Lucky Day... Or Not?

Boyfriend in USA




I sat down at my desk and almost instantly it was piled high with candy, gifts, and phone numbers. I took out the plastic bag that I had prepared and stuffed the things in there. I started to read my book while waiting for the bell to ring. Once the bell rang, everyone hurried back to their seats to avoid a detention. *Huh, the teacher isn't here yet. She usually hates being late.* I heard voices outside the door and in walked the teacher. I sat straight up and payed attention to what she said next. "Class, we are going to have 6 new classmates in our class. They have just transferred from Seoul, Korea and will be studying English here for the next 2 years. Please be nice to them. Boys, come in now." She finished talking and 6 guys came in the room.


They walked to the front of the room and said: "I'm your Boyfriend! Annyeong Boyfriend imnida!" *BOYFRIEND?!?! The new boyband I found out about? Good thing no one in my class knows anything about KPop or they would be mobbed right now.* Of course everybody else didn't know what they said because they whipped their heads around looked at me with confused faces.Smiley 

" ~~~, what did they just say?"

"Can you translate for us?"

They kept bombing me with questions and even the teacher looked confused.

" They just said ' Hi, we're Boyfriend' ."( I at korean translation ^^; )

"OOOHHHH... OMG THEY ARE SO HOT!!!!" *Oh well, being hot is still getting them mobbed. Smiley*The girls ran out of their seats and going up to Boyfriend, trying to impress them. The teacher shouted at them to go back to their seats. They obediently shut up and scurried back to their seats. Boyfriend spoke again, this time one by one.

"Annyeonghaeseyo Donghyun imnida." The red haired guy bowed and waved. I'm guessing he's the leader. It's so obvious!

"Annyeonghaeseyo Hyunseong imnida." The one who looked kinda clueless just bowed and smiled.

"Annyeong! Jeongmin imnida." The guy with the curly hair and chewing gum said. The teacher started to scold him for having gum in school but gave up when she finally realized he didn't understand her.

" Annyeong! Youngmin imnida! I'm the older twin!" The one with blond hair said. Smiley*Seems like someone had too much sugar and went hyper.*

"Annyeong Kwangmin imnida. I'm the younger twin and the more mature one." Right after he said that Youngmin whacked him on the head and muttered, "Pabo." Finally, everybody's eyes shifted to the last one who was apparently skipping around the classroom.

"Yah! Get back over here!" Donghyun practically yelled across the room.

" Coming hyung!" He skipped all the way back to the front and stood next to the other members. "ANNYEONG! Minwoo imnida!" He had a baby face and a cute eye smile that seemed to drive the girls crazy again. Then he winked which made them squeal even louder. * Can they ever stop screaming?*

"HEY! MAKE ONE MORE SOUND AND YOU'LL GET A WEEK OF DETENTION!" The teacher was boiling with anger and that made the girls stop all at once. *They didn't even scream that loud when the school football captain Mitchel had first came to our class.* Right now, he seemed to be jealous that the new students got all the attention from the girls.

"Ok boys pick your seats." *Uh oh, The only empty seats are all around me.* Of course they sat in a circle around me. Donghyun and Minwoo sat in front of me, Hyunseong and Jeongmin sat behind me, and I got stuck between the twins. *Why me? Why do I always seem to have trouble coming my way?* I slumped in my seat and waited in my seat when Youngmin spoke to Kwangmin. "Hey, how come no one understands us?" "We're in America you pabo." "YAH! How dare you call me a pabo!" Smiley 

Tired of their fighting, I finally spoke up. "Aish, will you guys please shut up!" The 6 of them looked suprised and all stared at me. "What? You suprised I can speak Korean? I know you guys are idols but that doesn't mean I'm going to tolerate your behavior in class. I'm not going to be like the other girls currently fangirling over you. So be quiet. Arasso?" They asked a bunch of questions like what's my name, how I learned to speak Korean, and if I could help with assignments, completely ignoring what I just said. Jeongmin took my schedule from my binder and compared it with theirs. He looked excited and called the others to look. *Don't tell me I have all my classes with them. T_T;* I turned around and guess what? I WAS RIGHT!! We all had world regions first period, then art, music, math, English, science, and lunch. They all looked at me and Minwoo started to bounce in his seat until he fell out of it and onto the floor.Smiley All s started laughing at him until the bell rang for first period. 




