Chapter 28


                There was no wake up call and no one came to get them. Everyone knew that Sorotsu and Joon were sharing a room now. Joon woke up first and looked to his side and saw Sorotsu facing away from him, lying on her stomach. She was still asleep. He smiled and wrapped his arm around her and kissed her shoulder.  She rolled onto her side and curled up. Joon laughed quietly and looked at the clock. He saw the picture that Minhyuk took of him carrying her into the room and Thunders sunglasses.

                He ignored them and saw that it was almost 11:30. He gently shook her awake and kissed her cheek. “It’s time to get up.” She scrunched her face and turned to look at him and plopped her head back down as her hair covered her face. She mumbled something into the pillow and it sounded grumpy. He laughed and rolled her over onto her back and pinned her down between his arms and playfully kissed her neck over and over.

                She giggled “Ok, Ok, I’m up.” He leaned back and grinned, content with himself. She wrapped her arms around his neck and smiled “Good Morning. This has been the best wake up call since we got here.” He laughed remembering all of her awkward mornings. “I can make it even better for you.” He said as he softly pressed his lips against hers.

                She smiled against his lips as he wrapped his arms under her. He pulled the blanket away so that it wasn’t in between them anymore. Sorotsu pulled his shirt up over his head when her phone started to ring. The ringtone was the MAMA part of EXO’s song. She stared at it with wide eyes and Joon was confused why she looked so shocked.

                Joon rolled over as she grabbed her phone and answered it in English again. “Hello?” The phone wasn’t on speaker but he could hear a woman’s voice screaming on the other end “WHY DID YOU NOT TELL ME THAT YOU WERE GETTING MARRIED!!? I HAD TO FIND OUT FROM YOUR FATHER! THAT BOY KAI NEVER EVEN CALLED ME TO TELL ME ABOUT THE FAKE WEDDING!”  Sorotsu was sitting there silently holding the phone next to her ear.

                After a little bit longer of the voice screaming at her, the woman calmed down. “Now, I feel bad that I can’t come back to Korea for the wedding, you know my husband doesn’t like to go there. Who are you marrying? It isn’t Kai is it?” She sighed ”No, mom. I’m not marrying Kai. I’m married to Lee Joon” “Who is that?” “He’s from MBLAQ.” Her mom made a huff sound. “Why would he want a boring girl like you? You should have just come with me to Hong Kong. There are plenty of boys here that your step-father knows that I know can take care of you like he does with me.”

                She sighed. Her step-father was not entirely in legal businesses. That was the reason she stayed behind in Korea. Her mom was given fancy clothes and things and her job was to stand around looking how he wanted her to and to give him children. It was something perfect for her mom, but not for her. She had given him two sons but Sorotsu never met them. “I’m sorry mom. I don’t want to go to Hong Kong. I’m already married so there isn’t anything you can do about it.”

                Her mom started screaming at her in Chinese. Sorotsu sighed and started speaking in Korean. “Mom, I don’t know Chinese.” Suddenly Joon sat up realizing who it was. Her mom started screaming in Korean. “WHY WON’T YOU JUST COME HERE AND MARRY WHO I TELL YOU TOO LIKE A GOOD GIRL!” Joon could still hear her mom’s voice but this time he could understand her. “YOU AREN’T GOOD ENOUGH FOR AN IDOL! I DON’T UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU DID TO GET HIM TO LIKE YOU! DID YOU TELL HIM YOU WERE PREGNANT WITH HIS CHILD OR SOMETHING!?”

                Sorotsu’s eyes welled up and tears silently fell down to her chin. Her mother continued to yell at her, asking her about what kind of lies she told him to get him to marry her. Joon suddenly got angry and took the phone. “Excuse me, Mother-in law. No one can tell my wife that she isn’t good enough for me.”

                Suddenly her mom changed attitudes. “Ah! Lee Joon-ssi. I wasn’t saying anything of the sort. I was just a little angry that she never told me that she got to meet such a big star as your self. Please, call me Soon Bok instead of Mother-in law.” Joon pulled Sorotsu, who was still silently crying, to his chest. “I could hear everything you told her. You made her cry so I took the phone away from her.” Soon Bok laughed awkwardly. “That silly girl has always cried easily. Don’t pay much mind to her.”

                Joon was getting really angry. “I have only seen her cry about five times since I met her. We were even kidnapped and she never cried. She was worried about the one who kidnapped us.  Your daughter is really strong and you should acknowledge that. I have to go console my wife, who is crying because of you. The next time you call her, please be polite and ask her things nicely. Good Bye!”

                He hung up the phone and looked down at Sorotsu who was staring at him shocked with tears in her eyes. He just hugged her and kissed her forehead. “Like I told you at the beginning, only I choose who is good enough for me. You are stuck with me forever.” He said smiling down at her. She smiled a little and hugged him.

