ღPerfect Three Part C (End)

✪✪✪Perfect Two (ღThree-shot)

/notes at the end.

After a few more paces, Donghae finally sat down and started bouncing his knee. He threw his head back against the wall and sighed when he heard another scream from Hyukjae.

Donghae closed his eyes for a moment and started reminiscing memories about Hyukjae when he was frustrated, sad, depressed and unconvinced with what he was in life. And now that the both of them are going to be parents, he knew that Hyukjae would be fine now.

Before, Donghae felt how angry Hyukjae was with his life. The care Hyukjae had felt had all been illusions, small passions of love and it was up-front unfair for him. But Donghae had strived to pull him out of his gangster life and bring him back as a new man.

DONGHAE!” Hykujae screamed again but was now coming out with sobs making Donghae feel sad too but he was happy. He was happy that finally, the work he did was going to be meant for someone except for Hyukjae who was already automatically joined in on his list of people to take care and love but his daughter was going to wrap everything on the list and make his life a bit more meaningful. Not that it wasn’t already.

But while another scream from Hyukjae sounded, there seemed to be loud blasts outside giving Donghae a cue to stop being an emotional idiot and went to check it out.

After peeking outside the main door, he held the gun strapped behind his pants and hurriedly scanned the space provided by the small viewpoint.

His eyes immediately widened when he saw Kyuhyun’s car outside with quite a few notable dents and bumps. He knew something was amiss by then.

Slowly slipping out from the door with the gun now in front, Donghae stealthily walked through the pavement. His heart hammered his chest because he had always remembered to be careful since the start and he already ed up with Hyukjae in the bar, he wouldn’t want anything to happen now.

A hand grabbed his ankle making him yelp but hurriedly contained it when he felt a thumb rubbing his skin. He quickly caught that it was Kyu. He slowly looked down noticing his bloody form but he had a gun in hand and was still breathing.  Kyuhyun’s eyes moved towards his right as if he were pointing to something. With years of companionship, Donghae got the tip that that someone who hurt him was behind his car and was waiting for him to come out.

Donghae tapped his foot in a small gesture that he would get this done while swiftly aiming gun at the mystery target; he then shoved himself forward towards the other part of the car. But after rounding the whole vicinity of the vehicle, there wasn’t anyone. Kyuhyun looked up again at him and was helped up to stand by his best friend.

“What the happened Kyuhyun?” Donghae asked as he held both of Kyu’s cheeks. He seemed to be dazed.

Kyuhyun started to breathe faster and was clearly trying to back away from Donghae with wheezing breaths. He grabbed onto the metal frame of the car’s door and leaned on it. He tipped his head back and tried breathing lungfuls.

Clearly, he was having a panic attack.

Donghae gasped, “Where’s Sungmin?”

Kyuhyun started crying. His head slowly came back down and stared at Donghae with a slight redness to his face. His features were dirty with dust, mud and blood. His hair was pushed and ruffled down on one side and Donghae felt the need to pull his best friend close and hug him then hide him from the rest of the world.

“H-he took him, my Sungmin...” Kyuhyun managed to piece together after Donghae did hug him, his hand patting his back fervently.

“Who took him Kyuhyun? Who?” Donghae demanded and pulled back as if giving the cue for Kyuhyun to compose himself.

Rubbing the snot off his nose, he looked straight at Donghae and hurriedly crouched down to grab a hold of his gun. Kyu cocked his head giving Donghae the instruction to follow him.

The backyard was eerily quiet except for some blubbering and shouts from the right wing of it because of Hyukjae. Kyuhyun looked alarmed when he heard him crying out.

“Is he—?”

“Yeah, so we’ve gotta find that motherfu—“

“It was Siwon by the way.”

Donghae stopped before they reached the right side of Ryeowook’s house. He cannot believe his luck tonight.

Siwon kidnapped Sungmin, hurt Kyuhyun and Hyukjae was giving birth. What was going to happen next?

“Earth to Hae! We need to find Sungmin!” Kyuhyun whispered with an exclamatory tone then hurried on towards the back part of the house.

After several circling of the clinic, there wasn’t a trace of Siwon or Sungmin which made the two of them baffled because Kyuhyun saw Siwon dragging an unconscious Sungmin towards the back. And he wasn’t clearly sure why Siwon brought them there.

