Chapter 1

EXO-K =body guards

A/N: OMG so i wrote this chapter on Microsoft word at first and then i copied and pasted. But in less then 3 seconds, it disappeared, and i was going to put a gif on it so when i pasted it again, it was the gif's link!!!!!! >.< omg, i started freaking out.  it happened not ONE TIME BUT TWO FREAKING TIME!!! But since i'm a patient (my ) person, i will FREAKING REWRITE MY HARD WORKED CHAPTER! :3 so please excuse this chappie if it's bad ;) 

Wait wait wait, was something wrong with AF or was it just me?! i was about to work on this chapter and it shut down on me... :O god, i almost had a heart attack. LOL. I was like "no, not freaking again!?" but thank god it's okay again. *phew*


My reaction after i got the news sinked in.                 MY HARDWORKED CHAPTER! 

okay sorry for the spazzing, Here's the rewriteen chapter :) ENJOY!! 


Ji-Seol's Pov


I stared back at the good looking boy that claims that his name is Suho.


I smile gently at him and asked him, "where do you live? I don't think i've seen you around this town before."


Suho hesistated for a second and meekly smiled as he answered, "I'm new here." 


I felt my heart skip a beat, That's  weird, my heart never did that before,


It felt like glue was stuck in my throat. I couldn't muster a word.


I smile wider and quickly said, "Oh okay, well thanks for saving me, i have to hurry home now. BYE!!" 


Right when i was about to leave, i felt a warm hand on my wrist. I quickly turned around to find Suho grabbing onto me.


I could feel my face starting to feel hot from blushing. I ducked my head so he won't see.


"Yes?" i ask. "I need a place to stay." He sheepishly answered as he rubbed his neck.


"Oh well then follow me, my parents are very nice people." I grabbed his hand once again and dragged him.


When we reached our house, i stopped to take a breathe, i turn around to see suho perfectly fine. 


"wahht? how are you not tiredd??" I asked curiously, He shrugged and he started walking up to the porch without me.


I realized that and raced over to where he was, i walked with him to my door and took out my keys.


Suho jumped back like ten thousand miles and had a alarmed look on his face. I started laughing.


He was too adorable. He shakily asked, "what. is. that. device?" I look at my keys and still laughing, i answered, "My keys for my house?" 


He seemed relieved and started fixing his clothes and stood next to me again But he realized that i was still laughing.


I stopped laughing when i realized that Suho was looking deeply at me. I stare back and my face turns beat red again. 


"You're very attractive when you do that. " 




i snapped out of my spazz and ignored his compliment. i mean, how do i respond to that awkward compliment?!


I open the door to find my mom in the kitchen, making dinner and my dad on the living room watching News.


I yell "I'M HOMME!" and my mom came rushing to me. After she pulled me into her special hug, she asked," My, My, My!! who's this fine gentleman?" 


She looks questioning at me and my dad comes to me to give a hug. "umm this is my friend, Suho, he needs a place to stay for a while. Can he stay here for the time being?" i ask normally.


My parents are sorta like hippies so they are willing to feed the whole neighborhood even though they aren't rich,


My mom nods like crazy and answers "Of course!" She grabs suho's hand and lead him into the kitchen, "i don't see why not."



Chanyeol's pov


I started shoving the delicious food that my partner gave me. I looked up to see her staring weirdly at me.


I smile and shove everything that's left on the plate in my mouth and started the dish. I patted my full belly and look at my partner.


She looked like she had a huge invisible apple in . I started laughing. Then i realized that i don't even know her name yet!! 


"PARTNER! WHAT'S YOUR NAME?!" i ask curiously. My partner almost spit out all of her food because of what, idk, why is she like that? 


I worridly looked at her and asked "Are you on crack?! why'd you choke alll of the sudden!? are you alright!?" I grabbed her shoulders and shook it hard.


It made her food spit out even more! i started patting on her back. OMG SHE CAN'T DIE!!! I NEED HER!!!! I started panic-ing and held her up like a bride and ran out of the house.


