ღPerfect One

✪✪✪Perfect Two (ღThree-shot)

 “Hey, Donghae, I’ve heard you’re back in town, earned yourself a chick eh?” Donghae scoffed at the familiar voice, his hand ruffling his straight bang-ed hair, his dark murky gray jacket covering the start of his palms but was now rolled up due to the task he was doing.

The Republic of Korea’s most priced assassin was washing goddamn dishes, his neck cradling the phone to talk to his old friend that he had never talked to since he went to America to settle down the case the government gave him.

And the proposal—


Kyuhyun chuckled in the line as he heard Hyukjae’s voice.

“I guess the chick…is a dude, oh Hyukjae,” the computer expert chuckled as he hanged up, saying that he would call after a while.

Donghae was about to shout at the boy but thought against it as he felt a warm bump on the small of his back and arms around his waist.

“What is it babe?” Donghae asked as he looked back his shoulder, a mess of blonde greeting his eyes.

“The baby,” Hyukjae started, suddenly jolting when his husband pried his hands away from his waist and faced him with worry etched on his face.

“Is there something wrong? Do you need to go to the hospital? Are you—“

“Sssh,” Hyukjae said placing a long finger to Donghae’s mouth, the other’s eyes filled with confusion after the action.

“She’s kicking,” he continued as he gave a wide precious smile when he saw his husband’s eyes glitter.

Hyukjae pulled away his finger and held Donghae’s hand, guiding it to the spot where the baby was currently kicking.

“Wow…” Donghae murmured as Hyukjae beckoned him to go to the living room, he knew why.

Donghae was fond of listening to the baby’s heart beat every time, and now that she’s kicking, Hyukjae was sure his childish husband would be so ecstatic.

Being pregnant was a miracle for both of them, the doctor said it was possible due to some kind of alteration with his genes even though he was purely male and said that this would only happen once because the genes supplied only for one baby, so no worries with splurging on the bed after this.

Donghae hurriedly obliged and started shrugging off his jacket, he wore it because they just arrived from having grocery and he washed the dishes because they left them after dinner and went out, and placed it on the arm rest of the leather couch and sat in the middle.

Hyukjae unconsciously held the bump, the foreign feeling of something heavy in your front wasn’t too comfortable.

Donghae wrapped an arm around Hyukjae’s shoulder, being the protective fish he is and s his hand down to his wife’s—he called him wife now—and rubbed it along with Hyukjae’s bony fingers.

“She’s kicking here dummy, not there,” Hyukjae chuckled as he laced his fingers with Donghae’s and guided them to the middle left and unlatched his fingers to rub circles onto his husband’s hand.

He suddenly felt something wet splash onto his cheek, so he looked at Donghae and was shocked to get a full-kiss from him.

Hyukjae pulled away flustered, being the shy one in the relationship.

“I love you,” Donghae said sweetly as he rested his head onto Hyukjae’s shoulder then started rubbing his wife’s stomach to calm the baby.

“You’re being a sap today,” Hyukjae chuckled as he looked at him but he pushed Hae’s head down, silently saying that he wanted him to hear.

Hae then swooped down and placed his ear tenderly to where his hand was a while ago and immediately, his mouth formed an astonishing O.

“Like what you hear?” Hyukjae asked as he leaned down to see Donghae’s expression.

“No, I love it,” he answered as he sat up again and scooped the other into his arms and gave him a loose hug, so as not to injure the baby, he wouldn’t want Hyukjae to miscarriage because this was a once in a lifetime opportunity.

“Aww,” Hyukjae said touched as he hugged Donghae’s head in return, giving it small soft kisses.

He was a bad- the first time he met Donghae in an operation, but after Donghae got his awaited yes, he finally knew another side of him that was a sweet, loving, caring Hyukjae, not to mention a cry baby.

“I really, really, really….saranghae,” he muttered against his protruding collarbone, he had abs before the doctor told him he was pregnant, so his pregnancy was quite thin and lighter than the others.

Hyukjae pulled Donghae up, his eyebrows suddenly flying to his hairline when he saw a stray tear near Hae’s cheek. He wiped it away and chuckled.

“Don’t worry, nothing will happen, we’re gonna be the family you had been wishing for in every wishing star that you saw,” Hyukjae comforted and gave a kiss to those dry yet tender plump ones, his eyes closing with comfort.

Donghae chuckled as he caressed the other’s spine, his hands playing with the cotton oversized t-shirt he was wearing and the white color complimented his milky skin so much.

“Nado saranghae,” Hyukjae replied to what his husband was saying a while ago, the other’s playful smile making him giggle without himself knowing.

“C’mon, it’s already late, I was going to call you upstairs to sleep but your daughter kicked me and wanted your attention,” Hyukjae murmured carefully picking his words to be sweet, Donghae’s cute smile coming into view again.

