Sunbaenim's Thoughts

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Don't try to spank me guys. Luckily, I found my fingers! lol. Chingu mine2love. Here it goes. Did the clock already strike 12? ^^



"Why are you always so silent? Are you mute?”

Once again, the little Sandara woke up early just to pester again the aloof and distant new member of the household, Kwon Jiyong.

G-dragon. The name she gives to him. It fits him. It’s perfect. It just suits.

She was young and so curious of him. Everything about him is a curious magnet for her and he fascinates every way possible. He is the first ever guy who does not pay attention to her as much as the others do. This guy is always ignoring her. You hear it? Ignoring her! ‘The Sandara’...he is ignoring The Sandara!

She stared at him deeply. She always gets what she wants - that's an oath…and she wants him.

She played with the soft soap bubbles in her hand as she curiously eyed the looking emaciated kid standing in front her.

With his usual looking lost self, bowed head, and low confidence attitude...she couldn't help but smirk.

She suddenly remembered the accident with the roses.

Basically, he owes her his ‘life’.

She smiled smugly as she sank deeper from her bubble bath.

Bubbles are everywhere in the bathroom…just like how she wanted her bath to always looking. Maids are making sure she is comfortable and having a blast in everything. She’s an important Park after all…but it still bores her to be alone in this big bathroom that is why she asked the maid to summon the looking malnourished newbie to accompany her in her bath.

And then here he was standing in front. Nonchalant. Emotionless. Ignoring her…once again.

She pouted at the sight. The more he ignores her, the more she wants him.

“Ya, Jiyong…” she called, the kid still ignores her. She smirked. “Shorty…” when he still ignores her, she suddenly pulled his hand bringing himself closer to her, much to his slight surprise as he now sat on the bath tub edge.

Satisfied, Sandara drew herself closer to him. Made him soaked his feet and legs inside the tub, and forced him to spread his legs apart.

She seemed didn’t entertain the idea that she is making his clothes wet in his lower half. She wants this position…so she will have this position.

Jiyong didn’t flinch or even react as she did so. He even didn’t put a fight. And Sandara like that. He doesn’t even care if this girl is toying him. And is acting like she owns him.

And Jiyong, feeling insecure than ever…just go with the flow to anyone who ‘bought’ him.

“Ah…” the little Sandara sighed in bliss. She likes the new position as she settled herself between his legs, leaning on his crouch.

She didn’t put any malice on this…not minding that she is totally under the bubble bath. Well, it’s not like it crosses her mind…they are just and still freaking kids, you know.

“Shorty,” she called again, relaxing herself. She didn’t hear any response from him. She pouted. “Shorty, are you mute?” she formed one bubble out of her hand then blew it forward.

“You know what, I like you. I seemed to feel that you are special…” she looked up, trying to see any emotions but seen none. She sighed as she just leaned further to him.

She allowed silence to engulf them for once. She is trying to think. The day her ‘brother’ brought Ji to her…and how it seemed like her ‘brother’ gave him to her…to take care of.

She frowned. The thought make her head throbs. Thinking is really not her forte. She reached for her tangerine shampoo and gave it to Jiyong. “Shampoo my head, and I will think.” She ordered in an authoritative voice.

She felt Jiyong’s hands slowly caressing and shampooing her hair. Sandara smiled smugly at his sudden obedience. Instead of thinking, she relaxed more at his naturally light hands, it felt good to be in his hands…and not long after she drift to sleep while leaning to Jiyong.

‘Ah…’ she smiled and allowed the oblivion to enter her.


The next thing the little Sandara found out when she woke up the next hour…she was already inside her big flashy room, clad in her bathrobe.

She blinked her eyes and was trying to comprehend what just happened. ‘Oh, I fell asleep in the bath. Silly me.’

She smiled when she remembers Jiyong’s face. She immediately ordered one maid to let Jiyong come inside her room which not long after he did. He

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ChellizM #1
Chapter 19: Creative plot...thank you for sharing your story!
aileehi #2
Chapter 19: Lovely book sis! If it's not too much of a trouble to ask for a sequel? The characters are so unique, I never envisioned Dara or Gd like this but the plot is so inviting. <3
Fr0zenMus1c #3
Chapter 19: I agree with everyone who suggested a sequel. The story needs one. Hot seduction scenes, by the way ❤️
Rizkary #4
Chapter 19: i think this story need sequel authornim
Kianarain #5
Chapter 19: Love it. Thank you!
wenkie0414 #6
Chapter 19: I like this story.. no over driven drama just plain love and ty things but i love the whole story and plot.. thanks for writing such wonderful fics
kkenggi #7
Chapter 19: This is good... innocent first love and everything
Chapter 19: Daebak ! The story is jjang !
dyastin #9
Chapter 19: This story was so cute! Hahaha! And teh way that Jiying called Dara "Dara-sunbaenim". Although in real life I think Dara was the one calling Jiyong sunbae. =))
Chapter 19: ..this is the end???????? why?.. XD.. nah love the ending! love the story! ilove the characters!! ilove it!!! why? because the story wasn't heavy.. i'm not really a fan of heavy dramas that's why i'm avoiding them as much as possible.. It was sweet and well thought.. there were some loop holes.. but you've answered them in the end which is cool.. i really love this story.. if only i could vote for it every chapter i would.. thank you for sharing this story.. i really love this and i will definitely reread it again!! more powers authornim.. and more stories to come!!..^^