Chapter Five: Tracked

Dungeons & Dragons





“How do we proceed from here?” Daesung’s voice finally broke the silence as he sat up, looking around the room. “Do we go looking? Do we sit and wait?” he started to speak, but TOP cut him off with his own answer, still staring out the window, his voice tight.

“We wait. He won’t do anything without Jiyong. He’ll drag him to hell himself.” TOP looked at them, confusion on his face.

“But if he wants to kill him, why would he wait?” Taeyang interrupt their conversation.

A man with a white beard approaches them. Their  father. He could sense the tensed before replying. “He wants to push me over the edge. He’ll kill him, but only with me there to see he does it. He wants to teach me a lesson. He wants to show me what happens to people who don’t follow his orders.”

“What are you saying?” Taeyang said in confused look.

“What he need is a leader. And Jiyong ..... is the Chosen One.”

The tension in the room was thick and almost tangible. Now is the moment of truth. Everyone was giving the same facial expression. Worried.








Upon reaching the large double doors, he didn’t put his hand out to open it; rather, he slammed the doors wide-open with his powers, his gait predatory and enraged as he walked inside. He looked around the foyer. But the vision was blur.

“Welcome! To what do we owe the pleasure?”

Jiyong scowled, turning and making his way through.

In there, he saw a body, unconscious and tied to a makeshift rack constructed of the pews, propped in front of the fireplace.

Jiyong immediately run towards the unconscious body, racking the wooden rack binding the body and it snapped in two, wood splintering in every direction. The body hit the floor, Jiyong pulling his fist in towards himself. With that brief movement, the body began sliding across the floor towards him. He pulling the body closer and closer to him. Almost there…

That was when the sharp, blinding pain split his skull. Jiyong struggled with the pain. Wincing more and more, it grew to the point of breaking him, his ears ringing with the pain. His body shook, his legs buckled, and finally, he could take no more. His legs went out underneath him and he hit his knees.

Jiyong wasn’t given the chance to even attempt to recover. He was lifted and heaved back against the far wall with a massive shove, pinned there. A man walked away from the other side of the room towards the person, a patch of his hair and pulling his head up. He unsheathed a curved knife and placed it next to the person’s throat.

Jiyong was trying to speak but the words wouldn’t come out of his mouth.

“Sorry, Kid,” he said, positioning the knife to the person’s throat again. He turned his head to Jiyong, smiling and sighing deeply in pleasure. “Oh, my… I’m so gonna love the new you that surfaces. I can’t wait to say hello.”

This can’t be happening! Jiyong thought furiously. I have to do something! Somebody has to do something!



“Hyung, Wake Up!”





A/N: sorry if the  story come up sluggish. try to do better next time.


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nice story i like it!!! <33
Ahhh!!!! Update soon!!! Everytime you make me feel sooooo damn curious!!! P.S. Can u make things clearer? I'm a bit confused.
cutie-seungri #3
what happened?
why is seungri in bloody mess?
update soon.
OMG I love this type of AU! I can't wait to find out why Seungri is looking for Jiyong :)