CHAPTER 12: The Date

Unlock My Heart If You Can

Tiffany's POV

When I got home, I was too lazy that I need to drag myself to get change and prepare myself for the date with HIM! Argh!

I wish I could stop the clock from turning to 7pm. I felt butterflies in my stomach whenever I think about it. My heart beats fast, I felt nervous. I'am confuse on what kind of feeling is this. I think I'am nervous because this will be my first date, but someone is telling me that this nervousity I'am felling right now is because I will be with him. Its te same feeling that I feel whenever we are together.

I was still doing my make-up when Hyojin Ahjumma knocks.

"Stephanie." she called behind the door.

"Come in ahjumma." I told her.Then she went.

She has been serving our family for almost 23 years,  she's the one who took care of me since  I was a child. She's like a family to us.

"Stephanie ah! Your date is here." she said . His here?

I looked at the clock and it's still 6pm. How could he be this early?

"Just let him wait ahjumma, he's too early." I said and continued doing my make-up and ahjumma went near me to help to some stuffs.

"We'll maybe he's too excited to see you. I mean you two are excited to see each other."she said with a teasing smile while fixing my dress.

"Excited? The TWO of us?" I said while raising one eye brow.

"Yes. The TWO of you." she also emphasizes the word two.

"What? Me? No I'm not., maybe he is. Ahjumma ah! I'm not excited." I said while smiling at her.

"Stephanie honey. Your almost finished with your make up and your ready to go and it is still 1 hour before your date and your telling me your not excited?" she said giving me another teasing smile. Argh! Even ahjumma teases me!

With what Ajumma said I realized she's right. I looked at myself in the mirror, from my hair, make-up, dress etc. everything is well done and I realized I didn't do it in a hurry that means I spend much time in the mirror making myself beautiful but I still have 1 hour before the date. Gosh! I was early too! How did that thing happen? I didn't notice that!

I blushed on embarassment with my realization. I was silent and bowed my head.

"Its Ok honey." Ahjumma said. I think she noticed my reaction.

"Look at you. Your already a pretty grown up woman. I doubt if no one will fall in love to you. And I'm very happy because you'll be going out for a date for the first time." she smiled from the mirror while gently brushing my hair with her fingers. I smiled at her too.

"Ok, I'll just go downstairs to check him.Aren't you going to meet your prince charming now?" She asked. My Prince charming? That jerk? I'd rather die!
But I admit he's charming, but not a Prince! He's not even gentleman to be called Prince.

"Ahm...Maybe...i'll just follow later ahjumma. I'm not yet finish." I lied and smiled at her. The truth is I don't want yet to see that jerk.

"Ok then, but don't make your self too beautiful huh? The guy there might fall too much to you!" she said with a wink and closed the door of my room.

Why will I do that anyway? I hate that jerk and I will make him fall to me? That's ridiculous.

I sighed while looking at myself in the mirror. I don't want to meet him yet. I'll wait for 7pm.

But as time goes, I start to feel uncomfortable.I tried to peek behind the post from the mezzanine and I see him seated on the couch at our living room. He was stumping one foot and looking around I think his already bored. He turned his eyes on my part I quickly hide behind the post. Now what? I looked like a spy or stalker or something. I tried to peek again and in my surprise he's not there already. I've tried looking around when I heard a deep voice behind me.

"Looking for me?" the voice said. I turned around and was startled  "Ahhh!" a scream escaped from my mouth  when I saw him behind me.How come I did not even notice him?

"Where did you came from?" I asked. He was smiling again.

"Down stairs." He answered.

"Why are you here then?" I asked.

"I saw you, so I went up." He explained.

This is so embarassing my cheeks starts to turn red again. Even more redder that he's eyes where on me.

"Shall we?" he asked and offering his arm, I have no choice but to respond from his action. I hate him but I still need to act like a lady.

