D.O.nut :D

EXO-K =body guards


D.O.'s pov


There was a pretty young woman crossing the streets, with hot chocolate in her hands.


It was pretty strange, because it was in the middle of Summer. I took out my device and typed in some info about that girl.


I remember the Captin telling us how we can be certain if a girl's our partner or not, Sehun, Suho, Chanyeol, Baekhyun, Kai... We all had different ways. 


Mine was the first girl that seems to amuse me or seem weird, Kai was by kissing (since he's the y beast), Sehun was by food (idk much about it), Su ho was protection..


Oh and the most interesting one was chanyeol's, his partner just automatically comes to him, taking all her body force away from her.


And i forgot baekhyun........... hmm.. what was it again? Oh wait! the girl's gone!! omgomgomgomg !!!


D.O., relax, you can do this! I silently did fighting by myself and walked to the street that the girl was crossing earlier.


I just stood there, not knowing what to do.. Am i supposed to cross? why do i have to cross? i saw people next to me running across the streets.


ahh that's what you do! i followed them and started running, as i was halfway across the street, i heard loud honks to my right. 


I jumped from the sudden noise, i looked to my right to see a huge truck.


I stood there shocked and not knowing what to do when all the sudden i felt a hurtful pinch on my arm, which pulled me to the side.


I turned around to see the girl from earlier, panting. My eyes widened and i started smiling at her.


The girl opened and yelled "YAH! ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL YOURSELF?!" 


I just looked at her, not knowing what to say.. how can such a innocent looking girl have a loud, scary voice?


I just stared into her eyes until she started to wiggle her fingers in front of me. 


"yah, you awake?! earth to stranger! earth to stranger!" The girl said.


I took out my device and took a picture of her to make sure she was the one.


The girl was shocked from the picture and tried to snatch the device away from me, "yah! you ert! how dare you take a picture of me without my persmisson?!" 


I held the phone up high to avoid her reach, it was easy because she was really short compared to me.


I waited for it to load and YES! SHE IS!! 


I hugged her and said "Finally! you have no idea how much i was looking for you!"


The girl widened her eyes and tried to pull me apart, "KYAA!! STRANGER DANGER!!" she yelled.


The earthlings around us just looked at us weirdly, uh oh.. she caused a scene!


"hahha sweety! your so funny!" I said to make it seem like we're a couple.


The girl's eyes widened even more and she was about to scream something but i covered and dragged her into a cafe.


A lot of explaining and craziness laterr...


The girl just calmy sipped on her hot chocolate (again..) and put it down.


I winced, scared of what she will do (because i know what she's capable of.. learnt it the hard way)


"so your saying that.. your my body guard and your mission is to protect me" She slowly said.


I slowly nodded, making slow eye contact with her. Then the next thing she did suprised me,


She smiled really widely and said "OKAY! nice to meet you body guard! my name's Yoon hae rin! i live with my parents, Yoon Min Wo and Yoon Chaerin. I have two bestfriends, Lee sungyeol and Jung eunji!"


I was taken back for a moment and took out my notebook, then i scribbled down the things that she just said. umm her name's yoon haerin, she lives with her parents.... what were their names again? ah just forget it.... her two bestfriends are.. umm Lee pyung yeol? and jung minji??


I was so focused into writing it down that i didn't realize that Hae rin was asking me a question.


I flinched and looked up when i felt alittle pinch on my arm. Hae rin was there, giving me a piercing glance.


i weakly laughed... "ah yes?? ha...ha...ha.." i replied. Haerin stared at me, with an annoyed look on her face.


"I. FREAKING. ASKED. YOUR. NAME!! THREE TIMES!!" Haerin yelled, banging on the table. People in the cafe were looking at us.


"oh..s-so sor-sory.. m-my name's d-do kyung s-soo but yyou can call me d.o." I weakly answered, scared for my life,


Haerin just nodded and straightened up her pose, "yah, fetch me some napkins and then we can go home" she commanded.


I just looked at her..i'm a body guard, not a butler.... "NOW!" Haerin yelled, scaring the meteors out of my milky way. (scaring the crap out of me)


I jumped up from my seat and ran to grab some napkin. I ran back and gave it to her with both hands.


Then she pinched my cheeks and said "aigooo, cutie!" Then she gave me her bag and told me to carry it...


sigh. bipolar much? Why does the captin have to assign me to her! "LET'S GO NOW!!" i heard her loud voice.


I quickly scrambled to her for my life.. sigh this is gonna be a tough time...


A/N: Congratulations to InfinitelyForYou!! sorry i took so long updating.. i was literally brain dead. haha i'll try to update more! but i can't promise you anything!

