011. Water and Solutions

Either You Don't Love Me or I Don't Love You


One. Two. Three.

Three seconds is all it took for Evey's world to come crashing down. 

Krystal was on the other side of the pavement, face on the ground, clothes drenched, her whole body aching from the fall. She stayed there for a second without understanding what had happened. A couple of people helped her get up, asking if she was alright, telling her to go to the doctor to get herself checked but she simply flashed an apologetic smile, showing she was alright, safe and sound and above all, alive. 


Screams were heard, heads were turned, a crowd forming in the middle of the road and Krystal asked herself what had caused the commotion, why was she on the ground to start with? She remembered telling Evey to stay away from SuHo, again, she remembered yelling while the girl was staying silent and she remembered the single tear on her impassible face and she remembered the "Sorry. I'm sorry." she let out once the older girl had stopped screaming and rushed out the café where she found out her boyfriend and Evey would often meet 'as friends'. She also remembered mindlessly crossing the road and the next thing she knew, she fell at the other side of the pavement.


Krystal gathered all her strength to try standing up, helped by a couple passers-by begging her to be careful. The first f(x) mentions were being whispered around her and she knew she'd have to leave before it went on tabloids frontpages but she needed to know what caused the commotion in the middle of the road. 

" Everybody step back! I'm a doctor! ", a middle-aged man exclaimed as people moved back, widening the circle around what seemed like a chestnut-haired girl, around the same age as Krystal, maybe younger. She was unconscious, pale, blood streamed out her nose making it hard to recognise her face but Krystal's heart skipped a beat. Evey was laying there, a good five meters away from the car that seemingly hit her.  


" Do you know her? " asked one of the woman that helped her stand on her feet. " She screamed your name - Krystal, right? - and she pushed you off the road when you didn't respond. She... "

" ...saved my life. " The thirty-something woman nodded, eyes fixed on the inert body as if she was watching a show, as if she was just a mere spectator.


Krystal felt numb, she didn't know what to do, run away, call her friends, pretend nothing happened or stay with Evey. She couldn't believe the younger girl had saved her, she had always thought they mutually silently hated each other, jealous of each other's relationship with SuHo. ' She probably didn't mean to save me. She probably just wanted to make me fall on the ground and hurt me and she just hurt herself in the process? No, she didn't save me. She just...didn't.


The ambulance arrived anf people made way for the paramedics to reach Evey's body. 

" She's breathing! Everybody please step back! " A loud voice was heard from the centre of the circle. 


Krystal turned around, a breath of relief filling her lungs and fled the scene. She needed to get away, people were looking at her suspiciously, trying to remember who she reminded them of. 





A/N Short but concise I think? 

It's the chapter that I've been waiting to post a long time ago which was why it dragged on a bit, I didn't know how to link everything together without the accident happening too early.

I'll update this week, probably in the next three days, stay tuned my loves <3

Do you guys have any suggestions as to what should happen next? I have a main "plot" for the rest but I'd love to hear what you think will happen next, maybe i'll incorporate it as well :P 

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Update soooooooooon!!! ^^
Awwwwwwwwww, KAI still hasnt move on
Why does she feel so INNOCENT LOL
Things are getting TOO interesting,
So in love the updates!
Will still wait for more!
I hope they get together already, seriously. .________.
I loved the chapter, author-nim! :)
Update soon, please!
@bmischevious Blame it on me watching The Vow :( thanks again for commenting :P
@Bluepiinky @OnTaeKey thank you for commenting ;)
Bluepiinky #7
I want KAI & EVEY to end up together with SUHO realizing he really love EVEY ~
I wanna see Evey and Kai together :)