And with that thought, Donghae felt his breath leave his lungs. Kyuhyun felt the knowledge smack him as well.

“Hyukjae,” they both blurted before running madly towards the front of the clinic.

Arriving at the front door, it was oddly open at an angle to which Donghae didn’t remember. Both of them hurriedly aimed their gun towards the door and kicked it further open to accommodate them. The clinic became uneasily quiet giving Donghae the shivers, what could have happened to Hyukjae?

Kyuhyun tipped his head towards the right and Donghae nodded to confirm that it was indeed Hyukjae’s room. Gliding a hand over the door, Kyuhyun checked if anything had been damaged or had been abruptly done to it. Uneven scratch marks were by the doorknob but it could have been by a dog, Kyuhyun kept looking for a few more seconds before deciding to grab a hold of the knob and turned it. Donghae cocked his gun forward and gave a hearty kick to the door when he felt Kyuhyun back away.

A man with a gun was towering over two people in the upper right part of the room and was hiding them from view. Donghae recognized the doctor’s coat of Ryewook’s and the skirt by the nurse but there wasn’t any sign of Hyuk.

The man turned and aimed the gun at them giving way to his face; shock had settled down in the room.

“S-Sungmin, put down the gun,” Kyuhyun gasped when he saw who it was. Clearly, he knew Sungmin like the back of his palm; he wouldn’t do anything to hurt anyone unless they were hurting him.

Sungmin shook his head while trying to keep the tears at bay. He slowly opened his mouth then closed it when he felt wetness roll down his cheeks. A few breaths after, Sungmin finally croaked, “S-Siwon’s got Hyukjae, he set me up with a mic a-and he can hear everything right now, he’ll know that I placed down the gun.”

Kyuhyun rubbed a hand over his forehead then hurriedly went in the room towards Sungmin. But to his dismay, his boyfriend aimed the gun at his head. “I-I wouldn’t want you to do that, h-he has a sniper just outside this window, i-if I don’t shoot, he will.” Sungmin gestured his head towards the window by his left.

Donghae had stood rooted on his place after he heard that his enemy had Hyukjae as his captive. He then saw how destroyed Kyuhyun felt right now.

“You sick bastard Siwon,” Kyuhyun said as he half-heartedly aimed the gun at Sungmin’s head as to cue the sniper to believe that they were indeed going to engage in a bullet fight.

Silently, Sungmin looked at Donghae and tilted his head away from the ear piece he wore and mouthed a few words to, Upstairs, Hyukjae.

Immediately understanding, Donghae slowly backed away, of course with his gun still cocked at Sungmin for a bit of dramatic acting, and struggled to walk fast towards the stairs. Each stepped made a creak giving Donghae a few seconds to recollect what they had missed a few moments ago.

, the car was the distraction, he finally realized after arriving on the second floor. There were a few rooms on the left and the corridor takes a swift right in front of the stairs. There was only one room in that hallway which was a dead giveaway for the assassin.

Okay, I need to remember everything, oh god, Hyukjae, Donghae’s thoughts were scrambled on whether to just barge in and blast a bullet into Siwon’s head or be stealthy then shoot the bloody bastard.

Second choice’s much better, Donghae echoed in his mind before suddenly remembering something.

Ryeowook’s clinic had an attic where there were metal grates that air can flow freely and have much ventilation. Donghae gave himself a small pat on the back before going around all the while looking up to see the hatch where the makeshift ladder would come down. It showed up on the other end of the hallway.

Well , Donghae sighed then tiptoed to reach the hanging rope and pulled it down to slowly unfold the ladder that led to the dark attic.

Using his phone as his only light, Donghae slowly shuffled on his hands and knees towards the other end of the ceiling where there was a very prominent metal grate due to the light it shined towards the roof.

You’re getting rusty Donghae, he thought to himself as he arrived at the metal opening after a few minutes. The scene that he saw had made him tear up a bit.

In the room below, Siwon was sitting on a chair across the bed. He had with him a machine gun that was slung on his shoulder and the bastard was laughing at Hyukjae.

Oh god no, Donghae bit his lip when he saw the condition of his wife.

