Chapter 6


                Sorotsu woke up and realized that she had slept on the floor in the living room. She felt an arm around her and remembered that Joon had stayed over last night. They had danced in the rain and Joon put on a pair of her blue striped pajama pants while his clothes dried. They decided to watch a movie and apparently they fell asleep before it finished. She really liked the feeling of waking up next to someone. She turned to face him and he was still asleep. His hair was messy from the rain and he had wiped all the makeup off of his face after they came inside. He was beautiful. She was about to reach out and touch his face when her phone went off.

“Jukgo, jugigo, Ssaugo oechigo, Igeon jeonjaengi aniya”

                She jumped and slowly slid out from under Joons arm. She ran into her room where her phone was on the charger.

“Dowajwoyo MA-MA-MA-MA, MA-MA-MA-MA Turn back, Kkaedatge MA-MA-MA-MA, MA-MA-MA-MA Rolling back.”

                “Hello?!” she whispered frantically. Before the other voice said anything she realized what ringtone went off. “I’m sorry, noona.” Kai said in a hushed tone. “I called to tell you that I have given up on getting you to return my feelings.” Sorotsu smiled. He may be an idol but he was still a boy. “It’s alright Kai. I know that you dint want it to turn out like it did, but I am really happy you did what you did.” Kai sighed. “At least I made you happy finally. Can I still call you noona? I don’t want to lose you completely. I promise that I will move on and try to find someone for myself.” She smiled and looked over at Joon asleep on her floor. “Yeah, I will always be your noona. But if you start hitting on me again you will regret it mister.” She said laughing causing Kai to laugh as well. “So we can go back to how things used to be?” She sat on the floor by Joon and lifted his head on to her lap. “Yeah, when people ask what happened, we will use the story that Joon said on SuKiRa. As of right now, no one but the other members of MBLAQ knows that you were involved at all.” Kai let out a sigh of relief. “Noona? Does he really make you happy?”

                Joon started to wake up and looked up at Sorotsu’s face and smiled. “Yeah, Kai, he makes me really happy.” Joon sat up and took the phone. “Kai? This is Joon. I want to thank you for introducing me to Sorotsu. I really do consider you a friend now. We should have lunch sometime.” Kai was shocked to hear Joon’s voice this early in the morning. “OH, Lee Joon-sunbae. I’m sorry about what I did. Please don’t tell anyone about it.” Joon laughed “I called you a friend on the radio. Didn’t you hear it?” Kai sighed “Yeah I heard it. I feel really guilty about it. We never even met and you already called me your friend.” Joon laughed “Well don’t worry about it anymore. We really can be friends from now on.” Kai smiled. He cleared his throat “Well I have to go now. Tell Sorotsu that I will call her later. Bye.” Joon nodded “Bye.”

                He hung up the phone. “He said he will call you back later.” She smiled at him and yawned. “Oh are you still tired?” Joon said worried. She nodded smiling a little. Joon picked her up and took her to her bed and laid her down and covered her up. He laid on top of the blankets next to her. “You should sleep more. Getting enough sleep is important.” She laughed and blushed a little. Joon was lying on her bed in only a pair of pajama bottoms. He was shirtless and smiling at her. She sniffled a little. “You can lay here with me. You must be cold without a shirt on.” She didn’t have anything left to be embarrassed about. Their first night together they had to sleep cuddled together in only underwear. This was nothing to her now. He climbed in under the blankets and hugged her from behind. They laid there like that for a while when Sorotsu fell asleep. Joon smiled and suddenly kissed the back of her neck.

                She felt warm to him. He thought that maybe he made her catch a cold while dancing in the rain last night. He held her tighter and waited for her to wake up.

                A couple hours later she woke up and her nose was stuffy and she felt all mushy in the head. Joon looked at her “Oh you’re awake!” he said kissing her forehead. She was really warm now. “Stay here a minute.” He scrambled off to the bathroom and came back with a face mask and a damp cold towel. “Wear these.” He smiled as he put the mask on her and placed the towel on her forehead. Sorotsu smiled behind the mask “How did you know I was sick?” he smiled and sat on the bed next to her. “I could feel your temperature going up. You need to stay in bed today. You should try to sleep it off.” He grabbed her hand and whispered “I will be your doctor today.” He grinned and ran off to the kitchen.