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Chapter 16: Anticipating the next update :3
Yeah, school can be an ___ at times TT.TT
Best of Luck!
Chapter 15: excited for the update ^.^
and school is so much work!!! i feeeel you author!
I like it a lot ^^
Ji Seol's parents is so kind !!
They were so happy as if they found a good boyfriend/husband for her XD
Lol I guess Suho has never seen a key before,how did they go into their own house then?just walk through?

OMG!! Chanyeol her hand?
That's kind of disgusting >.<
But they are cute >.^

HAHAHA I guess even Junhee can't resist him XD
Lucky Kai managed to saves her in time ^^
Kai must have seen everything ^//^

Awww poor D.O !!
I guess with D.O's company Haerin will be more happy^^
Haerin don't bully him too much ><

LOL Sehun brainwashed her parent's memory >.<
OMG,it's so awkward when her mother comes in and saw them on the bed...Ahem ahem >///<
They are really cute ^^

POOR BACON !!But you still managed to get into the house right ^^
I hope he doesn't ask Seon Yul to cook XD
What?!?!They can do anything?!?!That's like so cool!!

I really love it and I'm really excited for your next update.Take your time to update,we know you've life outside add too ^^
i love the first chapter!!! Like really really like. somehow it seems your writing improved.. idk maybe its just me thoguh.
JiSeoul and Suho are so adorable!!!! SuJi couple :D especailly when Suho jumps back from seeing the keys LOLOLOL.
OMGOMGOMGOM Chanyeol is freaken hilarious!! LOLOLOL that adorable kid. he her hand though?!?!?! wtf LOLOL. WIERDO!
LMFAOLMFAOLFALMOFA Juhee!!! How can you think about kissing him when you guys just met?? Kai and his arrogance like always LOLLOL. woah he saves her just in time!! thats so cool he can sense when shes in danger!
And of course there is Minhi and Sehun!! Do i even need to say how much i love this couple?? LOLOLOL. their interactions are so funny! WTF Sehun manipulated her parent's memories o.o What else can this alien do??
lmfaolmfaolfmao pooor Baekkie! Hes the only one who got kciked out xDDDD. Hes so cute though!!! Doing aegyo for food? AWWW Bacon <3
Haerin is so wierd LOLOL. its like she has major mood swings or something. Comparing D.O to raccoons?? LOLOLOL. At least they are both so cute!! I'm feeling bad for D.O already. Hope she treats him better.
excited for the next update!! and i completely understand how you feel!! whenever i try to update my stories, i always gotta hit backspace by accident. thats why it take me ages to update OTL. everytime my pc does that to me, i give up on updating for the day LOLOL.
OMG, my heart nearly stopped when I read the first part, I was ready to flip a table and a car >~> But OMG lol XD
1. Maybe you should mix it~ Put both the girls' and guys' P.O.V~
2. Please mix it! It'd be nice to see the situation in each character's scenario~ x3
3. Yes~ That'd would be totally awesome! It'd be so cool *^*
4. Yes! It'd be nice if they bonded over this entire thing! XD

Oh the gifs~! Chanyeol's "SHOW UP AY" XD And OMG Kyungsoo, he slapped himseld XD He's so adorable! Can I have like all of them and stuff them in my pocket?! *^* So perfect! x3
Lol You really had me going crazy there ^^
1.hmm maybe you can mix them?its better with both POV since we can know what they are thinking ^^ it'll make the story more interesting too !
2.a mix would be the best!!!!
3.well I think they have to since they are going to work together at the same place
4.same as 3
I nearly had a heart attack =.='' But LOL
1. Can I choose both? >.<
2. hmm.. MIx it up in one chapter?
3. YES! I would love them to meet xDD
4. Last one is a yes as well :))
LOL love the gifs!! >>.>>
LMFAOLFMAOLFAMOLAFMO omg i almost flipped a table xDDDD
1. i like both the girls and guy's pov. you can always just mix it up
2. i think mixing it all up in one chapter is better. when my character isn't mentioned, i tend to not be enthusiastic about the chapter LOLOLOl yeh i know im selish. ohh wells.
3. it'll be easier for you to write if all the girls know each other and tends to get together alot. then you wouldn't have to keep switching places, talk about the other people they are with etc..
4. like i said in 3. i think it'll make it easier for you if they become close ^.^
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL @ the gifs!!!!!!! omg i died!!! . EXO xDDDD especially Chanyeol. hes so adorables hehehehe
sehun's still better though :p LOLOLOLOL
Thank you for choosing her ^^
Poor Baekhyun,he was innocently being called a ert >.<
I can't wait for the story to start!!
congrats!! ^^