After School Hyper

Boyfriend in USA

After we came home from school, Teen Top decided to come hang out with us. Destiny also came so she could make sure Teen Top wasn't bossing me around again. They were pretty suprised when i told them that Boyfriend lived with me, but then they started freaking out when they heard they slept in my room. Well, mostly Chunji, Niel, and Destiny since they were the closest ones to me. The guys were being over protective, thinking of the most weirdest things that could happen to me.

"What if they try to you?!!?!" Chunji screamed, getting over protective.

"Umm, they're not that erted Chunji." I tried to calm him down but then Niel butts in.

He said, "Well, you never know. For all you know they could secretly pounce on you in the middle of the night or something!" Chunji shrieked and started slapping L.Joe on the arm, head and then punched him in the stomach.

L.Joe yelled, "Ow, what the heck is wrong with you?!?!!??!! Don't freakin' punch me for no freakin' reason!"

I bonked them on the head and pointed to the boys that were slouching over on the couch. "Keep quiet, you idiots!!!! They're listening."

They tried to act normal but normal ended when my parents came in with bags of candy.

"CANDY!!!!!" The maknaes practically fought each other to get the big bag but Destiny stepped over them and took it, leaving them stupefied. They ran over to her and lunged for the bag, only for her to change direction like a ninja and they landed in a piggy pile on the floor. C.A.P. picked up those two and dropped them on the couch while the rest of us were laughing our butts off.

"Sheesh. And no thank you?" My parents said sarcastically. But no one answered as they were crowding around Destiny and grabbing the candy from each other.

"Hey, that's mine!"

"No, it's mine!"

"Hey, stop shoving me!"

"Ow, who stepped on my face?!"

"Sorry, Ricky!"

This went on for like 5 more minutes until my dad comes in and takes what was left of the candy and shouted, "First one to catch me gets the rest!" and ran off to some random direction. 

Everyone (except mom) chased after him while pushing each other out of the way.

Needless to say, my dad was no where in sight until we heard him yell out in pain."OOWW!!! Let go of me!" We ran to the backyard and found Youngmin eating the candy while Kwangmin had just finished a new bag and my dad was wrestling Minwoo.

Minwoo let go when he realized that we were standing there. My dad gasped and opened his mouth like a fish, trying to gulp in air. The twins dropped the candy and boom! There's another piggy pile on the ground. =.= With dad suffocating at the bottom. Again. I pulled the non-hyper people off the pile, then kicked away Chunji, Niel, and Ricky and dragged Changjo away before he could stuffed his face again with candy. My dad got up and hid behind mom. Mom looked at him.



and walked away, leaving him with a hyper taekwondo kid Changjo right in front of him. He slowly walked backwards and ran, but not quick enough. Changjo tackled him and all the other maknaes jumped in, searching for more candy.

"Ok, break it up!" Destiny and I literally threw them into the kitchen while Changjo was being held back by his hyungs. Destiny went back outside and judo chopped him, knocking him out. We dropped him off on the couch in the living room and left. My mom had started cooking dinner, so everyone was to stay unless they wanted my mom to make them feel guilty. Right now my dad was stomping up the stairs and couldn't stop mumbling about how "kids these days don't show any respect." Like he was being mature running around with a bag of candy, playing chase. 

My mom shouted, "Dinner!" Everyone ran to the table. Changjo was finally awake after Ricky and Niel "accidently" dropped a whole pitcher of water on his head. Tonight Teen Top and Destiny went home stuffed with my mom's food and Boyfriend crawled up the stairs to my room with a full stomach. Everyone went to their respective places and went to sleep. I stayed up till 9 to finish my homework.

I climbed into bed and whispered, "Good night." I turned off my desk lamp and fell into dream land.

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MinwooBF_luv #1
Chapter 5: I'm more Chinese tho. And my grandma speaks Chinese.
MinwooBF_luv #2
Chapter 5: And it's true I only have a few close friends
MinwooBF_luv #3
Chapter 5: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! OMFG!!!!!!!!! I AM EVERYTHING U DESCRIBE!!!! I AM A CHINESE GIRL WHO LIVES IN THE US. I LOVE KPOP!!!!!!!!! I KNOW ENGLISH, CHINESE AND KOREAN. AND ALSO A LUTLLE FRENCH AND SPANISH!!! IM ALSO VERY SMART IN SCHOOL!!! AHH!! WELL I AM A LITTLE KOREAN TOO BECAUSE MY GRANDMA, SHE IS KOREAN. AHH I HOPE THIS COMES TRUE!!!!!! AND ALSO MY BFF REALLY ACTUALLY LOOKS LIKE THE BEST FRIEND OF ME!!!!!!!! oh and random bio. I'm Chinese and Korean, minwoo is my ultimate bias, I know all Kpop bands,singers,solos, and members. I also know all kdrama actresses and actors. No joke. I started kpop since i was 2 but im not like a crazy fangirl of it. even if i love it and am obsessed with it. But I might be crazy if this really came true. Ahh hope I get to meet minwoo! And there is more. I didn't get to see the pic of the girl that's me it won't load. Well please update. I LOVE IT!!!
And please update!
In love with this story no joke!
Chapter 4: OMG! i love it :D
update soon please ^^
nerdybunny1206 #7
Awesome chapters!!!!!Its interesting!!!!
Update soon!!!!!!
Liyanamyssha #8
Update soon... Hahaha. Hyunseong was so scared..
khelly #10
Your name is Kelly too?Wow me too. :)