                Sorotsu laughed and got comfortable. Joon looked around the kitchen and couldn’t find anything to make porridge with. He ran back to Sorotsu’s room and checked his clothes from yesterday. He was about to put them back on when he remembered that he was photographed yesterday. “Sorotsu? Do you have any shirts that would fit me?” She nodded and pointed at the closet. “You can wear anything you want.” She laughed. He looked at all her clothes and chose a t-shirt that went down to Sorotsu’s knees. It was an orange tie-dye lion king shirt that her dad sent her from America. It fit him loosely and looked good with his black jeans from the day before. “I will be right back!” he said as he slid his shoes on and ran out the front door. Sorotsu laughed and rolled onto her side and fell asleep.

Joon ran down the street until he found a restaurant that sold porridge to go. He went up to the counter, trying to not attract attention. “Excuse me, my girlfriend,” he said smiling. “She’s sick and I need whatever porridge is best for her.” The old woman behind the counter smiled at him and went in the back and came back with a thing full of food to go. “Here you go; I hope she gets better soon. With such a pretty boyfriend taking care of her, she is a lucky girl.” Joon laughed, this lady was too old to recognize him. “I’m luckier to have her.” He winked at the old lady as he paid and ran back to Sorotsu’s house.

                He walked in quietly and took his shoes off. He looked into the bedroom and saw that she was asleep. He put the porridge in the microwave but dint turn it on, so that it would stay warm. He sat down and took out his phone and called Mir. Thunder answered the phone. “Joon-hyung! Why didn’t you come home last night?” Joon was confused. “Why are you answering Mir’s phone and my clothes were wet after it rained last night. I ended up falling asleep here.” Thunder laughed “Mir is in the shower and I saw that it was you so I answered. So what is Sorotsu doing?” “She is sick in bed right now, I dragged her out to play in the rain last night and now she has a fever. I got her sleeping with a mask on and a towel on her forehead and I have porridge in the microwave for when she wakes up. What else should I do?” Joon heard Thunder make a lot of noise “Sorotsu is sick!?! Do you want us to come over and help?!” Joon thought about it for a moment. “Not now, she is sleeping. Maybe later when she gets a little better you guys can come over. Did you guys meet the new manager yet?”

                Thunder calmed down “Yeah, he is really cool. He isn’t an old stiff in a suit like the last one. He wears normal clothes and is really relaxed.” Joon was happy with this. If Rain-hyung made this choice then he would be a really awesome manager. “Well take good care of Sorotsu. I will tell the guys to come over in a couple hours. Behave yourself.” He said teasing him. Joon laughed “We are already close so you don’t have to worry about that.”  Thunder was shocked as Joon hung up laughing.  He went back into the bedroom and changed the towel. She woke up and smiled up at Joon. He put his forehead against hers. She stared wide eyed as he smiled. “Your temperature is going down.” She smiled “You are just a good doctor.” Joon smiled and kissed her quickly on the cheek and ran to the kitchen to get the porridge. He was putting it all on a tray when Sorotsu walked into the living room with the mask still on and wrapped up in the blanket from the bed. She sat on the couch with her knees up to her chin.

                Joon laughed at the fact she looked like a sick little kid right now. He brought the porridge over to her and removed her mask. “Here eat up and drink a lot of water.” He kissed her forehead “You are adorable.” She pouted a little at being called adorable when she was sick. Joon flailed around at seeing her pout. Sorotsu laughed and began to eat the porridge. There was a knock on the door and Sorotsu was about to get up to answer but Joon made her sit down and he went to answer it instead. Mir and Thunder came running in as soon as he opened the door and put down flowers on the table. “Joon said you were sick!” Mir said sitting next to her as Thunder sat on the other side putting his hand on her forehead. “Guys! Let her eat. She just woke up.” Joon laughed from the door and Seungho and G.O walked in.

