Chapter One : I Found You. But?

Dungeons & Dragons

A figure stands in the middle of the place, eyes closed, and listening to the sounds around him. His head darts back and forth, waiting for whatever is coming toward.

Slowly, the figure raises his arm and points toward the north. Without warning, he turns on his heels and shoots the gun blatantly.

The bullet slowly begins to part the air and the darkness, heading toward its target. He thought he heard a curdling laugh echoes all around him. His head darts around, trying to pin point where it’s coming from. He still can’t locate it and aims the gun once again.

“Isn’t this a futile attempt? For months you’ve been trying to get to me, and where are we? Back to the beginning. Why should you give a damn now?”

“Because you are all that I have left.” Seungri shouted.

The figure with the gun in his hand is Jiyong. Not much has changed with him, at least on the surface. But things change, as they always do, and by the stance that Jiyong has, Seungri can see that he is became more stronger…more confident…and more angry.

Jiyong pulls the trigger and the laughing gets louder. Groaning and rolling his eyes, Jiyong just shoots into the darkness, growing angrier with every shot. The laughing continues and doesn’t stop.

“Who are you?”

“Back away”
“Jiyong Hyung”
“You son of a . Shut up!”
“Hyung, I swear, it’s me.”
“Don’t lie to me! Liar!”

Out of the darkness steps another figure, one in a business suit. The figure is a YOUNG MAN, that seems as though he knows what he’s doing. His stance is confident and cocky. The sneer on his face seems to make him even more menacing. Whatever Jiyong is facing, is not a normal human.

Seungri stands there, stoic. He doesn’t move and doesn’t speak. What’s more, he doesn’t even look at the figure. He stares at the gun in his hand, afraid to move.

“Come on, GD. What do you have left to fight for? You aren’t getting anywhere. Why are you resisting?” That voice. The stern one.

The figure steps closer to Jiyong, but he still doesn’t move.

“Life as you know it is over. You are being hunted. He will not stop until he finds you, .....and kills you. There’s no one left to protect you. You are all alone in this world. Let just conquer what we have left to conquer.”

“I’m not just some kid you can toss off to the side.”

The figure steps right in front of him. Jiyong finally looks the figure in the eyes as he flinch the slightest bit but straightens quickly up.

“Never said that, nor would I ever. We all know who you are, G-DRAGON. You are meant for so much more. You are meant for things way beyond anything you ever dreamed of. Do you understand what you are capable of?” The figure said in laughing tone.

“I’m not what you think I am.”

“He knows what you are and that is why he’s coming for you. Whether you realize your potential or not, he does. It’s up to you if you join us. We can protect you. We can give you everything – all the things that you have been eager for.”

“I don’t want your help.”

“You will by the end of all of this. Take our protection and I will guarantee that you will come out of this war... ALIVE.”

“I’ll be damned if you protect him.” Seungri suddenly find his guts. He opens fire but the bullet missed its target. Jiyong stumbles backwards but quickly holds up his gun as the fire dies down. Through the smoke and the ash, the figure steps through and holds up his hands pointing his gun at Seungri.

The figure pulls the trigger but Jiyong jumps out of the way. Not in time, another bullet embeds itself into Jiyong’s shoulder. He groans in pain as he lies on the ground.

Seungri immediately take Jiyong to take cover. They are both silent for a moment before they both look at each other. Jiyong keep a firm hand over his shoulder, applying pressure to stop the bleeding. He slowly gets into his feet and stumbles a few times, cautiously steps forward with the gun still trained in his hand.

“Why did you…?”
“Honestly…I have no idea.”
“So then keeping this gun trained on …”
“…might be a good idea. Let’s just keep the shooting to a minimum, huh? If I bleed to death, we will have no idea what the hell happened.”
“Kinda best to save the bullets anyway.”
“Why?” Jiyong ask furrowing his eyebrows.

Seungri pointed to looks around on what are waiting for them. Jiyong’s eyes dart around noticing shadows coming through the darkness.

“Oh, this can’t be good.”
“Yeah…its not.”

Out of the ashes walk shadows of figure. Jiyong moves in front of Seungri to stand alongside of him. Nine figures are coming towards them. Jiyong quickly pulls a gun from inside his jacket pocket and hands it to Seungri.

“Do we have another choice at the moment?”
“Right…ask questions later.”

For the first time, Jiyong seems more at ease although still cautious about who’s standing beside him. As both aim their guns at the enemy in front of them, suddenly they watch a truck ramming through their enemy one-by-one. The truck begins to spin in a circle before stopping in front of them.

The figure of a YOUNG WOMAN was inside that truck. She smiles at them and shakes her head.

“Thought you boys might need some help.”





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nice story i like it!!! <33
Ahhh!!!! Update soon!!! Everytime you make me feel sooooo damn curious!!! P.S. Can u make things clearer? I'm a bit confused.
cutie-seungri #3
what happened?
why is seungri in bloody mess?
update soon.
OMG I love this type of AU! I can't wait to find out why Seungri is looking for Jiyong :)