When A Star Lost Its Shine {DISCONTINUED}

‘He didn’t leave voice mail last night.So do two nights ago.Three nights ago too.What happen to him?Does he started getting bored of me?Did he give up already?’

“Suzy,are you okay?”

No respond.

“Suzy?”the lady in front of her snapped his finger before her eyes,makes her gasped.He has observing her mopping the same area for 10 minutes already.

“Are you alright?”

“Huh?Why?I feel just fine,”she asked,puzzled.This is not the first time she’s being asked the same question today.She feel extremely fine but everyone around her keep asking the question.Did they know what she's thinking about now?Is it too obvious?

“But you...” Before Miss Laura could finish his words,Soo Jin cut off his sentence,"looks pale?”


“I guess I have to thicken my make up then,including you there’s about 7 people already asking me the same.If u don’t mind,Would you excuse me to the toilet?”Soo Jin asked him,

Miss Laura just nodded,his face showing she is concern and worried.What happen to her these few days..?Eventhough Soo Jin is a new worker,her works are really satisfying,and she build a very good relationship with the other workers,not awkward at all since the very beginning.She is also become the customer’s favourite waiter to take their order,even some of them went to the restaurant because of her (that includes Eli).Her beauty is undeniadable stunning,she thinks that is not the main reason why they like her.She have the special aura that attracts people to like her~

Meanwhile in the bathroom...~

Soo Jin POV

‘What’s wrong with me actually?’ I look at my reflection in the mirror.Yes,I look a bit pale but it’s not that obvious in my eyes.I always wear thin make up to work,maybe today i wear it less than before,and I worked in a place where i have to meet many people,that’s why they concerned. I nodded few times,before I went to the locker’s room to get my bag,to fix my make up.I really don’t like applied more make up but I have no choice.When I was a dance coordinator I dont really need make up,or it will effects my face skins.Dancing will makes me sweat a lot so make up is really not needed,except in special events,like in dance competition,where I'll wear very thick and weird make up.Hyun Joong was terrified when I come home with the alien-like make up.He thought I was an alien!LOL!

"Wh..which planet are you from?A..ani..u don't understand human laguange...de$$%^b!ffgu?"

I tilted my head."What are you doing?I  can't understand what are u saying,"

"Woah!!!Daebakkk!!U...U can speak Korean!Did they teach U korean in there?"Hyun Joong asked,excited.

==' "Are you playing with me right now?"

"Your voice...I think I had heard it before...Have we met before?"

"Yah Kim Hyun Joong!"

"You know my name?Am I famous up there?Wow...Kim Hyun Joong fame is recognized  till the outer space!What an honour!"
"How U get in here?How u unlock my door ?Oh,sorry,my bad.You are an alien,U can get in using your own way.I hope my wife can see this.Please wait till she come home,will you?I'll give you my signature as gift,"

"A..A WHAT?ALIEN?Am I that weird?"

"Well,for we,humans u do looks weird.Wait I want to snap a picture of us together.I have to show everyone an alien came to my house!"

Soo Jin was left out speechless.After HyunJoong snapped their pictures together,without any warning,she kissed him,in the lips.HyunJoong eyes were shut open widely.

He blinked at her in disbelif.His fingers touch the lips,where she kissed on before.


"Realize who I am now?"

"You tasted like...SooJin..."

"And you tasted like Soju.No wonder why.Khaja,let me led you to te bedroom,"

"Bedroom?What are you trying to do to me?Experiment to my body?Wow I've wait for this tme sooo long....Why don't you just bring me back to your planet?I'm sure the technologies must be awesome..."

"Gosh...He is still not sober,"

Ignoring HyunJoong nonsense talking,she brought him to their room,laying him on the bed.After finished removing all the weird make up,HyunJoong is already in his dreamland.Sometimes he would mumbled in language she can't understand.He and his alien world.SooJin kissed his temple,smiling at his silly yet lovable husband.

But his silliness doesn't end there.The next morning,when he wake up,he told her he met an alien for real!He told her everything,except the kiss.

Squishing his face,Soo Jin explained,"Paboya...my dear Seobang,Hyun Joong ssi,last night it was me,your wife,Kim Soo Jin.I was in dancing competition,with outer space theme,remember?You didn't come to the event because it is limited to the dancing club members only.One more,U missed one thing in your story,didn't u?"