My partner was struggling but she still couldn't talk from all the food in . The earthlings around us were giving me weird stares but IT'S A FREAKING EMERGENCY!! I NEED TO SAVE MY PARTNER!


I held her up close and yelled, "IT'S GOING TO BE ALRIGHT PARTNER! I WON'T LET YOU DIE!"


My partner started hitting me and after she finished chewing her food, she yelled, "PUT ME DOWN, RIGHT THIS ING INSTANT!!" 


I dropped her because i got scared, i realized what i did and helped her up. "I'm so sorry partner, i didn't mean to drop you!"


My partner glared at me and gosh, why is she so pwetty?!


I smiled widely at her and yelled out, "I'M SO GLAD YOUR OKAY PARTNER! YOU DON'T KNOW HOW WORRIED I WAS ABOUT YOU!!"


My partner put her hand over my mouth and dragged me into her house again.


oh her hand smells like vanilla, hehehhehe, i her hand because i wanted to see if her hand tasted like vanilla too.


My partner shrieked and quickly put her hand off of my mouth.


I smile widely at her again. My partner is frowning at me so i put my fingers on making her smile.


"Partner, you should smile, you look more pretty like that!" I  exclaimed. I giggled as her face turned into a deep shade of red.


"oh, and btw, what's your name, partner?" 


Ju hee's pov


"What do you mean you're already home?? I know for a fact that i've been living in this house since i was born..."  I confusingly ask.


Kai smirked and came closer to me until his forehead touched mine, "Are you sure about that?"




But then, nothing touched my lip so i opened my eyes. I found Kai sitting where he was originally sitting and watching the TV.


Wait, wait wait.. woah woah woah... how did he.... was he just..... OH NO HE DIDN'T!!


I smack him on the head because he made me feel embarassed, i never experienced this embarassment ever in my life.


Kai turns around and glares, " did you just, smack my beautiful, sculpted by Gods, head?! " 


I rolled my eyes, "Oh pul-leasee, like anyone would want to touch your dirty, ugly, fat, head! "


Kai started fuming and suddenly appeared next to me... LIterally, like teleported! 


"waht, the.... weren't.. you.. just.. there... but.. now.. your.. here?! WTF!? ARE YOU A FREAKING ALIEN OR SOMETHING?!" 


Kai smiled widely and came close AGAIN, and asked, "What if i told you that i am?" 


WTF it's not possible for a alien to live on earrth! you saw E.T!! he dried out and almost died because he lived on earth for too long!! okay, why am i thinking about E.T?? Relax Ju Hee, he's probably messing with you but then again, how in the world did he just teleport?! was it just my eyes? omg i need to shower to clear my head. yeah, let's be mature juhee. 


I sighed and stood up, I walked up the stairs to the bath room. 


"Yah, Where are you going!?" Kai asked. 


"To clean some thoughts off my mind." wait, why am i even telling him where im going? 


As soon as i went in the bathroom, i stripped off my clothes and the water.


Wait, isn't  it kinda dangerous to leave a stranger alone in my house while i'm showering? Oh whatever... 


I just stepped in the bathtub and after clearing my thoughts, i stepped out to grab my towel.


But then i didn't notice the small puddle of water on the ground so i slipped.


I shutted my eyes, getting prepared for the cold hard floor but instead, i felt warm arms around me.


I opened my eyes to see kai, staring back at me. 




Haerin's pov


I smile as D.O rushes towards me with my bag. HE'S SO FREAKING CUTEE!!! 


I pat his hair "good boy!" 


Now now, i'm not usually like this, this is my personality when i first meet people. Yes yes, i'm a genius you can say.


Anyways, This time it's gonna be fun and simple/easy because D.O is already praising me >:D. 


I look at D.O to see him staring back at me with his huge eyes. 


I snap "Don't look at me with those raccoon eyes, boy" even though i found them so adorable.


Now, you must be curious why i'm doing this to poor D.O? Well i LOATHE it when people just see me as a weak girl.


I want them to know that i'm not a weak girl, i'm brave and bold! Well, i'm going to act like this to D.O until he knows me as a brave and bold girl.


