
My Sweet Prince

The new exchange student had brown darkish hair. His face was just perfection and the girl students were fan girling all over him. All the boys would probably tear Luhan apart since he took all the girl's hearts. Well anyway, Luhan had greeted the teacher and the classmates who were drooling all over him. His Korean wasn't so great and you could hear his accent but it was adorable

Luhan walked by everyone and looked for an empty desk. There was one right beside you, beside you, BESIDE YOU. That would've made mostly everyone jealous.  He sat down right next to you and smiled. His smile was just flawless and you fangirled inside your head. 

"Hello! I'm Luhan", said Luhan with another smile on his face. 

"I'm Park Han-a-a", you stuttered. How embarrassing

"Can we talk later at lunch?" Luhan asked as if he didn't hear you stutter. 

"Sure", you said turning your head to the board.



After that little conversation with Luhan the teacher put questions on the board. It was a question with NUMBERS. How scary. You wanted to ask Luhan for help but didn't want to disturb him. The questions looked too hard and wondered why you were even in this class. Wasn't it some other class that you'll be able to pass unlike this one? 

The teacher walked around the classroom looking at the student's notebooks and correcting them. Some students, or all the students had been corrected instead of you. She walked towards you and the paper had at least one answer solved.. The teacher sighed as if she wanted to give up on you but instead whispered to Luhan. 

"Meet him at study hall at 5 pm, you need to improve", the teacher quietly said for not the students to hear. 

If the students heard about Luhan tutoring you they would be killing you before 5 pm. You sighed and paid attention to the board. The teacher went over the questions and made the students who got everything correct bored. Right after correcting the questions she made everyone turn their textbooks to 394. Some students groaned as others just did what they were supposed to do. 

After the boring lesson the 45 minutes have passed and it was English class. Everyone's worst subject except for that Canadian foreigner that sat in the front of the class. Well the teacher left and another teacher came in and he was American. Their were some weird students who actually thought he was handsome and liked him more than a teacher. Weird, last time I checked he's like 14 times older than you and has a wife. 

The teacher gave out an assignment for today's lesson. It was about different genres of books such as non fiction, fiction, fantasy, and other genres your familiar with. While the teacher was talking about fictional stories, fiction by Beast came inside your head. You just had to and silently hummed it for no one to hear but you. 

Class ended and that song was still inside your head. Next class was about to start and it was some other boring class that was taught by a strict teacher who looked like he hated the entire world. Don't we all sometimes? There was one time during December where he wanted to throw a text book on this annoying teacher who kept interrupting the class every 5 minutes. 

Instead of that teacher who was named Mr.Lee the teacher from the beginning of the class came in. It was another class for math. Why is their another class for math? No idea. Students shrugged and took out their math text books and opened up to the page they were previously on. 5 minutes before class ended the teacher gave out homework. 

It was on today's lesson that you didn't even know what was going on. Why was math so difficult? You slipped the homework inside your binder and put it in your book bag. The bell started to ring and the students rushed out and so did you. You had forgotten one thing, Luhan. He probably doesn't even know where the lunchroom is and it made you feel horrible. 

You made it into the huge cafeteria and your heard someone call your name. It was coming closer and closer and sounded familiar. Sehun?

"Hana! Come on let's eat!" Sehun said grabbing your hand once again.  

"Sehun-ah, can someone eat with us. I promised someone I would," you said looking a bit worried where Luhan was. 

Sehun nodded and followed you to an empty table that was beside the kitchen were they served the food. There were so many choices which looked really good so it was really hard to pick. Instead of something fancy you just chose a bunch of white rice and sushi they were serving. You sat down looking around for Luhan. Still not in sight

You ate some of your rice and Sehun came back with a bunch of food on his plate. How does he not gain weight? Another reason why Sehun's better than you. He ate some of his food or it looked like he ate mostly all of it in one bite. You wanted to start a conversation since it was silently awkward but instead Sehun did. 

"I have time now to tutor you since your not doing so great in math Hana", Sehun chuckled

"Sorry S-", you said but got interrupted by a voice that you heard before. 

"Too late now, I have to tutor her", Luhan said surprisingly. 

"Oh, you found yourself a tutor. I should go now since I don't want to bother you guys", Sehun said silently and walked out of the lunch room not finishing up the food on his plate. 

You weren't even finished eating and sat back down to finish the rest while Luhan was looking a bit worried about what happened. Why didn't you run after Sehun? It would be rude just to leave Luhan here when you promised him that you'll eat with each other at lunch. A promise is a promise

"Sorry", Luhan whispered as he was looking down on his plate. 

"It's fine, I'll talk to you later at study hall", you said getting up and took your plate with you to throw out. 

You reminded yourself to get a snack for Sehun from the kitchen and you did. After getting some food for Sehun you walked out of the cafeteria and went to the place where Sehun would always go. As expected he was their sitting down on a desk. He was inside an empty music room that didn't have anything inside but two empty desks. 

Sehun saw you come in and looked at you in the eyes. 

"Yah, I could finally help you study, but now you have someone else. I told you to wait for me", he said as his voice started to fade away. 

"I'm really sorry. I'll make it up to you, where do you want to go. Anywhere, just tell me please", you silently said and took out the snack that you bought for him. You handed it to him which made him a little surprised. He smiled

"Well then, meet me at the Chinese store next to your house exactly a 5 pm", he said ruffling your hair and left the empty room. 

"What should I do?" 

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5evrkpop #1
update please!!!
whorette #2
waiting for more ^^