I was nervous while my arm is wrapped around his arm. I felt something weird. We went down stairs and he was assisting me as we go down. I don't know if he's really this gentleman or he's just acting like one.

We met along our way Hyojin ahjumma. She was looking at us and smiling. "You look good together!" she said. Aigoo! That's the second time I heard that and it makes me sick.

"Ahjumma, were going." He said.

"Take care of her ok? Anyways I know you will. Enjoy your date huh?" Ahjumma said.

"Yes I will ahjumma, you can count on me." he said and bowed. I bowed too shyly. I don't know why. We are in our house and I felt shy is some kind of weird!

We walk on to his car. He opened the door for me. I went in.This jerk is  really acting like a gentleman. "Kamsahamnida." I said in a low voice. He responded me with a smile. Is he going to smile at me always?

He started the engine and drove. He is still smiling. Is that all that he can do?

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Hmm... somewhere." He responded.

"I never heard of a place named somewhere." I said and look on the window. He just laugh. I throw a glare on him. "What's funny?" I asked.

"Nothing. I thought you are joking." he  said. He's starting to piss me of again. I  remained quiet and look out in the window.

"You'll know later." He said. I just ignored him.

After a while. The place we passed on looks familiar to me. That's it! He took me on our own restaurant. Oh God! my sisters are here! They might see us.

He opened the door for me and offered his arm again. "Shall we?" He asked. I hesitated.

"Ahm Mr.Choi. can we go somewhere else? Just not in here." I said. I'am still sitting inside the car.

"But why?I thought you will be glad that I took you here. Aren't you happy that you will have your first date on your own restaurant?" he asked looking down on me. I was shocked to what he had said.

" did you know this is my first date?" I asked. He smiled at me. "Ahjumma told me." he said. Ahjumma! Why did you told him! I blushed again good thing its a little bit dark he can't see my red cheeks.

"Come on. Besides I also wanted to see if I did the right decision onf investing here." he said. Great! I don't have a choice so I stood up and walk with him inside.

I was uncomfortable as I entered with him. I see familiar faces taht greets us. Of course  they are our staffs and I can see that they are a little bit shocked on my appearance with this guy. The waiter lead us to our table, we seated. He ordered for us.

Suddenly I heard a familiar voice, 4 tables far from us in the other side. It was Yuri. They are here! I tried to cover my self with my hair.

"I can't still contact Yoona." i heard her.

"I wonder where is she." "Jessica said

"Too bad were not complete today even Tiffany unnie is not here." Seohyun said sadly.

I was listening to their converstion when my eyes caught him staring at me. "Are you ok?" He asked me. "Yes I'am." I answered and smiled at him. Argh! Why did I do that again?!

After a little while the waiter poured a wine in our wine glass I fogot to tell him I'am not used to drinking. I didn't touch my glass. I was still listening to the voices from the other table, I'm still on cover. I heard their laughs, Im glad they are happy. I was focusing on listening to them when I felt him touch my hand. I was shocked and immediately pulled it away. My hand accidently hit the tray of the incomming waiter. Plates, glasses and utensil that fell sounded in the whole restaurant. Food spilled on the floor. The accident called the attention of all.

I didn't bother to apologize anymore . I still tried to cover up my face.

"Is there anything wrong in here?" someone asked. I can recognize Taeyeon's voice. "Wa...wait! Tiffany is that you?" she asked.

Ok she recognized me too. I have no choice but to look at her, I gave her an unsure smile. And I saw the others came near and they were shock. I'm dead! I looked down shyly I was blushing again.

"Mr. Choi" Yuri called. And went near to him and they greeted each other.

"Girls, I would like you to meet Mr. Choi from T.O.P Company." Yuri introduced him. He bowed to them and the others did the same.

"So what are you guys doing here?" Jessica asked. I was quiet and still don't know what to do.

"We were dating." He answered. All of them were schock.

His answer made me grab a glass of wine and drank it.

I'm double dead!

