
Key's Lullaby.


My dear, dear, extremely dear subscribers. I am terribly sorry for being such an awful updater. I will explain it all in a blog very soon, and I'll let you know here when it's up. I can't write it now, because my wifi is turned off every night at 11 pm and it is almost that time right now. I will explain everything, I promise. I'm very sorry and I love all of you. Thank you all for staying subscribed. This is part ONE of the Jongkey date i Promised. I will post part two as soon as I've finished it. Please let me know what you think, and what you want to happen in the next part of the date!




Taemin revealed a picture of a young Kibum, and it made him giggle to see it. This picture always put a smile on his face. However, it put a frown on Kibums. "Is that me? What am I doing."


"I don't know, hyung. I think you thought it looked cool." Taemin laughed.

"I think I was an idiot." Kibum murmured. "Show me more!" he said, grabbing the page of the calendar. Taemin immediately slapped his hand away. 

"No! You have to wait for tomorrow. Each page is for one day. You need to be patient."

"One full day? But it's only 10 in the morning! How am I ever going to live through an entire day,- no, three months of waiting?" Kibum said in a nagging voice. And that's when Jonghyun stepped forward.


"I'll take care of that." 



"I'm still mad at you." Kibum said, looking out of the window, watching trees pass as Jonghyun was driving him to a for him unknown place. 

"I know, I know.." Jonghyun said. "But like I said, I want to show you that I'm truly sorry." He turned his head, and Kibum did the same thing, their eyes meeting for a split second.  Kibum looked away right away when he saw Jonghyun's eyes; they were like those of a young puppy who was begging to be patted. He wasn't falling for that. He knew better than to fall for puppy dog eyes. 


"I really am sorry, Kibum…" Jonghyun softly placed his hand on his friend's knee, breaking the last strong part of the younger boy's walls as he turned around to look at him, noticing that Jonghyun was already paying attention to the road again. Kibum quickly leaned closer and pressed a kiss on Jonghyun's soft cheek. 


"What happened to calling me babe?" he asked in a soft voice, blushing. Jonghyun couldn't help but smile at those words and he softly caressed Kibum's knee. 


"Hey babe?"




"We're here."


Kibum gasped when he saw the luxurious spa building in front of him and he waited for Jonghyun to park the car before he got out. Jonghyun took the bags out of the back of the car and he stood behind Kibum, who was staring at the building with his mouth slightly opened. "So romantic…" He said dreamily to himself. Jonghyun chuckled and reached out to grab the younger boy's hand. Kibum didn't pull away or glare at him this time, which was a good sign. Both boys smiled as they walked to the entrance.


"A full treatment for two, please. Yes. Facials included. And, would it be possible for us to have a private session for the couple massages? I've heard that people usually do it in groups with other guests, but we'd prefer to be alone. I'll pay for the spots that people would be taking with us, if it makes it easier for your boss to accept it." Jonghyun smiled friendly at the girl at the front desk and she smiled back nervously. 


"Jjongie…" Kibum said, blushing, pulling at Jonghyun's arm a little. Jonghyun smiled at him and then focused on paying. 


"Could you sign this for me please?" The girl asked, holding up a blank paper for Jonghyun. Jonghyun laughed awkwardly and signed it quickly, and then the girl held the paper in front of Kibum. 


"M-me too?" Kibum asked, wondering why the girl would need his signature if Jonghyun was the one paying. The girl nodded and let out a nervous giggle. Kibum took the pen the held out for him and then he realized that he didn't have an autograph yet. Or, maybe he did, but he couldn't remember. He quickly wrote his name and added a little flower on top of the 'i'.


"T-thank you oppa." The girl said. "I love your new haircut." Kibum smiled and then he felt Jonghyun pulling him away from the desk. He then realized that he'd never seen the girl before, and he squeezed Jonghyun's arm. 


"Jjongie? How did she know about my hair?" he asked, a little scared.


"She made a good guess. They try to be nice so you come back. Don't fall for their tricks, okay baby?" Jonghyun whispered. He looked around and when he saw that no one was in the hall, he quickly pulled Kibum into a changing room with him. When Kibum was about to ask why Jonghyun was being so sneaky, he suddenly forgot how to talk as he felt the older boy's soft lips on his cheek.


