
Chains of gold

It was already dark outside, when Sungmin woke up again. He looked sleepy through the darkened room, but couldn't see anyone, but heard some low voices from the next room.

"Hello?" He called softly and sat up, wrapped shivering his blanket around him. He heard the scratching of some chair legs over the floor and in the next moment Leeteuk and Hyukjae appeared in the doorframe between their locker room and first aid room.

A smile spread across their faces. "How are you?" Leeteuk asked after they had set down beside Sungmin on the bed and eyed him briefly.

"Fine... headache... and I'm freezing..." Sungmin mumbled and wrapped his blanket tighter around his trembling body. "Where is Kyu?"

Sungmin saw that Leeteuk and Hyukjae exchanged a quick look, before Leeteuk spoke again.

"He is gone about two hours ago..." the older man said sadly and did not need to look up to see the sadness and the hurt in Sungmin's eyes.

"Oh okay... too bad..." Sungmin sighed and looked down at his hands, tried to blink the upcoming tears away.

It was a moment of awkward silence between the three, before Sungmin cleared his throat and looked up again. "Are you done with the rehearsel?" He asked curiously and with the hope that he could go home.

"Yes! The Super Show can come!" Hyukjae nodded with a big grin and took Sungmin's hands in his. "We want to celebrate something after we could shower and change our clothes at the dorms. Are you coming with us?"

Sungmin sighed and acted as if he would consider Hyukjae's offer, but in fact he knew the answer already. He shook his head a few moments later and looked with an apologetic smile at Hyukjae. "I'm sorry, but no... I would rather go home..."

"It is okay!" Hyukjae smiled encouragingly and pulled Sungmin in lovingly hug. "Come on. We also want go home."

They helped Sungmin carefully out of his bed and assisted him to walk into the main room, where the others were distributed over the furnitures and had only waited for Leeteuk and that he would gave the signal that they could drive home.


Back in the dorms, they were all busy with finding the perfect outfit and a veritable battle for the bathroom flared up.

While Hyukjae, Donghae and Leeteuk, Yesung and Siwon were sharing the two bathrooms with each other, was Sungmin with Ryeowook, Hankyung and Heechul in the kitchen and waited with them that the others were done and they could go.

"And you are sure that you do not want to come with us?" Hankyung asked and looked at Sungmin, smiled at him encouragingly.

Sungmin shook his head. "No... not today. I'm not really in party mood.," he mumbled sheepishly and looked frightened up to Ryeowook, when the eternal Maknae suddenly placed a bowl with steaming ramen in front of him.

"You! Eat! Now!" Ryeowook said with a forced smile and a stern voice, before he sat down next to his Hyung. "And no back talk!"

"But- okay, okay..." Sungmin sighed and looked at the bowl. He knew that Ryeowook was right, because he had hardly eaten anything for days and now, that he had the ramen right in front of him, Sungmin realized how hungry he actually was.

The forced smile faded and a warm smile crept on Ryeowooks lips when he saw that Sungmin started to eat. He actually wanted to say something when suddenly Yesung appeared in the kitchen and asked for his help.

"Yah... Sungminnie..." Heechul began in with a bored voice, even after Hankyung had left the kitchen. "Did you quarreled with our Kyuhyunnie?"

"Uhm...No." Sungmin said and looked a little bit depressed at his almost empty bowl. "Why are you asking?"

"Well... it seems that you two did not really get along lately... and so I wondered, whether you two had quarreled.", seemingly uninterested Heechul was looking at his perfectly manicured fingernails.

Sungmin's shoulders sagged. "Yes... I think I have done something wrong..." he admitted quietly and pushed his bowl away, had suddenly lost his appetite. "He seems to have more interest in Mi... because they both spend a lot of time together."

It was an awkward silence in the kitchen and Sungmin fought the urge to rush out of the kitchen and to crawl into his bed. A quiet sob escaped him as he tried with all his might, to blink away his upcoming tears.

"Oh Minnie..." Heechul sighed and stood up, crouched down beside his dongsaeng and put an arm around Sungmin's shoulders. "It is certainly not your fault! Stop thinking like that!"

"But- but is it not obvious that... that I- I must have done something wrong that he is avoiding me..." Sungmin said with a cracking voice and eyes closed, let his tears just flow.

"Kyuhyun is a stupid that he is avoiding you!" Heechul smiled encouragingly and apologizing at Sungmin, gently over the latters cheek. "Mi has not a single chance against you!"

Sungmin smiled mournfully and could not stop the tears that paved their way down his cheeks. "Apparently yes, but..." he trailed off and leaned against Heechul. "But thank you that you were trying to cheer me up."

"Hmm... it did not worked really well..." Heechul sighed, because he actually wanted to cheer Sungmin up and not make him cry again.

"It is okay... I know what and how you mean it." Sungmin said and looked at the bowl. "I think I'm going to bed." Just as he was reaching for the bowl, Heechul pushed his hand away. "I will do it!" He said, reached for the ceramic and went to the sink.

"Thanks Hyung!" Sungmin smiled, stood up and left the kitchen, was happy to meet no one on his way to his shared room.

Half an hour later, the noise level in the dorms rose again before the main door slammed shut and it was completely silent.

Sungmin sighed and buried himself in his bed, pulled the blanket over his head and wanted nothing more to see, hear or feel.

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venzsuju #1
Chapter 3: aishhh first i think Kyu dumped Min.. but yeahh it was so sweet :')
Chapter 3: The members are so supportive.. their friendships are really something to envy :') this is really good :))
Good think eunteukwook always cheering up min when his down :'(
Update soon...
neverland85 #4
Aww...everyone is so sweet! Pity min. wad is kyu up to?
Omo! When I'm reading this, I was near of crying then suddenly laugh because of my sudden action..
I'm happy that Teukie, Hyukie, and Wookie are always there with Minnie and yah! Kyunnie!! You must have a great explanation with this, or else I will going to hate you ;(
KyuMin! HWAITING!!! Update!
neverland85 #6
Ohh... i wonder wad happen to kyuhyun..