Chapter 18

A Little Sugar in my Bowl


Saturday - Day Of Auditions


Chanyeol's POV


It was exactly 6:OO am when the birds started chirping and the sun was rising


i was awoken by the sounds of my vibrating cellular phone , i tried to keep myself from sleeping and stopping it, but it turned out stopping by itself


half asleep half awake was my condition


wake up park chanyeol wake up i demanded myself


"Aish!!!!!" i pushed away my blanket intensely making it fall onto the floor


i stood up and went to the bathroom to do some cleaning then went outside my room afterwards


I was still in that state when i'm still quarters asleep and kind of awake , i went down the kitchen unconsciously


"Yah! Why are you up early , It's a saturday" i scratched my eye and my vision got clearer OH It's appa.. Well he's usually awake at this time on weekdays


wait what it's a saturday? i one eyed myself


i was completely unmindful of what was i doing , i collected thoughts of why i set my phone's alarm to 6 am and my brain cells  received an instant message "OH god i forgot it's the audition today" i startled "And Minjoo's expecting me" ...."eotokke?!?!?" i got an intense feeling of coldness


"Hey , are you alright?"


"N-n-nne , appa i'm fine"


"It doesn't seem like it , have a seat and you should eat first"


we both sat down and i took a piece of egg as soon as my cheeks hit the chair


 "So son , you haven't answered my question, why are you up early?"


"Ah , we have an auhsssjsqwdksaksa" i tried to mouth my words as i was trying to eat the yolk part of the egg


"Hey!!! have manners and don't talk while your mouth is fulll" he tapped my hand and laughed


"Hahaha Sorry appa, I meant that we have an audition today "


"Audition for?.." he asked

"Uhm.. It's nothing it's just .. performing arts club"


 "Park Chanyeol?!?!?!?!? For Performing Arts club?!?!?" he gave a this-isn't-right look


"Sheesh what kind of father are you?" i joked

"I mean.. It was just out of the way , but are you serious?!?" his eyes was molding a huge shape, even bigger than kyungsoo's


"Ofcourse trust me i'll pass , i'll cook kimchi for you if i don't" i played

"Ah... i like that , it's a bet then " he smirked


"Okay i'll take a shower now ^^"



i walked up the stairs

and had a quick bath and picked clothes usually worn for a audition but not usually for guys named park chanyeol , i laughed at myself looking at the mirror



---  Soojin and Minjoo's House ---


As usual Minjoo got up earlier than SooJin

The clock striked 7 o clock and Soojin was still technically making love with her bed


Minjoo got a glass of mid-hot water and Trespassed to Soojin's room


with completely no doubts she poured the whole glass onto SooJin's face making soojin squeal


"Yah you monster !!!!!!!!!!!!" She made a set of monkey acts

"You better get up the audition will start at 8 o clock and it's already 7:05" Minjoo demanded


"Jinjja yo? Thanks for waking me up then kekekeke sarangjujuju" Soojin ran towards the bathroom


"Aigoo aigoo.. She and her bipolarness" she facepalmed




"Yah Hwang SooJin!!!!!!!!!!! we're going to be late, You've been bathing for 30 minutes now" Minjoo yelled her soul out from down stairs


SooJin finally got out of the Comfort Room and rushed towards the stairs


"Coming!!!!!" rushing downstairs


"Aish what the hell did you do inside to take you that long" Minjoo suspectibly said

"Hmm well it's nothing new" Minjoo cut her off before she could respond


SooJin took a sight of the clock

"Oh my God , It's already 7:56" she scowled and grabbed Minjoo by arm and ran


Minjoo went along and finally they arrived at the front gate of the school


they were panting , forcing oxygen to go onto their lungs


They entered the building and there were visibly alot of tables with registration papers , The two girls went on one of those


"Good Morning Ma'am , are we required to register here?" Minjoo questioned

"Yes, darling so we'll just screen your name when it's your turn and it'll be easier for us" she said brightly


 "Okay , thank you Ma'am" she 90 degree bowed in return and listed both their names and went inside the audition hall for a seat


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Chapter 25 is posted !


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Author-nim, when are you going to update??
SNSDlover_ #2
Hello fellow fanficers i am promoting my story Dream for Tomorrow i am very new on this site and i am hoping thay all of you will read it comment and subscribe here's the link

I hope you enjoy! :) 
HappyAngel #4
pls update soon
your story daebak..
hehehe im your 30th subbie :D Anyways~ This story is amazing, adorkable Chanyeol and ice-prince Luhan and his duck watch. Please update soon ^3^
New reader here! Gr8 update! ^^
kuaaaaaaaaaa~cuuute chap ~haha
OMY..iceprince image fits luhan:)
missfilipinoELF #9
this is freakin cute~! pls UPDATE~~~~!
Subrina #10
Chanyeol~ Luhan~......AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!~ OMO.....IT'S SO AWESOME~!:D