
Chains of gold

It was past midnight, when Donghae, Hyukjae, Ryeowook and Leeteuk arrived at the dorms. They had not really expected that someone would be still awake, because they had a photo shoot at the upcoming morning. But when they closed the main door, the four heared some noises from the living room.

They crept quietly closer and found a sleeping Sungmin on the couch infront of the running TV. "It seems he have been waiting for someone..." Donghae whispered and pointed at the phone in the hand of his hyung. "And I would almost bet that I know for whom." Leeteuk grumbled, walked straight into the living room and crouched down infront of the sleeping Sungmin. "Hey... Minnie..." the leader gently his cheek and woke him up. "Get up... you have to go to bed!"

Sungmin opened sleepy his eyes and looked around confused. "What time do we have?" he asked mumbling and sat up. "One thirty." Hyukjae sighed and sat down next to Sungmin on the couch, while Ryeowook switched off the TV and cleared away the few things which Sungmin had distributed before the couch.


"He looks really exhaust..." Donghae said, followed Ryeowook into the kitchen and almost frightened the latter to death. "For heaven's sake! Hae! Do not creep like that!" Ryeowook grumbled and leaned with a pounding heart at the kitchen unit, but let his head hung down at the same time. "Yeah... why does he do that to him? He knows exactly how much he loves him!"

"I do not know..." Donghae sighed, looking over his shoulder at Leeteuk and Hyukjae, who sat in front of and next to Sungmin and tried to calm him.

"Is he crying again?" Ryeowook asked quietly, although he did not really want to hear the answer and sighed, when Donghae nodded briefly. "I would like to do him something good, or help him in some way...", the eternal Maknae said bitterly. "But I do not know how..."

"The only one who can really help him, is Kyuhyun!," Donghae grumbled and looked away from the living room. "But it seems he either not notice how much he hurt Sungmin or he does not really care about it anymore..."

Meanwhile in the living room, Hyukjae and Leeteuk tried to calm the crying Sungmin. Like so many times in recent days he had waited for Kyuhyun, who went into the city shortly after the end of their dance training and did not call him until now, in vain all the night. Sungmin had indeed tried to call him, but either there was only the mailbox after a few moments or Kyuhyun hung up after a some brief words.

Completely clueless Leeteuk ran his thumb over Sungmin's hand back. It hurt him so much to see one of his dongsaengs like a crying and sobbing mess, but he did not know how he could calm Sungmin. For Hyukjae it seemed to be similar.

"Come on..." Leeteuk finally said, stood up and also pulled Sungmin up to his feet. "We bring you to bed now. And tomorrow the world might looks different." "But what if-" Sungmin began but was interrupted by Hyukjae.

"It does not matter," he said firmly. "You sleep with me tonight and when he comes home, he just sleep alone!" Thus Leeteuk and Hyukjae brought the sobbing Sungmin to Hyukjae's bedroom where Leeteuk left him, a little bit reluctantly, in the care of Hyukjae and Donghae.

"I'm going to sleep too." Donghae smiled and could barely suppress a giggle when he saw the pout of Hyukjae. "But I thought-" Hyukjae started, but Donghae pull him a few meters away from Sungmin, who changed into one of Hyukjae's pajamas. "I would love to stay with you." Hae smiled conciliatory and gave his monkey a kiss on the forehead. "But I think it's better if I leave you two alone for tonight."

Hyukjae looked over his shoulder to his bed where Sungmin just sat at the edge and stared down at his hands. He nodded yielding. "Yeah... probably you're right..." he said, turned back to Donghae and gave him a goodnight kiss. "Sleep well..." "Sleep well and dream of something nice." Donghae smiled back and went to Sungmin, crouched down before him.

"Sleep well, Minnie." he smiled and ruffled through his hair. "Believe me, Hyukie is really a good pillow." Donghae also gave him a kiss on the forehead and then sneaked out of the room.

