Chapter 12


                Thunder smiled but avoided eye contact. “Can I come in? No one knows I came here. I just had some things I wanted to say without anyone else around.” She nodded and let him in. “Do you want something to drink or anything?” she asked closing the door behind her. He sat on her couch. “Water would be fine.” He said placing his hat, scarf and sunglasses on the table.

                She placed two glasses and the water pitcher on the table and sat on the couch next to him. “So why did you decide to wear a disguise?” he laughed awkwardly. “The number of photographers outside of our dorm has dramatically increased now that you got scheduled for shows. I didn’t want them to follow me and find out where you live.” She laughed “You would think that with a disguise like that, they would know you were someone trying to hide. I’m surprised no one decided to follow you just because of that.”

                He looked up at her and smiled. “Don’t worry, my sister helped me. She came over to the dorm at a convenient time and no one even saw me leave the building.” Sorotsu smiled “It must be nice to have a sibling who will do things like that for you.” Thunder grabbed her hand. “You have people who are just like siblings now. You have all of MBLAQ and Kai.” She laughed “I talked to all of EXO on the phone before you got here. They helped me a lot today.” He grinned. “See you have all of MBLAQ and even EXO now. That’s like… 16 brothers and Joon.”

                She burst out laughing. “Oh God! I have 16 brothers… I don’t even know what to do with one!” Thunder relaxed a little and laughed. “I came here to apologize again. I really shouldn’t have done that, but I want you to know that I am always here for you. I will be just like a brother to you. Unless, Joon hurts you or you guys decide not to be together anymore…” he trailed off and drank some water. He crossed his hands in his lap. “If that happens, I really hope you will consider coming to me.”

                He stood up and grabbed his stuff from the table “But you don’t have to worry about answering that anytime soon. I really sincerely hope you and Joon will continue to be happy and I will help protect that happiness. I should get going now.” He said walking towards the door. She shook her head in disbelief. “Wait! Sanghyun-oppa!” he stopped and turned around. She smiled “Thank you.”

                He walked towards her and hugged her. He rested his head on top of hers. “Don’t worry about me anymore, alright? Just go be happy with Joon.” She smiled and hugged him back. “I promise.”

                He let go and laughed. “My sister told me that I should have just stolen you from Joon. I really should be going now.”  She nodded “Probably. Do you know when the shows I’m supposed to go on will be?” he shook his head. “Give me your number and I can give it to the manager for you?” She smiled and put her number in his phone, he texted her. “Now we have each others numbers. I will tell the other members that they should give you theirs too.”

                He patted her on the head “Well I will see you later.” He said smiling while walking to the front door. He put his disguise back on and closed the door behind him. She sighed and looked at her phone. “16 brothers… Huh…” she said sitting down and turning the TV on.

                EXO were on the TV. “Oh, so they were on this show.” She said settling down on the couch. All twelve members were still being asked about what it’s like to be separated from each other all the time. The MC then looked towards Kai. “So Kai, we understand that you were the one who introduced Joon to his new girlfriend. They sure are popular now. How do you feel about the members of MBLAQ saying that your childhood friend is like family to them?” Kai laughed and Kris handed him the mic he was holding. “Well I am really happy for them. She has always been my noona and she still is.” He said smiling. Chanyeol sat up grinning. “She called us when we were backstage!”

                Kai, Kris and Suho all sighed. They knew that the rest of the interview would now have random questions about Sorotsu and Joon. Sorotsu stared at the TV wide eyed. The MC’s eyes lit up. “Us? She called more then just Kai?” Chanyeol laughed “No! She called Kai but since she called earlier and he was busy so me and Kris-hyung talked to her. Then she called back later to thank us.” The MC smiled towards the camera. “So all of you guys know her?”

                Kris took the mic away from Chanyeol. “We don’t really know her. She was calling Kai for advice this morning but he was busy at the photo shoot so I offered my advice. She was very nice.” The MC nodded. “Ah! I see. So would you guys like to get to know her? She seems to be very popular among the idols. There are even rumors that shows are trying to get her into their line ups.” Chanyeol leaned over Kai and spoke into his mic “I already talked to her a few times and even met her once! I even call her Noona now.”

