
A Little Sugar in my Bowl

-Lu Han's POV-


I was exploring around the school , then i checked my watch and it says "9:45"

"Oh great , just 6 few minutes and it's already break time , well this is a good timing for

me to go to my class" , I ran as fast as i could so it will end up looking like i was rushing

HA! a genius way to fool teachers ,  as soon as i arrived the class' front door


"HEY GUYS, guess who's late again? What do you know , Mr Ice-Prince , old things never

actually change" he teased and made some fail evil laugh.  aish this stupid ,

"Keep your voice down , Baro. stop acting like you were able to get here on time, you just

came earlier than him , so stop bragging"  said Mr. Mong

Laughters were built in the whole room by the rest of the class. oh yes , that glorious feeling of revenge

"So Luhan , let me guess it's either you're late or you were cutting-classes again? which of these 2?" Mr. Mong said

oh geez , so the whole fake-run-rushing thing didn't work,aish, just great

"Mwuh?! i did not" i denied, he raised his eyebrow...... waiting for a different answer

....... I started to think of some alibi or excuse, but ended up saying "Uhm eh , Yes , Yes I am" .... "I'm sorry" i pouted

"Mr. Lu ,saying "sorry" is useless if you're not gonna take an action in correcting your mistakes , aish jinjja , take

a sit , Luhan" he sighed.   I was about to sit down but interrupted by a very loud noise

oh it's the bell , i guess it's recess already , "You can take your break now , see you later" Teacher Mong said to the students

The students were rushing to the door, none of them bothered taking turns , all of them were trying

to get out first , just like kinder students , well you can call it "SURVIVAL OF THE BIGGEST"

"Hey Mr Lu , i will have to let you stay here until 5pm , for being late and missing 4 classes"

"I will let you clean the school's corridor before you leave , in order to pay for your misses"

What?! Cleaning? Brooms? Mops? , eesh everyone knows that i curse those things

"Arasso" i said forcedly . I bowed when Mr Kang left the room

and Decided to just listen to my mp3 player and stay in the classroom, first in my playlist is the Track

"History" it was composed by me and my friends back then , i was able to record it by myself  tho


♪♪ Listen Enjoy The Mayo ♪♪  , did i really say enjoy the mayo o.o



-Min Joo's POV-


The bell rang , i rushed as i was trying to finish my seatwork

eventhough i know i was rushing out of nothing because it's impossible , there

are still alot of blanks left for me to answer.

Suddenly, I was interrupted by a voice "Hey Hwang! Are you coming with me?"

"Yah! Soo Jin-ah ,  aren't you going to finish your seatwork?" i questioned

"Psh , I'll just do it later or i'll just copy yours bwaha" she said with an evil-look

err , lazy soojin is lazy "Aish , i will not let you copy mine" *merong*

"Well that means , that i have to copy from my seatmates" she joked

".. Sheesh anyway , i need to grab some food , i'm so hungry"

"Okay , Soo Jin , I'll try to catch up ^^" I said and sent her a flying kiss



-SooJin's POV-

I was searching for the person that i got bumped on , this morning

but what do you know , i got bumped onto someone again

oh lawd , why does this keep on happening , are you trying to punish me for my laziness TT-TT

i quickly stood up , and saw this girl named NamShoo ( i saw her name tag but the middle part's kinda distorted)

"Oh Hi Nam.....Shoo? , I'm so sorry" i said

then she chuckled so hard, and i was like , why the heck is she laughing , is she high?

"Uhm? Eh? Is there something funny?" i asked

"Emmmmm , well it's "NamJoo" not.. "NamShoo" " she smiled

uhm... okay , emmmmmmm-ba-raaa-ssinggg

"Oh my God , I'm so sorry the middle part of your name tag is kind of blurry" i explained

'It's Okay ^^ , i guess you're new here , do you need any company? " she offered

" Yes , yes i do. well it's because my Best friend's busy doing some work"

"Okay come with me , Let's go to the cafeteria"




I grabbed the tray and got some food. oh yes food , finally

i continued searching for lu han , but strange faces were all i saw

when i was about to go to the table were , NamJoo was ,  someone tripped me

this fugleh , bish , ugh . Good thing my clothes weren't covered by food

They were 3 in that table , they all look like "bishes" "brats" "queenka(s)"

but the last one on the left side looks like she was worried about what "that girl" did to me

NamJoo stood up and helped me , she gave that girl a death glare before we went back to our seat and left.

when we got to our seat , i quickly asked her " Gawd , who's that bish? "

"They are all from section 1 , the so-called "smartest" section , they are smart girls or i mean bishes

with a deep dark personality , they don't want anyone to be getting in their way, especially students from

"Section-2" and basically because , students from there might grab their "ROYALTY & POSITIONS" " she explained

"Oh that's why ... I'm from Section-2 , but i don't really care about their "ROOOYEHLTAY" i said with my british accent and laughed

Namjoo giggled and said "Oh I Almost forgot , the one who tripped you is their leader , Ri-Ah , The next one is Serri and the last one is Ga Eun"

"Oh so those are their names, sheesh okay , let's just eat and forget them" i requested

"Oh sure, we could just share meals , since your tray , fell on the floor"



-Min Joo's POV-


After 20 minutes , I was able to finish the seatwork

♪♪ HALLELUJAH , HALLELUJAH  ♪♪ praise almighty for letting me finish my seat work

Only 5 minutes were left before the break ends , so there's no point of going to the cafeteria.

so i just rested my head on the wooden arm-chair , i fell asleep after a minute or two

but suddenly someone poked me ,  I panicked and i was totally shocked , and that caused me to fall off my chair

oh geez my hurts so freakin bad that i can't even stand up on my own >< , I widened my eyes and saw.........



-- Who do you think , Min Joo saw? :o , SUBSCRIBE ^^--

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Chapter 25 is posted !


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Author-nim, when are you going to update??
SNSDlover_ #2
Hello fellow fanficers i am promoting my story Dream for Tomorrow i am very new on this site and i am hoping thay all of you will read it comment and subscribe here's the link  http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/418861/dream-for-tomorrow-angst-drama-fluff-romance-schoollife-snsd-you

I hope you enjoy! :) 
HappyAngel #4
pls update soon
your story daebak..
hehehe im your 30th subbie :D Anyways~ This story is amazing, adorkable Chanyeol and ice-prince Luhan and his duck watch. Please update soon ^3^
New reader here! Gr8 update! ^^
kuaaaaaaaaaa~cuuute chap ~haha
OMY..iceprince image fits luhan:)
missfilipinoELF #9
this is freakin cute~! pls UPDATE~~~~!
Subrina #10
Chanyeol~ Luhan~......AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!~ OMO.....IT'S SO AWESOME~!:D