“She’s being daddy’s girl huh?” Donghae cooed as he patted Hyukjae’s baby bump gingerly, not trying to put much pressure on it. He was too overly-cautious and protective of Hyukjae and his daughter.

“Aish, c’mon,” Hyukjae said as he tried to hide his yawn with the back of his hand but eventually yawned another time without bothering to hide it.

“Okay, okay,” Donghae answered in English, his accent always making Hyukjae perk his ears and blush.

It was hot.

He pulled out a hand for Hyukjae to hold onto and once he did, he felt an arm around his waist, his form being pressed up flush against Donghae’s muscled body.

He didn’t said it was annoying, it was so comforting but now a days,  he noticed that after they got back from America, he was too careful about things, especially going out.

A sudden vibration made Hyukjae pull away in fright, Donghae’s chuckles making him pout, earning him a small peck.

“Yeah, oh, Kyuhyun!” Donghae said through the phone, his arm sneaking around Hyukjae’s form once again, leading him upstairs and into their bedroom.

“But Kyu, it’s already 10, Hyukjae’s sleepy,” he answered as Hyukjae started undressing.

“No buts Lee Donghae! We’re on a case remember? Then leave Hyukjae for a while.”

“No, no, I wouldn’t leave him alone here in Korea, no, okay, we’re going,” Donghae snapped as he ended the line and turned to Hyukjae who stopped removing his t-shirt when he heard the conversation.

“Kyuhyun, you remember him right?”

Hyukjae nodded as he pulled out a short-sleeved pajama from the folds of t-shirts in the closet.

“Well, you see, I’m currently on a mission right now but..I wanted to spend time with you…and he..wanted me to go to the club to investigate with him but I wouldn’t want to leave you here so,” Donghae explained, his form slumping when he saw Hyukjae’s frown.

“You should’ve had said that to me earlier, aish, Hae, you know I won’t get mad at you,” Hyukjae said as he placed the pajama back into the closet and closed it.

“Promise you’ll tell me everything about what happens to you and the government, so I won’t worry.” Hyukjae continued as he approached Donghae and held his arm, rubbing it slowly.

“I promise, from now on okay?” Donghae said as he held out his pinky finger, Hyukjae chuckling at his husband’s gesture, but he then laced his finger too and Hae brought it up to kiss it, his eyes never leaving his wife’s.

“So would you go with me? It’s gonna be a bit crowded there and the baby—“

“No, it’s alright, I’ll come okay? I’ll be extra careful,” Hyukjae said as he smiled his gummy one and fumbled to button his leather pants that rode his hips low so that the bump wouldn’t be too compressed, he already ed it a while ago when he went to the closet.

“Here,” Donghae said after giving him his shiny black jacket, even though his wife was already pregnant, he was still so stylish.

After fixing the jacket on, Hyukjae opened a nearby drawer and pulled out Donghae’s favorite Ray-Ban Aviators and placed it over his ears.

Hyukjae always had a routine before he was pregnant, dressing up Donghae with the necessary gadgets the government had provided him of ever since he became their assassin, more like a spy.

Donghae was always forgetful back then but when the monkey obliged him of drinking supplements, it became better.

“Spy camera check, there all done~” Hyukjae chanted as he patted Donghae shoulder, concealing the camera under the fake patch of skin that bunched up naturally when Donghae flexed his arms.

He gave a kiss to his wife’s forehead then held his hand, leading him out the door, locking it for numerous purposes that he rather not say and headed downstairs to get his jacket too.

Donghae noticed Hyukjae wincing all the while, so he questioned, “Is my daughter giving a hard time to her umma?”

He placed a hand longingly to the bump and caressed it, feeling the warmth on his wife’s stomach.

“She’s being naughty today,” Hyukjae added as they both chuckled, Donghae continued patting it, sudden feeling it calm down.

“She is definitely daddy’s girl,” Hyukjae said with an approving tone as he tip-toed and gave a kiss to Hae’s lips again, never getting enough.

“C’mon, Kyuhyun’s gonna give me a smack when he finds out we’re here flirting,” Hae said chuckling as he brushed his thumb on Hyukjae’s blushing cheek.

Donghae became the government’s spy when he started working for them as a hacker, he didn’t know why he was given the opportunity but he was thoroughly trained with the army and now here he was, on a case, inside his car with his wife and daughter.

He was indeed one lucky man.

“What club are we going to by the way?” Hyukjae asked as he leaned back on the car’s seat, his hand playing with Donghae’s fingers, entwining and tugging it.

“I think Kyu said it was Opera…,” he murmured as he crouched down to look out the windshield, the signs too high for the car’s view.