"Idiot..." Hyukjae laughed and shaked his head, struck the blankets to the side. "Come on Hyung." he lay down and pulled Sungmin in his arms, before he covered him. To his surprise, Sungmin clung to him and Hyukjae heared him quietly sniffing, but he fall asleep a few moments later. Hyukjae sighed and the pink-lover's hair. "Poor Sungminnie... you love him so much."


It was four in the morning, when Hyukjae woke up again. Sungmin was still beside him and clung onto his sleeping shirt like a little child. Irritated Hyukjae looked around in his room. Had he only imagined it or was someone in his room? He lifted his head a little bit, but found nothing unusual.

"Kyu..." Sungmin muttered in his sleep and snuggled closer to Hyukjae.

"How can you love this idiot?" Hyuk sighed with a grin and lay back, let Sungmin cuddle up to him. "Whereby... no... forget it... I really could not answer the question myself..."


Three hours later, Leeteuk came cautiously into the lead dancers room and looked at the two sleeping figures for a moment. Sungmin had snuggled up close to Hyukjae, lay on one of his arms and clinging to him. Hyukjae had wrapped both arms around Sungmin and held him protectively, lay with his head on top of Sungmin's.

Leeteuk sighed and sat gingerly down on the edge of the bed. He did not wanted to wake them up, but he had no other choice, so he shook Hyukjae carefully on the shoulder.

"Hmm...?" Hyukjae opened his eyes sleepy. "Must we get up?"

"Unfortunately, yes." Leeteuk smiled apologetically. At the same time he looked at Sungmin, who still clung on Hyukjae's shirt and slept peacefully. "How is he?" he asked and was gently Sungmin's hair; smiled again, as he snuggled closer to Hyukjae and hid his face under his arm.

"Actually I would say, he's fine." Hyukjae said and bit back a grin. "It seemed he had some bad dreams during the night, but otherwise it seems that he has slept the whole night."

"That's good." Leeteuk nooded and began to tickle the sleeping Sungmin on the neck. "Come on Minnie-ah," he grinned as Sungmin tried to push the hand of the leader away. "We have the photo shooting soon!"

"Whathappen?", Sungmin finally grumbled, turned sleepy around and blinked at Leeteuk and Hyukjae. "Have to go?"

"Not yet." Leeteuk shook his head. "You still have some time to shower and get dressed."

"Okay...", Sungmin wearily rubbed his eyes. "Hyung... is Kyu here?"

Tired eyes turned to the band leader, as he bite his lower lip and for a moment did not know what to say. But he could not lie to Sungmin, so he nodded and sighed. "Yes... he is in your room and is preparing himself."

"W-when did he come?" Sungmin asked confused, but now fully awake. Leeteuk only shrugged clueless, so Sungmin jumped out of bed and ran to the door, where he stopped briefly. "Thank you that I could sleep with you, Hyukie." he bowed shortly, but with a grateful smile, before he stepped into the hallway and ran to Kyuhyun's and his shared room.

Sungmin stopped in front of his room, cracked the door open and peered cautiously into the room; wanted to make sure that Kyuhyun was really there. When he saw him walk over, a smile spread on his face and Sungmin entered the room.

"Kyu...", undecided Sungmin stood at the door, while Kyuhyun stood between their beds, had stopped in his movement of pulling over a sweater and looked surprised over his shoulder. Sungmin could not help it, he just had to smile. "When... when did you come?"

"Uhm... Hey Min...I think... somewhat around four in the morning." Kyuhyun smiled apologetically and turned away from Sungmin, who walked slowly toward him. "You slept with Hyukjae last night?"

Sungmin's smile faded away and he froze in his motion. "Yes..." he said sheepishly but then hugged Kyuhyun from behind, clinging to him. "I missed you so much..."

The Maknae smiled and put his hands on those of his Hyung. "I missed you too." he said softly, turned around and a few moments later Sungmin found himself directly in Kyuhyun's embrace. Sungmin closed his eyes and sighed contentedly. How had he longed thereafter in the last days.

But there was not much time for them. Five minutes later, Kyuhyun and Sungmin were still lying on one of the beds, had wrapped their arms around each other and were simply enjoying the moment, when suddenly Leeteuk burst into room and said that they would be picked up in half an hour.

