
Chains of gold

It was past midnight when Sungmin heard someone at the maindoor and then in the hallway. Wearily, he raised his head and glanced at his alarm clock on the bedside table. It was just one thirty, and he knew that the others would not come home before three or four, so it was probably Siwon, who came home earlier that he could go to church or something like that, in the morning.

Sungmin listened on the soft sounds the one of his band members made ​​in the dorm and cherished the daring hope that it was Kyuhyun, who had come home. But after ten minutes passed by and nobody came into his room, Sungmin laid back to the side for facing the wall, sighed and closed his eyes.

Sorrowfully, he wiped away the dried tears tracks and buried his face in his pillow, scolded himself a moron for hoping that Kyuhyun would come home and back to him.


Twenty minutes later, Sungmin had just fallen asleep, Kyuhyun quietly opened the door and peered into the dark room. Cautiously, he stepped in and closed the door behind him, looked around and found Sungmin sleeping in his bed.

Kyuhyun knew that he had made many mistakes in recent days and weeks and that he especially Sungmin had really hurt with his behavior, but he hoped the latter would forgive him his behavior when he explained him why everything had happened that way.

Carefully, he leaned on Sungmin's bed and bent over the sleeping form of his boyfriend. "Sungmin..." he whispered softly in his ear and him tenderly over the cheek. "Sungmin-hyung... I need to talk to you... and... to show you something."

Sungmin muttered grudgingly, but instead of answering, he pulled up the covers to just himself. "But I am not with you..." Kyuhyun got a dull answer and let him sigh. It was actually clear that Sungmin would not listen to him after all, but nevertheless, he really needed to explain it.

"Then... then please listen to me at least... okay?", the younger asked cautiously and settled himself down on the bed and next to Sungmin. When he got a mere nod in response, Kyuhyun took a deep breath and fumbled nervously with his hands.

"I am sorry...", was the first thing that came across his lips and Sungmin could not believe his ears that Kyuhyun had really apologized to him; he knew that Kyuhyun barely excused himself, even if Sungmin himself was an exception.

"I am really sorry! In the past few weeks I have really acted like an and have hurt you with my comportment... And... as you then collapsed today, I suddenly realized that it was my all fault and that I- I uhm... do you know... because I wanted to tell you something."

"And what? That you will leave me for Zhou Mi?" Sungmin asked bitter, tried to blink away the new tears, but he only could it sparsely.

"WHAT?" Kyuhyun looked totally perplexed at the trembling ball next to him. "Why-why do you think something like that? Oh no, wait! Did Heechul-hyung said that to you?" He ran his hand swearing over his face. "This miserable chatterbox..." he muttered and Sungmin's eyes widened in shock. Should that mean that Heechul was right?

They were a couple for over three years now and Kyuhyun did not even have the decency to tell him directly that he wanted to part with him? Had he done something wrong, that Kyuhyun wanted to punish him in this way?

Kyuhyun turned back to Sungmin and sighed again. "That, what Heechul- hyung had told you is not quite right." he said, scratching his head sheepishly. "I admit I was really more often in recent weeks in China and with Mi, but from an entirely different reason."

"Which is it?" Sungmin sobbed quietly. "If you want to leave me, then just say. And if you prefer, then I can later ask someone, if I can move into another room."

"Wha- what are you talking about?" Kyuhyun sighed and closed his eyes. "Listen, I-you can sit up please, at least when I am talking to you? You do not have to look at me... just only listen."

It took a moment before Sungmin responded, but after all he sat in front of Kyuhyun, the face wet from all his quiet crying and was looking stubborn at his hands. "So?" Sungmin said and sniffled softly, wanted it as quickly as possible had behind them.

But when Kyuhyun however carefully grabbed his hands, Sungmin looked up in surprise. Therefore that Kyuhyun actually wanted to part with him, he acted very strange, especially as he sat down directly across of Sungmin and held his hands gently.

"Listen... I know I have made a lot of rubbish in the recent weeks and that I have hurt you with my very repellent behavior. But you must please, please believe me that this was never my intention and that I am infinitely sorry." Kyuhyun said quietly, with his thumb over the back of Sungmin's hand and was at the same time constantly looking at their intertwined hands.

"And I had never the intention to separate me from you! We are together for more than three years now, and since the first day I have never regretted it. My affection and love to you grows more with every day that we spend together..." Kyuhyun lapsed into silence and Sungmin did not dare to make a beep and wanted to give him the time that he needed.