 But i'm still going to act like myself at times.. I suddenly turn around..


D.O jumps back and shuts his eyes, AWHH so cutee! i can't!! I walk over to him, with him flinching on every step i take.


I hold his cheecks and start streching it out, D.O starts making weird faces and pulls back.


"YAH! what kind of a girl are you, you're so strong!" D.O asked while cooling his cheeks down.


I smile sweetly at him and looked at him innocently, i link my arms with him and answered, "D.O boy, i'm really tired, let's go home quickly!!" and with that, i started skipping with him. 


At first,D.O didn't move a bit but i kindly requested that he skipped with me and he did.. awwee he's so cutee!!


hehehe, we skipped all the way to our house and when we reached to my house, i pull out my keys and start unlocking the door.


"Ahem.." D.O cutely awkwardly coughed, i look at him to see him looking at our linked arms, oh right! we're still linking arms!


I quickly let go and open the door, ahh, i was lonely being home alone, i guess with d.o's company, i'll be entertained. :)


Min hi's pov


The day started getting darker and my worries grew larger, omg what would my parents do when they come home to see a boy sitting on their lawn? 


Aish!! this boy, i thought as i looked through the curtains, omg he's still there.. isn't he hungry? isn't he thirsty? doesn't he wanna go home? No minhi! i don't allow you to worry about him!


I slumped into my couch and shook my hair, aish he's really getting me worried, i mean who wouldn't, he's been in the same position for the past 3-4hours! 


Okay,relax minhi, he'll go away sooner or later.. yeah his parents would make him come home.. unless he's- 


My thoughts were disrupted by my front door slamming open, i turn around to see my parents with the boy.. SEHUN, AND THEY WERE ALL HUGGING LIKE SOME KIND OF FREAKING REUNION!! WTF.


"ah minhi daughter! just the person we were looking for!! come here and say hello to your old childhood friend, Sehun. Do you remember him? Well, he's staying with us for a bit becaue his parents are in debt. You know how close we and his parents are.." My mom tells me while rubbing sehun's back. *A/N: not in the erted way!!*


WTF... i don't know sehun, he was never my chidhood friend... what did he do to my parents.. did he.... DID HE BRAINWASH THEM??!! HOLY CRAB SON! 


I glare at Sehun from up and down.. hmm. and then i look at my parents, they look normal.. hmm what should i do? 


I smile at my mom and answer back, " Oh mom, let me show him around our house then!" 


My mom clapped her hands, "Excellenct idea, Minhi!! i wonder where you got you're smartness from!" 


"Great, Follow. Me. Sehun." I say while gripping hard onto Sehun's hand. I pulled him upstairs to where the guest room was and threw him on the bed. 


I shut the door after me and stomped my way to where sehun was.


"Care to explain, my old 'childhood friend'?" I fold my arms in front of me and glare at sehun. 


Sehun, however was already making himself at home in this room. He was jumping on the bed, testing its bouciness. 


I grew annoyed and went on top of him to get his attention. 


" DID YOU BRAINWASH MY PARENTS?!" i ask while bouncing on him every time *A/N: omg that sounds weird*


Sehun smirked and flipped our position so that he was on top of me, He came closer to me and whispered in my ear, "Guess" 


I was about to smack his little head of his until my mom opened the door, "Oh i see your-" 


Baekhyun's pov


Well, i guess i'll be waiting for a while now, i started kicking some pebbles off the stairs.


hmm shall i call my fellow friends while i'm waiting? yes i shall, and shall i stop talking like this? maybe..


I took out the device that my captin gave me and started to dial Kai and Sehun.


*Ringg Ring Ringg* "Hey what's up Baekk!" "Ah so hungry!" I smile at the response i get.


" Hey Kai, and Sehun, if your hungry, get food!" I yell while adjusting the camera so it shows the backgroud of where i'm at.


I saw kai's face and sehun's face *A/N: so it's kinda like oovoo but 3D version* I wasve at them and make a pouty face.


"My partner kicked me out.. " I explain as i show them my surroundings. Kai starts laughing and he shows his surroundings.


