth move as if he was about to say something, but before he could, I cut him off. I needed to say this now.

"Congrats, Chanhee..." I finally let out as I averted my eyes away from the red-head, "Congrats."

On breaking my heart.

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congrats ;)
Onizuka #2
congrats ^^
elliptical #4
lovelyme23 #5
DazzlingDarkness #6
<3 Amazing.
<3 <3 <3 <3
ashkhen #8
Chapter 5: I just finished reading all the chapters today and its sooooo cute but didn't realize Chanhee had feelings for Byunghun until the theatre moment. I'm happy they finally told each other about their feelings.
Chapter 5: YAAAY loved it!! Goodwork~