Sighing, the two parted and while Sungmin quickly disappeared into the bathroom, Kyuhyun grabbed his laptop and played some rounds of StarCarft. But he could not concentrate for a really long time, because from the moment when Sungmin came back into the room and was only wearing a towel, his concentration flew out of the window.

Kyuhyun gulped and his eyes slipped over Sungmin's body, looked at every movement of his muscles and tried to resist the urge to jump off of the bed and on Sungmin.

"Can you please get dressed?" Kyuhyun asked with an angry tone and avoided Sungmin's gaze, was glad that the other couldn't see the deep shades of red on his face.

"Um... yes. I'm sorry." the elder nodded and while he hurried up to get dressed, Leeteuk came into their room again, and shooed them that they would be picked up.

Sungmin sighed quietly, pulled on a sweater and grabbed his bag, while his mood sank deeper.

From now on they were forced to keep the distance, not allowed to do to much fanservice that nobody would notice that there was something more then a normal friendship between the members and there was one thing Sungmin could not really do in the last few days: showing up a nice smile!


While Sungmin sat down in the first van with Donghae, Leeteuk, Heechul, Hankyung, Kangin and besides Hyukjae, Kyuhyun rose in the second with Ryeowook, Yesung, Shindong, Siwon and Kibum.

With an exhausted sigh Sungmin leaned his head on Hyukjae's shoulder and the latter put his arm around him, looked a little bit helpless to Leeteuk and Donghae who also looked helpless and clueless, only shrugged their shoulders.

After they reached the location of the shootings, a vacant warehouse outside the city, which had been specially hired for the shoot, they were directly brought in their dressing room, where they were welcomed by their managers and the photographers.

They got a short explaination how the shoot would proceed, got shown the set itself and got the later schedule coordinated, before the styling Noonas went to their work.


"Sungmin-shii, you have lost weight.", the Styling Noona behind Sungmin said in surprise and looked at him through the mirror. "Your face has become so narrow..." Astonished, Leeteuk, Eunhyuk, Ryeowook and Kyuhyun as well looked up.

"Yeah... I've started to work out again and I think Wookie-ah pays more attention on our nutrition at home again." Sungmin grinned shyly. "But... Thanks. I did not really noticed it."

"When was the last time that he have had eaten something?" Leeteuk, who was leaning on the wall and had his arms folded, bent questioningly forward toward Hyukjae and Ryeowook, who were seated beside him on the couch, waiting that they got styled.

"I do not know..." Ryeowook muttered through clenched teeth. "To my knowledge... the last time, four or five days ago." He sighed and looked at Kyuhyun who sat two seats next to him, his laptop still on his lap and was playing StarCraft.

He seemed neither have heared their Noona nor him and Hyukjae. His gaze went straight ahead and he looked focused on his screen. Ryeowook sighed and looked back to Hyukjae.

"Doesn't he noticed it?" he asked quietly and only got a shrug in reply.

"Apparently not." Hyukjae sighed and twisted his mouth, as he saw Sungmin got up and went to the small buffet which had been built for them. But to Ryeowook's, Leeteuk's and his disappointment he only took a bottle of water and avoided the food completely.

"And if I must force him!" Leeteuk swore under his breath, pushed himself of the wall and went to Sungmin, started a conversation with him and managed it somehow that Sungmin took some of the food and ate it.


While Ryeowook, Hyukjae and Leeteuk talked with each other, Kyuhyun had looked at Sungmin again and again. He had not really noticed that Sungmin became skinnier, but now that he was standing next to Leeteuk, Kyuhyun himself recognized it and swallowed. Was it really his fault?

"That can not be..." the Maknae murmured and shook his head, almost imperceptibly and looked back at his game. Sungmin was old enough that he knew what he could stand and what not. Probably he had really just started with his Matrial arts training again.

"Hey Kyu." suddenly he heard Sungmin's voice right next to him. "Want something to eat or drink?"