                “Let’s go get something to eat.” He said rubbing the top of her head. Joon put a black tank top on and they walked to the restaurant. Some of the other idols were there. Eunhyuk, Donghae, Chanyeol, Kai, Baekhyun and Thunder were all sitting at one table. Everyone besides Thunder smiled at them as they walked in. Chanyeol pulled two chairs from another table and put them between Kai and Donghae. Sorotsu sat next to Kai and Joon sat by Donghae.

                Thunder stared at his breakfast and poked at the fruit with his fork. Eunhyuk smiled across the table at Sorotsu and noticed her eyes were red. “Sorotsu-ssi, were you crying?” Everyone looked at her, even Thunder looked up from his food. Then almost in unison, all the boys looked at Joon. Joon was surprised they thought he did it. She smiled awkwardly. “It’s nothing, really. My mother called this morning, that’s all.”

                Kai suddenly wrapped his arms around her and hugged her. Everyone besides Joon was confused. Kai looked at Joon very seriously. “You take care of her when she talks to her mother. I mean it.” Joon nodded “I saw. I took the phone from her and gave her a piece of my mind.” Kai smiled at him. “I was never brave enough to do that. She is a very scary woman.” Joon nodded as Kai let go.

                The waitress came and asked what Joon and Sorotsu wanted. The other idols were still confused about what Kai and Joon was talking about and how talking to her mom was something she needed to be taken care of for. Joon ordered stuffed French toast. The waitress looked at Sorotsu. Sorotsu smiled at her. “I’m not very hungry; I will just have a plate of fruit.” The waitress nodded and walked away.

                Every ones jaw dropped. Chanyeol reached over and felt her forehead. “She doesn’t seem like she has a fever.” Suddenly everyone was questioning Kai and Joon about what kind of woman her mother was to make her not want breakfast.

                They avoided all the questions as the couples food arrived. The idols gradually started having normal conversations. Thunder excused himself first and Baekhyun quickly followed after him.  Sorotsu was poking around at her fruit and slowly eating a couple pieces before she pushed the plate away. She smiled at everyone and stood up. “Guys, I think I’m going to go back to my room. Joon you stay and finish eating. I want to be alone for a little bit.” She kissed him on the forehead and waved to everyone as she left.

                Joon had a panicked look on his face. He turned to Kai “Kai-ssi! What do I do?” he sighed and shrugged his shoulders. “Her mother really affects her. Sometimes after she gets a phone call from her, she just stays in bed all day and doesn’t even go on her computer. Even I don’t know what to do about it.” Joon poked at his food as Minhyuk and Jonghyun came in.

                “Hey, Minhyuk-ssi! Me and Sorotsu finished our food. You want the rest of it? It’s stuffed French toast and fruit.” Minhyuk lit up and ran to the chair where Sorotsu was sitting and happily ate. He suddenly stopped as Jonghyun sat down. “What do you mean Sorotsu-ssi finished eating? This plate still has food on it. What’s wrong with her? Is she sick?” he looked really worried. Joon patted him on the head. “Don’t worry about it. Me and Kai will figure it out.”

                Eunhyuk suddenly lit up. “Why don’t we throw her a party? A really fun one and not a formal one like the wedding.” Everyone smiled. Joon laughed “What kind of party should we do?” They all thought for a while. Minhyuk stuffed another piece of fruit in his mouth and mumbled “To bad the rooms aren’t bigger or else we could have a sleep over like those school trips, with a talent show and everything.” He continued to eat his fruit without looking up. Everyone looked at Donghae smiling.

                Donghae pulled out his phone and called Leeteuk. He explained everything to him. Soon Leeteuk came into the restaurant and smiled at everyone. “The staff says we can use the meeting room upstairs. I told them that we would take care of everything, including decorating and the restaurant will make us snack food.” Everyone suddenly got excited.

                Joon stood up. “Everyone, go get everyone and tell them not to tell Sorotsu.” Minhyuk smiled “So how are we going to keep Sorotsu from finding out?” Joon thought for a moment “We will need to put someone in charge of spending the day with her. I want to help with the decorating so, Donghae, you and Eunhyuk spend the day with her.”

                Eunhyuk stood up so fast that his chair fell over and everyone laughed at him fumble around to try and pick it up. “Donghae, watch him carefully.” Joon laughed. Eunhyuk grabbed Donghae and almost ran away, dragging him. The remaining idols called everyone and they were all excited and came to help.

                Sorotsu was lying on her bed staring at the ceiling with her arms spread out. She sighed and closed her eyes. She heard the door open slowly and assumed it was Joon. She didn’t move or even open her eyes. She felt someone climb on the bed and lay next to her, then she felt another person climb in the bed and lay on her other side. She opened her eyes shocked to see Eunhyuk and Donghae using her arms as pillows and staring at the ceiling with her.