                Sorotsu hid behind a couch cushion. Kris looked like he wanted to kill Chanyeol and glared at Suho who just sighed and stared at the ground. The MC introduced the commercial break and she just stared at her phone. It started going off with texts. She looked and she had just gotten six texts, one from Joon, Byoungki, and Thunder. Then 3 from numbers she didn’t know. She assumed they must be the other members of MBLAQ.

                She sighed and opened them. Joon texted “Are you watching the EXO interview? They are talking about you! <3” Byoungki texted “You didn’t tell me that you knew more members of EXO then just Kai.” She laughed. It was like he was her manager now as well. Thunder texted “I gave all of them your number. – Sanghyun.”

Seungho had texted “Hello. This is Seunghos’ number. Text whenever you need to talk to someone.” G.O texted “This is G.O! EXO is talking about you on TV if you didn’t know.” The last one she automatically knew it was from Mir. “UㅇㅅㅇU. This is Mir-ssi!! You are already so famous!!!!”

She added them all into her phone. She now realized that it would be really bad if she ever lost her phone now that she has idols numbers. She texted them all back explaining that she had just talked to the other members for the first time today, besides Chanyeol.

The commercial break was over and Chanyeol was pouting because they took the mics away from the people surrounding him. The MC started asking questions again. “It’s rumored that Mnet wants Joon and Sorotsu to have a wedding live on their channel. What do you think about that Kai?” Kai laughed. “They have only been together for a very short time, but if they get married, I would hope to be invited.” The other members nodded too. The MC noticed. “Does this mean all of EXO would like to be invited to their wedding?” Chanyeol sat up grinning and shaking his head yes. The MC then handed his mic to Chanyeol. “Chanyeol? Would you like to send a video message asking them to invite you?”

Chanyeol grinned into the camera. “Sorotsu-noona!! Please invite us to yours and Joon-sunbaes’ wedding! Please invite all of EXO!”

Sorotsu decided that this boy was going to cause her to be murdered. It was already bad enough that she had MBLAQ feigning all over her, now he was going to make it seem like she had all of EXO too. Fans were not going to like her. She was never going to go out in public alone again, for her own safety.

She got another text from Joon. “Byoungki says we can invite EXO to the mock wedding if you would like. Mnet is ecstatic about the idea. They are planning a giant wedding event and we can no longer get out of it. We are supposed to go in tomorrow morning and help them plan everything. Then we also have SuKiRa in the afternoon. Be sure to get plenty of sleep! I will be picking you up at 7am. <3” She decided to turn off the TV. She plopped backwards on the couch and had her head hanging off the edge. She stayed like that until all the blood rushed to her head. She tried to sit back up but was dizzy and ended up falling backwards.

She stared at the ceiling thinking about the mock wedding. She wondered if they would provide a bridal party for her or if she was expected to choose her own brides maids and every thing. She realized that she had no female friends, at all. Before two weeks ago, she had Kai and the people online. She never even had to meet her boss in person. It was all through e-mail. She sat up. “I wonder if Kai and Chanyeol would be offended if I asked them to be my bridal party…”

She laughed at imagining them in brides’ maids’ dresses. She realized it was getting late and went to take another shower since she had to wake up early. The hot water irritated her skin because of all of the hair removal earlier. She remembered what Mir’s sister said and once she got out of the shower she put damp cold towels on her skin. She put on a white tank top that didn’t quite reach her hips and the pair of blue pinstriped pajama pants she let Joon borrow the day they danced in the rain. She plugged her phone in and fell asleep around midnight.

At 6:30am her phone started ringing. She grumbled and rolled over and answered it. “Hello?” she said sleepily. It was Joon. “Good morning! We are on our way over to your house. Are you ready yet?” she barely registered what he said “Good morning…” she said sleepily. Joon laughed “You just woke up didn’t you. Hey! Driver we need to stop and get food first. Sorotsu get up and get ready! I’m bringing you breakfast too.” She laughed a little bit “Kay…” she said plopping her face into the pillow.