"I'm sorry for the things I did and said this morning, Kibum. I should've respected you more." he said softly, and he hugged him. Kibum just nodded and he hugged him back. 

"It's alright." He spoke after a while. Jonghyun smiled and let go, putting the bags down. He turned away from Kibum and took off his jacket and his shirt, he was already wearing his swimming shorts underneath. Kibum blushed and looked away, trying not to stare at his boyfriend's well built body as he reached in one of the bags and pulled out another pair of swimming shorts. He checked if Jonghyun really wasn't looking and then he quickly changed into them, reaching in the bag and he pulled out a light blue bathrobe. He put it on quickly before placing a butterfly kiss between Jonghyun's shoulder blades. 


"I'm ready." He said shyly. Jonghyun smiled and turned around, and he couldn't help but look at the boy in front of him. It took him a couple seconds to realize that he was wearing his bathrobe, but he didn't say a thing. He took out the one that belonged to Kibum with a straight face and put it on. Kibum giggled at the sight of it. 


"How manly." he said, and he touched the baby pink fabric. Jonghyun bit his tongue in order not to reveal that it was really not his own, and he managed to smile. 


"You'll take that back when I take it off." He said, winking, and he opened the door of the small changing room, putting their bags away in lockers before leading the way to the main area of the spa. He hung his bathrobe over a chair and went to get two big fluffy towels that came with their treatment package to put them on the comfortable chairs before taking Kibum's hand and walking towards the outside pool. He walked down the steps into the water and waited for Kibum to follow. 


"Come on in, it's really nice." he smiled, gesturing for Kibum to come over. 

"I- I never learned how to swim." Kibum admitted. "Or maybe I did but…" he sighed.

"It's okay, I can still stand in this part of the pool so I'm sure you'll be fine. You can hold on to me."


Kibum took a deep breath and took the first step down into the water. He squealed as he took another step, and another one, his eyes firmly closed, until he the water reached all the way up to his shoulders. 


"Kibum?" Jonghyun asked, ready to hold the other if he'd become scared. "Open your eyes…" The younger boy bit his lip and his eyes fluttered open. His heart skipped a beat and he took a deep, panicky breath, but he relaxed again when he felt Jonghyun's arms around him. Jonghyun carefully took Key's hands and he turned around, placing the boy's hands on his shoulders. 


"Hold me like this. I'll swim now." he said, ignoring the looks of the people around them. They were mostly elderly people, so no one actually recognized them. But the fact that the young boy didn't know how to swim was something most people found weird. 


"I feel so light." Kibum smiled, enjoying the feeling of being in the water. Jonghyun smiled and he swam to the small opening that led them to the outside part of the pool. The sun was shining behind a thin layer of clouds, but the water was nice and warm, so the temperature of the air was compensated nicely.  Jonghyun smiled at Kibum's words. He was happy that he was enjoying it. "Ooh! Can we sit over there? I want to feel the bubbles!" Kibum said excitedly and he pointed at a round shaped area in the middle of the pool where bubbles came out of the seats. Jonghyun nodded and swam to the closest seats, helping Kibum so sit before sitting himself.


"Our first treatment will be the most fun." Jonghyun said. "Then after that, it'll be relaxing only. You've been going through a lot lately, and I want you to relax a little more often. This will also be the perfect opportunity to get familiar with your body again, since you never really had the chance to, did you?" Kibum blushed and looked away, but he nodded his head slightly, letting Jonghyun know that he was right. Jonghyun leaned closer and kissed his cheek. "It's okay baby… I'll be with you. You are wonderful, inside and outside…" 


"So.. What is this 'fun' treatment?" Kibum asked, changing the topic, not feeling comfortable with the compliments.  Jonghyun smiled, kissing his forehead. "You'll see."



"Mud?!" Kibum frowned and he stared at the big bowl of dirt that stood in the middle of the candlelit room. 

"Clay." Jonghyun corrected him, and he took off the pink bathrobe, hanging it on the wall before taking Kibum's and hanging it next to the other one. 

"Is there a difference?"  Kibum asked, still a little weirded out. 

"Don't worry babe, it's good for you. This is the first treatment, we put the mud on each other's bodies and when it's dry, we scrub it off with sea salt. It's very good for your skin, it'll get you nice and soft! Not that you aren't soft right now, but you get the idea." Jonghyun smiled and he grabbed the elastic band of his swimming shorts, ready to pull them down, but Kibum grabbed his wrists, stopping him. 