                They all sat around on the floor and Joon pushed Thunder over and sat between him and Sorotsu. They talked for a while as Sorotsu ate and they kept making sure that she drank plenty of water. Seungho looked at Joon “The new manager says that you really do have to come back to the dorm tonight. With your stunt yesterday, we have a lot of shows to go on now. Well mostly you and G.O but you were asked to call SuKiRa today and give an update on what happened. You are supposed to call them when their show starts.” Joon smiled. “People really care about if I found her?” G.O laughed “They are saying that your life is like a drama now. The message boards are going crazy. Fans all over are saying how amazing you are and how lucky Sorotsu is. There are a few anti-fans but mostly aimed at Sorotsu. They also want to know what friend introduced you to a normal girl instead of another idol.”

                Joon smiled. Things were going better then he thought. Everyone seemed to be rooting for them because of his radio stunt. “I’ll call them and tell them anything they want to know.” Sorotsu ate the last of her porridge and had the spoon in listening to them all talk. She always knew that MBLAQ was close but she didn’t know that they accepted other peoples girlfriends like this. It was like a real family.  Mir looked at the clock. “Oh! It’s time for you to call Sungmin-Sunbae.” G.O went and the radio. They missed the opening dialog; it was now playing Good Night by B1A4. Joon grabbed his phone and called. “Yes, this is Lee Joon.” He said, he covered the mouth part “I’m on hold until they connect me to the radio show.”

                The song finished and Ryeowook came on “Well we have a special treat for our listeners. We have Lee Joon on the phone and he is ready to give us an update on what happened after he ran out of the studio yesterday.” Sungmin came in after “Yes, I’m really curious if he found the missing Sorotsu. Ah! Lee Joon-ssi? Are you there?”

                Joon sat up. “Ah, yes. This is MBLAQ’s Lee Joon. Hello.” Sungmin replied “So yesterday was quite an exciting show you gave us! So did you find the lucky girl?” Joon smiled “Yes. I’m the lucky one because she showed up.” Ryeowook came in “Was she the girl who you had the running hug with outside of the studio?” “Yes, she ran all the way there and she told me that she almost forgot to put shoes on.” The members of Super Junior laughed “So what happened with your manager? He didn’t sound like a very nice guy.” Joon laughed “The other members of MBLAQ took him to Rain-hyung and explained what happened and he gave us a new manager. This one I’m told is really laid back and cool.” Sungmin laughed “You mean you haven’t met him yet?” “No, not yet, the other members have. I have been taking care of Sorotsu today. She is sick because I took her out in the rain yesterday.” Ryeowook said “Oh, yes. If it’s your fault someone is sick, you should take care of them. Are you good at taking care of sick people, Lee Joon-ssi?” He looked over at Sorotsu, who still had the spoon in and smiled “Well she is able to be out of bed now. All of the members are here helping me now anyways.” Sungmin laughed “She is a really lucky girl! Being nursed back to health by MBLAQ, I bet a lot of fans are even more jealous of her now.” Ryeowook came in “The message boards are curious as to which friend introduced you both together.” Sungmin came in “Yeah, are you able to tell us who?”

                Joon looked over at Sorotsu who nodded “Kai from EXO introduced us. It wasn’t planned ahead of time. She was his neighbor growing up. He is like a little brother to her.” Sungmin asked “So you are close enough to Kai for him to introduce you to his noona?” Joon laughed “Well we weren’t before but I guess we are now.” Both Super Junior idols laughed “So how are you guys going to deal with the media storm coming up?” “We will just try our best and hope that fans and the media will both give us some privacy.” Ryeowook commented “Everyone is really curious about her. The fans that saw her outside yesterday only saw her face before they realized who she was. The pictures all have you hiding her face in your chest.” Joon laughed awkwardly “Yeah, I wanted to protect her from the cameras. I don’t know if she would want her face to be known yet. We haven’t known each other that long after all. We have gotten quite close in that short amount of time though.” Sungmin replied “Well it is quite obvious that both you and all the members of MBLAQ have taken quite a liking to this girl.” Thunder and Mir both said in unison “She is so cute!” Joon shushed them as the radio host laughed “They must think of her as a sister now then.” Joon didn’t have time to answer before Thunder and Mir took the phone from him.