Boyfriend became extremely popular for their first day here and the others didn't figure out they were idols.THANK GOD! I've had to translate for them every class and the only ones who looked like they learned some English were Donghyun and Minwoo. I was suprised when Minwoo answered the teacher with English because it didn't seem like he pays attention at all. I left them and sat at my regular table with Destiny when a bunch of guys came up and tried to sit with us. That's when Boyfriend came over and glared at them to leave us alone. Destiny could have easily beat them up but she didn't want a detention. The group of people left, intimidated by Destiny's glare and the dangerous aura surrounding them. Then Boyfriend asked if they could sit with us and we just let them sit where ever they want. That's when Chunji popped out of nowhere.



Niel was on the floor laughing after seeing my expression. Destiny told him to get up before she has to take him out. He instantly paled when he remembered the last time Destiny had gave him a lot of bruises the first time they met. (She thought he was a ^^) He sat on the other side of me with Chunji and then I remembered something.

 "Yah, I thought you guys had classes right now."

"Yeah, but CAP hyung pulled us out of class for a schedule and we just finished practicing."

"Aren't the other girls here going to mob you? Pabo."

"YAH! We're still older than you!" While we were bickering, Boyfriend looked at me with awe.

"OMO! You know Chunji and Niel sunbaes from Teen Top??!!?!!" Minwoo started squealing like a fan girl and it annoyed them so much that Chunji whacked his head to stop him.

Right then and there, Mitchel came to our table and sat down with his friends Dan and Nick. Destiny had liked Nick for a month then stopped when she found out what a jerk he was. So when he sat next her, she glared at him and kicked his shin. He yelped with pain while Dan and Mitch started laughing at him for being a wimp against a girl. When they finally shut up, they noticed Boyfriend, Niel, and Chunji were sitting with us.

"Hey ~~~~, what are you doing sitting with these newbies and weirdos?" Mitch asked with a smirk on his face. He was asking for a kick in the balls and that's exactly what L.Joe did when he showed up at the table. Mitch doubled over onto the ground holding his crotch while Dan and Nick glared at L.Joe before helping Mitch get up.

"I think you should leave before our whole group shows up, you jerks. ~~~~ doesn't want to be bothered by you." L.Joe sneered at them, then he sat down in Nick's former seat. Destiny high fived him. Never mess with those two. Once they're angry, there's nothing you can do. They took down a whole gang with just their fists. 

After I finished eating I went to my locker. Out of it fell more gifts. I picked them up and put them in my backpack. I waited for Destiny, Chunji, and Niel so we could ride the bus home. I saw Boyfriend come out of the cafe followed by a group of girls. I waved them over to where I was and chatted with them to pass time.

"Hey where are you guys going to live?"

"Our manager found someone to let us live with them."


"We don't know yet."

"Do you know the address?"

"No, we were just told to get on bus 1040 and the driver will let us know."

"Oh... That's my bus! I'll show you where it is as soon as the others show up. Arasso?"


We eventually found them and got on the bus. Soon enough, Boyfriend and I were the only passengers left on the bus and my house was the last stop. Did the bus driver forget about them?

"Ok, you guys follow this young lady home." *THIS IS NOT GOOD. O.O *

"W-Wait, they're following me home?!"

"That's what they told me!" Great. T.T I look at them and they're all confused and staring out the window.

