I Miss My Hug

When A Star Lost Its Shine {DISCONTINUED}

Kim Hyun Joong POV


It has been a week since Soo Jin is missing.I cancelled  all my activities outside Korea.I already report about her missing to the police.I don't care about my image anymore.She is my wife,and is missing.I contacted her parents the next day of her missing but they said SooJin is not with them.I went to her dance school where she works,but they said she is absent too.They didn't tell her yet that her students won in the dance competition.

I don't know where else she can be.I have searched and contaced everyone related to her but no one knows.Arghh..Why she's leaving?Where to?Is it really because of that picture?Hei Ryung always act that way with me.Well the incident on the stage is not planned but she did it just to lighten up the event.It was the end anyway.Soo Jin never show her jealousy before,why now?It must be of something else.Did she has been kidnapped?But why her luggage and clothes is taken away too?And I didn't get any call asking for ransom.I called her number but it sent to her voicemail.She left her car.Where did she go?


I lie down on my bed and turns to the right side.Mr Hug,the nickname we gave to the teddy bear I gave her,stared at me,smiling.I gave her the bear to be my substitute when I am not around.Soo Jin is afraid of lightning and she will hugged me when she saw or heard any signs of lightning.I only know about this after we got married and stay together.I was surprised at the first time but now already get used to it,and I missed it.She will hugged me tightly,shut her eyes and calling for my name.She got that side too,beside her easy going and didn't really depends-on-others personality.Sometimes she even trembling,when the lightning and thunder get too loud and shocked her.She will buried her face on my chest.

I still remember the first time I had it,I was totally freezed when she hugged me closely to her body.We were just married for almost a month back then.It was raining,with lightning and storm,in the middle of night.
"I don't care what will you say,but please let me hold you till it's over,jaebal"her voice was like she was going to cry.
"Are...are you scared of lightning?"
She  nodded her head.
I'm not really good in consoling people but something makes my hand move,to her head,and started to her hair,and her back,patted her head,while my other hand hugged her body back,closer to mine.Only then she can calmed down.We stayed like that till the morning and since the day,I will volunteer myself,I'll hugged her first whenever there's lightning or storm.I feel like I'm a superhero more than any Superman or Batman can do when I did that.I feel warmth,comfortable and more dependable as a namja in her life.

But now,who will help to console her?I hope she wouldn't randomly hugged any guy out there when it's raining with lightning and storms.She really would never do that,right?

I'm staring at Mr Hug,pretending it is my wife.I hugged the bear as how I always hug her.SooJin,where are you?Please come back to me.I want to hug you.I...miss you...Please don't hug any other guy beside me...The only guy you can  hug is me...Only ME..

I fell asleep while hugging the bear,thinking of SooJin...Dreaming she will be home when I open my eyes...



*Annyeong!It has been more than a week since my last update right?Mianhe,I really got no idea how to continue this,to relates with the last chapter.Sorry to make you wait!


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start on 8/7/2012,I'm having my Industrial Training(Practical training),only can online at nights but i still can't promise if i can update my fanfics


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marquez #1
Chapter 13: u know my dear, u can't just leave ur husband cause u are jealous. that's a stupid thing to do. a big no, no. thanks.
mariacathykhj #2
Chapter 28: Please continue the story...... :-( i really luved ur story...
N please delete the last chapter S.O.R.R.Y it's really irritating
Btw.....if not the scandal....what made u stop likinh Hyun joong oppa???? :3 Am really curious! :/
Chapter 28: I was quite upset after reading this chapter... But if thats what you want, then I'll understand... :) well, I had fun reading the beginning until the last chapter! ^^ I just hope you can write a new fanfic that you can really finish next time! :)) and thankyu for sharing this story at least! Wish you all the best and FIGHTING!!! ^_^
zanet0909 #4
Chapter 28: Pls don't say tht u r still a triple S but you are not a big fan of HJL though....just tht sounds so irritating...sorry to say this..but true triple S loves all five of them as a whole eventhgh might have bias but we will never say tht we r not a big fan of a member of tht grp. Yes...HJL is my bias...but when it comes to all of them...i love them all equally. If you can't continue the story...i can clearly understand tht...sometimes it happens. But just don't use tht excuse...if it is true tht u are no longer a big fan of him then that means you have never been a true fan to him either
Linxyme #5
Chapter 28: Never start something you can't finish its irritating
Chapter 28: Whyyyy whyyy whyyyy i was enjoying myself reading the story.. Authornim whyyyyyy hahahahah nvm goodluck with ur other future fanfics.. Hwaiting!
anabeatriz #7
Chapter 27: Continue. I'm curious! !
maiyaa #8
Chapter 16: Poor hyunjoong :'(
Too rude soojin :@
maiyaa #9
Chapter 10: Ur story is amazing trully but one thing is that soojin leave korea for a ridiculos reason although she have a loving hubby but still she didn't even discuss it eith hyunjong.. i mean i don't want to be rude i eeally like ur story but this thing it kinda don't suit it :) btw (Y) :D well done
genie1421 #10
Chapter 27: poor hyunjin/i think soojin is pregnant/why hyunjoong don't try to find her,find his world//thx for updting its been a while/i hope u can update regularly//