                Eunhyuk smiled “What are we looking at?” Donghae laughed as Sorotsu turned red and frantically looked back and forth between them. Donghae smiled at her “We asked Joon for permission to steal you today and he said we could.”

                She was flustered and tried to escape but they were a lot bigger then her. So she just ended up squirming around. Eunhyuk rolled on to his side so he was facing her and Donghae did the same. “So Sorotsu-ssi? What do you want to do today?” Eunhyuk asked flashing his gummy smile at her. She was really flustered looking at him so she turned to look at Donghae who smiled at her and laughed “We are up to do whatever you want.”

                She was flustered looking at him as well so she stared intently at the ceiling. Awkwardly, she mumbled “Whatever you want to do is fine.” Eunhyuk laughed. “Well we can’t do that since your married, so let’s go to the beach instead!” She suddenly snapped her head towards Eunhyuk. Donghae burst out laughing and rolled off the bed.

                Eunhyuk smiled and sat up. “Put your swimsuit on! We will go get our suits and be back.” He pointed his finger at her. “Don’t you leave this room until we come get you! You won’t escape us today!” Eunhyuk helped a dying Donghae up off the floor and patted him on the back as he continued laughing. They left the room.

                Sorotsu plopped over and flailed around. She looked at her swimsuits and decided on the green plaid two piece with a skirt like bottom. She went into the bathroom and brushed her hair. She sat on her bed waiting for Eunhyuk and Donghae to come back. They were taking to long so she went back into the bathroom and played with her hair, ending up with pigtails. She thought she looked cute today and was hoping Joon would be at the beach and could see her hair.

                The door opened again and she heard Eunhyuk call for her. She walked out of the bathroom to see Donghae and Eunhyuk in only swim trunks again. The two super junior members were laughing then suddenly stopped. All three of them had the same facial expression. Then they all blushed and awkwardly looked around. Eunhyuk shook it off and smiled at her. “Let’s go play!”

                She smiled at them and walked towards them slowly. She had never had any time alone with these two and she felt pretty awkward. The two guys put on sunglasses and grinned at her. She laughed and grabbed the sunglasses Thunder gave her and put them on. “There! We all match.” She said trying to make things more comfortable.

                They both laughed and Eunhyuk pulled a Polaroid camera out that he was hiding behind his back. Eunhyuk grabbed Sorotsu and put his arm around her shoulders and Donghae went on the other side of her. He held the camera up and took a picture of the three of them in sunglasses. Donghae took the picture and looked at it. “Let’s make a lot of fun memories today.” He said smiling at her.

                She nodded and smiled. They really did feel less awkward now. The three of them walked to the beach and she was surprised to see no one around. “Where is everyone?” she said looking around. Eunhyuk looked around as well, pretending to be confused “Ummmm….” Donghae smiled “They all must still be shocked from yesterday. Rain and Eun Ah left this morning though.” She nodded and just accepted the explanation.

                Donghae took the camera away from Eunhyuk and took a picture of Sorotsu standing in front of him. “Sorotsu-ssi, your pretty short.” He said laughing and looking at the picture. Eunhyuk laughed and leaned on her head. “She isn’t short, she’s fun sized.” The three of them laughed as they walked towards the water.

                Sorotsu walked to the edge carefully and had the small waves brush over her feet. She smiled staring at the water. Eunhyuk set the photos down on the sand next to their sunglasses and took the camera from Donghae. Suddenly Donghae grinned at him and motioned for him to get the camera ready.

                Eunhyuk lifted the camera as Donghae ran up behind Sorotsu and scooped her up and ran into the water and turned to face Eunhyuk as he fell into the water holding Sorotsu. Eunhyuk took a picture right as they were falling. He laughed and put the camera down and ran out to the water and tackled Donghae who was being splashed by a surprised Sorotsu.

                They splashed around in the water and tackled and dunked each other until they got tired out. Sorotsu sighed and just floated on her back in the water. “That was fun. Thanks you guys.” She said closing her eyes. Eunhyuk and Donghae grinned at each other. “No need to thank us. We wanted to. What should we do now?”

                Donghae started walking out of the water towards the camera. Eunhyuk smiled and scooped up Sorotsu. Donghae took a picture as he carried her out of the water. He set her down next to Donghae. She looked at the pictures they took so far. “If these go in the photo book, people are going to think I’m dating all of you guys.” She said laughing. Eunhyuk grinned and winked at her.

Donghae elbowed him. “We don’t have to put these in there if you don’t want to.” She laughed. “I don’t mind. That way, all of us will be able to have a copy.” Eunhyuk laughed. “Hey, we forgot to bring towels.” The three of them looked around and sighed. They took another picture of the three of them soaked and making silly faces. Then they gathered all the pictures and put their sunglasses back on. Sorotsu took a picture of the two boys posing together. Then they each took a picture of her posing with the other member.