"You know, I am doing quite hard to show the others my true feelings... but when I am with you it is something other. With you it is incredibly easy... to be myself and to show you my true feelings... I had a long talk with Leeteuk-hyung and Mimi about it and... well... I guess I must really say something to you, because that is probably long overdue..." Kyuhyun stopped again and tightened his grip on Sungmin's hands.

Sungmin could feel his heart pounding up to his throat and he did not trusted his ears that he really heard all these things and apologies. Was that really Cho Kyuhyun, or was he just dreaming again? But if this should be really just a dream, then Sungmin hoped that he could further dream it for a long time.

Kyuhyun cleared his throat and sat up straight in front of Sungmin. "Lee Sungmin... I love you!"


Sungmin sat dumbfounded on the bed and stared through the darkness of their room at Kyuhyun and when he was still motionless after five minutes, an uneasy feeling crept over the younger.

"Min? Sungmin-shii... please say something... anything." He whispered and simply did not want to regarded Sungmin's silence as a bad sign.

Suddenly Kyuhyun felt some wet drops on his hand and through the pale moonlight which lightened the almost dark room a little bit, the Maknae could see that Sungmin was crying. Carefully, he slid closer to Sungmin and drew him into his arms. "Forgive me... I did not want to make you cry..." he whispered, his boyfriend's back and tried to comfort him.

But it was as if Kyuhyun had broke through a dam and everything that had been pent up in the recent weeks was now blurting out of Sungmin, and sobbing he clung to Kyuhyun and wept and sobbed even more.

Kyuhyun, who did not know what else he could do, wrapped his arms around Sungmin's trembling body and hold him tight, him reassuringly over the back.

"Please do not cry..." Kyuhyun whispered softly at Sungmin and tried his best to calm him. But that was easier said than done. Sungmin was weeping so heart-rending in his arms, that Kyuhyun's clench painfully and scolded himself mentally an idiot for what he had done to Sungmin.

"I am so sorry... please Sungmin... please do not cry" Kyuhyun whispered again and again, burying his face in Sungmins hair, while he repeated his words again and again. "Please Min, do not cry anymore..."


It took over an hour until Sungmin had finally calmed down so far that Kyuhyun could hear nothing except a few quiet sobs and some quiet sniff.

Kyuhyun had not let him go during the whole time and was Sungmin furthermore over the back. "I am so terribly sorry..." he whispered again and could finally feel a movement of Sungmin.

The latter let him go carefully and looked with red swollen and puffy eyes at the Maknae. Kyuhyun gulped and Sungmin's cheek tenderly, wiped gently away his tears. "Sungmin... I am really really sorry! I did not wanted to-"

"Why? Why have you rejected me?" Sungmin asked softly and his eyes filled with tears again. "I was afraid that you do not love me any more..."

"I will always love you!" Kyuhyun said quietly and gave the elder a tender kiss on the forehead. "You are my counterpart! Without you I am nothing! If you were not with me, it feels as if I could not breathe... I need you! And I will love you until the day I die!"

"B-but... you- you have spent so much time with- with Mimi..." Sungmin said with a cracking voice. "And I- I have heard you... and- and Leeteuk- hyung today after I fainted. You- you were talking about you two and that you were with him so often..."

Kyuhyun sighed. "Yes... I visited him quiet often during the last weeks..." he admitted thought about how he could explain it the best. "During the recent weeks, I have spent a lot of time with him, Junsu-Hyung, Jungmo-Hyung and Changmin. I... I have talked a lot with them and asked them for advice, because I did not know how I should do all this..." He fell silent for a moment before he cleared his throat and looked directly at Sungmin.

"Sungmin, I love you", he repeated his words and placed a gentle kiss on Sungmin's lips. "And I was so often away, because... because I just had to talk to someone who is not all the time with us and the others. The Hyungs have helped me to get something and helped me that I can tell you that what I already wanted to say so long and... and... I just do not realize that I have offended you with my conduct so much."

"B-but why did you not say anything?" Sungmin asked softly and snuggled in Kyuhyun's embrace, enjoyed the feeling of security love that he had missed so much as the taller wrapped his arms around the elder male. "I... I have so often tried to call you. I... I just wanted to know what you are doing and that you are okay..."