Hyukjae was perched near the headboard and was biting his bleeding lip to stay quiet. He knew that his labor was going to be going on for a few more hours but the contractions were ing with him. He had his hand under his belly and was trying his best to not rock back onto the headboard and splay his legs open to remove the strain on his back.

“You think you’re tough Hyukkie?” Siwon spoke up and at the other’s nickname, Donghae felt his blood boil. Hyukjae had the same expression but with a more feral face.

Donghae noticed the coiled wire near Siwon’s ear, meaning there was someone watching the house, he was sure that no one saw him go up the attic because that part of the hallway didn’t have a window. Shuffling a bit more, he reached into his pocket and brought out a few darts that he knew had poison in them, the problem was that he didn’t bring the dart gun. He crossed his fingers and started aiming it at Siwon’s shoulder while remembering his past training with it.

“You’re just a ing coward Siwon, what if I confronted you back there? That doesn’t mean anything to you,” Hyukjae snarled when he felt another contraction hit him, leaving him breathless.

“No, no darling, you’ve got it all wrong, I’m not here for you, I’m here for your husband,” Siwon chuckled again then tipped his head up making Donghae jolt and roll over to the side to hide his form from the metal grate.

Siwon stared upwards for a bit then continued, “You see, he was always a pest to my plans and I simply want to get rid of him so I need you to lure him in.” A loud static filled the room before Siwon picked up some of his gear, pressed a button and his earpiece came to life. The volume was quite audible because the neighborhood and the place they were all in was quite. Hell it was 11 pm in the evening, people were already sleeping.

“You can’t find him in the house? Well FIND HIM!” Siwon shouted before standing up to his full height and started walking towards the door. “Don’t go anywhere, aight?”

you how am I going to waddle around here eh?!” Hyukjae huffed when he felt his face redden in fright because Siwon cocked the machine gun towards him. That made him shut up for a bit.

The gun man closed and locked the door, his heavy boots signaled that he was going downstairs.

With that, Donghae hurriedly went back onto leaning on his elbows and finding his way to open the metal grate after hiding the darts back into his pocket. Good thing the grate wasn’t screwed or bolted on, it simply was wedged precisely onto the wood. Thank the heavens for Ryeowook’s architect boyfriend, Yesung.

Hyukjae didn’t seem to notice his husband descending down onto the vacated seat that was a great cushion for crash landing because he was already blinded by another shock of pain.

After his foot reached stable ground, Donghae immediately jumped into action with his hand on his gun while nearing Hyukjae with a hand scooping his neck upwards. His wife’s eyes snapped open thinking that he was in another kind of danger. Swiftly, Donghae covered Hyukjae’s mouth with his hand and encouraged him to stay quiet.

“Can you stand up?” Donghae whispered to Hyukjae who was light-headed due to his pain.

“How’d you get here?” Hyukjae asked but was getting shoved to stand on his two feet but he was still wobbly from the onslaught labor he was experiencing, but he was a strong man.

“I’ll share you every detail after all this okay? Now listen to me Hyukjae, you need to trust me for this okay? “ Donghae patted Hyuk’s head then swooped down to kiss his temple. He looked at the door and tried to sense any movement downstairs. There weren’t any.

Slowly guiding his wife towards the door, he pulled out a lock pick from his back pocket and kneeled down to unlock the door. After a few beats, Hyukjae groaned in time with the door’s lock popping open. Donghae immediately got a hold of Hyukjae’s waist and guided him to go towards the stairs.

Before Hyukjae had introduced Ryeowook to him, Donghae had a small surveillance of the place to know every nook and cranny of it and he knew that there was a broad cupboard beside the room from where Hyukjae was admitted for labor.

Donghae ushered his wife into the quite large space and placed a kiss on his lips, “Trust me, I’ll come back before our baby comes okay?”

Hyukjae nods and was handed a gun. “Whoever you don’t know, whoever comes in, shoot okay?”

One last kiss and he shoved a whimpering Hyukjae to the farthest part which was very dark when you first peer in. The cupboard was used to stash gauze and other medical stuff that can be stored for a long time but Donghae knew that Ryewook had just been in a redecoration binge with Yesung.

Stepping away, Donghae closed the cupboard then crouched down and started going towards where he left Kyuhyun a while ago.