Joon said bye and hung up the phone. She groaned and slowly crawled out of her bed. She rubbed her head, which she had horrible bed head because she fell asleep with wet hair and she had just now caused one side of her hair to poof up. She looked through the bags of clothes the manager got her yesterday and took about 5 minutes deciding what to wear. She placed the outfit on her bed and went to brush her teeth. She didn’t want to get water or anything on the clothes. She put toothpaste on her toothbrush and just put it in and started brushing. There was a knock on the door before she even got a chance to look in the mirror.

She went to answer the door while still brushing her teeth. Joon was standing there holding bagels and a cup of fruit. He started laughing hysterically as he saw her with her eyes half closed, hair poofy on one side of her head and a pink hello kitty toothbrush in . She just blinked a few times and turned around to go finish brushing her teeth. Joon put the food on the counter and followed her into the bathroom. “You look ridiculous.” He said grabbing a brush and brushing the poof away.

She finished brushing her teeth and smiled at Joon. She looked much better now that her hair was flat. “I’m sorry I’m not ready yet.” He smiled. He was too distracted before by her puffy hair and toothbrush that he didn’t really notice what she was wearing. He saw that the skin below her belly button was visible and her face was glowing compared to yesterday. She somehow managed to take his breathe away. He reached his hands out and placed them on her bare hips. He blushed and looked her in the eye. “You look like an angel. Your skin is glowing even more then the first morning when the sun hit you.” She immediately blushed and was now wide awake. “Umm… I had to go to the stylist yesterday… they did stuff to my face.” She said awkwardly. He smiled at her and kissed her lips softly. “You should get dressed.”

She went to her room and Joon saw the outfit she had laid out. He smiled and grabbed them and put them back in the bag. “Hey! I was going to wear those. Byoungki got me those.” Joon laughed and handed her a pair of black semi-torn skinny jeans from one of the bags. Then he found a dark blue tank top and handed it to her. He walked over to her closet and searched through it. “What are you looking for?” she asked curiously. He continued looking “That sweater you wore to the theme park. The one you altered.”

She stared at him confused. “Why do you want me to wear that when the manager got me all these new clothes?” Joon turned and smiled at her. “That sweater is better then those.” He finally found it and tossed it to her. “There. You can wear these today.” He smiled at her as she looked at the clothes. “If I get in trouble, I’m blaming you.” She said laughing.

Joon leaned against the wall and Sorotsu raised her eyebrow at him. “I can’t get dressed with you in here.” She said smirking. He got flustered and laughed awkwardly and went off to the kitchen. She knew that they have already seen each other in just their underwear, but she figured its better to be proper then to be reckless. She put the outfit on and it surprisingly looked better then what she had chose out. She smiled and opened her bedroom door. Byoungki was standing by the front door and Joon handed her a bagel with cream cheese and grabbed a fork from the drawer. He grabbed the fruit cup off of the counter. Byoungki smiled “You can eat in the car.”

They all followed him out to the van. Joon made her sit in the back with him. Byoungki was sitting in the driver seat. It was only the three of them. “Where did you get that sweater? I don’t remember buying it yesterday.” She smiled embarrassed “Does it look bad?” she asked as Joon made a pouty face at her. Byoungki shook his head “No. It looks really good.” Joon grinned “She altered it herself! I told her she should wear it again.” Byoungki smiled “It’s really nice. So when we get there, they said we had a bunch of paper work to sign. Joon, you are already used to the press forms. The publicist is new so he will be pretty awkward explaining the papers to you. They are usually just the regular press release forms and giving them permission to use your image for the advertisings and things.”

She nodded, not really listening. She was just going to sign everything that Byoungki and Joon told her to sign. They arrived at the Mnet building. There were always cameras around here. Byoungki got out first. Sorotsu and Joon could see the photographers curious as to who was in the van. The manager opened the door and Joon smiled at her. He climbed out first and offered his hand to her. The cameras instantly started flashing everywhere. She smiled and took his hand. Byoungki asked some of the photographers to back up and make some space. Joon put his hand on her lower back and the manager led them into the building.

Byoungki walked up to the front desk to sign them in. Joon wrapped his arm her side and pulled her closer, smiling. Byoungki smiled at them and motioned for them to follow him. They got into the elevator and had to go up to the 15th floor. The elevator stopped at the 5th floor and the doors opened. Tony An came on and looked at the buttons but didn’t press anything.