Kyuhyun looked up surprised and looked directly in the smiling face of boyfriend.

"Something to eat sounds great..." he nodded with a shrug and was surprised, again, when Sungmin handed him a plate with some Mandu.

"Bon appetit!" the elder smiled and watched Kyuhyun, while he himself had only eaten a little bit more than two of the stuffed dumplings and drank only water again.

Kyuhyun just mumbled a short "Thanks..." and took one of the Mandu, before he turned back to his laptop.

"Uhm, Kyu... do you think we cou-" Sungmin began, but was interrupted by one of the Styling-Noonas, as she shouted after Kyuhyun that she could style him.

"Sorry Min, we talk later." Kyuhyun smiled apologetically but half-heartedly at him, before he stood up and went over to the large styling mirrors and their styling Noona.

"Okay..." Sungmin sighed and slumped shoulders, sagged back into the couch cushions.


During the photo shoot Sungmin tried to catch Kyuhyun in a privat moment, but the two had their pause at a different time, or the latter phoned with Zhou Mi and some others again.

After all photos have been taken, all of them drove directly to the concert hall, where they did the rehearsel for their upcoming Super Show.

Sungmin had hoped that he could speak with Kyuhyun on their way to the hall, but as soon as Kyuhyun got on the first van, the vehicle was full and was already on the way back to the concert hall. The aegyo-king sighed and closed his eyes for a short moment when his vision became blurred for a short moment and did not noted that he staggered a little bit too.

"Come on Sungmin-ah!" Yesung smiled and he and Ryeowook pulled Sungmin into their midst in the second van, so that they also could drive to the hall.


"Hey Sungminnie-hyung." concerned Ryeowook laid a hand on Sungmin shoulder. "Are you okay? You are so pale..."

"Everything is fine." Sungmin nodded, panting, and rested his hands on his knees. "I probably just had not drink... enough." "Shall I get you some water?" Ryeowook asked, but did not wait for Sungmin's answer and ran directly to one of their staff member's to get a bottle of water.

"Hey Wookie!" Hyukjae suddenly called for Ryeowook, when he saw the Eternal Maknae in the backstage area. "Have you seen Sungmin?"

"Yes. He is on stage and performs with Teukie-hyung, Donghae and Siwonnie." the younger nodded and pointed over his shoulder at the rising of the stage. "Perfect! Thank you." Hyukjae grinned and went along with Ryeowook back to the stage.

But right in the moment they stepped on it, they heard a piercing scream and immediately afterwards the panicked cries of Leeteuk. "Sungmin? Sungmin?" the Leader shouted and all eyes turned to the stage where Donghae, Siwon and Leeteuk were bending over a fainted Sungmin.

"What happened?" Kyuhyun asked worried and was immediately besides Leeteuk, knelt down right next to Sungmin and grabbed his boyfriend's hand.

"I do not know!" Leeteuk said frantically, while Siwon dashed off and searched for their managers to call the ambulance. "He suddenly collapsed!"

The others came also on stage and looked anxiously at Sungmin. "At first, we should bring him to the first-aid-room." Kangin said with a calm voice and wanted to lift Sungmin on his arms, but Kyuhyun pushed his hands away.

"I will do it!" Kyuhyun said determined while he raised Sungmin to his arms, looked surprised down at him. "For god's sake. You are so lightly..." he whispered and brought his friend to first-aid room, closely followed by Leeteuk, Hyukjae and Ryeowook.

Carefully, Kyuhyun laid Sungmin on the bed in the hospital room, took himself a stool and sat down beside the bed, took Sungmin's hand again and with his thumb over the back of his hand.

He did not noticed that Siwon also followed them until he heard him whispering to Leeteuk. "We called the ambulance. They should be here in some minutes." he said quietly to the Super Junior Leader. The latter nodded and tried to shoo the others out of the room that they could continue with their dance practice; after all there were only two more days until their next Super Show concert would start, but Hyukjae and Ryeowook decided to stay until the doctor would arrived.

But no one could really focus on their practice and so they were more than once admonished by their managers to concentrate.


