
Boyfriend in USA

"~~~, ~~~, ~~~! WAKE UP!" This loud annoying voice was disturbing my sleep. I chucked my puppy pillow in that direction, which was soon followed by a yelp.

" Hyung! why'd you throw a pillow at me?!"

"It wasn't me! It was her!"

"Stop lieing! You are so dead." I popped open one eye and sat up. The twins were wrestling each other while Kwangmin was dressed as Pikachu and Youngmin had Winnie the Pooh PJs. Donghyun woke up and yanked them up by their collars.

"YAH! Can't a person get some sleep here." He looked like he was about to kill someone and the twins tried to run away but got choked. I yawned and looked at the clock. HOLY FUDGE!!!  We were going to miss the bus! I smacked the rest awake and I ran to get ready.  I got ready to change but then I turned and realized I almost changed in front of them.  O.O  I hid in the bathroom and quickly changed. I grabbed my backpack and raced out the door.

I stopped when I reached the bus stop and soon I saw the lazy heads running past me. =.=

"YAH!!" They turned around and raced back, right when the bus came. I hopped onto the bus and found the seat next to Destiny empty and sat down.Youngmin and Donghyun took the seat across from us, Hyunseong and Minwoo sat in front of us and the last two took the seats towards the front of the bus. The bus stopped at the next stop and Teen Top came on. The girls on the bus started freaking out because they were surrounded by cute boys. The guys were getting jealous and started mumbling to themselves. I was like "Calm down people, its not like the world is going to end soon or something."

Destiny was getting a headache from the screaming and so she shouted across the whole bus, "HEY!!! Shut the *beep* up before I kick you in the a**!!!" The girls whimpered from being yelled at by the toughest girl in school and immediately cowered in their seats. C.A.P. high-fived her and went back to talking with his new friend/hyung, Donghyun. I was suprised. I didn't think C.A.P. would want to hang out with him since they had just gotten to know each other yesterday. 

The bus finally arrived at school and I was almost close to being trampled until Ricky shouted, "People, make way for Teen Top and their friends!" =.= Yup, he's embarassing us again. Everyone moved back into their seats like robots and we got to get out first. It wasn't the first time he had done that.

When Destiny and I had just befriended them, Ricky was hyper and pushed to the front of the bus saying, "Move and make an walkway for my beloved friends." Everyone was wondering who he was talking about so they moved back and that left the eight of us still standing. He grabbed our wrists and pulled us off the bus. Everyone else was staring and gaping. Girls thinking about how we got to be Teen Top's friends, boys thinking about how they were able to get close to the two of us and they all stood there thinking of a plan to get close to us.

As soon as we step into our own schools, people were rushing up to Boyfriend with phones to take pictures and I'm pretty sure this was happening to Teen Top, too. The teacher that's in charge of detention came and gave all of them detention slips for having phones and confisticated their phones. They are SO smart. *rolls eyes*  I looked behind me just to see Minwoo hiding behind Youngmin, who was hiding behind Kwangmin. Sigh. So much for being the youngest of the group. -.- As usual when I opened my locker, stuff came flowing out of it. But this time, Hyunseong pulled me back so I wouldn't get hit with a tsunami wave of candy.

"Gomawo." I straightened myself up and waited for the guys to finish stuffing their backpack into their locker. I stepped into the classroom and pushed through the crowd of people. Geez, people are getting crazier by the second. Mitchel walked in the door next with his team mates and tried to flirt with anyone who hadn't seen Boyfriend yet. Of course, he failed and then turned his target to me.

"Hey, ~~~~. What's up?" He had a smirk on his face and his friends were like sharks surrounding me.

"The sky, you idiot." I retorted back at him.

He just kept that stupid smirk on his face while thinking of a comeback. "Fiesty one, aren't you? Calm down, I don't bite. So what's up with you and the new kids?"

"Well, for your information, they're my friends and aren't being desperate." I mumbled the last part, but he still managed to catch it. He opened his mouth to say something, when Minwoo shoved him aside and took his seat in front of me.