*End of Tiffany's POV*


Yoona's POV

Two hours had passed and were still stuck inside the elevator I guess we will wait for 3 more hours before we could get out. My phone battery is dranied so I cannot text or call the girls, they might be worrying about me now. I borrowed Jiyong oppa's phone but too bad there's no signal inside here.

We've been chatting the whole time. We don't feel awkwardness with each other infact no one gets bored on listening to each other's stories about life, dreams

 I never expected Jiyong oppa to be this nice, behind his b-boy image there is a cheerful and funny Jiyong that hides in there. We spent most of the time smiling and laughing. I never met a guy someone like him where I felt comfortable to talk to. As time goes by I appreciated him more. I got to know him better and all I can say is that he's a great man.

Time passed and there was all ready silence between the two of us. We are sitting close next to each other but no one is  talking. Maybe we had all ready said everything we wanted to say. Because of the total darkness inside the elevator my eyelids are slowly dropping, I'm faliing asleep. Because of my sleepiness my head accidentally leaned on his shoulder. I was alarmed and felt embarassed of my involuntary action. I tried to lift my head when he gently pulled it back on his shoulder.

"Its ok you can lean on it." He said, his hand is on my forehead.

"No its ok." I said and lifted my head but he pulled it again.

"No. Its ok." He said. I shyly leaned on his left shoulder and rested my head. His right hand is brushing my hair off my face. Then I felt him leaned on my head. I closed my eyes and I felt comfortable with him. this was the same feeling that I felt when he comforted me for the first time we met. After a while, the elevator's atmosphere of laughter changes to silence. A deep silence. I was leaning on his shoulder and him on my head. We are both asleep.

*End of Yoona's POV*



I never expected that we will get to know and spend much time with each other inside the elevator. (Thanks to the elevator.)  I felt different whenever I'm with her. This was my first time to talk to someone in a serious and in a funny way. I enjoyed her company, I think she is too. The more that I got to know her, the more that I fall for her.

There was a time that we were quiet . I felt something that landed my shoulder. I knew it was her. I think she's all ready sleepy. She get her head up, I immediately pulled her head back to my shoulder. I wanted her to feel comfortable. I was brushing her hair of to see a clearer view of her pretty face that illuminates in the dark. This was the same pretty face when we first saw each other that night. I leaned my head on hers.I don't know what makes me do that. Suddemly I also fell asleep.

We were awaken by a light. We began to stir up from our sleep, the elevator opened and the staffs appeared in front of us. We did not notice that she is all ready leaning on my chest and my hand were around her shoulders. Because of embarrassment we immediately get away from each other and stood up.

"Sir/Ma'am were sorry it took us so long to open the elevator." The staff apologized.

"Its ok" we both uttered, our eyes met and smiled at each other.

"Ahh...Finally! We're free!" she said while spreading her hands feeling the blow of the fresh air outside the building, she's so cute and adorable for doing that.

"Yeah right we're free.." I said in a monotonous manner. I admit I felt disappointed because she's no longer stuck with me in the elevator.

She turned to me and beamed a smile. "Yah oppa! wanna enjoy our liberty?" She asked.

"Ahm...sure." I answered. She walk right to me and grab my hand and drags me. I followed her. We are running along the street like kids, we were holding each other's hands. The next thing I know is that we entered in to a next by fastfood restaurant and proceeded right to the counter, she ordered food, many food. I was just quiet behind her. When she's done ordering for herself(She ordered a lot) she me to asked what I want when she noticed she is still holding in my hand. She let go of it. "Sorry." she apologized and shyly bowed her head,She's cute.

"Its ok.Please order for me." I said with a smile. She didn't have anything to be shy of about not letting go of my hand, in fact I'am not yet taking my eyes off her.

We are all ready seated and she began devouring every piece of the food. She's really different from other girls I"d hang out with.I was just watching her, she's still pretty even she's hungry.