"Guys, follow me. " *Sigh, if the girls at school find out about this they'll attack my house!*

They obediently followed me to the front door and went inside, only to be greeted with excited and jumping parents. I spotted a lotto card in my dad's hands and checked it over. OMG, we just won 4 millon dollars!!!!! I started going crazy, finally calming down when I remembered Boyfriend was still standing in the doorway. They were giving me the WTH look and my parents gave me their who-are-they look. I introduced them to each other and took a long time translating as only Donghyun and Minwoo knew some of what my mom said in English. Out of no where, this random guy popped up in front of me and started greeting the boys in perfect Korean. *I'm guessing that's their manager? O.o*

 My dad turns to me and says: " Kelly, they are to stay with us until they go back to Korea. Three of them will stay in your room as we only have one guest room." This is worst than I thought.  

I looked at the guys warily. "You guys are going to choose a room between my room or the Guest room." Of course, Minwoo stuck his hand in the air, so did the twins. When I was about to choose them, the older ones rose their hands, too. I couldn't choose at all 'cause they kept on making puppy-eyes at me and I gave up.

"Mom, dad, they keep on fighting about who's going to sleep in my room." "Kelly, just let them all stay in your room and keep their stuff in the guest room." Smiley Sometimes I think my parents are just too nice for their own good. I just nodded at the boys to follow me and I made them dump their stuff in the guest room. 

Pic of guest room: 


Pic of my room:


Youngmin was gawking at my room and soon was followed by Kwangmin, Minwoo, Jeongmin, Donghyun, and Hyunseong. "Ok boys. Let's settle some ground rules. 1. Don't tell anyone you live here unless you want to be mauled by crazy fan girls. 2. Don't touch my clothes, closet, or electronics or you'll be in the hospital soon. 3. Either sleep on the couch, floor, or the pullout bed. You got that? I glared at them.They gulped and quickly nodded started fighting over who sleeps where. It came to an agreement of rotating who sleeps on the couch, bed, and floor every week. 

This week:

Bed- Jeongmin and Kwangmin

Couch- Youngmin and Donghyun

Floor- Hyunseong and Minwoo

*Sigh, this is going to be a long day.


YAY!!!! I finally updated!!!!!! ^^ super long chappie and sorry for the late update. I get ideas and then forget them. ^^; I gotta go! BYE~ :D 

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MinwooBF_luv #1
Chapter 5: I'm more Chinese tho. And my grandma speaks Chinese.
MinwooBF_luv #2
Chapter 5: And it's true I only have a few close friends
MinwooBF_luv #3
Chapter 5: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! OMFG!!!!!!!!! I AM EVERYTHING U DESCRIBE!!!! I AM A CHINESE GIRL WHO LIVES IN THE US. I LOVE KPOP!!!!!!!!! I KNOW ENGLISH, CHINESE AND KOREAN. AND ALSO A LUTLLE FRENCH AND SPANISH!!! IM ALSO VERY SMART IN SCHOOL!!! AHH!! WELL I AM A LITTLE KOREAN TOO BECAUSE MY GRANDMA, SHE IS KOREAN. AHH I HOPE THIS COMES TRUE!!!!!! AND ALSO MY BFF REALLY ACTUALLY LOOKS LIKE THE BEST FRIEND OF ME!!!!!!!! oh and random bio. I'm Chinese and Korean, minwoo is my ultimate bias, I know all Kpop bands,singers,solos, and members. I also know all kdrama actresses and actors. No joke. I started kpop since i was 2 but im not like a crazy fangirl of it. even if i love it and am obsessed with it. But I might be crazy if this really came true. Ahh hope I get to meet minwoo! And there is more. I didn't get to see the pic of the girl that's me it won't load. Well please update. I LOVE IT!!!
And please update!
In love with this story no joke!
Chapter 4: OMG! i love it :D
update soon please ^^
nerdybunny1206 #7
Awesome chapters!!!!!Its interesting!!!!
Update soon!!!!!!
Liyanamyssha #8
Update soon... Hahaha. Hyunseong was so scared..
khelly #10
Your name is Kelly too?Wow me too. :)