“Ah! Lee Joon-ssi! How have you been?” He said smiling and shaking his hand. Joon smiled and looked down at Sorotsu. “I’ve been really well. How about you?” Tony smiled and nodded “I’ve been well too. Is this Sorotsu?” Joon smiled and nodded “Ah, yes. Tony-sunbae, this is Sorotsu. Sorotsu, I’m sure you know Tony-sunbae.” She smiled and bowed a little “Tony-oppa, I’m Sorotsu. It’s nice to meet you.” Tony laughed “We don’t have to be so formal. No need to bow. Didn’t you hear yet? I’m going to be MC’ing your wedding.”

Byoungki smiled “We are on our way there now. We just got here. We don’t know anything yet.” Tony nodded and smiled at Joon “You’re lucky that you found such a cute girlfriend.” Joon lit up and smiled. Sorotsu blushed as the doors opened on their floor. Byoungki went out first and Tony let her and Joon out first before following behind them.

The four of them walked into an office where there was a long conference table and a nervous looking middle aged man and a woman who stood up as they entered. They all exchanged greetings and the publicist tried to explain all the papers but it was really nervously done and they couldn’t understand most of it. Tony smiled at the man “Don’t be so nervous. We know what most of these papers are for already.” He said as he started signing the stack of papers designated for him. Tony looked at Sorotsu “You sign where ever they place these sticky note arrows.”

Byoungki smiled and nodded. The nervous publicist stuttered out “Lee Joon-ssi, signs by the red arrows and Sorotsu-ssi signs by the yellow ones.” Joon smiled at him and started signing and handing the pen to Sorotsu so she could sign as well. The publicist laughed awkwardly as the idols handed him their paper work. He looked towards the woman who was with him “I will leave them to you then as I take these.” He said bowing as he left.

The woman smiled “Hello. I’m the event planner. I will be planning the actual wedding. I’m sorry about him. This is his first job since his promotion. We are already getting calls from many groups and celebrities who say that they would like to come to this event. We are expecting this to be one of the biggest live television events ever.” Sorotsu’s eyes opened wider. Joon squeezed her hand and smiled. “We have already started the preparations. We just need to know who you guys would like for your wedding parties.”

Sorotsu laughed awkwardly. Everyone looked at her. The event planner smiled “Do you know who you would like to be your brides’ maids?” Sorotsu looked down at the table and mumbled “I don’t have any friends that are girls. Before a couple weeks ago, my only friend was Kai. I don’t suppose I could ask EXO to be my bridal party?” she said laughing a little. Everyone must have imagined the same thing she did because they all laughed. Byoungki smiled “You met Go Eun Ha the other day. Maybe she will be part of the wedding.” The event planner sat there thinking. “Hmmm… We would get higher ratings if you had EXO as your bridal party. I understand that you know more then just Kai?”

She nodded “Yeah, I have talked to Chanyeol and Kris as well.” The event planner clapped her hands “That settles that. We will ask if those three will be you’re bridal party, Kai will be your ‘maid of honor’.” She said making air quotes as she said that last part. “Lee Joon-ssi? What three people do you want?” Joon thought about it for a moment. “Rain-hyung will be my best man and then G.O-hyung and Yonghwa!” the event planner seemed to be glowing. Sorotsu understood why. This was the most star studded event she has ever heard of. The only things that had more, were shows like movie awards and things. The event planner clapped “Well that’s all we needed for today. Tony-ssi, we will get in touch with you about the script. Sorotsu-ssi, you will need to come back tomorrow for a dress fitting. We are thinking about having a pastel color, western style wedding. They are becoming increasingly popular these days. Joon-ssi you will also have to come in tomorrow to get a tux fitted. We will contact all of your wedding party and get them in to sign the release forms. The wedding will be in 2 weeks. Byoungki-ssi, I will stay in contact with you about all of the details and guest list. If you guys would like your family to be present, please contact me with the amount of seats you will need reserved.” She stood up and shook everyone’s hands and left.