"heck i'm at her house, she's upstairs showering or something..gahh i'm so bored!!" Kai boredly answered.


"Yah, at least she let you into her house!" Both me and sehun answer. "oh sehun, your partner kicked you out too??" I ask.


Sehun nodded sadly, "Oh wait, i see her parents! i have an idea" Sehun waved goodbye to us and had a evil smile on his face.


After Sehun hung up, i look at kai, "What do you think the evil maknae is up to?" i ask. Kai just shrugged.


"Oh shizzle bomb, i can sense that my partner well be in some kind of danger, better check up on her. I'll see you around Baek!" Kai then quickly hung up.


"Sigh, i guess i'm the only one that doesn't have anything to do.." I start to say but then i noticed that i'm talking to myself and slapped myself. 


"no, i mustn't turn mental! Gaahh!!!" i yell and start to lay down. huuhh lay, i miss lay hyung.. i wonder how he's doing with his partners in china.. :( 


All the sudden, my stomach growled so loud that even Seon yul heard it, yes i have x-ray vision so i saw Seon yul jump from the sound and look towards the outside.. well all of us(Exos) have X-ray vision, we're capable of anything. Seriously, i'm not bluffing..


I saw Seon Yul (my partner) slowly creep outside. "Yah! i'm so hungry! let me in already pweaseee." I ask while loooking at Seon yul's tiny head that peeks out from the door.


I pout and tried doing aegyo, which i failed at. Seonyul started laughing at my failed aegyo but she opened the door for me. 


OMG OMG OMG OMG  I jump and and race into the house.


I know for a fact that Seonyul is shaking her head right now and smiling behind me. how? i'm capable of anything.


A/N: OMG FIRST CHAPTER! I HOPE YOU GUYS ENJOYED MY CHAPTER THAT TOOK ME ONE WEEK TO WRITE. (because the chapter kept erasing and erasing again and aff was beiing weird) anyways I'M SO SORRY I TOOK LONG! i honestly am not happy with this chapter.. T.T i'm sorry if some of your parts are shorter then others.. i'll make up for it but just remind me to do it (in a nice way, no "YOU BETTER MAKE MY PART LONGER OR ELSE I'M GOING TO GO TO YOUR HOUSE AND POOP ON YOUR YARD) 

oh and interesting thing,i can across a taiwanese (idk how to spell) group that makes fun of korea.. like seriously... my older brother told me about it and how he's trolling with them (he's a very proud korean) and yeah. so i thought you guys should know.. if you don't care then kindly ignore.

please read the pathetic message below 

Gah i hate my life, it's supposed to be summer right? it's supposed to be relaxing and boring and etc.. BUT WHY AM I SO BUSY?! OMG my sister is going to college (Somewhere far away and her dorm is on the  so we have to go there with her to help her move her stuff and then 4 days after, my family is moving too! so i have to be packing and constantly packing. gosh i've been told that i lost weight a lot these days.

. anyways so yeah i think this story is gonna be on hiatus for a while.. just until i settle down into my new environment and yeah. GOSH HOW AM I GOING TO MAKE NEW FRIENDS!? Can you guys give me some tips? hehehe Anyways, thank you my readers for waiting patiently . I LOVE ALL OF YOU WITH MY WHOLE HEART *slopmountain)py kiss* 진짜로 사랑해!! 너무너무 사랑해!! <3 Comments are forever treasured in my heart. 




(sehun's creepy asss heart) 

-CantresistTAEMtation <3


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Chapter 16: Anticipating the next update :3
Yeah, school can be an ___ at times TT.TT
Best of Luck!
Chapter 15: excited for the update ^.^
and school is so much work!!! i feeeel you author!
I like it a lot ^^
Ji Seol's parents is so kind !!
They were so happy as if they found a good boyfriend/husband for her XD
Lol I guess Suho has never seen a key before,how did they go into their own house then?just walk through?