                “Hello! We are MBLAQ’s rap line.” They said in unison. “I’m Thunder.” “and I’m Mir.” Thunder ran around to the other side of the room with the phone as Mir wrestled with Joon to keep him away from the phone. “I just wanted to say that Sorotsu is like a part of MBLAQ now! She is adorable and if Joon ever treats her badly I will steal her from him. No I’m just joking!” he said laughing. “Joon and Sorotsu are a very cute couple and she is very adorable. Fans, please take care of her if you see her.”

                Sungmin and Ryeowook were laughing “MBLAQ really are good at getting ratings up!” Sungmin laughed. Thunder gave the phone back to Joon “I’m sorry about that.” Joon apologized. Ryeowook laughed “Don’t worry about it! We are running out of time right now though so I really wish you both the best of luck! Sorotsu, you are a very special girl. Joon, will you close out our interview?” Joon laughed “This has been MBLAQ! Thank you for having us. Good Bye!” He hung up the phone.

                Joon threw a pillow at Thunder and pushed Mir with his foot. Seungho and G.O were just laughing to themselves. Sorotsu was laughing. “Thank you guys, you are all so wonderful.” Joon pressed his hand against her forehead. “You feel normal temperature again!” He hugged her. Seungho stood up “Joon we need to be getting back to the dorms now.” The other members seemed sad to leave Sorotsu’s house. They liked not being watched by anyone here. G.O shook Sorotsu’s hand and Mir and Thunder hugged her at the same time. Seungho waved at her. “Joon, you have 5 minutes, then I’m sending Mir in to get you.” He said laughing as he followed the others out to the van.

                Joon wrapped his arms around Sorotsu and rested his forehead against hers. “Take care of yourself. Oh yeah! Give me your phone.” She handed him her phone and he put his number in and texted his own phone. “Now we have each others numbers.” He said grinning. She looked at her phone and smiled. “Thank you.” He laughed and patted her head “Well it’s only right that we have each others phone numbers. We have spent the last two nights together.” She smiled. “But still, thank you, for everything, for being such a great guy, for taking care of me when I’m sick and for your number.” Joon hugged her again and kissed her forehead. “Well a girlfriend should have her boyfriend’s number.” She blushed at hearing him call her his girlfriend. She hugged him back and pressed her face into his chest. “I should go before Seungho sends in Mir.” She laughed and walked Joon to the door. He kissed her on the cheek and ran off to the van waving the whole time. Sorotsu smiled and waved at the van as it drove off. She went back inside and cleaned up and went back to bed, smiling.

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fruitimoodi #1
THis is amazing!
Chapter 34: awww!! and LMAO!! CHANYEOL AND HIS WHITE FLOWER AHAHAHAHH I laughed pretty hard at that part.
Chapter 32: awww this is cute. question though, how long did her father live in america?
Chapter 32: 21P
ok thats me marking my spot. i wish aff had like a place holder option or something.

anyways im falling aasssllleeepp and i need to get up at a reasonable time tomorrow. I'M GOING TO THE FAIIIRR hhahha.

i lol'd at the part where he shook cheondungs hand saying he was most attractive hahha
Chapter 32: ok im back again
Chapter 32: 4am is not night!!
Chapter 31: aww that was really cute. lol.
Chapter 31: ok i lol'd at the scene hahaha
Chapter 31: lol OF COURSE dara was behind her sitting between cheondung and baeky!!BAHHAHAHAHAH i love dara
Chapter 31: hahhaha ok so chanyeol is really cracking me up hahah. still had his pillow at breakfast bahahhaha