They weren’t looking very pretty.

Kyuhyun was on his knees and had been shot on the shoulder; Sungmin was beside him and was shielding himself against the inevitable shot Siwon would make towards them. The only good thing was that Ryeowook and the nurse wasn’t in the room anymore.

“P-please don’t,” Sungmin was pleading when the assassin entered the room and held his gun near Siwon’s head. Kyuhyun started coughing up blood which caught Sungmin’s attention at once.

“Finally, the mouse had now come out!” Siwon exclaimed with a happy tone then turned around and ducked so as not be shot by Donghae but the assassin had already dodged and stood up on the hospital bed then aimed his gun at Siwon who was caught in a crouching position. Siwon held his hands up for a moment then started firing blindly at Donghae.

He hurriedly rolled out of the way and fluidly ran out the door before he could be shot by Siwon. Though, the other had already caught up and the chase had been extended to the yard.

“We’ve got to do something Min, Hyuk’s gonna give birth any minute, we need to finish this, please, the gun,” Kyuhyun started speaking as Sungmin shook his head. “I’ll do it.”

Kyuhyun stared at Sungmin as if he had lost him already. As if Sungmin had been killed.

“But the snipers Min, please leave it to me,” Kyuhyun pleaded and slowly stood up then grabbed a hold of Sungmin’s gun.

Giving a small push to his boyfriend, Sungmin had managed to let Kyuhyun stand on his own. But his stand didn’t falter.

“I’ll stay away from the windows, Kyuhyun, all the time you’ve always been protecting me, let me be the one to do that for now, for us,” Sungmin argued then held the other’s gun and tiptoed to give the other a kiss. Kyuhyun held up a hand and cupped it over Sungmin’s jaw and deepened the kiss.

Kyuhyun cocked his head towards the door which Sungmin ran to immediately. Kyu heaved a sigh then slowly limped outside the same door.

Meanwhile, Donghae was shivering due to the cold wind that that night brought but the heavy feeling in his chest was making him physically shiver. He was standing with his legs spread, his stature being balanced at his core because this was serious business.

He knew that even though he gets to kill Siwon, he’ll get killed by his men. And even though this bastard fell, his daughter wouldn’t get to know him, ever.

, Donghae thought and bit his lip hard at that thought. He can’t say goodbye to Hyukjae when he’s dead already.

“No matter what you do Donghae, I’ll always win,” Siwon muttered darkly as he held up his machine gun then gave his opponent a big smirk.

“HA!” A loud shout distracted the both of them but Donghae apparently had been trained to have very fast reflexes and hurriedly ducked and started shooting Siwon at the head.

You bloody bastards, this is what you in’ deserve!” Sungmin’s shriek could be heard by the bushes to which Donghae ran to. A hoard of people were on top of each other and each of their guns had scopes which meant—

“Sungmin, how did—“

“Oh Donghae, remember the time you didn’t see any records on my file back when Kyuhyun and I were dating? Well, I’ve been a retired martial artist that had been trained in the government’s intelligence unit, how would I have met Kyuhyun if I weren’t in this sort of thing eh?”

Donghae’s eyebrows flew to his hairline when the pieces suddenly went together because indeed, Sungmin had no identity in the computer files and that left some big question marks.

“Holy —“ Donghae was abruptly stopped when he heard gunfire behind him, he immediately ran and held Sungmin’s hand so that they could dodge the bullets and instead fall onto the dirt.

Only after a few moments, Donghae realized that the source of the gunshots were only from one direction and it wasn’t shooting at them. He hurriedly stood up and saw Kyuhyun standing over Siwon and a few more black dressed people.

“Is that all of them?” Donghae asked teasingly because he didn’t know what Kyuhyun was feeling right now.

Kyuhyun looked up after throwing the gun away then leaned both his palsm onto his knees. He was clearly exhausted.

Donghae decided to not interrupt when Sungmin ran towards his best friend.

A sudden pang of pain hit Donghae’s side after a few moments, “Oh ,” he cursed as he clutched at his bleeding side. He looked at it and smirked when he saw that it was only a deep graze. Well, he was indeed getting rusty.