"I know and I am sorry for not telling you... But I did not want you to notice with who I am on the road..." Kyuhyun mumbled embarrassed and ran his fingers through his hair before he gently pushed Sungmin away, grabbed his hands and looked at him with a fixed gaze. "Ready?"

Sungmin nodded and looked curious at Kyuhyun, as far as he could see him through the dark.

"Min... Sungmin... You are my counterpart! My one and only, my air to breathe! Without you I am nothing, and only with you by my side I am somebody. And... and I am just totally fallen for you and I can not imagine a life without you... and I just want to spend the rest of my life with you! "Kyuhyun had spoken slowly and with caution. He was glad that it was still dark in the room so that Sungmin could not see how red his face became during his last words.

Kyuhyun reached into his pocket and pulled something out in his closed fist. Sungmin looked questioningly at him and was curious what is was that Kyuhyun was hiding in his hand when he suddenly felt something cold on his left ring finger.

He looked surprised at his hand and gasped in shock, when he saw a beautiful silver ring with a fine gold thread in the middle on his ring finger.

"K-kyu wha-what..." Sungmin looked incredulously back and forth between his hand and Kyuhyun. "I- I do not know what I- what to say... that that..."

"A 'yes' would satisfy me completely." Kyuhyun smiled innocently and laced their fingers together. "Well... if you still want me after all..."

"Of course I do!" Sungmin suddenly squealed in delight and threw himself laughing and happily crying right in Kyuhyun's arms. "Yes! Yes, Yes, Yes!"

Forgotten was all the pain, all the fear and the past few weeks. Kyuhyun was still loving him and wanted to spend the rest of his life with him. With him! Not with Zhou Mi or anyone else, but with him!

Kyuhyun wrapped his arms around Sungmin and hugged him tight, could hardly believe his own luck. Should he die now, he would die as the happiest man on earth.


It was early in the morning, when Leeteuk and Hyukjae crept warily into Sungmin's and Kyuhyun's shared room and were sighing quietly, when they found Kyuhyun's bed empty.

"And again he did not come home..." Hyukjae sighed softly and leaned with a stifled yawn at Leeteuk.

"Yes... we really should consider something how we can cheer Sung-" Leeteuk stopped mid-sentence, when his eyes landed on Sungmin's bed. There were Kyuhyun AND Sungmin lying on the latters bed, snuggled up to each other.

"Did I miss something?" Leeteuk asked perplexed and looked at the two sleeping figures.

"Apparently they have spoken with each other..." Hyukjae said unnecessarily, could not prevent that a smile to appear on his lips.

"Hyung...?" suddenly rang out Kyuhyun's sleepy voice and the Maknae blinked at Leeteuk and Hyukjae, eyed them sleepy. "What are you doing here?"

"Nothing." Leeteuk whispered softly and went over to the bed and pulled the covers back over Kyuhyun and Sungmin. "Go back to sleep. We will talk tomorrow."

"Hmmm..." Kyuhyun grunted and snuggled back at Sungmin, buried his face in his hair and sighed contentedly.


"Okay! You two! Explain it!" Leeteuk grumbled tired, when he marched a few hours later, closely followed by Hyukjae and Ryeowook, right into Sungmin's and Kyuhyun's room. Paying no attention to the fact that the both were still asleep, he stopped right in front of the big bed and looked expectantly at the sleepers.

"Hyung..." Sungmin whined wearily, blinked sleepy at Leeteuk and the others with half-open eyes. When his eyes fell on his alarm clock, he muttered under his breath and buried himself back under the blanket. "It is still in the middle of the night!"

"We do not care.", Ryeowook and Hyukjae said simultaneously and impatient.

There was a brief moment of silence before Hyukjae and Ryeowook looked at each other, grinning, and while Hyukjae pointed silently at the bed and the younger nodded approvingly with a smug grin.

Hyukjae counted silently to three, before the two threw them self with full force on the bed and on Kyuhyun and Sungmin. Leeteuk looked grinning at the spectacle, but did not really knew whether to laugh, or rather to be afraid that Sungmin and Kyuhyun would lynch them- what in their eyes seemed not to be very far-fetched.

"WHAT THE HELL?! ARE YOU TWO CRUDDY?!" Kyuhyun growled angrily and glared evil at his hyungs, before he turned to Sungmin, who rubbed his aching side. "Are you okay?"

"YAH! CHO Kyuhyun! LEE SUNGMIN!" Hyukjae exclaimed with an innocent grin. "Come on! Talk wi- what is that?"