Leeteuk took himself a stool too and sat down on the other side of Sungmin's bed and glared at Kyuhyun. "What?" the Maknae asked quietly when he felt their leader's gaze. "Do not look me like that, Hyung!"

"Then speak with him," Leeteuk growled formally, but was however still whispering. "Can't you see how sad he is?!" "Does that mean that it is my fault that he collapsed?" dumbfounded, Kyuhyun looked at Leeteuk.

"Of course it is all your fault!" Ryeowook hissed and had his hands, angrily, clenched to fists. "Have you ever thought about how you have treated him during the recent weeks?"

"Wookie..." Hyukjae tried to reassuring Ryeowook, put an arm around the latter's shoulder.

"No, it is the pure truth! Since weeks, Sungmin is sleeping continuously on the couch because he is waiting for Kyuhyun, or he sleeps by one of us, because he won't sleep alone. And his current eating habits are not even better!" He did not want to become loud, but Ryeowook could not stand it any longer to see Sungmin suffering.

"I-I don't quite understand..." Kyuhyun hadn't no clue what exactly Ryeowook and Leeteuk were trying to point at. Yes, he had actually a little bit neglected Sungmin in the recent weeks, but he had his reasons. And first he wanted to clarify it with Sungmin, before he talked to his fellow band members.

"I thought you are a genius!? So try to think about it!" Leeteuk grumbled and tenderly over Sungmin's arm. "For weeks, you are just about every evening away. Either you meet are friends, out in the town or you just fly to China and meet up with Zhou Mi! And you do not need try to deny that! I spoke with Mimi and I know you were there and not just once in the last few weeks! "Kyuhyun opened his mouth and tried to say something, to contradict but Leeteuk just spoke further.

"I do not know what you two are doing during this time and I am pretty sure I do not want to know it, but god dammit Kyuhyun! Sungmin loves you and you know that! So stop playing around with his feelings and please tell him the truth!"

Kyuhyun just sat there and did not know what to say, when suddenly their manager's and the called doctor entered the first aid room. While Hyukjae and Ryeowook stepped aside to make room for the doctor, Leeteuk and Kyuhyun were standing on each side of Sungmin and looked at the older man while he examined Sungmin.

Plagued by guilt, Kyuhyun was constantly Sungmin's hand with his thumb and hoped that his boyfriend was all right and he just collapsed due to lack of fluid.

"As far as I can see it, he seems to be okay." the doctor said. "He is just a little bit dehydrated and probably, even by his standards, a little undernourished." Immediately, three people's eyes wandered to Kyuhyun who was staring at his foot and Sungmin's hand.

A brief discussion between the managers and the doctor ensued, who wanted to bring Sungmin into a hospital to observe him for a night and maybe half a day. But their managers were against it, because it was only two days before the Super Show and they did not liked the thought of one of their protégés in hospital.

"Okay, okay! For god's sake!" the doctor to finally admitted, sighed. "No hospital... but I will give him a saline infusion and please! No more effort for today! Mr Lee needs a lot of rest and when he is awake again should he eat something!" The manager nodded in agreement. "And if it is possible, he should not be alone"

"Kyuhyun-ah will stay with him!" Leeteuk suddenly mingled in the conversation and the three older men looked questioningly at him.

"Are you sure that's such a good idea?" Soo-man eyed the Maknae skeptical.

"Perfectly safe!" Leeteuk nodded affirming. "Kyuhyun knows all his lyrics and his dances and Sungmin trusted him the most."

The three men eyed Kyuhyun once again, while he was sitting next to Sungmin before they finally nodded in agreement. "Okay... But you three go back and continues with the sound check and the rest of the dance practice!"

"Yes! Thank you very much!" Hyukjae, Leeteuk and Ryeowook said unison, they bowed politely and left the room, went back to the stage where they met with the others. They told them what had happened and that neither Sungmin nor Kyuhyun would not join them for the rest of their practice.