OMG!! Chanyeol her hand?
That's kind of disgusting >.<
But they are cute >.^

HAHAHA I guess even Junhee can't resist him XD
Lucky Kai managed to saves her in time ^^
Kai must have seen everything ^//^

Awww poor D.O !!
I guess with D.O's company Haerin will be more happy^^
Haerin don't bully him too much ><

LOL Sehun brainwashed her parent's memory >.<
OMG,it's so awkward when her mother comes in and saw them on the bed...Ahem ahem >///<
They are really cute ^^

POOR BACON !!But you still managed to get into the house right ^^
I hope he doesn't ask Seon Yul to cook XD
What?!?!They can do anything?!?!That's like so cool!!

I really love it and I'm really excited for your next update.Take your time to update,we know you've life outside add too ^^
i love the first chapter!!! Like really really like. somehow it seems your writing improved.. idk maybe its just me thoguh.
JiSeoul and Suho are so adorable!!!! SuJi couple :D especailly when Suho jumps back from seeing the keys LOLOLOL.
OMGOMGOMGOM Chanyeol is freaken hilarious!! LOLOLOL that adorable kid. he her hand though?!?!?! wtf LOLOL. WIERDO!
LMFAOLMFAOLFALMOFA Juhee!!! How can you think about kissing him when you guys just met?? Kai and his arrogance like always LOLLOL. woah he saves her just in time!! thats so cool he can sense when shes in danger!
And of course there is Minhi and Sehun!! Do i even need to say how much i love this couple?? LOLOLOL. their interactions are so funny! WTF Sehun manipulated her parent's memories o.o What else can this alien do??
lmfaolmfaolfmao pooor Baekkie! Hes the only one who got kciked out xDDDD. Hes so cute though!!! Doing aegyo for food? AWWW Bacon <3
Haerin is so wierd LOLOL. its like she has major mood swings or something. Comparing D.O to raccoons?? LOLOLOL. At least they are both so cute!! I'm feeling bad for D.O already. Hope she treats him better.
excited for the next update!! and i completely understand how you feel!! whenever i try to update my stories, i always gotta hit backspace by accident. thats why it take me ages to update OTL. everytime my pc does that to me, i give up on updating for the day LOLOL.
OMG, my heart nearly stopped when I read the first part, I was ready to flip a table and a car >~> But OMG lol XD
1. Maybe you should mix it~ Put both the girls' and guys' P.O.V~
2. Please mix it! It'd be nice to see the situation in each character's scenario~ x3
3. Yes~ That'd would be totally awesome! It'd be so cool *^*
4. Yes! It'd be nice if they bonded over this entire thing! XD

Oh the gifs~! Chanyeol's "SHOW UP AY" XD And OMG Kyungsoo, he slapped himseld XD He's so adorable! Can I have like all of them and stuff them in my pocket?! *^* So perfect! x3
Lol You really had me going crazy there ^^
1.hmm maybe you can mix them?its better with both POV since we can know what they are thinking ^^ it'll make the story more interesting too !
2.a mix would be the best!!!!
3.well I think they have to since they are going to work together at the same place
4.same as 3
I nearly had a heart attack =.='' But LOL
1. Can I choose both? >.<
2. hmm.. MIx it up in one chapter?
3. YES! I would love them to meet xDD
4. Last one is a yes as well :))
LOL love the gifs!! >>.>>
LMFAOLFMAOLFAMOLAFMO omg i almost flipped a table xDDDD
1. i like both the girls and guy's pov. you can always just mix it up
2. i think mixing it all up in one chapter is better. when my character isn't mentioned, i tend to not be enthusiastic about the chapter LOLOLOl yeh i know im selish. ohh wells.
3. it'll be easier for you to write if all the girls know each other and tends to get together alot. then you wouldn't have to keep switching places, talk about the other people they are with etc..
4. like i said in 3. i think it'll make it easier for you if they become close ^.^
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL @ the gifs!!!!!!! omg i died!!! . EXO xDDDD especially Chanyeol. hes so adorables hehehehe
sehun's still better though :p LOLOLOLOL
Thank you for choosing her ^^
Poor Baekhyun,he was innocently being called a ert >.<
I can't wait for the story to start!!
congrats!! ^^