They looked questioningly at Hyukjae, who seemed to pursue something with his eyes and it took a moment before Kyuhyun realized what he staring on.

"Hyung...?", he looked questioningly at Hyukjae, took Sungmin's hand and moved it back and forth and sideways, almost had to laugh when Hyukjae's view followed the hand like a little kid a piece of candy.

"OH MY GOD!" suddenly Leeteuk's voice rang out a few octaves higher, so that all winced "Kyuhyun... w- when... did you..? How? And why did you not say anything?"

"It is really beautiful!" Ryeowook nodded and took Sungmins hand, looked at the fine ring. "That also explains why Sungmin-hyung shines like a sun!"

"So did you had finally spoken about it?" Leeteuk asked and sat down on the bed, next to Hyukjae, Ryeowook, Kyuhyun and Sungmin.

"No, not really..." Kyuhyun admitted sheepishly and looked with an apologetic look at Sungmin, who cuddled with a happy smile up on his shoulder and talked with a totally enthusiastic Hyukjae and Ryeowook. But when he felt Kyuhyun's gaze on him, he looked quizzically at Kyuhyun and Leeteuk.

"I will explain it later." he smiled fondly and breathed Sungmin a kiss on the forehead. "Okay..." Sungmin nodded and snuggled back at his side.

"How can you forgive him that easy?" Ryeowook asked quietly, sat down cross-legged next to Sungmin. "After all... you were crying because of him... and collapsed during the rehearsal..." Hyukjae nodded reaffirming and kept Sungmin's hand firmly.

"I know..." Sungmin nodded approvingly and a glanced sideways at Kyuhyun, who was talking with Leeteuk, a light shade of red adorned on his cheeks. "But... yeah... now I know that he does not want to leave me, or has stopped loving me, or something of that nature."

"Kyaa~ Sungminnie- hyung..." Ryeowook sighed theatrically and threw his arms up in the air and hugged his Hyung. "You are really too good for this world!" "And this idiot..." Hyukjae mutters with a broad grin.

"Yah! I have heard you!" Kyuhyun said outraged and wrapped his arms possessively around Sungmin's shoulder and waist. "And just so you know it... Sungmin is mine!"

"Oh, seriously?!" Hyukjae laughed while rolling his eyes, slipped hastily to the foot of the bed in order to escape possible beatings from the Maknae.

But it seemed that Sungmin, strangely, had a calming on Kyuhyun, because however of all expectations, he sat perfectly still, had an arm wrapped around Sungmin's waist, while the latter was still clung to him.

"You two are to cute..." Ryeowook sighed smiling and hugged Sungmin. "When do you want it to tell it your parents? And our managers know it already? What about the ELF?"

"Are you crazy?" Sungmin, Kyuhyun, Ryeowook and Eunhyuk flinched startled when Leeteuk spoke up so suddenly. "This is something you can not just say to the ELF! I mean, okay they would really rejoice it, but no! Never in my life! There are things that should not know by the fans, even if I am really pleased for you, and this is definitely one of these things!"

"Teukie-hyung is right." Sungmin nodded approvingly. "Even if I would like to tell it whole South Korea through Sukira... I think it is not a really good idea."

"So at first our manager and then our parents?" Kyuhyun asked, looking at the clock. "Right now?"

"W-what?" laughing, Sungmin looked at Kyuhyun. "Kyu, you know, that- that was not a joke?"

"No." Kyuhyun said simply, shrugging his shoulders and grabbed Sungmin's hands, pulled him out of bed and lifted him bridal-style onto his arms, walked with him towards the bathroom. "First we have to visit SM and the Kona Beans, and then we will rock the stage tomorrow!"

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venzsuju #1
Chapter 3: aishhh first i think Kyu dumped Min.. but yeahh it was so sweet :')
Chapter 3: The members are so supportive.. their friendships are really something to envy :') this is really good :))
Good think eunteukwook always cheering up min when his down :'(
Update soon...
neverland85 #4
Aww...everyone is so sweet! Pity min. wad is kyu up to?
Omo! When I'm reading this, I was near of crying then suddenly laugh because of my sudden action..
I'm happy that Teukie, Hyukie, and Wookie are always there with Minnie and yah! Kyunnie!! You must have a great explanation with this, or else I will going to hate you ;(
KyuMin! HWAITING!!! Update!
neverland85 #6
Ohh... i wonder wad happen to kyuhyun..