Kyuhyun looked attentively at the doctor, while he invested the infusion in the crook of Sungmin's arm and was still holding his boyfriend's hand. Sungmin whimpered briefly, as he felt the prick of the needle into his skin and pressed Kyuhyun's hand. Kyuhyun, in return, looked startled him and squeezed his hand lightly to let the aegyo king know that he was still there for him.

"Kyu..." Sungmin smiled wearily at Kyuhyun, before he turned his head and looked at his other arm, in which the needle of the infusion lay. "You are collapsed on stage and the doctor said you are dehydrated. Actually, he wanted you to stay at the hospital for one night to observe you, but Sooman didn't want it and that's why you get an infusion that you will recover soon. "Kyuhyun says with an apologetic smile as he saw the questioningly look in Sungmin eyes.

The latter nodded merely and looked back at Kyuhyun. "Will you stay a little bit with me? Please..." he asked quietly and with pleading expression. He did not want to be alone again.

"Of course." Kyuhyun smiled with a nod, breathed him a kiss on the back of his hand. "But you should rest and sleep a little. You have to be fit for the next days!"

Sungmin nodded silently, closed his eyes and was already asleep in the next moment. He sighed in his sleep and it seemed that this was the first time since days that he could properly sleep again.


Two hours later, Kyuhyun was still sitting next to Sungmin and held his hand. Since their sound check and dance practice for their next Super Show was still in full swing, they spent most of time alone in the first-aid-room.

The infusion was ran rather quickly and after the doctor had his things packed, he also left Kyuhyun and Sungmin alone.

Carefully, Kyuhyun had fished for the blanket under the bed and had covered Sungmin, as the latter had turned himself onto his side and was still holding his hand. Kyuhyun called himself an idiot that he had not realized how much he had hurt Sungmin.

Kyuhyun looked astonished at the fine silver chain, which slipped out of Sungmin's shirt. He gently pulled on the delicate piece of jewelry until he had a small and filigree key, with a heart made ​​of rose quartz inserted into the head piece, in his hand. Kyuhyun knew the chain and also the key, because he himself had been the one who had given it to Sungmin two years ago for their first anniversary.

While Kyuhyun held the key still in his hand, his eyes fell on his wrist and the bracelet that he wore. It was a simple bracelet, but the only piece of jewelry, which he wore constantly since two years now.

He sighed and looked at the silver lock, which was the closure and the adherents of his bracelet, and the perfect counterpart to Sungmin's key. On the lock, where Sungmin's name was engraved, was a little heart made from the same rose quartz, from which also the heart in Sungmin's key was made- a detail on which Kyuhyun had insisted during the making.

Kyuhyun sighed deeply again and leaned his forehead on Sungmins side, turned his head and looked at the sleeping face of his boyfriend.

"What have I just done..." he muttered under his breath and closed his eyes. "I'm so sorry!" He knew that it was impossible for Sungmin to hear him, but so it was the easier for Kyuhyun to say what he had to say.

He was someone who could speak better through deeds than words, even if it was something else again when it came to Sungmin and when they were alone.

But Leeteuk was right! He had to tell Sungmin the truth! This hiding game made no sense anymore and Kyuhyun hoped that Sungmin would feel better soon, after he knew all details.

"Forgive me..." Kyuhyun whispered, gave the sleeping Sungmin a gentle kiss on the forehead and left the first aid room.

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venzsuju #1
Chapter 3: aishhh first i think Kyu dumped Min.. but yeahh it was so sweet :')
Chapter 3: The members are so supportive.. their friendships are really something to envy :') this is really good :))
Good think eunteukwook always cheering up min when his down :'(
Update soon...
neverland85 #4
Aww...everyone is so sweet! Pity min. wad is kyu up to?
Omo! When I'm reading this, I was near of crying then suddenly laugh because of my sudden action..
I'm happy that Teukie, Hyukie, and Wookie are always there with Minnie and yah! Kyunnie!! You must have a great explanation with this, or else I will going to hate you ;(
KyuMin! HWAITING!!! Update!
neverland85 #6
Ohh... i wonder wad happen to kyuhyun..