She's Missing!

When A Star Lost Its Shine {DISCONTINUED}

Kim Hyun Joong POV

It's 10pm now,still early.She must not be sleeping yet.Feels quite hungry now.My team ask me to join them having dinner but I reject it in a manner because It has been some time I didn't have dinner at home.They understand my situation since they all  know I'm already married,they even invited when I'm holding a small reception event.

"Ding dong!Ding dong!"
After a few minutes waiting,finally I open the door myself,after enter the password,080510,our wedding date.

"Mrs Kim!Mr Kim is home!"
No answe

Weird..I think she told me this morning she will not have any practice tonight,since tomorrow morning is the day her student will have a dance competition.Did she change her mind?'s  possible...

So i guess I'll have dinner by myself.I lifted up the food's cover.There's Kimchi stew and Beef Bok Choy.Great.And I'm so hungry now...

After having dinner,I take a rest in the living room for a while before take my bath.Quiet.Silent.This is how SooJin always feel when I'm not here.For this 2 years...*sigh..
I hope I can bring her along whenever I'm fly to another country or went away feom our house.But I don't want to makes her tired like I do.And she have her own job too to take care of.She's insisting to work even though I already told her I'm capable enough to support our life. She's an independence woman who don't like rely on others.I'm a lucky guy for having her as my woman.

After done bathing,I walked to the closet room,planning to  sleep after this.I'm too tired now.When I turned the light on,I can feel  like something is not right.What is it?hmm...I wear a short pants and sleeveless shirt.

I close the room and turn the lights off.Maybe it just my feelings.I landed myself on the bed when my eyes catch a glance of Soo Jin's laptop on the table in the room.It's not turn off.
"Eh?Weird.She is so details about all the things she used,but why she didn't turn off the laptop"
I climbed down of the bed and get the laptop.

So she was 'stalking' me?keke..this is the pictures during my fanmeets.Including this one,when Ryung rip off my shirt on the stage.She was a bit over but  I didn't really mind,since it was the ending of the event.Did Soo Jin saw this too?She must be jealous if she see this..Wait...
I rushed to the closet room,and my instict was right.Something is wrong.SooJin's luggage is not in it's place!And her clothes too,half of them are missing!
I get my phone,dialling her number.
"The number is ..."the operator voice in the makes my heart beats faster.I'm trembling,don't know what to do.I called her workplace but no one answer.I called KyuJong,since they're quite close.
"Yoboseyo.Deh Hyung,wassup?"
"Err..i just want to know,is SooJin in your place?"
"Bo?It's already midnight,how can she be here.Wae Hyung?What happened"?
I told him my wife is missing and all.He was suprised and promised will try to ask the other members and friends.My mind went blank,don't know what I can do.She never do this before.Why?Is it because of the picture,or something else?Argghh...I can't call her parents now,it's already midnight and I don't want to make them worries.
This can't be.She must be somewhere.I wear a proper clothes and went out.I want to look for her.I keep messaging and leave voicemails to her in case if she turn on the phone back.
After more than an hour looking for her near our house area,I got a call from JaeJoong.
"Yah,is it true your wife is missing?I heard this from YoungSaeng.Are you sure she is not going to the market or elsewhere?
"Yes,I'm sure she is run away from home.Her luggage is not in the usual place,and when I got  home the dinner is still warm.She must out not long before I'm home,"
"So where are you now?"
"I'm trying to look for her near our house area.But I can't found her.It has been an hour."
"Look.I'll try to seek help from the others,and you,have a rest first.You must be tired now.Maybe she will be home tomorrow,who knows?"
"Okay.I'm on my way anyway.Thanks for calling."
"Yah what thanks?I only concern about SooJin's safety..."
I  know Jae was just trying to makes me laugh a little but seem I can't.
"Okay.I'm hanging up.Bye"

In home,I feel empty.I look at our wedding photo on the wall in our bedroom,while lying on the bed.She was smiling brightly.I hope I can see that smile again tomorrow morning.I hope this is just a dream...really a dream..a nightmare..when I wake up tomorrow,she is here,smiling at me...



*I tried to make the missing scenes looks more exciting,action,and all,keke..but I think I didn't do it right...huhu..ThanKyufor the comments!It makes me more excited to write..hehe :D

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start on 8/7/2012,I'm having my Industrial Training(Practical training),only can online at nights but i still can't promise if i can update my fanfics


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marquez #1
Chapter 13: u know my dear, u can't just leave ur husband cause u are jealous. that's a stupid thing to do. a big no, no. thanks.
mariacathykhj #2
Chapter 28: Please continue the story...... :-( i really luved ur story...
N please delete the last chapter S.O.R.R.Y it's really irritating
Btw.....if not the scandal....what made u stop likinh Hyun joong oppa???? :3 Am really curious! :/
Chapter 28: I was quite upset after reading this chapter... But if thats what you want, then I'll understand... :) well, I had fun reading the beginning until the last chapter! ^^ I just hope you can write a new fanfic that you can really finish next time! :)) and thankyu for sharing this story at least! Wish you all the best and FIGHTING!!! ^_^
zanet0909 #4
Chapter 28: Pls don't say tht u r still a triple S but you are not a big fan of HJL though....just tht sounds so irritating...sorry to say this..but true triple S loves all five of them as a whole eventhgh might have bias but we will never say tht we r not a big fan of a member of tht grp. Yes...HJL is my bias...but when it comes to all of them...i love them all equally. If you can't continue the story...i can clearly understand tht...sometimes it happens. But just don't use tht excuse...if it is true tht u are no longer a big fan of him then that means you have never been a true fan to him either
Linxyme #5
Chapter 28: Never start something you can't finish its irritating
Chapter 28: Whyyyy whyyy whyyyy i was enjoying myself reading the story.. Authornim whyyyyyy hahahahah nvm goodluck with ur other future fanfics.. Hwaiting!
anabeatriz #7
Chapter 27: Continue. I'm curious! !
maiyaa #8
Chapter 16: Poor hyunjoong :'(
Too rude soojin :@
maiyaa #9
Chapter 10: Ur story is amazing trully but one thing is that soojin leave korea for a ridiculos reason although she have a loving hubby but still she didn't even discuss it eith hyunjong.. i mean i don't want to be rude i eeally like ur story but this thing it kinda don't suit it :) btw (Y) :D well done
genie1421 #10
Chapter 27: poor hyunjin/i think soojin is pregnant/why hyunjoong don't try to find her,find his world//thx for updting its been a while/i hope u can update regularly//