004. Saltwater

Either You Don't Love Me or I Don't Love You


She didn't answer, she was gone deep into her memories. She rarely thought back about years gone by, to her, it didn't matter and it shouldn't. What's the past is the past and people should move on, like she always does except this time she felt frozen, unable to apply her own motto to the situation and she kept thinking about it. It brought her down and she despised how it affected her, how what she tried to ignore came back biting even harder. How her attempt at fleeing love has failed so hard, it even backfired on her. 


" MOONHEE-YA! ", Yuri yelled, finger-snapping inches from her face, trying to bring her back from her deep-thinking. The startled look on her friend's face after she called her with her Korean name, showed that Evey herself didn't notice her absent-mindedness. 


" Aish...sorry Yul. I'm just...Yeah, I'm okay. ", she shook her head without looking up, unable to face her confronting stare, a frown on her face. 


" Talk to me.", the older girl ordered.

" Ask me questions.

" Do you love Kai?

" He's a close friend of mine. "

" Yes or no.

" Yes. As a friend.

Yuri sighed.

" Do you love SuHo?

" Yes. No. I don't know. Maybe. Not. "

" You do. "

" I don't know.

" No, Evey, you do. You love him, I know it. I know it because in the three years of knowing you, I've never come across anybody that knows you better than yourself, except him, it's time you face it. "

" Oh really? Don't you think that if he knew me so well, he'd be here with me, right now, not with SooJung? You know, If he knew me so well, he'd know how I feel. He would just know. It's like, things have changed but for once in my entire life...it's hard for me to move on. Yuri, I've been through so much and every single time I managed to get over it and start all over again and now I just feel... "

" Stuck. "

" Yes.  Stuck. 20 years I've known him. That's all my life. And maybe...Maybe, yeah, maybe I love him deep inside but I...can't...love him. I'm not ready. I don't want to and most of all, he doesn't love me back and isn't that the hardest part of it all? Loving somebody that doesn't love you back, loving somebody that you shouldn't even love because it would hurt somebody in the process? "

" Love isn't supposed to hurt, 'vey. Love, if you accept to feel it all the way, is wonderful. I promise you, it's beautiful.

" How philosophical, but you don't understand. You still don't understand, Yuri! I can NOT love SuHo. "

" Why? " She asked furrowing her eyebrows, she didn't understand.

" BECAUSE HE LOVES KRYSTAL! " She was yelling, hands gripping on her hair in desperation. Her eyes were glassy. The tears were close but she didn't let them come, she was glad there was something about herself she could still control. 


Yuri was waiting for Evey's sobs to appear, she was shocked at her yelling but if anything, she was the best person to know that yelling at somebody, even by accident, was the best stress relief. She was ready to be her "little sister"'s emotional punching bag, if only she allowed her to be. After 3 years of hardships, she had been there for her throughout her training process, her debut and all the hate she had received from being too close to her male friends' fans. 

Evey wasn't the kind of person to hide in front of cameras, what people saw on their screen was the same they would find behind it but if there was one thing that she kept to herself, it was her tears. Thus, in three years of being in her life, the young girl had cried twice: once when Aterra was announced for debut, once when her parents travelled all the way from London to surprise her on that very same day. Twice she had cried, twice were tears of joy. 


Having been through the same training process at an even younger age than Evey, she knew how much it took for her not to burst into tears in the middle of vocal practice when the instructor would yell at her, not only for not being good enough but also for not being good at all. Evey was the strongest person she had come to know, an invisible shield constantly raised against anything out to hurt her, holding onto the love for and from her friends to help her get up no matter what. Love was her strength but it now appeared to be her weakness.


" I'm sorry ", Evey apologised. 

" It's okay, babe. It's just... You look so down today, I'm just worried. And don't tell me it's the hangover, you've been through so much worse than that norebang session! "  Yuri warmly smiled. 

" I don't really know actually. It's just, you bringing up SuHo, aish, I really just don't want to think about it anymore but then Kai...he brought up something about an argument with him and then you bring me to this café where SuHo and I always hung out together, it's just...mem-"

" What argument with Kai? ", she interrupted as the waiter came to clear out the table from corpses of chocolate cake. " Sorry, did something happen with you and Kai? "

" No...well, everything was fine when I woke up, we were at my place and we cuddled and stuff-"

" Only real couples cuddle in the mor-"

" Yul! "

" Okay, okay, sorry, just saying! "

Evey sighed at her friend's addition. " Anyway, yeah, we were talking as we do and SuHo was brought up somehow and it seemed like Kai and he argued and SuHo apologised but Kai wouldn't tell me about it so I got upset and I left him there. "

" In your apartment.

" In my apartment. "

" Did you call him? "

" Nope. "

" Call him. "

" Why? "

" Maybe he'd have told you if you didn't just rush out!

" But he lied to me! Kai never lies to me!

" Oh come on, don't be silly, what with you probably , a bit of aegyo and he'd have told you how the argument went on word for word. He's just a hormonal child, why are you even with him to start with. "

" I'm not with him so...and you were the first one to tell me he was hot even before I acknowledged his existence!

" Yeah, yeah, what.ever. Just go and ask him, you silly rabbit. "

" Maybe later...pedonoona...OUCH! HEY! "


Yuri had kicked her best friend under the table, banging her own knee onto the table, a loud bang echoing in the café, all heads turned towards them.

" Keep it down, baby . "

" Wow rude much. " They laughed a light-hearted laugh, both high from their knees hurting. 







A/N : Well, that was...uneventful >.<

I'll make it up to you tomorrow, the writing's in process, I'm trying to think of actual plot with adventures and mishaps haha (it's my first ff so I guess it's a rookie mistake?), please subscribe or leave a comment below so I know if people actually like it ^^

(I love the Evey/Yuri friendship and am planning on developping it in the future if you guys don't mind?)

Ideas and suggestions are very welcome <3

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Update soooooooooon!!! ^^
Awwwwwwwwww, KAI still hasnt move on
Why does she feel so INNOCENT LOL
Things are getting TOO interesting,
So in love the updates!
Will still wait for more!
I hope they get together already, seriously. .________.
I loved the chapter, author-nim! :)
Update soon, please!
@bmischevious Blame it on me watching The Vow :( thanks again for commenting :P
@Bluepiinky @OnTaeKey thank you for commenting ;)
Bluepiinky #7
I want KAI & EVEY to end up together with SUHO realizing he really love EVEY ~
I wanna see Evey and Kai together :)