“Donghae! Kyuhyun!” Ryeowook appeared from the highway with bright flashing lights behind him as well as a tall shady man who had a nervous stance.

“Are you all right Dr. Kim?” Donghae moved out onto the yard and greeted the doctor who explained that he had to run to the police station which was very far from the cliff and it was a good thing that Yesung was headed towards the clinic to visit which immediately turned into some kind of movie with an action scene.

The police went around the crime scene and was ushering Sungmin and Kyuhyun inside the cars to be escorted to the hospital. An officer went to them and tried to haul Donghae from Ryeowook and Yesung because clearly, they needed answers.

“Let him go, officer,” someone went out of the car and walked towards the group.

Hangeng, with his black fedora hat, went beside Donghae and patted his back a bit heartedly giving Donghae a loud groan. “You did great, even though we didn’t know Siwon would be here.”

“Ha, I’m just doing my job…here…boss…” Donghae suddenly felt empty before realizing that something or rather someone was in danger.

Ryeowook seemed to understand.

“HYUKJAE!” Donghae shouted as he ran towards the clinic again, leaving Yesung and Hangeng who were both shocked.

Removing the lid from the cupboard became a bit challenging because Donghae’s fingers felt numb. Ryeowook tried to lend a hand but Donghae had seemed to be in a frenzy. He was going to be a dad, how could he not feel excited!

Donghae crouched inside but was immediately greeted by gunfire making him jump and scuttle back outside before any damage could be done. “Hyukjae, it’s me, Hae baby, let me in?” Hae tried again because he knew that Hyukjae was spooked out already.

“O-oh I-I’m sorry I just-AH!” Hyukjae groaned as Donghae reached him. Dropping the gun, Hyukjae let himself be carried slowly with the assistance of Ryeowook and now the nurse who brought in their clinic’s stretcher.

Hyukjae was then rolled into another room across the first floor’s hallway. Donghae tried to follow but Yesung held his shoulder.

“Ryeowook’s protocol, we can’t do anything about it, he gets nervous when there’re people inside with him except for the nurse,” the man explained while Donghae let his head fall forward. He was so confused and exhausted and excited all at the same time he felt like he was going to have a panic attack.

Hangeng accompanied Donghae to the nearest hospital after Yesung reassured that he would give Donghae a call when Ryeowook tells him that everything’s fine already.

“B-but Hyukjae—“ Donghae’s voice continued blabbering even as they were nearing the cars outside.

“I’m sure you’re already dizzy from the blood loss Donghae, you need to get stitched, we need to interview you about Siwon too, Hyuk’s going to be fine, I’m sure,” Hangeng assured as they rode on a black Chevrolet suburban bound for the hospital.

“One last push Hyukjae, and the shoulders are out—Oh! Say hello to your daughter Hyukjae!” Ryeowook chirped and settled down the newborn baby girl onto Hyukjae’s towel clad hip. Hyuk sighed in exhaustion but felt a smile on his face.

“W-why is she all wrinkly?” Hyukjae asked as the nurse carried the now crying baby onto another side of the room and started cleaning her.

“Oh she’s fine, after she gets to breathe and all, she’ll start looking better, it’s normal,” Ryeowook explained and helped Hyukjae continue on with his afterbirth before starting to clean him up.

“There we go, I’m just going to call Donghae now okay?” Dr. Kim felt incredibly happy when he got to see Hyukjae holding his daughter after the nurse handed him the bundle. He felt misty-eyed because he knew how many ups and downs Donghae’s family went through before finally getting to be together, physically.

“W-what? Donghae’s not here?” Hyukjae asked as he slowly sat up but felt the pain in his neither regions.

“Don’t worry dear, his boss had matters with him and he was injured a bit,” Ryeowook shushed Hyukjae before he could react on that then showed his phone that was connecting a call to Donghae.

“Hello? Dr. Kim? Is Hyukjae okay now? Can I go now? Please tell me he’s alright? I’ll be there as fast as I can. Ryeowook—“

“Yes, you may come and please do not babble, you sound like you’re some kind of lunatic,” Ryeowook chuckled, Hyukjae started laughing too while he cuddled with his daughter who was melting on his warm chest.

