015. Nothing but a shadow

Either You Don't Love Me or I Don't Love You


" Doctor, why doesn't she remember me? I'm her best friend, I just don't get it. " Suho shook his head as Kai closed the door. " She remembers her boyfriend and her life before Korea, she should know me, right? "

" She should indeed. It is strange but not impossible. Victims of amnesia tend to forget the moments that have had the most emotional impacts in their lives, happy, sad, it doesn't really matter. "

" But they're not 'moments', they're people from her life. How is this possible to forget an entire person's history from her mind? " the boy questioned, baffled at how Evey could still remember her heartbreaker of a boyfriend but not him. 


He couldn't bear the thought of losing his best friend while still having her here. One of the most important person of her life, the one he said he would stay forever with, he couldn't accept not being part of her life anymore.

As the older man left to check on his other patients, the three youngsters called their friends and managers, alerting them of Evey's awakening while requesting them not to come yet as they felt it was too early for her to meet up with the three lost years of her life. 



The next day, Aterra were the first to come visit her along with their managers. 


" I'm a...popstar? " she smiled in disbelief as they showed her videos of her group's performance. " That's really me ", she stated, still racking her brain trying to find any sort of memory of her apparent artistic life. " We seem really close ", she smiled as she looked at the youngest girl. 

" That's 'cause we are. ", she beamed back with twinkling eyes. " I'm NaHim. "


That day they managed to retrace most of the band's videography, from their nerve-wracking debut performance to their most iconic Awards shows performances as well as the best variety talents the K-pop audience had ever witnessed, Evey laughing to her own idiocy. Somehow the girl on screen wasn't that different from the girl she still remembered being; the sarcastic but genuine humour she was so famous for among her friends in the UK was still present, except this time she was speaking in perfect accent-less Korean. 


The five girls stayed at her side for the following week, only leaving to go to sleep or get something to eat. They talked about her career, mostly, what she was known as in the industry, how she pushed social boundaries regarding idol etiquette with her frank speech but especially how the entire country was waiting for her return to the stage.


" We still get a lot of letters from fans asking us when you will come back with us ", JaeEun gently said. " They miss you.


" I wish I could say I miss them too ", she sighed. " I wish I remembered. I believe what everyone has told me, I mean, there's material proof of it, right? But it seem so...unreal. Like...I don't know if I'll ever 'come back'... What if I'm not as good as they remember me? I know I've danced all my life yes, I can sing, sure, but I'm not ready. Not now. "


" Of course you're not, you just got out of a life-threatening accident, but you trained for months before you debuted,  your body remembers it. It should, after all the training you've done, you've still got it in you, you've always had it ", the younger girl took her hand and lightly squeezed it. " You just need to get out of this bed and your body will remind you. "


Evey chuckled as she turned her head towards the ceiling, " I'd need my arm and hip to be alright first. " She looked back at her group and gently smiled, " but thanks. "



Yuri introduced herself back again a week after the girl woke up, having spent a week in Japan due to promotional duties with Girls' Generation. 


" Hey ", she flashed a warm smile as she closed the door behind her. " Am I disturbing you? "

" No, no, not at all ", the girl sat up placing her laptop on her coffee table. " Yuri, right? " she squinted her eyes, unsure. 

" Yep! Still don't remember me? " she pulled the wooden armchair towards the bed as Evey shook her head negatively. " What were you doing? " she pointed towards the laptop.

" Oh, just browsing through my stuff, trying to find anything that would tick my memory. "

" Any success? "

" Nope ", she sighed, caressing the cold metal top. " There's a lot of pictures of you, Kai and -I believe his name is- Suho though. Erm...NaHim told me a bit about Aterra, you, EXO and K-pop in general. That was...confusing to say the least, but I picked up that you and I are like, this close ", she crossed her fingers emphasising on the word.

" We're basically sisters, yes. "

" Then can you tell me a bit more about...me? " the younger girl pouted. " All the girls told me to talk to you or the boys if I wanted to know more on myself. It was kinda strange actually, it was like they knew everything about my career and stuff but they would barely tell me about anything behind closed doors and kept saying they weren't able to answer me as well as you would ", she revealed. " Aren't we supposed to be close friends too? "

" Well, you're the leader of your group, you don't disclose anything too personal with them, it's usually Suho or me that you come talk to. "

" What about Kai, then? " Evey innocently asked.

Yuri chuckled at the mention of the boy's name. " Kai is...special. I'm not sure what is between you and him actually. It's, well, special. You should talk to him, I won't be of much help. " Seeing the disappointed look on the girl's healing face, she pursued. " I can help you on other matters though. Ask me anything else and I'll tell you ", she winked.


That day she rediscovered a whole other part of herself, she rediscovered years of her life as if Yuri was telling her a bedtime story, someone else's story. She had talked to her parents on the phone and through video calls just to make sure she could trust the people pretending to be close to her and that she hadn't been kidnapped and brainwashed. Her mother reassured her that Yuri was indeed Evey's best friend and confirmed everything she could, sometimes raising an eyebrow whenever Evey asked her about events she didn't and wasn't supposed to know, according to Yuri's wide-eyes and throat-cutting hand movements behind the laptop. Appearing wasted on variety shows? No, never, it must've been someone else.


Speaking with Yuri felt right, what Yuri told her felt right but it tasted foreign, like the country she was currently in. A break-up, a heartbreak, a flight, an academy, a career, awards, friends, everything had changed in a few hectic years and she wasn't sure she would ever be able to resume a life that didn't quite feel like hers yet. 


People kept telling Evey they would do their best to help put everything into place so she could be the one they once knew again as soon as possible but they also kept ignoring the fact that the person they had in front of them wasn't the one from those three years spent in Korea. 

She was the snarky Art student that happened to do quite well in dance classes but thought nothing more out of it. She was the one that didn't have a actual future traced for her. She was the one whose boyfriend helped her go through years of bullying. She was the one whose insecurity would always prevent herself from doing anything too attention-catching. 

What she was not though, was the single and heartbroken 17 year-old Yuri had depicted her. She was not the hilarious variety idol that the Aterra members had shown videos from. She was not the confident and strong dancing star plastered on all the magazines she was brought. Or maybe she was. She just didn't know. She was confused. She was happy for herself and what she had seemingly achieved -after all, just how many people in the world could boast about being adored by an entire country?- but also bitter about how every memory, emotions and feelings had just been wiped off her brain. How she couldn't genuinely return the hugs and I Love Yous, how she could only listen to their stories and believe them because that's what happened and she couldn't change anything about it anymore. 


" Alive " was Evey's answer to Kai's " How do you feel? " when he finally had the day off from EXO.

" Missed me? "

" Would I? "

" Not really. "

" I did " she answered.

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Update soooooooooon!!! ^^
Awwwwwwwwww, KAI still hasnt move on
Why does she feel so INNOCENT LOL
Things are getting TOO interesting,
So in love the updates!
Will still wait for more!
I hope they get together already, seriously. .________.
I loved the chapter, author-nim! :)
Update soon, please!
@bmischevious Blame it on me watching The Vow :( thanks again for commenting :P
@Bluepiinky @OnTaeKey thank you for commenting ;)
Bluepiinky #7
I want KAI & EVEY to end up together with SUHO realizing he really love EVEY ~
I wanna see Evey and Kai together :)