Hyukjae rubbed his tummy again, thanking the heat it radiated, his fingers growing cold a while ago.

“My daughter’s still being naughty?” Donghae asked with a worried tone as the car slowed down, angling its way towards the side walk to park. Hyukjae shook his head and gave a gummy smile, saying that he was merely rubbing it for heat.

The booming music penetrated the car’s windows making Hyukjae flinch but Hae’s comforting hand had assured that everything would be fine.

Sure, Hyukjae was frequently in clubs when he started dating this certain fish but after a year of not going in it, it was too foreign.

He felt Donghae go out, his eyes following his form in the night atmosphere as he rounded the front side of the car and opened his side of the car door.

He stepped out and was hurriedly supported by Hae who had wrapped an arm around his shoulder.

He faced the car and pulled out the keys to lock it then gave a swift kiss Hyuk’s head before leading him towards the clubs that littered the place.

“I don’t see any Opera here,” Hyukjae pointed out as he looked up at the bright neon signs, the lines outside still filled with people because night life starts at about this time.

He felt stares on him as he hugged the baby bump, his face hiding on his husband’s chest.

“What’s a pregger doin’ here in these streets?” a ty girl asked, her denim short shorts almost showing her bottom that made Donghae shiver in disgust.

The street were littered with weird people, well, Hyukjae could be called weird if it was two years ago and he was here really.

Donghae bit his lip when he heard another question about why Hyukjae was here. The said boy looked up from the comforting chest and looked around for the bright lights with the words Opera.

“Oh here it is,” Donghae said as he careened their way around a bunch of people in the middle of the street until Hyukjae spotted a small sign on the edge of the far street.

“Damn, you see things…far,” Hyukjae said sounding dumb as someone bumped his shoulder, his baby bump almost being squished.

“Oi! Be careful!” donghae barked to the girl who just passed, but she didn’t look back.

“Ani, gwenchana Hae, let’s go,” Hyukjae cooed as he patted his husband’s back to calm him down.

“Are you hurt?”

“Hae, it was only the shoulder, no worries,” Hyukjae said thoroughly convincing Hae when he rubbed his tummy.

They didn’t notice that the Opera club was near and Kyuhyun was leaning on a lamp post.

“Uh…Donghae..? Are you sure this is Hyukjae?”  Kyuhyun’s voice made Donghae look up from Hyukjae’s baby bump suddenly, his line of vision never leaving it.

“Uh, yeah,” he replied as he saw his best friend, giving him their trademark handshake they made about 10 years ago already.

“So,…why the is he pregnant?” Kyuhyun said still shocked as his eyes roamed around Hyukjae’s form who hid on Hae’s chest again.

“L…let’s find a seat inside, I’ll explain,” Donghae said nervously as he eyed the guy who bumped into Hyukjae again, making him snarl at the man who merely shrugged.

“Told yah you shouldn’t bring him if you’re just going to be overly-protective,” Kyuhyun said as he beckoned the two inside the calmer bar, the bouncer nodding when Kyuhyun said that Hae and Hyuk were his friends.

Once they went inside, Donghae’s jaw dropped, there was a large barrier between the club, the other part being wild and the other part being filled with people who were calmer, more like high and the smell of made Hyukjae cringe a bit.

“Here, c’mon,” Kyuhyun said as he patted their table, being occupied with a guy who had plump cheeks and battering eyelashes.

“Guys, meet Sungmin, Sungmin, this is Donghae and his husband Hyukjae,” Kyuhyun introduced making Sungmin’s eyes widen.

“B..but, he’s pregnant,” Sungmin stuttered as he looked at Hyukjae blankly.

“As I said, I’ll do the explaining,” Donghae said sighing as he let Hyukjae off of his arm and let him sit on the booth before slipping in beside him, entwining their fingers.

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Finally, this has come to a great end. Thank you guys for all the support.


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ReadRealize #1
Ikm just seeing it now. Time to read preggy hyuk yey
leily_superELF #2
Chapter 5: great story!!!I really like eunhae relationship...so sweet..thank you for writting!
Chapter 5: such cute endiiiiing >.<
Chapter 5: hohoho... i like the ending...
wow that such unforgetable labor i think... XD
Allinit #5
Chapter 5: awww~ that was a very sweet and lovely end , and I liked it so much <3
Allinit #6
Chapter 4: I am so glad , you updated !!! Yaaaaaaay !!!! :D
Chapter 4: and Happy new year~
Chapter 4: read it from the start again... :)
caramelswirls #9
Chapter 4: omg you updated! <3 love this, can't wait for your next update! :)
petiteddy #10
Chapter 4: thanks a lot for not giving up and still updating XD i really really love this story and how you put everything together ^^ once again, thank youuuu