After eating, we went out together in te fast food restaurant when her eyes was caught by the lights foim the near by park I thingk there was a festival or something. Without much ado. She grabbed my hand again and ran making our way there. This girl is so amazing.

We stopped and seated on a bench she was enjoying the scenery of lights everywhere. I smiled in the thought that this pretty lady beside me is like a kid full of innocence. I was staring at her the whole time.

"Oppa! Look!" she pointed. I look on the direction, and she was pointing on a cotton candy store. "Can we get some?" she asked using her aegyo. I just smiled at her and nodded. She jumped for joy and get up grabbing my hand again. Now, the great Jiyong, one of the best drag racer in Korea is walking in a park while holding a bubble gum flavored cotton candy.

We are roaming around when she stopped on a stand. "Oppa Isn't this cute?" she asked me holding an alligator stufftoy.

"Ahm...yeah it is cute, you want that?" I asked her in a gentle manner. "Yes!" she said in delight.

"I'll play for you then,and take that stufftoy home." I said. "But first... why don't you get us an icecream?" I smiled at her.

"Of course oppa!" she smiled and went away.

"Mr." i called to the one assisting in the game stand. "How much is this?" I asked him pointing the alligator stuff toy.

" need to play first before you can have it." He smirked.

I put a money in front of him. With no hesitation he get it. "You can have it sir." he said. I smiled at him. (I'm not really good at playing this kind of game.)

She got back smiling holding ice cream on both hands.

"Here you go." I handed her the alligator stufftoy, and she handed me my ice cream.

"Wow! your great oppa! Kamsahamnida!" She said to me with her sweet smile."Anything for you!" I said in respond.

We sat on the grass, and we are eating ice cream.

"Oppa!" she called. I turned to her. "Can I name him Alligator Jiyong?" she asked me showing the stufftoy.

I smiled on her question. "Sure!" I said. She replied again with a smile. She's really really cute and pretty. We focused again in the ice cream.

"Yoona." I said. She me, and I leaned for a kiss. Our lips are touching each hers is motionless. She responded to my kiss.Does this means she loved me too?

Our kiss broke, we are staring each other's eyes, both of us is smiling. I was about to say the 3 words when a fireworks illuminated the sky.

She leaned on my chess hugging Alligator Jiyong. I wrapped my hand on her shoulder. We were watching the fireworks. It was one romntic night.

*End of GD's POV*



Hello guys. For now , I'll be leaving you this update. Maybe It will took a little longer before I can update again.I'll be leaving town for the school opening, wish me luck on my first college year hehe! I hope you like this part, and I hope you'll still be looking forward and wait for my next chapters. Be back! I promise. God bless everyone! Take care! Thank you!
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Sone_snsd_9 #1
Chapter 22: Hi author, i miss your update :-(
Pradita90 #2
Chapter 22: Aaahhh love it! It simply beautiful.. Smtimes my head was hurt when reading complicated story. Hahaha, keep writing topfany!! How i wish they can be real item someday, idk i just got the feeling bout that. They're so different but i can see if they together they gonna completing each other. Thank you for makn this sweet story.. Keep writing and have a good day!! ;))
Anding2810 #3
Chapter 22: Wish this story continue with the lovely dovey topfany.......
Sone_snsd_9 #4
Chapter 22: where are you?
Chapter 21: TopFany! <3 TT U TT
dadecer101 #6
Chapter 22: hahaha... I was surprise... I‘m really excited for the next chapter...
I hope in the next chapter, TOPFany will be more sweet to each other... keep on updating please...
TOPFany love love love
TOPFany ftw
Chapter 22: Just one word--->> WOW
dadecer101 #8
Chapter 21: aigoo... I want an update!!!! sorry~ I cant help... I like this kind of story...
xolovekyungfany #9
Chapter 21: Yeeyy finally!!!
Chapter 21: TopFany! I love it!! Kyaaaaaaa!!