                They walked back to Sorotsu’s room dripping the whole way. She went into the bathroom and grabbed three towels and threw one to the each of them and started to dry her hair. She looked at the clock and it was a little after four. “It’s really weird that no one was on the beach. I mean there are thirty two of us left with Rain and Eun Ah gone. That’s not even including managers or staff.”

                The Super Junior members started counting in their head. “That is strange.” Sorotsu grabbed her phone to see if anyone had texted her and there were no messages. Donghae smiled “Sorotsu-ssi, can I borrow your phone?” She nodded and handed it to him. He dialed a number as she sat on her towel on the bed. Eunhyuk sat on his towel on the bed next to her and leaned back on his arms. They both watched Donghae on the phone.

                The other end answered “Ah! Leeteuk-hyung. Where is everyone today?” he asked winking at Eunhyuk. The boy on the bed sighed and smiled. Sorotsu mindlessly played with the rings on her finger as she watched Donghae. “Ok, hyung we will come over. We will bring Sorotsu-ssi too. Bye!” He hung up and handed her phone back.

                “He says that we have to put pajamas on and go meet him.” She laughed “Pajamas?” He nodded. “Hurry! Go put some on.” She laughed as she went into her suitcase and grabbed a pair of panda print pajama pants and a tight gray tank top with Yoshi from Mario on it. She changed in the bathroom.

                She came back out and Donghae and Eunhyuk stood up and smiled. “Let’s go to our room so we can change.” She nodded and followed them back to their room. Their room had more suitcases then hers did, even now with Joons luggage as well. She sat on their bed cross legged and watched them rummage through different bags until they found their pajamas. Eunhyuk got to the bathroom first. Donghae leaned against the wall next to the bathroom door.

                “So, don’t mind Eunhyuk-ah flirting with you. He just is like that when he finds something cute.” She laughed “It’s alright. I don’t mind. Joon told me that he was with you.” Donghae started laughing really hard. “Sometimes, but we aren’t together or anything. We just got used to it from the fan service and now it’s a habit. A habit that sometimes becomes real.” She smiled and giggled a little as the door opened.

                “Donghae-ah! What are you telling her about me?” He started laughing and went into the bathroom and closed the door behind him. Eunhyuk was wearing green striped pajama bottoms and a white t-shirt. He sat next to her and smiled. “So what did he tell you?” She giggled. “He said that you guys aren’t together but you guys are sometimes out of habit from the fan service.” She smiled “He also said it’s a habit that sometimes becomes real.”

                Eunhyuk laughed and nodded. “That sounds about right.” Donghae came out wearing light pink pajama pants with a matching button up shirt with only one middle button fastened and a white tank top under it.  Eunhyuk stood up and blocked Donghae in front of where Sorotsu was sitting. He grabbed the collar of his pajama shirt.

                “Donghae-ah! Do you really just think of me as a habit?” He said with a pouting face. Sorotsu’s eyes opened wide. Donghae smiled. “Sometimes.” Eunhyuk continued to make a pouty face.  Eunhyuk pulled the button up shirt back over his shoulder and kissed the bare skin of his shoulder.

                Sorotsu’s face went blank and she couldn’t register that she just saw what she saw. Eunhyuk moved up and kissed his neck once. Then both boys started laughing and turned to look at Sorotsu. It looked like her soul had left her body. She had a blank expression and it looked like her eyes weren’t focused on anything.

                Both boys started laughing even harder. Donghae smiled and waved his hand in front of her face. “Most normal people would have looked away.” Her gaze moved to Donghae without blinking. “Most people don’t expect that to happen in front of their face.” Eunhyuk fell to the floor laughing. Donghae grinned. “That is true. We should go now. Hyung is waiting for us.”

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fruitimoodi #1
THis is amazing!
Chapter 34: awww!! and LMAO!! CHANYEOL AND HIS WHITE FLOWER AHAHAHAHH I laughed pretty hard at that part.
Chapter 32: awww this is cute. question though, how long did her father live in america?
Chapter 32: 21P
ok thats me marking my spot. i wish aff had like a place holder option or something.

anyways im falling aasssllleeepp and i need to get up at a reasonable time tomorrow. I'M GOING TO THE FAIIIRR hhahha.

i lol'd at the part where he shook cheondungs hand saying he was most attractive hahha
Chapter 32: ok im back again
Chapter 32: 4am is not night!!
Chapter 31: aww that was really cute. lol.
Chapter 31: ok i lol'd at the scene hahaha
Chapter 31: lol OF COURSE dara was behind her sitting between cheondung and baeky!!BAHHAHAHAHAH i love dara
Chapter 31: hahhaha ok so chanyeol is really cracking me up hahah. still had his pillow at breakfast bahahhaha