Tony smiled and shook all of their hands “Joon come into the hallway for a second.” Joon stood up and followed him into the hall. Sorotsu sighed “It’s almost like it’s a real wedding. My family can’t come anyways. That’s too soon for them to be able to get here. My dad will be pleased as long as Kai is there though.” Byoungki laughed “This is going to be a giant event! I can see why the publicist is so nervous.” Joon came back in laughing. “This is so exciting!” He kissed her on the forehead. “Let’s go eat lunch!”

They got in the elevator and went to the ground floor. Byoungki gave Joon a credit card. “Here you guys go eat without me.” He said winking at Joon. “Don’t forget that you have SuKiRa tonight!” Joon grinned and grabbed Sorotsus’ hand. Byoungki let them use the van. He grabbed a cab and left. Joon opened the passenger side door for her and helped her in, as the photographers took pictures of them. Joon waved to the cameras smiling as he got into the drivers seat. She waved at the cameras as they drove off.

He smiled at her “So where do you want to eat?” she shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know. What do you want to eat?” Joon thought about it for a moment. Suddenly he grinned. “I have an idea!” He pulled up next to a convenient store “Wait here!” He said running inside the store. She looked out the window confused. After a few minutes, Joon came running back out to the van with 2 bags full of food. She looked at him curiously. “What’s all that?” she asked laughing. He smiled and kissed her cheek. “It’s lunch! We are eating somewhere special! It’s a surprise.”

He started the van back up and started driving. She had no idea where this boy was taking her but she was excited. She loved when he did random unexpected things like this. She smiled and tried to guess where they were going. She didn’t really recognize anything. All of a sudden Joon got really excited “Close your eyes!! No peeking! We are almost there!!” she laughed and closed her eyes. She fought the urge to peek. She felt the van turn and then slow to a stop. “Keep your eyes shut!” he said as she heard him grabbing the plastic bags and get out of the van.

He came to her side of the van and opened her door. “Don’t peek.” He whispered as he un-did her seat belt and helped her out. He closed the door and led her forwards. She heard what sounded like a big metal gate sliding open. He led her forwards again and then she heard the gate slide shut again. Joon wrapped his arm around her from behind and rested his chin on her shoulder. “OK open your eyes.” He whispered into her ear.

She slowly opened her eyes and instantly recognized where they were. This was the abandoned theme park that they met in. She turned and kissed Joon on the cheek. He got all giddy and dragged her to the empty gift shop. He grinned “Lets eat lunch here.” He led her to the room where they spent their first night together and everything looked exactly as they left it. No one has been here since they left. He spread the blanket out on the ground and motioned for her to sit.

He put the bags of food down on the blanket and started pulling out random convenience store food. There were some sandwiches, chips and some hard boiled eggs. The other bag had some fruit cups and chocolate in it, as well as some sodas. They started eating. Sorotsu smiled at Joon “So what made you decide to come here?” Joon smiled. “Remember when Tony-sunbae took me into the hallway? He gave me something.” She looked at him curiously. He reached into his pocket and pulled something out; he kept it in his fist so she couldn’t see. He sat up on one knee and held a ring out to her. It was a simple silver band. “I know this is a mock wedding, but I wanted to know.” He looked right into her eyes. She looked back with shock. “Will you marry me on television?” he said with a big grin on his face.

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fruitimoodi #1
THis is amazing!
Chapter 34: awww!! and LMAO!! CHANYEOL AND HIS WHITE FLOWER AHAHAHAHH I laughed pretty hard at that part.
Chapter 32: awww this is cute. question though, how long did her father live in america?
Chapter 32: 21P
ok thats me marking my spot. i wish aff had like a place holder option or something.

anyways im falling aasssllleeepp and i need to get up at a reasonable time tomorrow. I'M GOING TO THE FAIIIRR hhahha.

i lol'd at the part where he shook cheondungs hand saying he was most attractive hahha
Chapter 32: ok im back again
Chapter 32: 4am is not night!!
Chapter 31: aww that was really cute. lol.
Chapter 31: ok i lol'd at the scene hahaha
Chapter 31: lol OF COURSE dara was behind her sitting between cheondung and baeky!!BAHHAHAHAHAH i love dara
Chapter 31: hahhaha ok so chanyeol is really cracking me up hahah. still had his pillow at breakfast bahahhaha