008. Something Goes Right

Either You Don't Love Me or I Don't Love You


Days went by and Evey tried even harder to make things right between Suho and her but mostly between her heart and mind. She needed to find the perfect balance and bring back her old life, the one that didn't involve unreturned feelings. Sure, the boy had all the best intentions in the world but every time he brought up that discussion, Evey felt more embarrassed than ever. 


" Could you, please, just not talk about that, like, ever?

" No, it's important that we talk about it. "

" I'm telling you, there's nothing to say! I fell in love with you, big deal, can we move on now?

" When did you start being in love with me?

" UGHNG " Evey buried her head deep into a velvet cushion on her side. " This is exactly why I never wanted to tell you... ", she mumbled into the cussion before lifting her head up " ... EVER. "

" No, no, it's good! Now I can...understand you better, right? " Well, that wasn't true, SuHo still had no clue what Evey felt or thought, hell, he had no clue about her feelings before that night.


" There's nothing to understand, Suho, I caught feelings for you somehow -"

" - you don't catch feelings 'vey."

" Well I obviously did because one day I was fine with you and then I wasn't and now I just hate myself, oh god, why is this happening. " she muffled up into the cushion. 

" Hey now, you're not the first one to have fallen in love with me, just look at the fans waiting for me outside the café, it's normal."

" You're stupid. "

" And you love me. "

" Go to hell. "

" I can't, I'm Suho, EXO-K's Guardian Angel, Angels don't go to hell, you know that. "

" Why did I fall in love with you. Seriously. "

He smiled his signature smile and she remembered why. It was like his teeth reflected the light of the sun and she swore he was sparkling Edward Cullen-style. 

" I hate you so much right now. "


They spent their afternoon at their favourite café, Evey bluntly changing the subject of their conversation every time Suho got too annoying, and oh yes, annoying he was but talking to him was easier now. It was the first time they'd hung out together in months and they could finally be honest to each other, she didn't need to hide anything from him anymore, he didn't need to bite his tongue in fear of asking something that would upset her, again.


" I'm sorry I got mad at you pretty much all the time. "

" Yeah...it was like you constantly PMSing. And what with Kai speaking to me even less than usu- "

" -I'm surprised he managed to keep this secret for such a long time, actually, that boy can't keep a secret for his life. "

" Are you two going to keep on...doing this? "

" Doing what? 

" . "

" Oh, that. "


Evey avoided his gaze from above his coffee mug, she knew too well how disapproving of what he thought was just a game.


" Hm...I guess so? It doesn't change anything between Kai and I so yeah, probably, maybe. " she swallowed a large portion of her almost cold latte still fleeing his judging eyes. " I know what you think about this whole thing...but we're doing great, really, it's like, a continuous one night stand. "

" It's not much of a one night stand if it's the same person every night, is it? It's- "

" Oh god, there you go again, " she rolled her eyes, anticipating the infamous word.

" -a relationship. "

" Not if there's no feeling. " she stated matter-of-factly. " I'm sorry we're young, wild and free. "

" So am I! "

" Yeah, right, you're wearing suspenders and a freaking bow-tie. "

" It's very fashionable! "

" You have trot songs on your MP3 player. "

" They're...it's...I'm just... "

" Very old-fashioned. Sorry to break it to you, Gramps, but we're in the 21st century, not everybody waits for marriage to have , " she shrugged before being interrupted by a familiar tune emanating from Suho's pocket.

" ...Candy? Really now? " she smirked one of those mocking smirk he hates so much.

" Don't even dare dissing H.O.T " he menaced, a finger to his lips to hush her while he accepted his call. 


" Hey Krys, how are y-, I'm at the café. / Yeah, er, I'm with...Evey actually. " he raised an eyebrow at Evey's failed attempt to prevent him from saying her name, damn that boy was clueless about girls. " We're just talking about-, don't worry it's-, yes, I'll be right there just-, okay. / Yes, I'm sorry you got worried but-, no she hasn't been in an accident. / Because I just wanted to catch up with-, alright, love you too babe. " Suho sighed looking at his phone screen, bewildered by the strange phone call. 

" Well, that went well. "

" That was...odd. She was nearly... "

" Shouting, yeah, I kinda heard that. "

" It's not like we were on a date or something. "

" Oh dear, Suho, you need some classes in Girls. "

" I don't get it.

" You don't get a lot of things, you poor little thing, " she joked ruffling the dumbfounded singer's hair while he watched her get up to gather her stuff.

" You're all so...strange. "

" Nope, you're just stupid, " she joked, " anyway, it's time for you to go now, Krystal already hates me eno- "

" She doesn't hate you!

" ...right, well she will hate you if you don't go back to her immediately. "

" Are you sure you're okay now, you know we can talk more if you want?

" We've talked for, what ", she checked her watch, " oh, 5 hours already. I'm pretty sure we've done enough talking for now, I'll be alright " she reassured with a smile.

" If you say so. " he shrugged putting his bag on his shoulder before pulling her into a hug. " It's been a while, I've missed you.


They stayed like this for what Evey wished had been eternity, her head buried into Suho's chest, his arms wrapped around her in a warm embrace. 

" I've missed you more. " she finally said before reluctantly letting go of him, kicking the butterflies in her stomach as hard as she could, only sparing a couple ones because, hey, it still felt good to have those. 


The boy was right, getting back to her feet was less difficult now that he was with her. It was easier, yes, yet it wasn't easy and she still felt that pinch in her heart when he exited the building texting to Krystal a grin on his face, the kind of grin he only gives Krystal because Krystal is after all, his girlfriend and Evey is not going to be the dark cloud in their clear blue sky.






Oh god I'm so sorry for not updating this week, I've had exams and stuff and basically out of everything in life and on the internet ;~;

Hope you enjoy this chapter? ^^

Tell me what you think I'll be updating tomorrow too, to make up for the lack of update :) (I've lost a subscriber...but oh well, haha)


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Update soooooooooon!!! ^^
Awwwwwwwwww, KAI still hasnt move on
Why does she feel so INNOCENT LOL
Things are getting TOO interesting,
So in love the updates!
Will still wait for more!
I hope they get together already, seriously. .________.
I loved the chapter, author-nim! :)
Update soon, please!
@bmischevious Blame it on me watching The Vow :( thanks again for commenting :P
@Bluepiinky @OnTaeKey thank you for commenting ;)
Bluepiinky #7
I want KAI & EVEY to end up together with SUHO realizing he really love EVEY ~
I wanna see Evey and Kai together :)