"Don't take them off!" he said. "I'm not.. I don't think I…" he blushed and let go of Jonghyun's wrists, turning away from him. Jonghyun nodded and he hugged him softly. 

"It's alright. I don't mind, really. The rules say you should be but… Screw the rules. I payed enough to break some." he said, kissing Kibum's cheek before walking to the big bowl of clay.

"Do you want to start?" he asked. "You can put it on me first, if you want." Kibum blushed and nodded nervously, walking next to Jonghyun and dipping his fingertips in the soft clay.

"It's warm!" he said, surprised. Jonghyun smiled and nodded, gently grabbing Kibum's hands and putting them into the mud, massaging them softly so both his own and Kibum's hands were covered with the warm clay. Kibum blushed and carefully brought his fingers to Jonghyun's shoulders, massaging the play onto the skin. Jonghyun softly placed his hands on Kibum's sides, closing his eyes as he felt the warm clay being spread over his shoulders and arms. 


"I eh…" the younger boy shuffled his feet awkwardly, not knowing what to do now. 

"It's okay babe, you can put it on my chest. Do you want me to cover you first?" Jonghyun's voice was sweet and caring as he spoke, and it pushed Kibum over the edge. He had to try this. He probably touched him before he lost his memory, so why not do it now? What was there to be afraid of? With that in mind he put his hands in the bowl, grabbing two hands full of the clay before he started to spread it on Jonghyun's chest, making soft, circling motions. Jonghyun bit his lip and closed his eyes, softly massaging Kibum's sides without even realizing what he was doing. Kibum giggled nervously and turned Jonghyun around to spread some clay on his back. When his back was all covered, Jonghyun turned around and softly kissed Kibum's lips. The younger boy shivered and he hesitantly kissed him back, feeling Jonhyun's hands putting some mud on his chest. When they ended the kiss, Jonghyun smiled. Kibum looked down and saw the heart that the shorter boy had drawn on his chest. He blushed and looked down shyly, giggling when Jonghyun  started to spread the clay over his chest, arms and shoulders. He couldn't help but moan softly when the boy's hands moved over his s, and the small sound that escaped Kibum's lips made Jonghyun want to kiss him again. He walked to the boy's back and softly covered the rest of his upper body with the clay. Kibum slowly turned around and looked Jonghyun up and down, running his fingers over the older male's in clay covered abs. 


"You are really beautiful." he whispered, and he looked him in the eyes, a shy blush appearing on his cheeks. Jonghyun smiled and slowly leaned closer, placing his lips on Kibum's ever so gently. 


"Please stay with me always." Jonghyun whispered, placing a kiss on his forehead. Key smiled and he hid his face in Jonghyun's neck. 


"Always." he whispered back.




Please look forward to part two and I would explode with joy if you'd take a second to post a reaction and let me know what you think. 




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Everyone, I'm working so hard on all my stories right now but I'm afraid I can't make it before midnight. I am sorry to disappoint you :c


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TeleportingJongnini #1
Chapter 12: OMG! Please update!
Ilonahaku #2
It breaks my heart that this fanfic stayed unfinished. I still remember how excited I was when I discovered this story. It such a pity. T__T
still I hope you are doing fine.
DesdemonaDeLaMort #3
Chapter 12: This is such a good story!!! I can't believe that I only just found it now..... I am dying to read what happens next!
I hope that you will be able to update soon ^^
Thanks for writing so far ^-^
Dalliance #4
Found this story from Hallyucon. It's awesome! Be sure to update whenever you can. (: *thumbs up*
Pleaseeeeeeee update Author-nim! D:
Ilonahaku #6
Chapter 12: I miss this story a lot, I hope you will update soon. T.T
Ilonahaku #7
Hello, how are you?
I hope you dont have any problems or you dont feel too stressed because of life.

I wonder, if you could update, when you have a little bit of time? ^^" I am missing this fanfic...
sama-oppa #8
Chapter 3: oh my dos is so good
i can't stop to laughitng
is so ggod
i realy like kibum 14 years old !!
Chapter 12: ooh.. i love this.
kibum is so cute here..
author-nim.. where r u?
i need an update. hehe. jk.
take ur time dear