"HEY!!!" Mitchel seemed to be pissed off but Minwoo just glanced at him and smirked.

I leaned towards him."Yah, Minwoo sii you didn't have to do that, you know."

 "I know but I felt like it. Also, call me and the others oppa. We're older aren't we?"

"Waeeee?" I whined. I never called anyone oppa in my life since I had no older guy relatives that understood Korean. So if I called some people I had met yesterday oppa, it'd be pretty awkward.

"Just once. PWWEEEAAASSSEEE???" He made a bunch of aegyo faces and Mitchel thought he looked ridiculous so he walked away, leaving me surrounded by Boyfriend once again.

Not that I wanted to be near him and sweaty team mates, but I was very vunerable to aegyo, which would explain why I blurted out, "Minwoo oppa." He squealed like a little girl and bragged to his hyungs.

"Yah, you didn't call me oppa even though I'm the oldest." Donghyun was pouting and Minwoo said, "That's 'cause you at aegyo hyung." *mehrong* 

"Why you little-" Donghyun aimed at his head and was about to strike, when the teacher walked in.

Donghyun quickly put his hand down and the teacher took attendence. The rest of homeroom we had to ourselves and the jerk head decided to come over again.  But this time, Kwangmin blocked him and Youngmin was pretending to glare.

Mitchel struggled to shove past Kwangmin's arm. "Dude, what is your problem?!?!" He yelled at them and I answered. "You are the problem. So go away!" He mumbled to himself and suprisingly walked away pretty quickly. Now Boyfriend was arguing over me calling them oppa. Seriously, what is with guys wanting girls to call them oppa in Korea?! So just to shut them up, I just went in a circle. "Donghyun oppa, Hyunseong oppa, Jeongmin oppa, Youngmin oppa, Kwangmin oppa, and  Minwoo oppa. There, happy now?" Oh, were they happy. For some reason, Youngmin and Minwoo were hyper again but they didn't eat anything sugary. Unless... "Did you guys eat any of the candy I  got?" They nodded yes and I facepalmed myself. "What the heck were you thinking?!? No more candy for you guys until you can learn how to not steal stuff. " They pouted and made me feel bad but oh well. They need to control their suger level. The bell rang and the rest of the day was the same with some translating.

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MinwooBF_luv #1
Chapter 5: I'm more Chinese tho. And my grandma speaks Chinese.
MinwooBF_luv #2
Chapter 5: And it's true I only have a few close friends
MinwooBF_luv #3
Chapter 5: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! OMFG!!!!!!!!! I AM EVERYTHING U DESCRIBE!!!! I AM A CHINESE GIRL WHO LIVES IN THE US. I LOVE KPOP!!!!!!!!! I KNOW ENGLISH, CHINESE AND KOREAN. AND ALSO A LUTLLE FRENCH AND SPANISH!!! IM ALSO VERY SMART IN SCHOOL!!! AHH!! WELL I AM A LITTLE KOREAN TOO BECAUSE MY GRANDMA, SHE IS KOREAN. AHH I HOPE THIS COMES TRUE!!!!!! AND ALSO MY BFF REALLY ACTUALLY LOOKS LIKE THE BEST FRIEND OF ME!!!!!!!! oh and random bio. I'm Chinese and Korean, minwoo is my ultimate bias, I know all Kpop bands,singers,solos, and members. I also know all kdrama actresses and actors. No joke. I started kpop since i was 2 but im not like a crazy fangirl of it. even if i love it and am obsessed with it. But I might be crazy if this really came true. Ahh hope I get to meet minwoo! And there is more. I didn't get to see the pic of the girl that's me it won't load. Well please update. I LOVE IT!!!
And please update!
In love with this story no joke!
Chapter 4: OMG! i love it :D
update soon please ^^
nerdybunny1206 #7
Awesome chapters!!!!!Its interesting!!!!
Update soon!!!!!!
Liyanamyssha #8
Update soon... Hahaha. Hyunseong was so scared..
khelly #10
Your name is Kelly too?Wow me too. :)