A Usual Day With Snow

Boyfriend in USA

Chinese will be in characters and Korean will be bolded and underlined. :)



*Ugh,stupid alarm clock!* I groggily woke up and shut off the alarm. I glanced at the time. *WHAT?! It's only 4 A.M.?!* I groaned and fell back into the warmth of my bed. I tossed and turned until I fell face flat on the floor. *Sigh, might as well get up now.* Smiley I dragged myself to the bathroom, tripping like a gazillion times before I got there.


I splashed water on to my face and dried it off. After I finished brushing my teeth, I pulled my hair into a ponytail and went back to my room. I picked out possible outfits and finally decided on this:

School outfit

I trumped down the stairs and went into the kitchen. I started making breakfast and took out the eggs,butter, and orange juice out of the fridge. I spiced up the eggs and made french toast. It looked so yummy!


Suddenly, I heard someone come down the stairs and enter the kitchen.

I heard my grandmother say," 丽丽,今天可能有雪,所以一件外套,以防万一." ( ~~~, today there might be snow today, so bring a jacket just in case.)

"好的,奶奶." (Ok, grandma.) I ate my breakfast and ran upstairs. I grabbed my coat, backpack and phone. I quickly stuffed my coat into my backpack and rushed out the front door. Arriving at the bus stop 3 houses down, I waited for the other 2 girls from the bus to arrive. I got bored and suddenly got a text from each of them. They apparently had both gotten the flu and wouldn't be in school for at least a week. I got bored again and looked on the web to see if there were any KPop groups that I didn't know of yet. I found an article of a boyband called Boyfriend that recently debuted.

I was opening a picture of them when the bus came. Of course the bus would choose to come at the worst time ever. I got on and sat next to Destiny, with Chunji and Niel right behind us. "Hey Kelly, did you finish your project for your World Regions class yet?"  "What do you think Niel?Smiley You should know by now that I finish projects the day before they're due." "Yeah, you're probably gonna be buying supplies today right? *smirk*" "Ani, you're gonna buy them for me. "Smiley "WHAT?! That's no fair! Why do I have to buy them when it's your project?!"

Meanwhile, I heard Destiny ask Niel why we were fighting AGAIN. I was going to tell her when I saw this creeper out of the corner of my eye looking at me. Disgusted as I was, I continued talking to my friends until that guy tried to drag me to his seat. Niel saw this and glared at the weirdo while cracking his knuckles. The guy didn't even flinch a bit and soon Chunji and Niel ganged up on him which made him run to the back of the bus.Smiley

 "Yeah you better run!" They high fived each other and sat back down. We got off our bus and went our seperate ways. I got to my locker, finding a group of boys surrounding it. They fought to get my attention and I just went into my homeroom without them noticing. *OMG, this is getting so annoying.* 




I went to the salad bar to get some lunch. On the way back to my table, I saw something falling outside. Yep, it was snow. I stared at how pretty it looked when it started fallng very hard. By the time I finished lunch, the snow was covering all exits of the school and everyone started panicking. Even the teachers started freaking out. Smiley Then the lights went out. The only I could hear were people screaming and swearing all over the place. I just sat there, waiting for the storm to stop and it actually did. Only one problem. WE WERE SNOWED IN!!!!! Everybody went to the escape exit on the roof and shoveled  their way out. The buses had been buried under there for a while now and I just ran on the bus with the crowd and I got to my house first. I ran in to my room and stayed in there for the rest of the day. 


HI PEOPLE!!! :P I managed to fit in a chappie before I go to school. YAY! ^^  Sorry if it was confusing or anything. Random ideas pop into my head during classes. ^-^ thx for reading. BYE!!! :D

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MinwooBF_luv #1
Chapter 5: I'm more Chinese tho. And my grandma speaks Chinese.
MinwooBF_luv #2
Chapter 5: And it's true I only have a few close friends
MinwooBF_luv #3
Chapter 5: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! OMFG!!!!!!!!! I AM EVERYTHING U DESCRIBE!!!! I AM A CHINESE GIRL WHO LIVES IN THE US. I LOVE KPOP!!!!!!!!! I KNOW ENGLISH, CHINESE AND KOREAN. AND ALSO A LUTLLE FRENCH AND SPANISH!!! IM ALSO VERY SMART IN SCHOOL!!! AHH!! WELL I AM A LITTLE KOREAN TOO BECAUSE MY GRANDMA, SHE IS KOREAN. AHH I HOPE THIS COMES TRUE!!!!!! AND ALSO MY BFF REALLY ACTUALLY LOOKS LIKE THE BEST FRIEND OF ME!!!!!!!! oh and random bio. I'm Chinese and Korean, minwoo is my ultimate bias, I know all Kpop bands,singers,solos, and members. I also know all kdrama actresses and actors. No joke. I started kpop since i was 2 but im not like a crazy fangirl of it. even if i love it and am obsessed with it. But I might be crazy if this really came true. Ahh hope I get to meet minwoo! And there is more. I didn't get to see the pic of the girl that's me it won't load. Well please update. I LOVE IT!!!
And please update!
In love with this story no joke!
Chapter 4: OMG! i love it :D
update soon please ^^
nerdybunny1206 #7
Awesome chapters!!!!!Its interesting!!!!
Update soon!!!!!!
Liyanamyssha #8
Update soon... Hahaha. Hyunseong was so scared..
khelly #10
Your name is Kelly too?Wow me too. :)