About fifteen minutes had passed before Donghae arrived and was awestruck when he saw his wife and daughter. He immediately hiked up to Hyuk’s side and sat down on the side of the bed while leaning over his family.

Kyuhyun and Sungmin were side by side by the door of the room; the both of them was safe and sound and nothing bad happened to the both of them well except for the heated argument  at hospital about not telling each other the truth about their identities.

“She looks like you Hyukkie,” Donghae stated as he felt his fingers get wrapped around his daughter’s small pink fragile fingers. Hyukjae couldn’t help but feel teary-eyed.

“She has your lips,” Hyukjae pointed out when the baby open and closed as if mimicking her .

“Oh sorry baby, umma doesn’t have milk,” Hyukjae sighed with a pout, Ryeowook explained to the both of them that Hyukjae had the chance to house for a baby but after that, there’s nothing his body can do for it so they were going to stick to formula.

The nurse handed them a feeding bottle and Hyukjae declined because he wanted Donghae to feed the baby first. The husband raised an eyebrow before receiving the baby in his arm and getting the bottle in the other.

“It isn’t that hard Hae, she’s your daughter and she’s strong, I’m sure she won’t choke on it,” Hyukjae urged Donghae to put the on the baby’s lip which was immediately latched onto due to reflexes.

Someone whistled by the doorway making all of them look up from their gazes at the baby, Hangeng had been the culprit.

“This needs to be—“ the boss of Korea’s Inside which was basically the training force of the Korean government pulled out his phone and snapped a photo of all of them before continuing,”—caught on camera.”

Everyone gave a hearty laugh after that.

“So before anyone gets out of this room, I must say all of you,” Hangeng nudged Sungmin’s side and addressed that he was still involved even though he was retired,” had shown great effort for this mission which had been cancelled for the past few months but apparently decided to start on its own and I think you all deserve a well deserved rest right? I’ll be calling you after a few months, maybe a year if you’re lucky.”

Donghae laughed loudly because Hangeng never did let him be on vacation long because before, he acquired Hyukjae in that break and he didn’t know what he would do now that there was another vacation, buy his daughter a pony or something?

“Ugh, finally, I can have Kyuhyun all to myself,” everyone could hear Sungmin’s eye roll even though they weren’t looking. Yesung slowly went into the room and was smiling at Ryeowook because this had been a long journey for them too. Taking care of a pregnant man who had possible mutant genes wasn’t too easy in a long-distance relationship.

Kyuhyun kissed Sungmin on the top of his head then nosed his hair.

“So who’s up for takeout?” Hyukjae asked. Everyone stared at him for a moment.

“What? I’m so hungry after these people locked me up in the cupboard and I’m not ing ecstatic about it!” Hyukjae huffed then crossed his arms on his chest.

Everyone in the room started laughing but hurriedly spiraled into slight panic and madness when the baby started crying.

T H E  E N D

Notes: (Tremendously sorry for mistakes and errors, I must stress that I do not have a beta. :( )

 This had been a very long journey for me and I thank all of you guys for accompanying me with it. Thank you for all the comments, subscribes and upvotes! If it weren’t for you guys, I wouldn’t be able to update this in any way but you guys continued to surprise me. Even after months of inactivity, people still bothered to subscribe to this story which is wow. I hope you enjoyed this and I hope you guys would still continue supporting me with my future fics <3 Love lots.

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Finally, this has come to a great end. Thank you guys for all the support.


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ReadRealize #1
Ikm just seeing it now. Time to read preggy hyuk yey
leily_superELF #2
Chapter 5: great story!!!I really like eunhae relationship...so sweet..thank you for writting!
Chapter 5: such cute endiiiiing >.<
Chapter 5: hohoho... i like the ending...
wow that such unforgetable labor i think... XD
Allinit #5
Chapter 5: awww~ that was a very sweet and lovely end , and I liked it so much <3
Allinit #6
Chapter 4: I am so glad , you updated !!! Yaaaaaaay !!!! :D
Chapter 4: and Happy new year~
Chapter 4: read it from the start again... :)
caramelswirls #9
Chapter 4: omg you updated! <3 love this, can't wait for your next update! :)
petiteddy #10
Chapter 4: thanks a lot for not giving up and still updating XD i really really love this story and how you put everything together ^^ once again, thank youuuu