"Missed something?What do you mean?I think I've told you everything,"he asked,with his half-awake eyes.

"Look at youself in the mirror,"

Like just receving order from the general in army,he walked to the big mirror in the room.He was surprised to see a purple mark on his lips.

"This is...this...how.."pointing to his lips,he was out of words to say anything.

SooJin walked to her husband,leaned in and pecked him on the lips.

"Now you remember?"

Now HyunJoong is 100% sober of what happened.Suddenly,he smirk.

"From what I remember,it wasn't like that.It was like this,"he grabbed her waist,kissing her deeply.She was stunned but then follow his moves,replying back the kiss.

"Wait.How much u drink last night?"she asked as she pulled back from the kiss.

"Hmm..about 15,16?Molla...I keep losing the games..."he gave her a silly smile,makes her chuckled.

Soo Jin smiled remembering the memory.'How in world I can marry a pabo,who is on the same time,can be sweet without himself noticed it?keke'
But then her smile faded,realizing the current situation.He probably being pabo and sweet to some other girls right now...and I can't do anything...

After satisfied with some touch-up,I walked out of the room,ready to served the customers as usual.

"Unnie!Over here!"she turned to the source of the voice,finding 3 familiar faces.Tracey,Elin and Cassie.She smiled,taking the menu list to the three girls.They come here at least once a week.

"Yes,young ladies?What would you like to have today?"

"Hmm....what's best to treat breaking down heart,unnie?"Tracey asked,while her hands flip through the menu list.

"Why?Aigoo,did you fight with your boyfriend?"

"No,she just got a bad news,regarding her beloved oppa,"Elin answered,in behalf of her friend.

"Why?What happen to her brother?"

"Not her brother,but her bias,Kim Hyun Joong,"

Soo Jin felt like a lightning is stabbing her.Her eyes was open widely.

"Wha.what..happen to..to..him?"she asked,a bit stuttering.She can feel her face is started bloodless and sweating.

"He was admitted to hospital three,two days ago?"Cassie answered.Tracey is still silent.

"Unnie,why your face..."I can't hear the next sentence as my world become dark.


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start on 8/7/2012,I'm having my Industrial Training(Practical training),only can online at nights but i still can't promise if i can update my fanfics


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marquez #1
Chapter 13: u know my dear, u can't just leave ur husband cause u are jealous. that's a stupid thing to do. a big no, no. thanks.
mariacathykhj #2
Chapter 28: Please continue the story...... :-( i really luved ur story...
N please delete the last chapter S.O.R.R.Y it's really irritating
Btw.....if not the scandal....what made u stop likinh Hyun joong oppa???? :3 Am really curious! :/
Chapter 28: I was quite upset after reading this chapter... But if thats what you want, then I'll understand... :) well, I had fun reading the beginning until the last chapter! ^^ I just hope you can write a new fanfic that you can really finish next time! :)) and thankyu for sharing this story at least! Wish you all the best and FIGHTING!!! ^_^
zanet0909 #4
Chapter 28: Pls don't say tht u r still a triple S but you are not a big fan of HJL though....just tht sounds so irritating...sorry to say this..but true triple S loves all five of them as a whole eventhgh might have bias but we will never say tht we r not a big fan of a member of tht grp. Yes...HJL is my bias...but when it comes to all of them...i love them all equally. If you can't continue the story...i can clearly understand tht...sometimes it happens. But just don't use tht excuse...if it is true tht u are no longer a big fan of him then that means you have never been a true fan to him either
Linxyme #5
Chapter 28: Never start something you can't finish its irritating
Chapter 28: Whyyyy whyyy whyyyy i was enjoying myself reading the story.. Authornim whyyyyyy hahahahah nvm goodluck with ur other future fanfics.. Hwaiting!
anabeatriz #7
Chapter 27: Continue. I'm curious! !
maiyaa #8
Chapter 16: Poor hyunjoong :'(
Too rude soojin :@
maiyaa #9
Chapter 10: Ur story is amazing trully but one thing is that soojin leave korea for a ridiculos reason although she have a loving hubby but still she didn't even discuss it eith hyunjong.. i mean i don't want to be rude i eeally like ur story but this thing it kinda don't suit it :) btw (Y) :D well done
genie1421 #10
Chapter 27: poor hyunjin/i think soojin is pregnant/why hyunjoong don't try to find her,find his world//thx for updting its been a while/i hope u can update regularly//